"As much as you need" Exodus 16:18

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by junobet, May 1, 2013.

  1. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    Not sure , whether I’m getting your point now, but I’d agree that we’re all prone to take the extra scoop of ice-cream. However some of us have the intelligence to know that this extra scoop will eventually end up on their hips and have the strength of will to not eat it.

    One of the strengths of capitalism is that it works with basic human instincts. But just as the human instinct to shovel down as much ice-cream as possible is eventually bad for us, capitalism will be the down-fall of the human species if it is not intelligently regulated.

    if you have not already, you might be interested to watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y888wVY5hzw

    It may well be that the tables turn one day and we’re the ones being caged in like chicken with no workers rights worth speaking of while we produce cheap stuff for Chinas prosperous middle-class. That won’t change the fact that the unregulated capitalism we have now won’t work if your aim is to have halfway decent living-conditions for all.

    It’s good to hear you’ve improved yourself jobwise, but how many translators does this world need and what would have been your chances to do that if your IQ wasn’t set out for intellectual work? And what are the realistic chances of an highly intelligent but uneducated African chicken farmer to advance himself after he’s been put out of business by the influx of cheap subsidized European chicken parts, after oil leaks contaminated his land with the profits going to a global corporation and after unwise food-aid destroyed his local markets?
  2. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    So you are another one who seemingly thinks that - once we’ve used up our planets resources - God will let rain Manna from heaven again. He might as well say no, because wrecking the plane was our own bloody fault and that if we had just learned our lesson to only take what we need, the planets resources would have sufficed for our sustenance. So maybe it’s about time we started to treat this wonderful earth God gave us with the respect a treasured present deserves.

    Taking care of its citizens basic needs is what a state is there for, and preferably it should take care not to violate the interests of other states’ citizens on the way. I haven’t got a problem with private property, I have a problem with governments that sell off what ought to be public property to ‘private’ corporations. Somehow the economic miracles that have been promised to us in Europe when the big sell-off started, haven’t really materialized yet. Instead we get higher prizes and less service, with our taxes subsidizing the extra-welfare the underpaid corporative staff needs. And ours are luxury problems compared to those in other parts of the world: http://www.thehealthculture.com/2010/11/water-privatization-in-south-africa-prepaid-meters/

    Unfortunately we don’t really have wise and good governments, not even in our so called democracies, because they’ve been bought by big money. It’s our job to end this corruption, because as of yet we’re the ones who vote our governments into power.

    Feel free to donate to charity, but as long as you as a Christian don’t care about changing the root problems of poverty that’s just throwing breadcrumbs down the table. And remember: If you throw breadcrumbs at the poor you throw breadcrumbs at the Lord.
  3. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    If I didn't have a head for translation, I obviously wouldn't have pursued that. I can't really say what I might have done instead, as I would then in fact be a different person, and my situation would probably be different as well.

    It sounds like more attention could be paid to helping people find a course of education and development to follow than what's offered now. Even in my case, I pretty much drifted along with little help, apart from basic housing and financial support from my family, and almost no guidance, until I stumbled upon the right bit of inspiration and decided to pursue what I did. My parents and my schools failed me in this respect, I feel.
  4. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    Even though it seems to be mostly an US-American discussion, I think I’ve already heard most anti-tithing arguments. To be honest it’s not a subject I get very passionate about. Personally I think church taxes (the German equivalent to the tithe for the EKD) make good sense. But if you don’t like tithing, just join a church that doesn’t tithe.

    I may understand where you are coming from. Actually I’m in a probably similar situation with a homeless alcoholic at the moment. Sometimes there are easy solutions to help him without enabling him to continue with his self-destruction. Sometimes the solutions are not so easy. And when I can’t find a solution, the nagging question remains, whether there really is no solution other than him bloody (*)(*)(*)(*)ing pulling himself together, or whether I selfishly just use the ‘enabling’ as a feeble excuse for not having to live up to what would be my Christian duty. "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'” (Matthew 25:40)
  5. OverDrive

    OverDrive Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    The 'liberals' in the US want to take away tax-deductions for charitable giving so that 'they' the Govt can distribute the $$ as 'they will!'

    I dont 'cotton' to the "Guilt Card" being played, as just as my B-I-L (who is now deceased due to his own irresponsibility) was not a 'Bro of mine in Christ! We shud be able to give un-begrudgingly and w/o guilt and as NOT being compelled to (as Tithing is 'compulsion!') Giving to a ministry where one attends is 'giving' and 'not tithing' which is compulsion under the Law....
  6. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    I’m not concerned enough about US American interior politics to even know what you are talking about. However: If one only gives to charty because one hopes for tax deductions, that wouldn’t really be all that charitable, would it? As far as I know Jesus didn’t mention any tax deductions when he praised the poor widow’s offering (Mark 12:41-44).

    Critical self inspection is a Christian virtue. I’m sorry you perceived the description of my inner struggles as ‘playing the guilt-card’ on you. And I’m slightly shocked to hear that you seem to think that Christian love is reserved solely for people we believe to be “brothers in Christ” ("Love thy enemy" and so forth, remember?). I can but hope that I thoroughly misunderstood you in this point.
  7. OverDrive

    OverDrive Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    I agree on giving w/o respect for tax deductions. But that additional $ that is not taxed allows for more to give to the Gospel...ergo, "As I will!"

    By no means did I take it that way--just the way many from the pulpit try to 'manhandle' the flock so often do.

    Going back to the 'needs' of others: I have found out in life that 'most' ppl create their own problems and therefore their own unfulfilled needs. And being a proponent of 'tough love,' they need to hear that truth! Is spoiling children or disciplining them the 'loving' thing to do? Spoiling children and letting them go their own way is a disservice to them , often as a result of laziness on the parent's part, and shows a lack of love for them. But being diligent in disciplining children is a 'labor of love' (as 'demonstrated love') and takes time & patience.

    The same goes for undisciplined ppl and enabling them vs. giving them some 'tough love' truth.

    Btw, Jesus often operated in 'tough love,' as 'straight forward wordage;' as when He was coarse in His responses to His disciples who 'didnt get it' (I can imagine Him shaking His head in disgust at times), and His telling well-meaning Peter to "Get thee behind me Satan,' as well as His physical outbreak at the temple with the money changers.

    Often, tough love is the answer to kicking some sluggards in the butt and getting them going!! No 'enabling, HERE!'
  8. OverDrive

    OverDrive Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    I'm saying that there needs to be wisdom in one's giving, as in being a wise steward.

    I've seen this happen many times where a couple will come into a church, do & say all the right things, and start 'sucking $$$' out of that ministry (often happens to small churches with tight budgets). Then when they get found out, they move on to another church to scam---these ppl do it instead of earning an honest living, and are 'professional leaches!'

    If I gave to everyone who asked of me, I would have nothing for my family! I give 'wisely'...

    Btw, you sound like an easy 'mark' as they say at truck stops! [​IMG]
  9. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    I'm not a proponent of antiauthorian education and would certainly agree that children need rules. But you've got to be careful with 'tough love'.
    I'm sure that's not what you meant by it and that you never beat your children, but getting beaten the crap out of him by a chain of foster families probably led the homeless alcoholic I referred to earlier to become what he is now. That he's unable to take on responsibility for himself is certainly not just his own fault.

    What's worse, being exploited or refusing to help somebody who really needs you?

    But I get where you are coming from. I can only give to charity after I've seen to it that my employees got paid and that my family has a roof over its head. How big and luxurious this roof needs to be is another question. And again, looking at the widow's offering, I'm asking myself in how far I'm being responsible or just 'lukewarm' concerning my faith here.
  10. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    All I can say is that you have a warped view of the world---if it works for you fine. Personally I like to stick to reality.
  11. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    The problem is that you don’t stick to reality but to the fairy tales that Rupert Murdoch and co. want you to believe.

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