Nazi murderers of Jews still walking around USA

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Snappo, Jul 30, 2013.

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  1. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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  2. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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  3. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    The alleged Holocaust, are you going to read this article or not?

    We are talking about within Germanys' sphere of control are we not? .

    ;;The leading pre-war expert on Jewish population statistics, Arthur Ruppin, stated that there were 16.7 million Jews in the world in 1939 (13). For the immediate postwar years, the World Almanac gave the following figures: 15.19 million in 1945 and 15.7 million in the following four years, from 1946 to 1949. But its 1949 issue, the World Almanac quoted the figures furnished by the American Jewish commitee according to which there had been 16.6 million Jews in 1939 and only 11.2 million in 1947 (14). On the other hand, in an article published in the Jewish-owned New York Times in early 1948, Hanson Baldwin, a military expert and specialist on Palestine, stated that there were between 15 and 18 million Jews worldwide (15). As you see, the Jewish world population statistics enable you as easily to prove that the Holocaust took place as they allow you to prove that it didn't; it just depends upon which statistics you prefer to believe. It's not in these statistics that we are going to find the answer to our question how many Jews really perished as a result of German policy.''

    from the article linked above.

    And what book may I ask ? source please
  4. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    IMO, anyone who questions the existence of gas chambers, the "final solution" extermination, the einsatzguppen, the death camps of aktion rienhardt, the tens of thousands of hours of testimony and confessions, the hundreds of thousands of documents, photos, films, diaries supporting the accepted narrative does so for one of three reasons. One flamebating, two massive ignorance, three a jewhating nazi apologist agenda.

    I realize the denialist position has nothing to do with actual truth, it has to do with its underlying motivations of jew hating and nazi apologism as articles of faith.

    as denialism arose back in the day, there were those who pegged them for what they were then. And amazingly enough, they remain exactly has M.Vidal-Naquet first described.

    On the Revisionist Method/
  5. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    see the map above,

    more than 11 million Jews in Europe, before WW2.

    after WW2, more than half that number has vanished.


    gone from the Earth.
  6. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I've read a bunch of garbage written by Graf, and his fun with math arguments ignore basic truths, as do all of the remaining revisionist "scholars" left standing. Of course when you read his footnotes and you realize that he is referencing himself, mottogno, butz, sanning etc. in an effort to "prove" his premise, it becomes apparent just exactly how intellectually dishonest the cretin is.

    You can find detailed rebuttals of Grafs books, papers and opinions at this site.
    Holocaust Controversies - Graf

    Whats even better than mere refutation, is the interaction between the Graf/Keus/Mottogno and the sites principle authorities. One can plainly observe Graf using EXACTLY THE SAME TACTICS as you and your fellow denialists do around here.

    Graf is a pompous laughing stock and a fugitive from justice. Much like Gemar Rudolph. Seems neither have the courage of their convictions and would rather run than suffer the consequences of expressing their hateful bull excrement.

    Some hero you got there.
  7. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I think you have to add jew haters, nazi apologists, the ignorant, flamebaiters and trolls as well.
  8. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Oh Goddess of patience save me from closed minds about the American public being a brick wall !

    Walter Sanning and Wolfgang Benz
    In 1983, Walter Sanning, an American of German descent, published a book which, despite certain shortcomings, is still far and away the most serious study of Jewish population losses during the Second World War (16). Sanning's method is refreshingly original. He almost exclusively uses Jewish and Allied sources and accepts German sources only when they are anti-Nazi. Sanning irrefutably demonstrates the whole extent of post-war Jewish migration from Europe to Palestine, the USA, and other non-European countries. Altogether, more than one and half million Jews left Europe in the years after the war. Furthermore, Sanning conclusively proves that we do not need the "extermination camp" story to explain the almost complete disappearance of Polish Jewry. In 1939, a large part of the Polish Jews were living in the eastern half of the country which was annexed by the Soviet Union after Hitler and Stalin had divided Poland. As soon as the Germans had invaded Poland, a huge stream of Jewish refugees poured eastwards, into the Soviet-occupied half. In the summer of 1941, after the German preventive attack against the USSR, a large proportion of the Jews were evacuated east and never came under German control. The same thing happened in the Baltic states. Although the victorious Wehrmacht liberated Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia from the Bolshevist yoke shortly after the beginning of the German-Soviet war, a large percentage of the Baltic Jews managed to leave these countries even before the arrival of the German troups. Sanning thinks that about 80% of the Jews in the areas later conquered by the Germans were evacuated, but as his main source is an unreliable Soviet propagandist, David Bergelson, this figure is almost certainly too high.

    According to the 1939 census, there had been 3.02 million Jews in the Soviet Union. Now the first postwar census, which took place in 1959, only yielded 2.26 million Jews, but all western Zionist agreed that this figure was unrealistically low. According to Soviet practice, every citizen could chose himself which nationality he or she belonged to, and a considerable part of the Soviet Jews were already assimilated and regarded themselves as Russians, Ukrainians etc.

    Moreover, the political atmosphere was not particularly favourable to the Jews at that time, so many of them preferred not to be identified as such. Finally, one cannot exclude the possibility that the Soviet government, which endorsed the Holocaust legend, deliberately falsified the results of the census. On 1 July 1990, the Zionist New York Post, referring to Israeli specialists, stated that there were over five million Jews in the USSR. As the birth rate of the Soviet Jews was by far the lowest of any ethnic group in the country, and as many hundreds of thousands of Jews had already emigrated by that time, all points to the conclusion that there were between five and six million Jews in the USSR after the Second World War. This can only be explained by the fact that a large percentage of Polish and Baltic Jewry had been absorbed by the Soviet state.

    Of course, it is impossible to give precise figures. For example, we do not know how many of the Polish Jews who had fled from the Germans in 1939, or who had been evacuated after the German attack on Russia in 1941, returned to Poland after the war, and how many of them elected to stay there. In February 1946, at a time when the return of Jews from Russia was still going on, and when large numbers of Polish Jews had already emigrated to the west, a British-American commission reported that there were still 800,000 Jews in Poland (17).

    Sanning concludes that about one and a half million Jews lost their lives during the Second World War, but that most of them were killed as soldiers on the battlefield or or perished in the Soviet territories which were never occupied by the Germans. According to his calculations, only some hundreds of thousands of Jews disappeared in German-controlled Europe.

    As it was expected, the adherents of the Holocaust story countered Sanning's study with an attempt to corroborate the official figures. Significantly, it took them no less than eight years to do so, and the result of their endeavours was simply pathetic. In 1991, a group of scholars headed by one Wolfgang Benz published a voluminous book the title of which was Dimension des Voelkermords ("Dimension of Genocide") (18). Benz, who is heading a pro-Zionist propaganda institute in Berlin (19), is not Jewish. He is a particulary nasty specimen of the political prostitutes who have been flourishing in occupied Germany ever since 1945 and who owe their carreers to the zeal with which they systematically falsify the history of their own country by accusing it of imaginary crimes.

    Benz and his team claim that between 5.29 and just over six million Jews died as a result of National Socialist repression during the Second World War. In an excellent study comparing the methods and the results of Sanning and Benz, leading German revisionist Germar Rudolf has exposed the tricks used by the Benz people in order to obtain the desired high Jewish casualty figures (20), and I can do no better than simply resume Rudolf's demonstration.

    The basic assumption of Benz is that every Jew who, in 1945, was no longer living in the place where he had been living in 1939 had been murdered by the Germans. An analogy showing the imbecility of this argument would be the following: Some years before Algerian independance, there were one million Frenchmen living in Algeria. After Algerian independance, their number had shrunk to 100,000, so the Algerians must have murdered 900,000 Frenchmen! As a matter of fact, the case of the demographic key country Poland is by far more compliacted than the one of Algeria, because the borders of the latter country did not change after its independance whereas the Polish state was moved westwards after the war. Poland lost her eastern provinces, where the Jews had been especially numerous, to the Soviet Union. In return, she acquired large German territories in the West where few Jews had been living before the war.

    Incredibly as it may seem, Benz does not dedicate even a single paragraph of his thick book to the problem of Jewish post-war emigration as such an emigration did not take place according to him. There were no Polish, Russian, German, Hungarian, Romanian and other European Jews streaming to Palestine after 1945, because all of them had been either murdered by the Nazis or stayed in their respective countries! This is good news for the Palestians who erroneously thought their land had been invaded and taken away from them by European Jews, and that a state of Israel had been proclaimed in 1948. Such a thing never happened, it was only a nightmare!

    As Sanning had devoted a large part of his book to the numerical analysis of Jewish postwar emigration, and as Benz does not even attempt to challenge Sanning's conclusions although Sanning's book had appeared eight years earlier (21), the only possible conclusion is that Sanning's arguments are irrefutable.

    As ignoring Jewish post-war emigration does not yet suffice to approach the six million figure, Benz resorts to plenty of other mean tricks. Between 1939 and 1945, the national boundaries of many European states underwent considerable changes. For example, Hungary acquired Romanian, Czechoslovak and Yugoslave territories, only to lose them again in 1945. Romania was forced to cede Bessarabia to the USSR in 1940. Now, the Jews who lived in the respective areas and who really or allegedly died during the war are counted twice by Benz. Thus, 100,000 Bessarabian Jews who, according to Benz, were exterminated by the Germans and their Romanian allies, appear twice in the statistic of victims. They are included both in the alleged figure of exterminated Romanian Jews and in the one of exterminated Soviet Jews, which allows Benz to double their number. As Germar Rudolf has shown, Benz and his team are guilty of more than half a million double counts. The number of pre-war Jews in Poland is exaggerated by about 700,000, because Benz chooses to ignore the massive emigration of Polish Jews during the thirties.

    In a documentation published by the Munich-based Institute of Contemporary History, which Benz, who is working for the same Institute, could not possible have been unaware of, it is clearly stated that about 100,000 Jews left Poland annually during the thirties owing to poverty and the anti-Jewish atmosphere in that country. As a matter of fact, there could not have been no more than about 2.8 million Jews in Poland before the outbreak of the Second World War, yet Benz puts their number at 3.5 million, thus inventing yet another 700,000 "Holocaust victims". Finally, Jews who were killed in combat as soldiers of the Red Army, and even Jews who perished during Soviet Communist deportations, are regarded as "victims of the Nazi Holocaust"! So much about the impudent swindler Wolfgang Benz and his methods.

    While the failure of the orthodox historians to refute Sanning's figures doesn't automatically prove their accuracy, their order of magnitude is confirmed when tackling the problem from different angles.

    The statistical method used by Carl Nordling
    A very ingenuous method to ascertain the order of magnitude of Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence during World War Two was devised by a Swedish statistician, professor Carl Nordling (22). Nordling recreated the Jewish fate by means of a statistical study based on Jewish personalities listed in the Encyclopedia Judaica (23) who in 1939 had lived in the countries which would later come under German control. 44% of them had emigrated or fled by the end of 1941, 35% were spared internment, 8% were interned, but survived the war, and 13% died. While proving that the Jews were indeed heavily persecuted, a death rate of 13% categorically excludes an extermination policy. In his comprehensive study, Sanning had come to the conclusion that there were no more than 3.5 million Jews in the German sphere of influence at the time of its biggest territorial extension. If this estimate is correct, and if 13% of these 3.5 million died, it would mean that less than half a million Jews perished as a result of German policy. On the other hand, if we assume that both Sanning's and Nordling's estimates are too low, that not 13%, but 20% of the Jews under German control perished, and that there were not 3.5 million, but 5 million Jews in the German-occupied territories, the Jewish losses would amount to one million. In my opinion, this is definitely the highest possible figure.

    Yet another way to tackle the problem
    Everybody agrees that only a part of the Jewish victims died in concentration camps. Unquestionably a large number of Jews were shot on the Eastern front because the Jews formed the backbone of the Communist partisan movement. In many cases, these executions were quite legal because at that time international law permitted not only the execution of partisans but also the shooting of hostages as a retaliation for partisan attacks on soldiers of an occupying power. (Of course I am not disputing that numerous Jewish civilians who were neither partisans nor hostages were shot, too.) Finally, many Jews died as a result of insufficient nourishment and diseases in the ghettos to which they had confined as semi-prisoners by the Germans. It is not easy to decide to what extent these casualties should be considered as the direct result of the German policy because many of these Jews, especially old ones, would have died from natural causes anyway.

    a) The number of Jews who died in concentration camps

    Thanks to the German documents which have survived in large numbers, we can determine the number of Jews who died from all causes (diseases, starvation, exhaustion, execution) in the concentration camps which a certain degree of accuracy. It can hardly have exceeded 300,000. According to Jewish author Wolfgang Sofsky, about 450,000 concentration camp victims are registered by name (24). Now this figure may be incomplete, but of course a large part of the victims were non-Jewish. In some of the camps, Jews definitely accounted for a minority of the deceased. To quote but one example, of the approximately 26,000 prisoners who died in the Stutthof concentration camp near Dantzig about 8,000 were Jewish (25).

    b) What happened to the Jews who were deported to Auschwitz but not registered there?

    According to Polish Auschwitz specialist Franciszek Piper, about 1.3 million prisoners, of whom 1.1 million were Jewish, were deported to Auschwitz during the almost five years of its existence (26), but only 200,000 of the Jews were registered there. As I explained in a speech about the fate of unregistered Auschwitz inmates in May 2000 (27), the figure of unregistered Jewish deportees has to be reduced by at least 100,000; however this does not change the fact that up to 800,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz without being registered. The orthodox historians claim that they were gassed. Having laid to rest the gas chamber legend, the revisionists have to explain what happened to these people. Although the details remain unknown, the basic answer is that they were transferred elsewhere.

    On 16 October 1942, the Swiss Jewish newspaper Israelitisches Wochenblatt reported:

    "For some time, there has been a tendency to dissolve the ghettos in Poland. This was the case with Lublin, and now Warsaw is to follow. It is not indicated how far this plan has already been carried out. The previous inhabitants of the Generalgouvernement [German occupied Poland] are going off farther to the East into the occupied Russian zone. They were partly replaced by Jews from Germany. (...) An eyewitness who was until recently in the Riga ghetto and was able to escape, reports that there are still 32,000 Jews in the Riga ghetto. Since the occupation, thousands of Jews have died. The Jews are now forced to work outside the city. (...) Recently, in Riga, it has been noticed that Jewish transports have arrived from Belgium and other countries of Western Europe which were immediately sent on again to other unknown destinations."
    In the official Holocaust literature, we read nothing about Polish or Belgian Jews being sent to Russia. The missing Jews from these countries are supposed to have met their fate in the gas chambers of "extermination camps". Now, the report of the Swiss Jewish newspaper squares very well with the numerous German wartime documents referring to the "evacuation" of the Jews and their "resettlement in the East". Two revisionist authors, the Spaniard Enrique Aynat (28) and the Belgian Jean-Marie Boisdefeu (29), have documented a number of cases where Western European Jews appeared far east of Auschwitz during the war. According to the orthodox Holocaust story, they should never have gotten there.

    In April 1944, the French communist underground newspaper Notre Voix, referring to a broadcast from Radio Moscow, reported that 8,000 French Jews had been liberated by the Red Army in Ukraine. Evidently, Auschwitz had merely served as a transit camp for them (30).

    Although the victorious powers certainly purged the German documents in order to eliminate all those which disproved the extermination claims, a few of them have survived. One of them is a report about the deportation of Jews from France which was written in September 1942. According to this document, foreign Jews residing in France were to be sent to a camp in Russia (31).

    Up to the present day, we do not know how many Jews were sent to the occupied Soviet territories, and how many of them survived the harsh wartime conditions.

    In 1944, Auschwitz also served as a transit camp for Hungarian Jews. On 11 May of that year, Adolf Hitler ordered 200,000 Jews to be employed in the production of war planes (32). As no big deportations of Jews from other countries were occurring during that period, these 200,000 must necessarily have come from Hungary where massive deportations were just about to begin. So the German documents confirm what the air photographs tell us: The Hungarians Jews were by no means murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau and their corpses burned in open pits. Some of them were regularly registered at Auschwitz, the remaining ones were transferred to labour camps and factories where they were forced to contribute to the German war effort.

    c) The number of Jews shot on the Eastern front

    In order to substantiate their claim that the Germans shot between one and two million Jews in the occupied Soviet territories, the orthodox historians refer to the so-called "event reports" which the Special Units engaged in anti-partisan warfare on the Eastern Front allegedly sent to Berlin on a regular basis and which detail, among other things, the number of Jews killed. One of these "event reports" describes the shooting of 33,711 Jews at Babi Yar near the Ukrainian capital of Kiev on 29 September 1941. But this gigantic bloodbath never happened. Quite apart from the fact that the witnesses contradict each other on almost every point, and that no material traces of the alleged massacre have ever been found (33), the Babi Yar story is invalidated by air photographs made by the Germans in late September 1943, shortly before the Soviets re-conquered Kiev. At that very time, the Germans allegedly opened the mass-graves, dug out the corpses and burnt them on huge pyres.

    However, the air photos show no pyres, no open graves and no human activity at the Babi Yar ravine (34). As the imaginary mass murder at Babi Yar is described in one of the "event reports", the authenticity of the whole series is highly doubtful. After all, the Germans, who allegedly managed to destroy all material evidence of their atrocities, could easily have burnt these documents before the arrival of the Red Army. As the only purported documentary evidence for the shooting of between one and two million Jews in the Soviet Union is most probably a forgery, and as no mass graves with murdered Jews have ever been found while Russia is full of mass graves with the victims of Communist terror, it is safe to assume that the real number of killed Jews was only a fraction of the one claimed.

    d) Conclusion

    As I mentioned earlier, the number of Jews who died in National Concentration camps cannot have been much higher than 300,000. Even if we assume that several hundreds of thousands of Jews transferred into the Eastern territories succumbed to the harsh conditions prevailing there, and that the Germans shot several hundreds of thousands of Jews on the Eastern front -- both assumptions are rather improbable -, the total amount of Jewish victims can not have exceeded one million, so that the result of Sanning's and Nordling's investigation is roughly confirmed. No matter from which angle we tackle the question, the result is always the same: The six million figure is an insane exaggeration.
  9. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    that's all wonderful and great, but before ww2 there were more than 11 million Jews in Europe.

    after ww2, more than 5 million Jews were missing.

    where did the missing 5 million Jews go?

    they didn't go to the USSR as the USSR had a net loss of Jews after WW2.

    they didn't go to the USA as the USA's 1928 national immigration quotas didn't end until 1968.

    they didn't go to Israel, as we know exactly how many Jews came to Israel from each European country, and those numbers simply deduct from the post-WW2 numbers, not pre-WW2.

    its a fact brother, at least 5 million Jews perished during WW2.
  10. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    We are not talking about a 'bunch of' we are talking about one article.

    Revisionists, or rather real Historians for all real Historians are just that revisionists not just copy writers look for the answers and they do have figures, reams of them, very very complicated tables and figures and piles and piles of research, because it is a very complicated question. what do the exterminationists have ? 11 million were there before and 5 million afterwards so that means 6 million were killed by the Germans, basta ! As I read somewhere earlier, we could just as easily say before Algerian Independence there were 8 hundred thousand Frenchmen in Algeria after independence there were 1 hundred thousand Frenchmen in Algeria so that means the Algerians had killed 7 hundred thousand Frenchmen.

    It is a very complex question with no simple answers and yes later a couple of exterminationists took 8 years to come up with answers to the revisionists figures but mmmmmm they cheated or just didn't cover the more difficult questions.

    I have no idea what tactics you are talking about, i'm just a woman who has come to believe the holocaust is a terrible hoax who spends time on line talking to fellow humans with opinions.

    That we live in societies where scholars and their publishers and lawyers are beaten, firebombed, killed, persecuted hounded, lose their jobs, homes, pensions, their families are threatened, they are fined and or imprisoned for their words and that exterminationists laugh at them and call them cowards ............................... and we are not living through a modern Inquisition? Oh yes we are. Well you and I have chosen our sides .......... .
    Jackster and (deleted member) like this.
  11. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    I posted an article which answers those questions just read it, it won't bite. If you want all the tables and figures I will find them for you but they are hard going.
  12. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    ive done my own research, bud.

    Ive looked at european jewish pop. stats before and after ww2.

    they all show a net loss of at least 5 million.

    sorry, but the Holocaust is true.
  13. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    what Holocaust deniers do is they compare different population statistic sources, so as to confirm their pre-conceived notion that the Holocaust was only minimal.

    they only honest and intelligent want to look at Jewish European numbers is to compare stats from the SAME sources from different time periods.

    Holocaust denies don't do that.

    they use combinations of different sources that when brought together, show a small number of Jewish loses.

    that's because Holocaust deniers are liars and charlatans.
  14. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Because there are less people in one place than were there before therefore they were gassed ? Is that supposed to be serious logic ?

    You have not researched the Holocaust if you haven't read the revisionists, you have simply researched a Dogma .................... .
  15. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    There comes a time to just let it go. People hitting on 90 wouldn't likely survive a trial anyway. No matter how many senile Nazi officers that are tarred and feathered, it won't bring back one life.
  16. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    oh, I have looked at their work and I have debated them.

    see my thread of one such debate.
  17. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    To say there were X amount of people there at a certain date and 6 million less at a later date only tells us that 6 million are no longer where they were, it does not tell us anything else. >>>MOD EDIT:INSULT<<<
  18. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    check out my debate with a professional Holocaust denier.

    i blew his ideas out of the water.
  19. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    its not very long.

    it shows how pathetic and sad Holocaust Denier methodology and statistical analysis is.
  20. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    he wrote a book about Holocaust Denial.

    check out our debate...

    im sure he uses most of your methodologies.
  21. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    I read it ..................... means nothing if I don't know his name .................... going now night night.
  22. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    A) You have been answered, the typhus epidemic was nearly completely eliminated by August of 1942.

    B) The preponderance of evidence is clear, that their was a concerted plan to systematically exterminate 2/3 of European Jewry through mass murder techniques such as mass shootings and gassing and to eliminate the remaining 1/3 by starvation rations coupled with slave labor.

    You have no rebuttal for the testimony of Morgen, Kremer, Böck, Hofmann, Hössler, Klein, Münch, and Stark all of whom were high ranking Nazi officials who were never charged with any crime and who came forward years later under their own volition to testify as to their complicity in and knowledge of the holocaust. These men had nothing to gain and everything to lose and to this day have not recanted their testimony!

    According to the World Almanac Census data the number of Jews alive in 1949 at 11,266,600 now when we subtract that number from the 1938 census data of 16,588,259 the number of Jews who disappeared into the ether over that decade was 5,321,659.

    The Einsatzgruppen Special Reports to the RSHA detailing the targeting of Jews, the dates of the killings, where they were killed, and how many, are available in their totality here:

    Here is the document regarding crematoria capacity at Auschwitz:

    80,000 Cremation Capacity Per Month Not Sufficient for Auschwitz - New Document

    Do the math, even if we use that 80,000 figure which was not sufficient production capacity then between September 1942 to the liberation of Aushwitz in January 1945 we come to the figure of 2.25 million deaths using the low 80,000 figure and for only a single camp.

    Here is the transcript of the Wansee Protocol detailing the Nazi plans for the "final solution":

    Here is a speech given by Himmler proving that the "Final Solution" was the extermination of European Jewry conducted on October 4, 1943:

    I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.' [...] But of all those who talk this way, none had observed it, none had endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when 500 lie there or when 1,000 are lined up. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person - with exceptions due to human weaknesses - had made us tough. This is a page of glory never mentioned and never to be mentioned. [...] We have the moral right, we had the duty to our people to do it, to kill this people who wanted to kill us.

    And another on October 6, 1943:

    I ask of you that that which I say to you in this circle be really only heard and not ever discussed. We were faced with the question: what about the women and children? &#8211; I decided to find a clear solution to this problem too. I did not consider myself justified to exterminate the men - in other words, to kill them or have them killed and allow the avengers of our sons and grandsons in the form of their children to grow up. The difficult decision had to be made to have this people disappear from the earth. For the organisation which had to execute this task, it was the most difficult which we had ever had. [...] I felt obliged to you, as the most superior dignitary, as the most superior dignitary of the party, this political order, this political instrument of the Führer, to also speak about this question quite openly and to say how it has been. The Jewish question in the countries that we occupy will be solved by the end of this year. Only remainders of odd Jews that managed to find hiding places will be left over.

    And here is the Jager Report detailing the "liquidation" of Lithuanian Jewry:

    Prior to EK 3 taking over security police duties, Jews liquidated 133,346

    Total 137,346

    Today I can confirm that our objective, to solve the Jewish problem for Lithuania, has been achieved by EK 3. In Lithuania there are no more Jews, apart from Jewish workers and their families.

    The distance between from the assembly point to the graves was on average 4 to 5 Km.

    I consider the Jewish action more or less terminated as far as Einsatzkommando 3 is concerned. Those working Jews and Jewesses still available are needed urgently and I can envisage that after the winter this workforce will be required even more urgently. I am of the view that the sterilization program of the male worker Jews should be started immediately so that reproduction is prevented. If despite sterilization a Jewess becomes pregnant she will be liquidated.

    (signed) Jager

    And last but not least the mass graves found at Belzec:

    Grave 3 is 16 meters long by 15 meters wide by 5 meters deep (about 52 feet by 50 feet by 16 feet.)
    Grave 10 is 24 meters long by 18 meters wide by 5 meters deep (about 78 feet by 59 feet by 16 feet.)
    Grave 20 extends outside the current camp boundaries and so could not be completely measured. The part that could be measured is 26 meters long by 11 meters wide by 5 meters deep (85 feet by 36 feet by 16 feet).

    ...Graves 1, 4, 13, 25, 27, 28 and 32 also contain unburned remains

    Grave 5 contains "pieces of burnt human bones so densely packed together that the drill could not penetrate further." The grave is 32 meters long by 10 meters wide by 4.50 meters deep (about 105 feet by 33 feet by 15 feet).

    Grave 6 is 30 meters long by 10 meters wide by 4 meters deep (about 99 feet by 33 feet by 13 feet). It contains "carbonized wood and pieces of fragments of burnt human bones. At the east end of the grave, the ground is covered with gray sand containing a mixture of crushed pieces of burnt and unburned pieces of human bones."

    Graves 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 all contain fragments of burnt human bones, human ashes and carbonized wood.

    Grave 14 is the largest in the camp. It contains "burnt pieces of human bones and fragments of carbonized wood mixed with grey sandy soil to a depth of 5 meters." That is about 16 feet deep. No matter how much Mattogno wants it to be, a 5 meter thick (16 feet) layer of ash is not a "thin layer" of ashes.

    The ashes and bone remnants are not just in the graves either. Kola&#8217;s team found them mixed with sand on the surface and scattered all around the mass graves. They can be seen by the human eye even today.

    A) You have been shown numerous times the forensic evidence that human soap was made on an experimental level:

    In 2006 a sample of the soap archived at the International Court of Justice in The Hague was given for analysis to Andrzej Sto&#322;yhwo, an expert in the chemistry of fats from the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. He concluded that some of the fat in the sample tested was of human origin. The sample of soap had previously been used as evidence in the post-World War II Nuremberg trials, but at the time the technology was unavailable to determine whether the soap had been produced from human fat. The human remains used to make the soap were believed to have been brought from Kaliningrad, Bydgoszcz and Stutthof concentration camp.

    Today Holocaust deniers employ this controversy to criticize the veracity of the Nazi genocide.

    Investigators tracked down some of the soap produced by Spanner. Samples had been used as evidence of Nazi war crimes between November 1945 and October 1946, during the Nuremberg trials. A jar containing the soap is stored, along with the rest of the Nuremberg trial documentation, in the archive of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

    Tests on the extant soap sample were carried out by Professor Andrzej Sto&#322;yhwo of the Main School of Agrarian Economy (SGGW) in Warsaw, a specialist in the chemistry of fats.

    Sto&#322;yhwo explained at the press conference that soap from human fat arises as a natural byproduct during the process of reducing corpses for such purposes as obtaining bones to be used for educational purposes by medical students.

    However, Sto&#322;yhwo's expert analysis of the soap sample from the archive of the International Court of Justice in The Hague showed that kaolin had been added. This abrasive ingredient made the soap suitable for utility purposes. "For me, this is a violation of ethical principles," Sto&#322;yhwo added.

    B) Denialist tactic #11. The Great Leap -- This tactic goes like this: If one piece of testimony about the Holocaust seems unreliable, then ALL testimony about the Holocaust is unreliable. If one Holocaust witness may have recanted something on the stand, then all other Holocaust witnesses are liars. If some camp prisoners did not starve to death, then NONE of them starved to death. etc. But be careful. This is a double-edged sword -- someone may use the well-documented lies of other revisionists to conclude that YOU are a liar as well. (thanks to Jonsa).

    That is another nonsense argument that report means nothing unless you are denying that there were not Jewish pogroms long before the holocaust, 6 million is a figure that roughly corresponds to 2/3 of the Jewish population at the time, so using that figure when reporting on starvation and the like means absolutely nothing unless there are reports that say that 6 million were killed rather than 6 million were threatened with circumstances that could bring about a large death toll, which there aren't, that was a report regarding starvation not mass extermination and it was predictive in nature rather than claiming that 6 million had already been killed it was claiming that 6 million were threatened with death by starvation.

    A) Stalin was responsible for the Holodomor, he was not Jewish and Marxism was co-founded by Friedrich Engles a non-Jew.

    B) The Jews were an extreme minority within the upper echelon of the Communist regime (thanks to Ronstar):

    On the eve of the February Revolution, in 1917, the Bolshevik party had about 10,000 members, of whom 364 were ethnic Jews.[9][15] Between 1917 and 1919, Jewish Bolshevik party leaders included Grigory Zinoviev, Moisei Uritsky, Lev Kamenev, Yakov Sverdlov, Grigory Sokolnikov, and Leon Trotsky. Lev Kamenev was of mixed ethnic Russian and Jewish parentage.[16][17] Trotsky was also a member (or "Narkom") of the ruling Council of People's Commissars.[18] Among the 23 Narkoms between 1923 and 1930, five were Jewish.[16]

    Conditions in Russia (1924) A Census - Bolsheviks by Ethnicity
    According to the 1922 party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total.[16] Jews made up 7.1% of members who had joined before October 1917.[18]

    Among members of the Central Executive Committee of the Congress of Soviets in 1929, there were 402 ethnic Russians, 95 Ukrainians, 55 Jews, 26 Latvians, 13 Poles, and 12 Germans &#8211; Jewish representation had declined from 60 members in 1927.[19] With regards to Jewish representation in the ruling Politburo, it waned very rapidly starting in 1918. It began with the assassination of Moisei Uritsky, the most radical member of the Politburo, in August 1918. Then Yakov Sverdlov died of disease in March 1919 and Sokolnikov was shunted aside. Three years later in 1922, Jewish members in the Central Committee, the Politburo's new name, had shrunk to a minority of three: Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev. Eventually they were all physically eliminated by Joseph Stalin: Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1936 and Trotsky in 1940.

    In the 1920s, of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews

    Of Soviet run camps only 1.7% of the 25,600 members of the Office of State Security running the camps were Jews:

    For we know how many Jews were in the Office of State Security. According to a
    tabulation of November 21, 1945, by Boleslaw Bierut, then President of Poland,
    the Office of State Security had 25,600 members, of whom 438 were Jews. 438!
    Not Sack's 75 percent, but 1.7 percent of its members were Jewish. There were
    sixty-seven Jews among the 500 people in leading positions. Moreover, the
    Polish historiographical literature shows that those Jews who were in the
    Office of State Security did not act as Jews but as Polish Communists (many of
    them had scarcely any attachment to their Jewishness), and did not act in a
    manner different from the 25,000 non-Jewish Polish Security officers. Finally,
    the Office of State Security was not ultimately run by Jewish Poles or non-
    Jewish Poles. It was run by the Soviets.
  23. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    I will PM you his name and a link to the book he authored.
  24. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    You mean neo-Nazi scumbag liars are justly reviled for the pigs that they are.
  25. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    its called the Free Market.
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