keep on trying to convince us...

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by MilitantConservative, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    There are all sorts of people on this board debating. And we all judge not only the posts made but the people doing it. I have been called all sorts of names based on what I post.
    For me if someone says……..i believe there should be no laws regarding the killing of unborn children…it makes me wonder…how people could believe this way…and how our society got to the point where it has gotten. People like you stand out….for many reasons. Your position is so extreme…that I wonder what else you would condone….when you so happily and proudly admit that killing a nine month old is ok. Maybe I should follow your posts in other topics…. to see your other positions….but quit frankly it probably would make me sick. That is why I don't care to look at what megadeath says…he makes me sick. Why do I want to feel sick…not by choice. Some peoples positions are just vile.
  2. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Have I called you any names? I find your position reprehensible but I really have no personal qualms about you. I am sure you have your personal reasons for believing what you do.

    The reason I believe there shouldn't be any laws on abortion is not only to protect women who want to end their pregnancies but to protect women who want to keep their pregnancies because quite frankly when you start making laws that determine fetal personhood it hurts ALL pregnant women.

    When you have legislation like this it starts affecting how a woman chooses to give birth. I am a strong believer in non-hospital births because I believe hospitals have turned pregnancy and child birth into a franchise with the only purpose to make money. When I have my own children someday I plan to have them at home, with a midwife and doula. I am especially interested in water birth actually. If fetal personhood is enacted it's going to start affecting how women choose to give birth. I am against this. Have you ever seen the documentary, "The Business of Giving Birth"? It's very eye opening to the money hungry hospitals.

    I am also a frequenter of this website and I read many of the nasty things hospital staff has said to their pregnant patients. It's a good read if you're interested.

    Now I am not saying all hospitals are like this nor am I saying that I would stop a woman from 'picking' her due date, a.k.a choosing when she will be induced into labor and from having a hospital birth. But I will be (*)(*)(*)(*)ed if the state ever drags me from my home in the middle of labor and forces me to have a C-Section in a hospital.

    Instead of wondering or assuming why don't you just ask? Look, we obviously don't share the same views on abortion but that doesn't mean you're a bad person or I am a bad person for it. I am sure we both have extensive lives outside of this debate and we're both just regular people trying to get along in the daily grind of life.

    Well if my position truly makes you ill you are more than welcome to use the block feature they have on this website.
  3. MegadethFan

    MegadethFan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2010
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    Ok, so you "dont know what is" - sucks to be you then.

    But that is irrelevant. EXPLAIN WHY killing a living human baby is immoral.
  4. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    That is why I put him on ignore….maybe if everyone did that he would slither away
  5. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Pasithea said,

    I did not say you necessarily. I find your position immoral…absolutely disgustingly immoral and heartless.

    No it does not. It paints a bullseye on every life in the womb. Abortion is killing. It is killing a living human being. Late term abortions are done on unborns that are viable for the most part. Anything after 21 weeks has a chance….and you want abortion legal at that stage just to allow women choice…even if that choice has nothing to do with her health.

    Pregnancy only lasts nine months….nine months thats it. Killing lasts a lifetime. I mean the fact that killing an unborn at nine months for no reason….just to protect the woman? Unbelievable.

    Who cares if they make money? LMAO Now you are judging hospitals…for making money and you could care less if the abortionist makes cash for the kill. LMAO If a woman has the right to kill….she should also be able to sell fetal body parts of her unborn for cash. She should be allowed to do anything with it. She could start a business….abortion for fetal body parts. Would you condone that wouldn't you? And the midwife you select and the doula…will they do this for free? And will you run to the hospital should something happen at home during the birth? LOL

    You believe all that and you won't believe me when I tell you what goes on in abortion clinics all over the country. Most abortion mills including PP clinics do not even meet veterinarian offices standards. Many administering the anesthetic are not qualified to do so. A lot of abortion deaths have to do with anesthetic. Women think that when they walk in to these clinics…they are safe and sanitary. Not so and for many women…they have complications that render them sterile. Now why don't you hear about these cases? Would you want your name in a newspaper? Most cases are settled before even getting to court. Doctors don't want this made public…and families do not want their private information exposed. I would suggest you read LIME 5 by Marck Crutcher. He documents hundreds of actual cases. You think hospitals are nasty…..what do you think happened behind the scenes at an abortion clinic?

    Why would they do that? Hell you say you should be able to kill it before its born…right?

    We are polar opposites and probably opposites on most moral issues. Our world views are totally different…as different as night and day. What one thinks about life affects their whole outlook on life…it affects religion, affects politics…you name it. I am a regular person trying to save babies lives. You are a regular person who believe a woman should be able to kill throughout her entire pregnancy.
    No we are not alike and in real life we probably could not be friends…for that reason. I can't align myself with people who have such an extreme view about unborn children that I believe have a right to live. Not everyone in my family or friends agree on every issue out there…but abortion is a red light for me. Tells me a lot about someones heart.

    While your position IMO is immoral and sick…you are nothing compared to Mega….who is the only person I have blocked. When he made the thread about eating the fetus…that did it for me. Of course it might be humorous for you…who knows.
  6. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    You know what church, I give up. I actually tried to talk to you in a rational manner in this post, but you are so focused on the fact that you believe my position is evil and immoral and sickening that you have painted me as an evil, immoral and sick person in your mind when you truly don't even know me. You are basing your entire judgement of me and my character on ONE opinion that I hold, in fact you are even jumping to conclusions on every other opinion you THINK I hold without ever really know, which I find very sad. If you cannot separate the opinion from the person and talk to me rationally without all the emotional drivel, then I don't really want to discuss anything more with you.

    Good luck in your debates and thank you for taking the time to post back and forth with me.
  7. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Pasithea said,

    Your choice.

    I believe your position is immoral and sick. I can't understand how a person would believe especially that a woman could kill at nine months. You oppose protection…all protection. You want to restrictions on abortion….none, you said so yourself. What if I told you that I think men who rape their wives should not be charged with anything…because they are married and if men want sex they should get it? What if I said…its none of my business and the government should butt out? What would you think of me?
    Would you want to be friends with someone who believed stuff like this?

    Rational? What does rational have anything to do with this? This is about killing a living human being….and you champion that right. I find it barbaric. I know enough about you…from what you post here….enough said.

    Not totally but its enough for me. Don't feel bad…there are a lot of pro-aborts on this thread that think your position is moral…I just don't, not at all. I can separate opinion…if its political….even religious….but someone who is for late term abortion at nine months…well honey I draw the line. I am talking to you rationally and honestly…you just think so highly of yourself that you can't imagine anyone not liking you even when your position is what it is about abortion. See what is lacking with you is emotion. You have no emotion obviously about the life in the womb. And if you don't want to respond then its your choice.

    Good luck in your debates and thank you for taking the time to post back and forth with me.[/QUOTE]
  8. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    First month, ninth month, what's the difference? Isn't it supposed to be all the same to you? Or are fetuses in the ninth month somehow more special than the ones in the first? Please, do tell! Because you are making it oh so apparent that a fetus in the earlier months is not worth as much as one in the later months.

    I did. How else am I supposed to be consistent in my beliefs? Canada has no laws on abortion either and they are doing just fine. Their late term abortion rate is in the 1.1% percentile. But still, why does it matter when a pregnancy is terminated?

    Who said anything about being friends? I just want you to stop sitting behind your computer screen and making assumptions about me and my personal life. I have never had an abortion, in fact I don't know if I would want to if faced with the decision, but that doesn't mean I would stop other women from making that choice if they truly felt it was necessary. You also really need to stop projecting onto people who have never had abortions nor forced anyone else to have them. I'm sorry that the lifers got to you and that they make you feel like you are some evil murderer for having an abortion in the past, but I assure you, you are not. You really need to just let it go and stop projecting your self-hate onto other people. I don't make people have abortions nor do I stop them. I just believe in letting them make their own personal medical decisions without the interference of the government.

    There you go again with the whole late term abortion thing. How is that worse than an abortion in the first month? Do tell, I am actually eager to know.
    Cady and (deleted member) like this.
  9. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Pasithea said,

    There is no difference. But you I think with the exception of one other pro-abort…are the only ones for late term abortion. There is no difference for me. Many pro-aborts on here…that are not for late term abortion.

    Who says they are doing fine? The unborn? I could care less about Canada….and their immorality. It is the inconsistency of the pro-abort you should be concerned with. Ask them why they are not for late term abortion.

    Have you made assumptions about me? Have you judged me?

    Then you still are pro-abortion and want no protection for the unborn. You are not pro-life.

    Projecting what? I can't help I have had the personal experience here and are talking from that. I have a prospective you will never have.

    Lifers got to me? LMAO A nurse got to me in the neonatal unit my niece was in after being born at 23 1/2 weeks. She said….can you believe they abort babies this small? That did it. And I did murder my child…that is what you don't get morally…because obviously we don't agree on what is moral and what is not. You think its moral to kill children, I don't. I have come to terms with what I did…with my God and myself. But that does not change the truth of the action or result.

    I am not letting it go…how dare you. I do not hate myself. LOL You can be critical about your own actions without self hatred. the truth is the truth…it never changes. And life is a journey, no one is perfect. We all learn as we go. Abortion is a decision to kill…I don't feel the government should allow anyone the right to kill a living human being.

    There is no difference…just with pro-aborts whose position is hypocritical.
  10. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Then why do you keep bringing it up as if it is different somehow?

    I have no idea what a pro-abort is nor do I know any of these so called pro-aborts.

    Nope. I have judged your opinions and nothing more, oh and I have asked that you stop projecting onto me. But that's about it.

    No I am pro-choice. Apparently you are having difficulty in understanding that concept. I respectfully refer to the opposition as lifers all the time. I refuse to dumb down the argument into a semantics debate on titles. I should hope you could at least do the same for the opposition to your side. Although if someone actually does call you anti-choice then feel free to sling pro-death and what-have-you at them. They certainly deserve it.

    I said to let it go because you are allowing your emotions to cloud your judgement. Also I don't know about you, but if I truly believed that I murdered someone, let alone my own child I don't think I could live with myself. I am curious, how do you live with yourself truly believing that you are a murderer every day of your life? Which again, I assure you, you are not one, but since you seem to believe you are...

    Wow something we actually agree on. At least until the whole, 'Government must control women's reproductive organs' bit.

    Semantics, semantics, semantics. Do you really want to have a semantics debate about titles? I mean really. Every time people get into those it is just pointless and stupid. I am pro-choice, you are pro-life, those are the titles given to either side, deal with it and for the love of whatever God you believe in stop trying to turn this into a semantics debate.
  11. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Pasithea said,

    It is different for pro-choicers…not pro-lifers. It shows your hypocritical position.

    You are for abortion throughout the entire nine months. But I don't know of many other pro-aborts on here who will go that far. Why? If it is the woman's body…why aren't they pro-abortion for nine months? Does not make sense does it?

    Oh please…..please. Come on...

    You are pro-abortion and I certainly understand the concept. You oppose protection for human beings in the womb at any time during the pregnancy. That is your label. Why don't you like it?

    Now honey don't you worry over my emotions….LOL I am a big girl and have been debating this for over twelve years. My stance does not change….and that is what really gravels pro-aborts the fact that I won't change my mind or position. My judgment is right on the money…and I have you pegged because you have made it easy…you have defined yourself on here.

    Lets see… long have you and I been debating now? LOL And you have to ask me such a stupid question…especially when you said you once were a believer, right?

    How do I deal with it? Wow….lets see I think Jesus has a lot to do with it. He forgave me…and the Holy Spirit changed my life.

    The government controls a lot of other stuff…are you in favor of having no laws at all? Or just the ones that fit your lenient morality?

    Semantics, semantics, semantics. Do you really want to have a semantics debate about titles? I mean really. Every time people get into those it is just pointless and stupid. I am pro-choice, you are pro-life, those are the titles given to either side, deal with it and for the love of whatever God you believe in stop trying to turn this into a semantics debate.[/QUOTE]
  12. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Why don't you ask them? I have already said I cannot speak for them.

    No, I am pro-choice. Pro-abortion implies I want to force women to have abortions, which I do not. Lifers are the ones in favor of all the forcing. I want women to have a CHOICE. Again, is that so hard to really understand? And also once more, why must you turn this into an argument on semantics? Is it really that bothersome to use the given titles for either side of the debate? I don't find it hard to do, so why do you?

    Oh I see now. You can do whatever you want and just ask Yeshua to forgive you and go on your merry way. Typical Christian nonsense.

    Yes, the government does control many things in society. What it should not be trying to control is our right to sovereignty over our own bodies. And yes that includes choosing whether or not we wish to die as well.
  13. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Stop with the embellishment, use of inappropriate emotional language and so forth.

    You should know by now that a zygote is a single human cel and not a human being so quit pretending it is.
  14. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    What is the goal of the abortionist? What does he do to the living human in the womb? Does he try to keep it alive? Or does he kill it so the pregnancy will stop?

    You don't have the guts to say the words….kill.

    Come on say it…...
  15. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I have no problem with the word kill.

    What is wrong with killing a human cell or two ?
  16. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    He ends the pregnancy by removing the fetus from the womb. And the fetus dies because it cannot sustain life without the woman.
  17. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    LMAO…..this is great. You avoided using the word…kill. But that is the goal isn't it? yes or no

    Is the abortionists job done…if the human life is not killed? If you want to kill a mosquito…what do you do? You smack the hell out of it…smash it all over…until its dead. And that toots…is what the abortionist does. he does not look….while he does it…so it does not matter where that knife or suction tube goes….it just happens….until enough comes out…that tells him its dead. THAT IS WHAT AN ABORTIONIST DOES. He does not want the life kept alive.

    Tell me…..what ends a pregnancy? What has to happen?

  18. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    What is with you and running off on pointless tangents? What's this about mosquitoes now?

    Whether you kill the fetus in the womb at the time or you remove it whole and intact while still alive doesn't matter, because it will not survive either way. It cannot survive without the sustenance provided by the woman's body. If an OB/GYN who performed abortions removed fetuses alive and intact but they died anyways because their organs had not finished developing you'd still be pissed off, wouldn't you?

    Nobody here is denying that the fetus dies during an abortion. I don't know why you think that.
  19. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    How do you know? But then an abortionist must be some kind of demon right??
  20. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    LMAO….wont answer questions…running.

    Answer the questions.

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