Ukrainian army destroyed a dangerous separatist and terrorist Arseny

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Zarathustra, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Banned

    Mar 20, 2014
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    4-year Arseny was so big threat for Kiev army that for its murder Ukrainian military involved mortars. Arseny (he actually was 4 years old) died last night, at 2:00. Doctors fought for his life for more than five hours.


    Good god! accept the soul of the murdered toddler Arseny, pure and immaculate, grant him the kingdom of heaven and rest his soul. Let he be in your hands, Lord, happy and joyful.
  2. Izverg

    Izverg Banned

    Mar 2, 2011
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    FASCISM AS IT IS film by Andrey Karaulov
  3. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    It is 2 PM in California and having watched Al Jazerra news I now watch RT.
    Apparently the Kiev Ukrainian forces are continuing their murder of civilians, where they live.
    Absolute non combatants. Mothers. Children.

    Hey All. This sort of thing is not suppose to happen to "White People".
    I truly wish Putin would send in his tanks on a peace & humanitarian mission across his border.
    With an enforced No Fly Zone too.
    It would save lives.
    Shame on the West. :steamed:
    Shame on the E.U. :steamed:
    Shame on America :steamed:
    and their continued support of such violence.

    Poroshenko has demonstrated he either has no control of his military or he is a liar !

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g
    is what it's about

    No :flagcanada:
  4. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Nothing to see here, folks. Just the legitimate government of Ukraine cleansing the earth of the subhumans.
  5. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Putin knows that the U.S. is trying to get him to send in his forces so they could demonize Russia more and call it an invasion. Kiev is committing genocide and ethnic cleansing and only the men are staying so they could fight. Hundreds of thousands have left, but it could be what the U.S. wants so it can control the whole country. Without the fertile land and the mines in the East, Ukraine has nothing.

    When Lavrov went to the U.N. about people disappearing and that the Russians in Ukraine are frightened, they paid him no heed, instead they listened to the lies of the junta, so now they are building up their legal cases step by step. An arrest warrant was sent out two days ago for Governor Igor Kolomoisky and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, and in addition to the charges that have been collected, it is believed they are the ones behind the massacres and burnings in Odessa.


    MOSCOW, June 21, /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Investigative Committee has issued a resolution to indict the governor of Ukraine’s Dnepropetrovsk Region, Igor Kolomoisky and parliament-appointed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov on charges of using prohibited means and methods of warfare, IC spokesman Vladimir Markin has told Itar-Tass.

    “In the near future the investigators will put Avakov and Kolomoisky on the international wanted list and request a court warrant for their arrest,” he said.

    Within the framework of the same criminal case measures are being taken to identity the commanders and rank-and-file of the Ukrainian Armed forces, the National Guard of Ukraine and Right Sector militants who have participated in the military operation against civilians in the southeast of Ukraine,” Markin said.
  6. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    meanwhile the Stalinists refuse to abide by the cease fire.
  7. Ender8419

    Ender8419 New Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    - it wasn't agreement it was one side (poroshenko) statement
    - which is also good but Ukrainian Army keep attacks, artillery strikes etc.
    - so how can you cease fire when other side is not
  8. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Why Crimea left Ukraine…
    Experiences Of Crimean People…
    - A Ukrainian woman was shouting: “Burn them alive! Let’s burn them up!”
    - I wished they’d just shoot me. It would not be as painful as to burn alive….
    - He placed a machine gun to my forehead…
    - My face and my whole head was just one big mess, one messy piece of meat…
    - They were thrown into the ditch and buried them with an ….
    - A person was put down on his knees. He was told to shout “Hail Ukraine! Hail it’s heroes”, but he shouted: “Glory to Russia!” They just tore his throat with a knife…
    Korskunskiy Pogrom
    Kids talking: “Just wait! Where is Crimea? Hey, we lost it! No, silly, we didn’t lose it. We almost lost it. Here it is, our lovely Crimea! Crimea! Here is Crimea! This is the country we live in! Crimea! Russia!!!! Crimea is Russia! We live here!”
    We videoed this clip at the end of April, a month and a half after Crimea rejoined the Russian Federation.
    The following scenes were videoed in the evening of February 20, 2014 on the highway near Korsun-Shevchnkovsy, Cherkassks Region.
    The witnesses testify of a massive assault on Crimeans. It was a real Pogrom.
    A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at massacre or persecution of an ethnic, religious or political group. It is conducted by extremist organizations and is used by governments in some countries. It’s accompanied by torcher, murder, destruction, or stealing.
    Pogroms have a long history in Urkaine. In 17th, 18th and 19th centuries the victims of violence were usually Jews. Jews suffered during the civil war as well. Hundreds of Pogroms were organized by Ukrainian nationalists, called Petliura followers (Petlurovci), others were organized by the Whites, few by the Reds, and a number of pogroms by the armies of different Ukrainian nationalistic gangs. By the end of 1922, according to the most recent findings, about 200,000 people were killed in Pogroms.
    February 2014. The Ukrainian capital, Kiev.
    The civil war on the city streets is at its climax. Ten thousand people are violently rallying on Maidan against President Yanukovich. In less than a kilometer away, in Mariinsky Park, a large group had been protesting, calling themselves Anti-Maidan. About 500 Crimeans arrived here by bus from Crimea to join the rally in support of their existing President. Soon all the Anti-Maidan protesters and the Ukrainian police, that was protecting them, had to flee for their lives.
    Nikita Rosinski (a Crimean): “We were all peaceful, unarmed protestors. There was a large group of us - females, males, old and young people – people of absolutely all ages. We had an absolutely peaceful spirit. We went there to express our position, our opinion. We travelled to protest against Maidan a number of times – we took time off work, off school and drove to Kiev. But the last time we went to Kiev the situation there was very tense from the beginning.”
    Artem Leontiev (a Crimean): Opposition, those people from Maidan started attacking us. We stood firm. There were a lot of hurt people as a result of that attack in Mariinsky Park. First of all, the attackers had weapons. Second, they had anything from firecrackers, to noise bombs, and flash bombs. The Maidan assaulters would throw those bombs into our crowd. The people that were closest to the assaulters, the Police and Berkut, suffered the most and significantly.
    Oksana Medieva (a Crimean): They were shouting to us to cut and run, to not ever step our foot in Kiev. They were screaming: “Go away to your Moskals! Go away to your Russia!”
    Edward Novikov (a Crimean): We couldn’t even imagine that people and the situation were so severe and hostile. I’ve seen a lot of things in my time on this earth, but this experience of the tense hatred was the first time in my life. What I saw is indescribable – a Ukrainian Cossack ran at a crowd of people with his sharp sword and started slashing the crowd with his sword.
    Alexander Mukhalev (a Crimean): The assault against the peaceful Anti-Maidan demonstrators started on the 20th of February, 2014. We were forced to urgently leave Kiev. We loaded our buses and headed to Crimea. Most of us were from Simferopol and Sevastopol.
    The start of the military action in the center of Kiev made the peaceful Anti-Maidan demonstrations pointless. Over 400 people, riding on 8 buses hastily left for home. There were driving on the Highway Kiev-Odessa. In the town Belaya Cerkov the road was blocked by nationalistic Ukrainian pogromists. As the buses maneuvered between the aggressive groups of Maidan followers, the same Maidan that just won in Kiev, the Crimeans found themselves near the town of Korsun-Shevchenko, Cherkassk Region. This is where the real pogrom started.
    Nikita Rosinski (a Crimean): The assaulters were extremely well organized. I strongly believe that they had training and instructions. They conducted themselves exceptionally coordinatingly. It was not an incidentally or hastily organized ambush. It was well thought-through and well planned. To give an example: the functions were distributed well – one group was breaking the bus’ windows, the other group was deflating the bus’ wheels, the next group was pouring glue on the front window and so on.
    Sergei Palkin (a Crimean): As we were yet riding in our eight buses, we’d noticed some cars that were following us. The ambush was waiting for us – piled up car tires, empty barrels, etc.- blocked the road. So as we approached Korsun town we noticed 3-4 cars, stopped at the intersection, with people all talking on their cell phones. They were all ready for us. As our train of 8 buses approached the road block on the highway, we thought we’d just show them our documents, explain where we were going and be on our way. My bus was one before last. We started opening the curtains in the bus, trying to see what’s taking the buses in the front so long. We saw that the first bus was standing with its engine compartment wide opened and people were throwing petrol bombs (Molotov cocktails) in it - in a blink of a moment the bus was on fire!
    Vladimir Pogorelov (a Crimean): A person from the road block approached us with the words: “We don’t want to hurt you. People from Maidan phoned us saying that you were coming on this highway with guns, rocks and petrol bombs. Busses stopped to show that no one had any weapons, rocks or bombs. As we were watching what was happening, the young fellows on the bus started to panic; they started banging for the bus driver to open the doors. The panic started inside the bus.
    Artem Leontiev (a Crimean): The Ukrainian nationalists were saying that they had been waiting for us at that road block in Korsun-Shevchenko for three days already. They were happy we had finally arrived. The Maidan supporters were assaulting us as much as they could. Our bus driver tried to turn the bus around, but got stuck in the ditch. There was a car on the side of the road. A man came out of the car with a gun and started shooting at the bus to stop it from moving. At first, he was shooting at the right side, then went to the front of the bus and shot into the driver’s window. We all fell to the ground. A piece of glass got into my eye.
    Oksana Medieva (a Crimean): I will not forget this to the end of my days - the Ukrainian nationalists started to shoot at my bus. They destroyed the first bus, and then started shooting at my bus. I was sitting near the front. As they were shooting they injured our bus driver, and another young man that was not far from me.
    Oleg Malakhov (a Crimean): A large group of people with baseball bats, awls, guns came running to the first bus, spread the glue all over the driver’s window, so he couldn’t see anything. Then they started to beat on the windows with huge bats and metal sticks. There were girls on the bus. Many of us were snoozing before this started to happen.
    The battering and assault on the Crimeans went on and on for eight hours straight! Injured and with no strength left, they thought that this hell would never end.
    Ukrainian voices of a videographer and his friends: “The bus is burning. Burning well! The fire truck won’t make it.”
    Oksana Medieva (a Crimean): The Ukrainian nationalistic crowd lit my bus on fire on the side of the exit doors. At first, we couldn’t get out of the bus because the front and back bus doors got seized. The injured driver was trying to open or to break the doors till the very end, but he couldn’t. As the bus set on fire all of us lay down on the floor. I thought that I preferred to be shot, since it’s less painful than being burned alive. I decided to stand up, instead of lying down and getting slowly scorched. I got up, the man outside noticed that I was a woman and stopped shooting, extinguished the fire and opened the doors – I mean they just tore out the doors. As I stepped out of the bus, they hit my legs with a metal bat. I will never forget how they were thrashing and batting our man. They were gloating at me: “Talk to us in Russian!” They wanted to rape me, arguing between themselves who will be the first.
    Artem Leontiev (a Crimean): Someone from the Ukrainian Maidan mob put a pistol to my head, asking me if we were ever planning to come back to Kiev. They tore my passport in two and wrote in it “a traitor”.
    Sergei Palkin (a Crimean): The Ukrainian patriots in a foul language shouted to us to get out of the bus one person at a time. So we started to get out, one at a time. Every person that got out had to go through a double-row of people with metal bats raining blows on him.
    Sergei Maliborski (a Crimean): At first, they promised to us that if we got out of the bus with hands above our heads, they wouldn’t touch us. Everyone was getting out of the bus with their hands up. As soon as a person got out of the bus, the Ukrainians “patriots” would thrash him/her with a metal bat on his/her legs, or his/her lower back. They would hit behind the knees that the person would fall to the ground. And they would shout: “On your knees!”, and then strike on the person’s back.
    Valeri Kotolivich (a Crimean): With us it was a bit different. I got smashed straight on the head with a metal bat. Their bats are not just plain baseball bats. Bats were this wide [showing about 15cm width], with chains wrapped around them and nails fastened onto them.
    Sergei Palkin (a Crimean): Their bats were made out of a large metal pipe with metal chain around it with sharp pieces sticking all around. They looked like bulava. That was just one of their weapons. Others assaulters had hunting guns; and I saw two people with machine guns. There were a number of people with pistols PM.
    Ekaterina Solodilova (a Crimean): What happened to me, I can tell you for sure. One of those Ukrainian “heroes” was running with his pistol from one person to the other, pointing his pistol to our heads, and shouting in a foul language that we are no good and that our choice is wrong. They put their pistols to pretty much every person’s head around me. Ukrainians were really trying to disparage and belittle us as much as they could. A group of us women was sitting on the bus, when Ukrainian women walked in and started mocking us, telling us that our men’s private parts are going to be torn out, and that our women need to be sown up, and our children must be turned to pieces!
    Artem Leontiev (a Crimean): As I got out of the bus, I got smashed on the back of my head with a metal bat and fell in the ditch. Later, when I regained my consciousness, they got me into a squatting position and made me sing Ukrainian anthem and to shout “Hail to Ukrainian heroes!”
    Aleksei Konovalchuk (a Crimean): I remember very well how an elderly man, about 60 years old, in glasses- he looked like a Ukrainian from the Western parts (zapadenec)- how he was yelling and screaming that they will come to Crimea, and if we won’t speak only Ukrainian there and sing Ukrainian anthem they will chop and cut us up into pieces. This 60 year old man was walking around clubbing our young man.
    Igor Karlov (a Crimean): “You are animals! What did you come here for? Sing Ukrainian anthem! We will terminate you from this earth!” Those they didn’t remember the Ukrainian anthem, got triple beating.
    Sergei Palkin (a Crimean): The Ukrainian patriots told us to put our hands behind our backs, bend over, and walk around like that, as they were beating us with their metal bats.
    Aleksandr Mukhalev (a Crimean): I was told to pray if I wanted to leave that place alive. They forced us to go and collect broken glass and eat it.
    Vladimir Pogorelov (a Crimean): About five young men from Crimea were squatting near the bus, collecting glass. The Ukrainian patriots ordered them to put the glass in their pockets and show people in Crimea what the Ukrainians will do to Crimea.
    Victor Pivnenko (a Crimean): They smacked me with a bat on the head. I fell down. I regained consciousness only when they started covering me with the bodies of youngsters. I knew I was the oldest in our group. So when the Ukrainian started throwing the bodies of the youngsters on top of me, I started moving and regained consciousness. They threw down one, then the other, then the third. The bodies were just dropping on top of me. I heard a man’s voice saying in Ukrainian: “Hey, buddy, pour it on their heads. After they burn no one will be able to recognize them.” And they started pouring petrol bomb liquid (Molotov Cocktail liquid) on us. My coat and pants still have the stains on it even after I washed them. They wanted to burn 350 us!
    Igor Karlov (a Crimean): The Ukrainian patriots were hitting me on the kidneys, just like others. Then they poured gas, or some kind of inflatable liquid on us (I’m not sure what it was but I could smell gas).
    Artem Leontiev (a Crimean): A very good looking Ukrainian woman was standing there and was shouting: “Burn them! Burn them! Let’s light them up!” They were throwing rocks and pouring inflammable liquid that had a smell of diesel or gas; waving their lighters threatening to burn us.
    At that time to burn people alive, because they had different political views than theirs, was just a threat. Crimeans were lucky!
    But this is what happened just 2 months later…
    The tragedy in Odessa, Ukraine. May 2, 2014.
    Inside the Union Building, in the city of Odessa, Ukrainian radicals and nationalists were murdering and were burning alive their fellow citizens. According to the official records 48 people died and dozens just disappeared.
    This is Andrei Nikiforov. In the evening of Korsunsky pogrom, he was hit by a car and then a car drove over top of him. He survived because of a miracle.
    Andrei Nikiforov (a Crimean): A car hit me so hard, that I flew in the air. I was wearing winter boots that day. Those boots flew off my feet! That’s how strong the crash was. The second car drove over top of me. His front wheel drove right on my head. I had a helmet. People later told me that my helmet snapped in two. If it wasn’t for that helmet I wouldn’t be talking to you today. You can see the result of him driving over my head… (showing his head injuries) It seems like the helmet broke right here and the broken piece sliced off part of my ear and my skin. My nose was crashed to pieces, and all my teeth were gone… When I regained consciousness and was able to see myself in the mirror, I couldn’t believe it – it was one big mess.
    Every single Crimean from all the 8 buses was injured. Ukrainian criminal were using all kinds of weapons, including machine guns and pistols.
    Oksana Medieva (a Crimean): When they started to shoot, we, the passengers, got down to the bus floor. Unfortunately, the driver didn’t get a chance. We started to pull him off his seat to the floor, but as he fell, he raised his arm and was shot into the armpit, into the shoulder, and the third bullet hit him on the palm of his hand.
    Svetlana Belousova (a Crimean): A Crimean man was standing there, all bloody. I tore off his clothes, and felt him all over with my hands, trying to find the bullet. I squeezed the bullet out, threw it on the ground, put Hydrogen Peroxide on the wound and bandaged him to stop the bleeding. I had some pain killer – a mix of Metamizole and Diphenhydramine. I gave him shots as long as the supplies lasted.

    Artem Leontiev (a Crimean): A piece of glass got into my eye and traumatized it. When I got home to Simferopol the doctors stiched my eye connear.

    Vladimir Pogorelov (a Crimean): I was hit on the color bone, and a bullet went through my cheek, breaking my jaw. You can see the place where my hand was broken – it has a shape of the bat that I was hit with. One Ukrainian nationalist was holding my arm, the other was wacking it with the bat, and a Ukrainian woman in a red dress was videoing it all.

    Valeri Kotolevich (a Crimean): I ended up with a hematoma, broken color bone, bruised kidneys, and bruised liver, and I have a cut on my leg.
    Maliborsky :Here is my x-Ray from February 21, 2014. I had an injury to my rib cage, my feet had burns on them from a petrol bomb (Molotov Coctail).
    Oksana Medieva (a Crimean): My husband took me to the hospital as soon as we got to Crimea. The x-ray showed 3 crushed spine disks – the nineth, eleventh and twelveth. The crashed spine disks are something that will stay with me all my life. I have to wear a spinal brace to prevent the situation from deteriorating any further.
    Aggression, untiring and zealous cruelty at the town of Korsunsky of Ukrainian patriots is surprising. Though Crimeans understand quite well the roots and the nature of this aggression.
    Vladimir Konstantinov (The Head of the Crimean Parliament): No normal person would live in the same country as Bandera followers, with their Nazi slogans. There are many normal, thinking straight people in Ukraine. I get calls from Kiev, telling me that 2-3 thousand radical militants got the whole country into fear, hiding in their apartments. The root of this extremist activity is very deep.
    According to the Head of the Crimean Parliament seven Crimeans are still missing after Korsunski Pogrom.
    Valeri Kosarev (A Member of Crimean Parliament): People saw some people getting shot. We are still identifying their names. There was a group on the bus from the city of Herson. They got off the bus sooner than the rest. So we are still searching who those seven people are.
    Where are the seven people missing people? Are they still alive? Or were they torn to pieces by well-organized and hyped crowd? Here are the words of the witnesses:
    Oksana Medieva: The Ukrainian nationalists weren’t even looking at the license plate (which shows what part of the country the vehicle is from). They saw a bus, they burned it! They got people out of the bus, shot on the forehead, and threw into the woods by the side of the road.
    Sergei Palkin (a Crimean): I am convinced that some of our Crimeans were dead. When we were getting off the buses, I saw a person lying by the driver’s door. He was not breathing. His whole face was torn. He was missing a jaw. He was lying in a pool of blood.
    Ekaterina Solodilova (a Crimean): I know that right in front of my eyes one Crimean was shot in the chest. One young man didn’t want to get back into the bus, and started fighting the crowd. One Ukrainian nationalist came and shot him in the chest. Two locals from Korsun village told us: “We are taking seven of your Crimeans to the garbage dump.”
    Vladimir Pogorelov (a Crimean): People that were dead, they threw into the ditch and buried them with a grader machine. The local villages ran out on the streets, crying to the Ukrainain radicals: “What are you doing? Some are alive in there!” But the Ukrainain nationalists didn’t change their actions.
    Victor Pivnenko (a Crimean): It was a very scary experience for a 64 year old, when in front of your eyes young 18-20 year olds get shot. The young Crimeans were running into the field and they were shot. It was very frightening! When a young Crimean, placed on his knees, was demanded to sing the Ukrainian anthem, he shouted “Glory to Russia!” The Ukrainian nationalists slashed him with a knife and pour child fell down, he was at the most 20 years old. This happened in front of my eyes.
    No matter what will be the result of the civil war in Ukraine, Crimeans made their choice. They are now Russian citizens. Those who suffered during Korsunski Pogrom know, may be better than others, what stipulated this decision. 


    Oct 3, 2012
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    Arabs should blame ONLY themselves for killing other Arabs.
    Same as the situation in Kiev. Stand up and fight.
    Stop blame USA !!
  10. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Of course, in our American media, three kidnapped Israeli boys are precious. More precious then the Russian boy named Arseny. Arseny is a collateral damage, but so are Israeli boys! It is a war out there, but corporate owned media sees a difference and makes choices what to report and discuss and what to ignore and hide from their viewers.
  11. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Oh Come Now !
    The USA does a lot to throw gasoline on a fire for the expansion of what ?
    No not Security and FREEDOM.
    It is about, Markets !
    Call it "neo-colonialism", economic occupation only.
    The government by putsch is a blazing example. It was promoted by "The West".
    And the USA is at the helm of The West. Something German people are getting upset about.
    They're the ones who are going to be cold and budgeting their heat this winter.
    Bringing down the democratically elected Mursi government via bank games is another example.

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g

    No :flagcanada:
  12. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    The US State Department did defend Yatsenyuk saying that they would cleanse the earth of the subhumans.

    Guess that makes us Nazis by proxy.

    Proxy-Nazis!? :eyepopping:
  13. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    The State Department has made many mistakes, because of being poorly informed and it still remains poorly informed. We invaded Iraq and killed Saddam. Now, Iraq will be divided into three not so friendly to us states.
  14. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Sorry, but 'poorly informed' just doesn't cut it on this one. We were the driving force behind the coup in Ukraine and Yatsenyuk was pegged to be 'our guy' back in January, a full month before the coup.

    The very same Yatsenyuk, Mr. 'SUBHUMAN' himself, has had a private foundation for several years called 'Open Ukraine'. Go to their website, click on 'about', then click on 'partners'. You'llsee that NATO, among others, is one of the partners.

    We've had our hands in this for some time. Bad information? I don't think so.
  15. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    They are always poorly informed. How about WMD in Iraq? This was a kind of "information" to start the war with far going consequences. I think in Ukraine we got involved in the next blunder. For USA, this is a road to nowhere. I am glad Obama does not plan "boots on the ground" of Ukraine. It seems they gave up on Iraq, a lost war. I totally agree that those Maidans are sub humans, a sort of anti-culture at power.

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