How Much Fast Food Workers Earn In Every State

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by signalmankenneth, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. Meta777

    Meta777 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    What's your point? If all a person gets is minimum wage, they more than likely aren't getting a slice of the profits.

    What do you mean by that question?

    Several companies already use a market sharing model. Ever hear of Market Basket?
    Like I said, the company owner is not the only one taking a risk if the company does poorly,
    as employees are always at risk of getting their hours reduced or losing their job.
  2. 10A

    10A Chief Deplorable Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Of course they're getting a slice of the profits. It's called a "wage" and the employer is legally bound to provide it, or terminate the employee.

    What do I mean by the question? I think I was pretty clear. If a company loses money and can't pay employees, what are they supposed to do? They close. Even if they make money and wages are too high, they close. A company has to at least make enough money to cover wages and sustain the business. If you think the employee has more risk than the business owner you're factually delusional

    What's a "market sharing model"? Perhaps you mean profit sharing? Many, many companies offer it, not just "several". Market Basket does, but then it's not a fast food shop, is it?
  3. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    WOW! 360 burgers an hour? How are humans supposed to compete with that?
  4. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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  5. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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  6. Meta777

    Meta777 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    Typical wage is not determined by the amount of profits a company generates,
    and typically is considered an operating expense and not part of the profits.

    Or, if they can, they lower the wages/start cutting where they can. Yeah, I agree with all that, so what's your point?

    What makes you think anyone thinks that?

    Yep, meant profit sharing.

    Great,.....Ignoratio elenchi, moving the goal-post, and special pleading all in one.
    You should win an award for that....

  7. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Well it aint 7.25 an hour Duh ..
  8. PT Again

    PT Again New Member

    May 22, 2014
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    Crafty.....................7.25 is just fine for most people.

    Wages need to be set at a local level
  9. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    is a burger that a 16 yo makes any different than one a 35 y.o. makes? poor choices by the 35 y.o. does not make him more valueable.

    if I'm allowed to hire an 18 yo for less than what a 35 yo makes.... why would I hire a 35 yo
  10. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    even my state is strange as south Florida is completely different than north florida....

    to set a min wage level for the state based off of Orlando's cost of living is rediculous, as it's nowhere NEAR as expensive for me where I live compared to an area that has boomed due to themeparks....

    a beginning teacher in my last district in NW florida made 31k

    15$ x's 40 hours is 31,200. There is no way a sandwich artist at the only fast food restaurant in the town should make what a beginning teacher makes in a communtity that can't keep good teachers from changing to the district nearby. And I don't know what the prison guards make in that county.... I know it's less than teachers there.

    $15/hour does not accurately reflect "living wage" and all it's going to do is make those in education and corrections, leave those jobs and flip burgers. at least while flipping burgers, you don't have to deal with inmates trying to kill you, or politics of schools...
  11. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    When is the last time you tried to raise a family on 7.25 and hr ?
  12. PT Again

    PT Again New Member

    May 22, 2014
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    What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?

    Poor life choices are not my problem.

    A family of 5 with 2 minimum wage workers is above the poverty line...........

    I am sorry they cannot have an I-phone and cable...........
  13. f_socialism

    f_socialism New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    So the owner invests (aka risks) hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not more) in a business, but is then required to split the profit with non-skilled, non-educated burger flippers who have taken on exactly no risk?

    Along with the multitude of problems you clearly haven't taken into consideration, that isn't exactly a system that is going to make people want to run out and start businesses.

    How would it be taxed? What happens when unforeseen expenses come up? Will the owner need to get permission to use what would otherwise be profit to purchase equipment, perform repairs etc? What if it isn't profitable?
  14. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    You show 'minimum wages' then you diatribe about 'living wages'?

    IMO all of it is political BS!

    Going back decades in the US, the minimum wage was never intended to provide enough pay for people to buy houses, newer cars, etc. If a worker only has the wherewithal to earn minimum wage, then they should never expect to purchase the same items as those earning $35K+.

    No one can explain why the US minimum wage is $7.25/hour...why it is this amount?

    Question; If workers who currently earn minimum wage have their wages forced higher by government, let's say to $15/hour, what do you believe should happen to the wages of millions of American workers who are currently earning between $8/hour and $15/hour? If you can honestly answer this question, then one follow up question; what happens to the wages of those currently earning $16/hour to $50/hour?

    I hate government meddling in the private economy with their political BS! Government and those who support minimum wage going much higher, cannot even define the root problem that needs to be solved? Idiots want to talk about a 'living wage' but WTF does this even mean? Buying a home, buying a new car, trips to Europe? If it cannot be defined...then how can it be solved...
  15. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Expenses and other costs would come out first, emergency funding and such could be calculated in under government guidelines that would include loans and franchisee costs. Then after that is tended to the profits would go to workers 50/50 but if your concerned about control of the business you could make that some other split say give them the minimum wage and split the profits 70/30 there are options.

    For Corporations I would do it differently give workers half the Board of Director Seats by vote using regions for who gets chosen where and let them decide on business matters, seeing that workers are fairly represented and the profits shared fairly so in that case we could do that instead of the above.

    As for starting businesses your still talking a good income if a bar earns $1 million in a year, say you use $600k for operations the owner still gets $200k minimum and that could be more depending on the model the government would regulate but workers would get a good income to and would be encouraged to promote the business and work harder since their pocketbook is affected. The more the business makes the more they make plus tips.
  16. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Why are people marrying and having children if they don't have income to support such decisions?

    What wage would you propose to arbitrarily give them? $15/hour...$25/hour?

    You should realize if you force the lowest wages higher by 100%, then you also need to force ALL WAGES higher by 100%. Once the (*)(*)(*)(*) has cycled through the sewer, the identical people are once again earning minimum wages but now in a highly inflated economy, so their purchasing power will be the same as before. Not wanting to ignore how this inflation will effect the viability of business, how many will close their doors, cut back on their workforce, and do more offshore sourcing?

    I think the bottom line here is politicians desperate to chase votes are trying to throw some people a 'bone'. Let's throw a couple extra bucks to these people and talk like this is solving 'living wage''s a fricken bone and nothing else...
  17. f_socialism

    f_socialism New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Give the uneducated workers in the fast food industry votes on the board of directors?

    I'm done here.
  18. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    When I was making min wage... I made the decision to NOT try and raise a family on that. it's not society's fault that someone valued sex more than preparing for the future
  19. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I don't propose that all employers be forced to pay ridiculously high wages and I completely agree with your comment that folks who do not have the means should not be having children. We should start by getting rid of legislation that allows women to force men to pay for the consequences of their unilateral reproductive decisions. (But this is a bit off topic)

    I agree somewhat that raising the min wage puts pressure on all some wages but disagree with the degree and the effects. Raising the min wage from 7 to 14 dollars an hour is not going to put equivalent upward pressure on the wage of your average factory worker who is making more than 20$ per hour.
    It is not going to cause that wage to go from 20 to $40/hr. The min wage person is still going to quit that job and be happy to work for more than 20/hr.

    The bottom line here is that most folks do not understand that Corporations are not keeping up their end of the deal.

    Both Corporations and individuals benefit from roads, sewage, infrastructure and so on. Neither could function in a modern way if these things did not exist. Unfortunately these things are not free.. they have to be paid for (Federal, State, Municipal) taxes.

    The burden of this taxation is supposed to be shared 50/50 and it used to be this way. Over the past 5 decades or so the burden of paying for these services has shifted from the Corporation to the Worker.

    This chart is a slightly different calculation but it shows Corporate contributions are down to 10%

    Giving Corps the benefit of the doubt and call it 15%. This is a far cry from 50%.

    This is just a small piece of the puzzle. If we truly had a free market economy wages would be much higher on their own.

    The fact of the matter is that we don't. We have a bunch of Oligopolies that control much of the economy, fix prices, engage in anti competitive practices and influence regulations to keep the little guy from competing. In addition they also influence tax laws.

    The bottom line is that the system is broke and raising the min wage (I do not think it should be 100% but there are metrics than can be used) is at least one way of increasing the tax base and stimulating the economy.

    Don't worry ... McDonalds and Wendy's are still going to be profitable. The difference will be that some of these profits, rather than going to some nameless faceless shareholder who may not even live in the Country and even if they did would not spend a large percentage of that money in the local or national economy, would go to someone who is going to spend 100% of that money in the local economy.
  20. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Feel free to have sex as in todays modern world the baby part of it can be avoided. You were also probably living with your parents at the time.

    It is not easy to survive, family or otherwise on min wage.
  21. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Minimum wage gets hiked...

    Salaries have to be hiked because workers with real skills demand and would deserve it...

    Labor market is flooded by 100 million illegal-but-legal immigrants...

    Prices on all products inflate to cover overhead costs...

    Our currency massively devalues world wide...

    End result is that these people who believe you should be able to support a family of four on a burger flippers salary actually have no more buying power than they did before, and likely less once the international market adjusts to our extremely devalued currency.

    But hey its ok because liberals got to con a few more idiots into voting for them.
  22. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Not when you expect to have an IPhone IPad and IPod, HBO & Showtime, broadband internet access, the latest kicks from Nike, a TV in every room of your home, a car on lease, eating out 5 nights a week, and multiple credit cards with balances.

    People suffer from two problems, lack of sense in money management and this liberal con that you're supposed to live on a minimum wage job.

    A lot of today's infantile individuals never learned how to manage money because a) they were raised by the flower-retard-power generation, and b) they see their liberal heroes spending other peoples money with a belief it grows on trees.

    And thanks to the liberal advancement of the permanent underclass you have millions of people who have be scammed into thinking the best they can ever do is a $5/hr burger flipper job. They think that the problem is not their life choices but rather the "greed" of the rest of us who wont share the money we earn with them.
  23. Ekeleferal

    Ekeleferal Member Past Donor

    Jan 9, 2011
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    ---You have made some good points. In particular, I see a lot of people in my generation taking on needless debt. Debt should be an investment, whether or not the gains are monetary.

    ---A lot of my employees complain to me about their financial situations. I listen to them as they divulge their habits, their expenses and their investments (in this wage bracket were talking about savings accounts). I typically takes me about 10 minutes to provide them with the necessary insight and structure to dramatically change their lives (in terms of stress) yet they won't give up frivolous expenses. Outside of children, frivolous expenses seem to be the largest source of waste that I've encountered in the couple dozen employees I have attempted to guide.
  24. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I imagine there is too much of a mental barrier for people to accept giving up things they think they cant do without.

    A few years back I needed to replenish my savings so I gave up cable TV which saved me about $140 a month.

    At first it sucked but then I got into cheap streaming subscriptions and over-the-air free HD channels and to this day I haven't paid for cable TV even though the expense would be a minimal slice of my budget.
  25. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    a wage that one can live on if they work 40 hours a week

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