Apologists for Israel take top posts at BBC

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by trout mask replica, May 14, 2013.

  1. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Send the link to Putin, other world leaders, Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabya, the UN and its Secretary General....cause it appears to me that they all hold this kind of childish, amateurish, dilettante nonsense in extremely low regard LOL

    Let alone the fact that even your source (last paragraph) readily admits the objective of eliminating Israel from the surface of earth. Duh!
  2. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Now , let's cast our minds back - which area of land was mentioned in UNGA (non-binding ) Res - 181 to be partitioned ? Which area of land formed the league of Nation mandate ?
    Before 1948 there was no such creature as an "Israeli" - there ws French/German-Polish etc.etc. JEWS .
    and in the land of PALESTINE - there was a minority of Palestinian Jews . - NO ISRAEL
    - ISRAEL WAS NOT ON THE MAP . In popular American parlance it was called "THe Holy Land " - I went on one of those "Holy Land Tours" and didn't see one single f - ing Angel, just demons who called themselves "Jews" .

    see this :

    there was no Israel on this map :


  3. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    [PDF] Iranian President , Islamic Eschatology, and Near-Term
    turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semper.../files/iranian_briefing_vollmer.pdf -
    Jan 26, 2006 ... Ahmadinejad, a hardliner, in Iran's presidential elections. Threats Of War. Sep 03: ... Imam Mahdi's return,” states Ahmadinejad who has sacked Iran's most experienced foreign ... Page 12 ...... 1645 White Pine Drive. Vienna ...

    I am amazed to the lengths that the usual suspects here at PF go to defend any Islamic interest etc. The exact wording of a threat etc is not important. Its the intent that’s important. I thought everyone knows that cryptic language is often used to protect the user from various harms, and that was what Ahmadinejad was using. I am sure Irans leaders as well as most other Arab countries would love to see Israel destroyed. I am also sure the entire world knows that fact as well. Iran has more motive than most to want Israel gone. As for your comment about me being fooled by propganda ...naw', I am not fooled by that type of propaganda ie the Arab stuff. However I would be the first to agree that everyone is affected by some kind of propaganda every day. I am talking about corporate advertising etc, most of which is sophisticated but a mild form of propaganda. So that is the only type if propaganda I am influenced by. Man I really want a new custom 152 cubic inch motored HD big twin or a new vette with the new 427 in it, and that ’want’ is due in large part to yep propaganda. The real thing I am a sucker for is common sense. That is why I know that Iran’s (ex) president would love to see Israel disappear by any means as long as the ME was free of Israel and Christendom (and the western influence).

  4. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    A sucker ? yes perhaps so , a sucker to slavishly believe everything told to you, by - and to serve the Chosen ones , huh ?

    AFAI can tell "Iran’s (ex) president is not the only one who'd love to see the Zionist entity called Israel be dismantled -disappear .There are several learned Rabbis who're are wishing the same.

    In case you've missed it , I repeat :

    Jewish rabbi calls for Israel not to exist - there are many Rabbis who opposed the existence of the Zionist state of Israel - long before the Ahmadinejad and much more forcefully.

    Watch - listen and learn :


  5. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    The BBC's lack of partiality is becoming more glaringly obvious by the day


    How long is it going to take till they are taken to account.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    The main question is not 'Is it apparent', but 'does anyone care, and what are they doing about it'?

    I did the only thing left open to me, which was to give up television and not fund their licence fee. I would imagine if most did that, then the BBC would either have to change or just fall.
  7. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    They felt strongly enough about it to make their feelings known and for some eventually to become anti zionist. You should feel that is important. When Israel loses the support of her Western Jews she is finished and she is edging towards that.

    Why are you bringing up popularity competitions now? You made a statement saying it was a fact. It was not a fact.

    I have no wish now to get again into an argument about who was responsible for cast lead and why but your attempt to present Israel as an innocent party is at best your own indoctrination and at worse a desire to deceive.

    well in your last post you were asking me to say Israel's position was not biased. You are quite wrong that the only thing people need to do is report what both sides have to say. That simply would result in the people with the most effective propaganda managing to do anything they want.

    Investigative journalism is quite different. The BBC changed from investigative journalism to the kind of propaganda you are encouraging above.

    No, not accepted. First you started it. You broke the truce. 2nd Talk is preferred. You refused to talk. 3rd many people believe one of the main reasons for Cast Lead was for Israel to stop Gaza getting her hands on her Gas supplies. 4th - look at the results 1,400 or so people killed 2/3rds of them noncombatants and one third children. I cannot remember how many Israelis were killed. I believe it was somewhere between 3 and 10. The UN found Israel guilty of war crimes on many many counts. As I said lets not get started on this again but giving your propaganda for the Gaza war is not how a free press runs.
  8. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Well, they are learned as to matters of theology, but the legitimacy of nations in the 21st century is unrelated to theology.
  9. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Just out of curiosity, what do you think about the fact that these "learned Rabbis" are absolutely convinced that the land of Israel (every inch of it) belongs to the Jews, they merely maintain that the state of Israel should be created by the messiah, not the United Nations. Do you agree with these learned Rabbis that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews?
  10. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    So you are able to correctly ascertain intent? How much do you want for your crystal ball?

    Common sense? As Einstein famously said, "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of eighteen".

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is what it is....Simple.
  11. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    So when do you think Iran is going to officially protest Putin's erroneous slander? Do you think Putin will have a quick chat with Juan Cole and apologize to Ahmadinejad any time soon?
  12. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    As far as Iran is concerned, I don't think it matters one iota what actions they take or don't take. I think the Iranian's have long ago made the determination that their political adversaries will continue to either perpetuate falsehoods or make up stuff completely, regardless.
  13. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    You are confused, it was the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting that came up with the wiped off the map translation, not one of their adversaries. The state owned media of Iran. And YOU who are perpetuating the falsehood that anything was made up by their adversaries here
  14. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The IRIB mistranslated the remarks, albeit unintentionally and in good faith. The Western corporate media subsequently ran with this mistranslation and governments' unsympathetic to Ahmadinejad then exploited the error for propaganda purposes, despite the fact that the said mistranslation had already been acknowledged by leading academics within the public domain. The fact that you refuse to accept this reality, says all that anybody needs to know regarding your dogmatic and partisan attitude to this issue. I'm going to end this on that note. Any further responses by you on this subject will be regarded by me as trolling.
  15. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The answer is simple. The BBC is paid for by license fee payers. Let there be an election for the director general and then for each of the 32 (used to be 16 ) members of the board of governors. The electorate shall be the license fee payers on a one license=one vote basis. Candidates should stand not as members of political parties but purely on the basis of their policies towards broadcasting. The DG should be elected in the way that the French President is. The board members should be elected ion a regional basis with one member representing 2 million people or so. Wales can have two seats. Northern Ireland, one seat .Scotland can have 3 seats. England would have the other 26 seats.
  16. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    This is so narrow and twisted....how many in numbers expressed themselves against it ? why do you say 'UK Jews" as if there are 5 of them and talked with all of them on the subject ?

    The opinion of UK Jews for or against this operation should have 0 impact on news braodcasting or on Israel views on this op - you suggest the gov should consult with Jewish communtty heads on military op's seriously???

    Thats what i meant by popularity contest, the Israeli gov maked decisions for Israel security and its that's what BBC reported + the Palestinian view, what's wrong with that ?

    And for the record, that op was extremly justified althou not executed as it should have.

    Im talking about news braodcasting of both Israel side and Palestinian side, you are saying screw the sides and the network should "investigate" and give just one side it thinks is just.............talk about abusing power...

    News reporting is just that - reporting not 'investigating" or giving an opinion, when you give an opinion when reporting news you broadcast propaganda,

    I assume ofc you think investigating would favour your side ? what if they investigated and favoured Israel side? try to be a bit objective about this please.

    BS, truce was broken 35 times by Hamas and final time when they dug a tunnel to a Kibbutz near the border, you want to compare dates - im up for it, we dont talk when fired upon, when ppl fire on you talk all you want, ppl have all kinds of opinons against their hate subject you say its Gaza Gas dunno lately i'm smelling alot of Gas from Europe,
    The results are what made me go against this op but not against the reason the op should have been made, the way it was carried out was wrong, the use of white pros was illegal, I dont know if civilain lives could have been saved if things were carried diffrently but judging by last op it might have, results however dont mean the op should have not been carried at all thou, we had quite for a long while afterwards, like we have now, until next round...

    When a network broadcasts both sides it doesnt give in to one propaganda but for two thus remans fair, you demand it should chose your side how childish is that ?
  17. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The UN is not a court and cannot 'find anyone guilty'.
  18. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Israel is not an enemy of the UK unlike Islamism. the BBC should never be giving any support for islamists anywhere.
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It is not a matter of 'giving support'.
  20. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Putin is Iran's political adversary perpetuating falsehoods and making stuff up? Putin condemning Iran's threats to annihilate Israel does not know what he is talking about and Iran does not bother to even officially protest the falsehood? Do you yourself believe this nonsense, trout??
  21. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    You are just changing things every time you post. First you gave your reason for Cast Lead and said it was not biased. I pointed out that even 'half' the Jews in the UK did not agree with it and it had given rise to jfjfp and continuing movement away from organised Jewry in the UK. You then accuse me of getting into 'popularity' competitions and so I responded to that. All is taking off topic. Now your adding some comprehension problems and I really cannot be bothered with all this blathering off topic.

    Why should the opinion of people who have knowledge have no part of the news? I can't imagine what news is like in Israel :confusion:

    That is not enough. We know that people do not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. For that reason it is important to question what people say and to fit in in with other known information. What you are describing is just propaganda and has little to do with reality.

    With regards the BBC as I have already said when speaking to an 'expert' she has fallen into the habit of only providing one, that will be a pro Israeli, pro American, pro war individual to speak of a situation, hence giving the public incomplete or wrong information. The fact that she is no longer addressing complaints and dropping shows which are not favourable to these people at the last minute illustrates both her bias and her contempt for the British people. Her job is to accurately educate the British people and in order to do this she has to work to get as near the truth as possible rather than trying to program the British people to a particular view by propaganda.

    You really don't seem to know much about journalism. It is not just a free political broadcast.

    I have not a clue what you are talking about now.

    No, investigative journalism investigates all sides. The current situation does not do that. Try and check what I am talking about. You clearly have never experience investigative journalism. I suggest you do that before you make up fantasies about abusing power.

    You could not be more wrong but I do accept you have never experienced anything but propaganda and believe everything which is said on your tv is the truth. sad.

    You speak from your mind. I like to know what the situation is so that I can come to an educated decision on my position. BBC news does favour Israel. It rarely speaks of the Palestinians. Even during Israels latest attack on Gaza, every time a family was killed or some major destruction done, the BBC repeated every time the instance where Israeli's were killed - again and again and again as if that some how made it that the Palestinians had killed as many as Israel and caused as much destruction.

    Hamas? My information was Israel broke the truce and even admitted it. I have said before I have no interest in re discussing this. I gave you several viable reasons which shows that what you present as clear 'fact' was biased. You surely are not unaware of Gaza's natural resources which shortly before Cast Lead the Israel government was whining about how it did not want them to get but instead of addressing it you simply show in a vulgar way your disdain for Europe. You must also be aware of the religious orders given to soldiers telling them to feel free about taking Palestinian lives. Something many Israeli soldiers felt the need to complain about at the end. Israel committed many many war crimes. You should read the Goldstone report.

    We will agree to disagree as I have no interest in getting back into that.

    Absolute nonsense. All it gives is propaganda - something Israel is very good at. In Cast Lead the BBC gave no information. It did exactly what you like. The Israeli way. Let Israel say what she likes and do not press her to try to get to the truth. That is all you get if you simply let biased sources state their propaganda. Nothing else. You cannot in this situation even compare like with like. The Israel source was a trained media 'opinion maker', the Palestinians people reporting ongoing trauma.

    As it happens the BBC film crews did report more than they would have liked so we did see a fair bit of what was going on anyway. You can be well aware that will not happen next time and all the people of Britain will hear is the Israel opinion makers desire.

    This is not impartial. This is free space for propaganda. This does not educated the British people to the situation as it is, it educates them as Israel opinion makers would like them to think.

    I appreciate that it must be the way of news in Israel and that you do not go in for investigative journalism. Unfortunately that simply tells me you have no knowledge what freedom of the press is about.
  22. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    While the leading academics were proclaiming a mistranslation, the Iranians were confirming the translation. Complete with English subtitles to clear up any confusion you had.

  23. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    If Putin has been quoted accurately (I'm not totally convinced that he has), then he is wrong. As far as I'm aware, Putin isn't an expert in Farsi unlike the academics who analysed the text and provided the correct translation. It is what it is. End of. It's funny how you hold up a hated commie as a paragon of truth when it suits your agenda to do so. Ahmadinejad did criticise the translation. Anymore from you on this, and I will treat it as trolling.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Trolling like this will be ignored. You are wasting your time from here on in.
  24. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    How by supporting 2 sides of the story i "have no knowledge what freedom of the press" and you by making a court marshel and lynching one side - presenting only what YOU think is true - follow that concept of freedom ? YOU decide what ppl should watch instead of letting them decide for themselves and you call that freedom ??.
  25. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    I saw BBC during the op, both 2008 and the latest, they had crews in Gaza shooting all the bombs, interveiwing civilians, showing the panic, I dont know where you got all that nonsense about its being one sided, perhaps there are 2 BBC channels.

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