Have religions divided us or unified?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by haribol, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    If everybody believed the same thing----we would have total tranquility and harmony.

    So...if everyone were Atheist--we would have peace.

    If everyone was Fundamental Bible Believing Christian-Harmony

    If everyone was Islamic-Utopia
  2. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    True, but the percentage of atheists in prison (out of the total population) doesn't match the numbers out here. Atheists are a minority in the outside world but if they offended at the same rate as the religious you would expect the percentage to stay the same, not plummet, right?

    If 1 in 10 people is an atheist and atheists are just as likely to break the law then when you arrest 100 people 10 of them are likely to be atheists. 10 percent is 10 percent. Just like 100 randomly selected people are going to be about 50% male, 50% female. The more people you randomly select the more your numbers will approach the actual numbers.

    The real number seems to be closer to 15 percent. So why were only .21% of inmates atheists in 1997? That's 71 times fewer than we should expect. Unless atheists offend less frequently. Or are smarter and don't get caught as much. I'm open to other options here.
  3. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    What has Hitler to do with the christian religion? Hitler was revolution not a traditon. Hitler was the mad result of a mad world after world war 1, where lots of Germans lost completly their own cultural identity and replaced themselve with a new darwinistic aryan identity.

  4. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Sure - whoelse should torture religious people or should shoot religious people down?

  5. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Hitler was not hiding himselve under the cloak of Christianity. I'm even today able to identify Germans as "Nazis" who are using antichristian Nazi propaganda. It's a special way - like a color of their speech - how they are expressing that the christian religion is not able to help anything and that indeed only the strong will survive and the weak will be erased from this planet. "The weak" are specially also Christians. There are even existing death lists and so on. Everything what Nazis or Neonazis are saying and doing is far away from the christian religion.

  6. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Do you like to say you are good in mathematics? ... Hmm ... Tell me please when the first circle was created a) in nature b) from human beings.

  7. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    As far as I know in the moment the atheist Mao was the greatest mass-murderer of world history. About 100-200 miliion peope died only in his revolution. "And then we let do him selfcritics until he died" I heard once an eye-witness say about one of this 'events' in those days.

  8. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    But to make sense of these numbers we need to compare crimes against humanity that were motivated by religious beliefs to crimes motivated by a lack of belief in god. It's a lot easier to find examples of the former than the latter. It's not clear that Mao's atheism had any more to do with his crimes than his choice of cap and jacket. Aside from situations where the religious inspiration is obvious (Irish Catholics vs Protestants, Serbian Ethnic cleansing) it's entirely possible that some overtly religious leaders who supervised crimes against humanity did so for reasons that had nothing to do with these beliefs. Since I don't think that being religious isn't correlated with being a sociopath I think much of the non-religious violence happens for more mundane reasons like greed, consolidation of power, cultural non-religious prejudice, etc. But the problem is that even if you, as leader, don't get your murderous inspiration from the bible it's all to easy to use scripture to fire up the people doing the legwork. Even if it has been used primarily by cynical despots who know a good tool when they see one religion has used to motivate mass murder on a scale that atheism simply isn't able to. Nobody is ever going to get fired up about their lack of belief, but people of one belief constantly seem willing to do so against people with different beliefs than their own.
  9. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Everyone who was religious was seen from Mao as his enemy so he murdered everyone who was not ready to be convinced that Mao was the new god of the only true religion communism. I hope I will meet one day Karl Marx - because I guess I'm able to understand what he really tried to say when he perhaps thought about the poet Novalis (Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg) who liked to become heal by using the drug opium - as Karl Marx said the very poetic and deep words "religion is the opium for the people - it's the cry of the surpressed creature ..." he was not able to imagine that this sentence was one of the worst sentences ever spoken, because every idiot on this planet likes to misunderstand completly the innocent punished and suffering soul of the philosopher Karl Marx whose parents once had to give up their own religion, because they liked to be successfull in the prussian society. Karl was never able to find a home in god. Hopefully this changed after his death.

    Whatever: the problem with the religion atheism is it that atheists are killing and executing everyone and everything because they are completly convinced they are without religion and belief. By the way: As well militant atheists and fanatic Muslims are convinced that their own religion Atheism is science and their own religion Islam is science. Could be interesting to know in what kind of "science" the people have to believe in a few decades in Europe.

  10. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Hitlers "Mein Krampf" was not the bible only because it was sold instead of the bible. And every printed instruction how to use a washing machine is enough reasons for murderous inspiration for some people. That's one reason human children have to be educated. And education means also religious education - because the atheistic equivalent "don't believe in washing machines" is compleltly senseless and helps nothing at all to get a senseful orientation in important values.

  11. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I wish you wouldn't call atheism a religion. It's just a lack of belief in the stuff you believe regarding god. That's it. We don't have a word for not believing in ghosts or Santa and nobody asserts either of those lacks of belief are religions. Atheism is just the same.

    Where are these atheists killing and executing everyone and everything? Certainly not here in America. In America it's overwhelmingly the religious who commit the crimes, which is somewhat understandable from a sheer numbers perspective. But the fact that under 1% of prison inmates are atheists compared to (conservatively) 15% out in the wild, I'd say that, at least in America, you religious folks have some answering to do.
  12. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I disagree that a religious education is necessary in order to understand the difference between right and wrong. Or to know evil when you see it. Personally I hope you hang on to your religion because it sounds like it's the only thing that keeps you from going on a killing spree. Me? I don't go on killing sprees because I know it's wrong to do so, and I don't need any religion to explain why.
  13. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I discussed once with a high intelligent punk about his values. He didn't like to have values and he was convinced he had none. We started to discuss in the late afternoon to a sunrise in the morning - thenb I stopped when I saw tears in his eyes. It is not my intention to hurt someone.

    So you believe my belief is wrong because it is "stuff". I guess, stuff is opium or something like this. And one one should take sopem serios who is under the influence of drugs. And I'm thinking you are concvinced you are a reasonable human being.

    Atheists believe that god is not an existing entity. Generalized I could say atheists believe that every form of spiritualism, supernatural views on this world (like wonders for example) and metaphysical speculations are always only nonsense. If I say sentences like "the world is wonderful" or "Jesus lives" or similira sentences than an atheist will call me an idiot. More wrose: I guess in England I will lose every job if I would say something lkike this, because a word like "wonderful" coud be seen as pure catholic indoctrination.

  14. Anobsitar

    Anobsitar Banned

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I discussed once with a high intelligent punk about his values. He didn't like to have values and he was convinced he had none. We started to discuss in the late afternoon to a sunrise in the morning - thenb I stopped when I saw tears in his eyes. It is not my intention to hurt someone.

    So you believe my belief is wrong because it is "stuff". I guess, stuff is opium or something like this. And no one should take someone else serios who is under the influence of drugs. And I'm thinking you are concvinced you are a reasonable human being.

    Atheists believe that god is not an existing entity. Generalized I could say atheists believe that every form of spiritualism, supernatural views on this world (like wonders for example) and metaphysical speculations are always only nonsense. If I say sentences like "the world is wonderful" or "Jesus lives" or similira sentences than an atheist will call me an idiot. More wrose: I guess in England I will lose every job if I would say something lkike this, because a word like "wonderful" coud be seen as pure catholic indoctrination.

    I'm a German. I heard about that some people in the USA are calling themselve Christians. Perhaps some of this Christaisn are able to think with the victims of murderous parts of the american society.

    I would say in general nearly no one in Europe is able to understand american laws and the american cruelness of punishments and prison systems. So I don't have any idea what you are speaking about.

  15. MisLed

    MisLed New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Can you name a point in time where there was no religion. If man wants to ignore a merciful God, he comes up with the most horrendous substitutes. What would earth be like with no religion....hell.

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