Will more black people vote for Republicans this year?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Sgt_McCluskey, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. timslash

    timslash Banned

    Nov 20, 2014
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    It sounds absurd but i really think that black people(in spite of benefits which they received from democrats and of course if some of them still have common sense)will vote for republicans. Because America need strong candidate, not another Bush or Clinton!
  2. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Oh yes, I'm sure they will just flock to the GOP who call them dumb, crime-ridden, and a host of other names. Yep, that always did the trick for me. Instead of voting for someone who has similar views as I do, I always choose the candidate that insults me instead. :roll:
  3. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    Oh no! Do what the left does and lie to them. Tell them how black on black crime is not a problem, tell the gangs are not a problem, single parent homes, high black unemployment......especially younger blacks, high dropout rates, high abortion rates....................how's that sound? Tell them to rally around Sharpton and Jesse and it'll all be fine. Just keep that gubmint aid coming every month like it has been the last 50 years.
  4. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    The GOP is 90% White in a nation that is becoming, ineluctably, more demographically diversified.

    If it continues to pander to Whites, and especially to older evangelical and TP Whites, it will have no chance of winning a national election, no matter how much the moneyed elite are eager to anonymously bankroll their efforts to further their own acquisitive agenda.

    Whichever Party espouses and applies moderate, pragmatic policies will increasingly win the votes of the predominantly moderate and pragmatic electorate.

    As an existential imperative, we have already seen the establishment's McConnell gloating over "crushing" the TPs "everywhere" - and, if the sabotage by the remnant still festering in the House continues to render the Party ineffectual and noxious to most Americans, Repub bosses can be expected to direct their fumigataton efforts there in '16 and '20.

    When Briebart proclaimed Turdblossom Rove's War against the TPs, the triumph of the pampered and privileged was already just a matter of time.
  5. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    As long as blacks vote for the party that has screwed them the last 50 yeas, it will stay that way.
  6. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Angry White Guys telling Black Americans how they're supposed to vote is always comedy gold - especially when they indicate that it's Blacks that are clueless as to who is screwing whom.

  7. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    ....................are always democrats.
  8. TexMexChef

    TexMexChef Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Republicans can't even figure out which angry white men are in power in their own party...And you want everyone else to figure out what the GOP stands for. Good luck with that.

    Only a moron would look to join a party that can't even decide what it believes. That is a wasted vote.

    I'm positive more good people will join the Republican party and vote Republican as soon as the GOP figures their problems out.
  9. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Angry White Guys telling Black Americans how they're supposed to vote..............

    Good on you! I honestly would have cast you as a hardcore, ideologically-hidebound, know-nothing Republican dupe!

    Or are you merely exhibiting delusions of grandeur?
  10. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    So what white man is angry in the GOP? Got names with proof?

    Only an angry racist would belong to a party that has pimped blacks for 50 years.

    I'm sure more blacks will leave the dems when they figure out they are getting played.

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    Thank you. I honestly would have cast you as a race pimping dem.

    Or are you prone to projection?
  11. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I don't agree. The only whites as a group who believe in Big Govt. are the wealthy elite Chamber of Commerce/Big Business types because they benefit from the fusion of Big Govt. and Big Business.

    Reagan's primary objective was to defeat the Soviet Union which required a massive military establishment that only Big Govt. could provide. Much has happened since Reagan was president. You underestimate how much the conservative worldview has changed since 2001. The base of the Republican Party has reverted to the isolationism of the Party's pre-World War II position. Isolationism and neo-isolationism do not require the massive military force that only Big Govt. can provide.

    I don't agree. There no longer is common ground between the white working class and middle class on the one hand and progressives on the other over the existence of Big Govt. Btw, blacks are equal. The problem is that they are progressives. While it's not ok to dislike people because of race, it is acceptable to dislike people because of ideology.

    Human nature may be immutable, but the variety of human behavior is infinite.
  12. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Rich white people are part of the establishment governing the United States. They have a stake in the success of the system. Besides, their money protects them from the consequences of their favored policies. Big Govt. and Big Business are fused as one. As a result, the costs of Big Govt. are passed on to working class/middle class whites. Only Big Business can comply with the regulatory burden of Big Govt. Thus, Big Business obtains a competitive advantage from Big Govt. It's a form of crony capitalism.

    Poor blacks don't benefit from Big Govt. They are kept in stasis as dependents of Big Govt. through handouts from a system which prevents them from getting the thing they need most, i.e., a good education that provides them with the skills necessary to get a good job paying a living wage. Poor blacks need economic opportunities, not handouts designed to make dependency more palatable.

    If one is dependent one can never have personal autonomy. Without personal autonomy one can never enjoy individual liberty. Without individual liberty one will always be a subject and never a free citizen.
  13. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Race Card play. Drink! Thanks.

    Of course if Hillary runs and does win then leftists will have to break our a new deck of political cards.

    Misogyny Card play. Drink! Thanks.

    Umm . . . I dunno . . . it doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? What will our leftists do?
  14. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Some who suffer from your affliction fixate upon their delusion that there are ubiquitous, nebulous, and sinister forces they call "Liberals!" causing mischief everywhere, and they become obsesive and hysterical about them.

    Some White guys became very angry when, after an unbroken string of 42 White guys running the nation for 220 years, Americans elected a leader who was not one of their own.

    When they raved that he was a foreign-born, communist, islamist, African witch doctor, normal Americans ignored their tantrum and elected him to a second term.

    Now, the angry White guys not only face the prospect of another president being elected who does not fit their "White guy" profile, after being shamelessly patronized for their votes, their ruinous antics are being openly scorned by the GOP big shots, the Senate leader becoming giddy when he proclaims he will "crush them everywhere!" as the House speaker refuses to pander to the berserkers in another of their tantrums by shutting down the government yet again.

    So, they snivel.

    What else can they do?

    Pragmatists recognize that the most advanced nations on earth are all democratic constructs that practice regulated capitalism and incorporate a conscientious social welfare component into their self-governance.

    That paradigm for success makes the Angry White Guys very angry, and the only real "experiment" to make their airy-fairy Aynrandistan pipe dream into reality produced Brownbackistan, a fiscal disaster that makes them so angry they can't even bring themselves to face it.

    Of course, they become upset and lash out.

    They're angry.
  15. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    I wish you well as you wrestle with you demons.
    And now many blacks are mad at the black guy...........
    Care to tell me where the 'angry white guys' are in these videos?


    ........and I have more if you like.

    What's wrong with these angry blacks?


    An increasing number of blacks appear to finally be getting angry with Obama. It’s just too bad it took four years and voting for Obama a second time for blacks to realize the president doesn’t care about their interests. Immigration and the president’s determination to get legislation passed granting amnesty to an estimated 11-20 million illegal aliens seems to be the straw that broke black liberals’ backs.

    Recently some Black Americans have been calling into black talk radio shows like “Keeping it Real with Al Sharpton, complaining immigration is not an important issue to them. This is despite Al Sharpton’s plea to a caller that amnesty isn’t just a Latino issue. But according to a 2009 Migration Institute report, blacks only accounted for 9% of US immigrants.

    With black unemployment at 13.8% almost twice the national rate of 7.9%, granting amnesty to more than 11 million illegal immigrant threatens to make jobs even more scare for blacks. As black radio host Earl Ingram noted his “listenership is anti-immigration” because they are angry illegals are here taking jobs from them because they are willing to work for less than minimum wage. A Pew Hispanic poll found during the height of the economic downturn 2009-2011 Hispanic employment grew by 6.5% while black employment grew by a minuscule 1%.

    After giving Obama over 95% of their vote twice, blacks want to know when the first black president will focus on issues impacting blacks like: rising poverty, unemployment and incarceration rates, growing education gap and economic decline the breakdown of the black family?


    Your turn. :yawn:
  16. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    If your right wing entertainment sources and cherry-picked snippets bring you solace, good luck with that.

    I'll just continue to face the facts:

    After a 220 year unbroken string of 42 White guys running the nation, Americans broke with the exclusive adherence to that profile - twice. That demonstration of democracy got some White guys very upset.

    The incumbent has a fair to middling record as confirmed by his current 47% approval/48% disapproval level, far better than both the 26% approval/66% disapproval accorded to Congressional Republicans, and the dismal 33% approval/63% disapproval that his predecessor, the last White guy, enjoyed at this stage of his tenure.

    Polls currently indicate that the American electorate may again elect another leader who is not a White guy in 2016, refueling the tantrum of those increasingly alienated from America.

    The nation is inexorably becoming far more demographically diverse and the percentage of the American populace that is White is shrinking as that of Hispanic Americans increases considerably, and Blacks and other minorities to a lesser extent. That reality is not auspicious for the Republican Party that is 89% White.

    Their entertainment media, their principle enabler, feeds angry White guys with a constant diet of comforting claptrap that they regurgitate, but the empirical data is undeniable:
  17. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    Angry blacks in Chicago are 'right wing entertainment sources '? :roflol::roflol::roflol::roflol:

    I gave you the facts. You just can't accept angry black people when it comes to their disgust of Obama. I know the white left loves to assume they own blacks but it looks a little different than you're comfortable with.
  18. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    They may be for you.

    If you believe that cherry-picking snippets that fit your bias dispels the inclusive empirical data, you will undoubtedly seek out whatever appeases your desires.

    I'll still accept the objective reality without spinning it one way or another, and I note you have not been able to dispute any of it:

    1) America twice elected a president who, unlike all his predecessors, is not a White guy. He has mediocre public approval numbers, albeit far better than Republicans in Congress, and far better than Bush in March of his penultimate year of governance.

    2) Yet another probable candidate who is not a White guy is currently leading all potential White guy opponents in every poll where such match-ups are assessed.

    3) White guys are inexorably declining as a percentage of the electorate, an existential crisis for a political party that is 89% White.​

    You are welcome to offer countervailing comprehensive data from other legitimate, objective sources if you really think that you can find any - or continue to search for just those isolated items that fit your agenda.

    I'll readily accept either for what it's worth.

  19. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    That's what YOU called them. You think angry blacks are right wingers if they are angry at Obama? Typical lefty.

    1] And blacks are angry at him.
    2] And? Is it because of color or message? You can't have it both ways.
    3] Really? From 2012 election..........White 72%

    No problem lefty.

    White voters.............

    I already covered your first two questions.
  20. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    As with White, Hispanic, and other Americans, some are and some are not, so it's easy to cherry-pick snippets of any members of any group opining either way. Thus, his consistently mediocre approval/disapproval numbers.

    Is what because of color or message? Americans are divided as to the quality of his job performance. He is regarded as considerably better than Bush but nowhere near as good as Clinton at this juncture of their respective presidencies.

    A majority of American voters elected Obama in 2008 and 2012.

    89% of registered Republicans are White, and Whites constitute a shrinking portion of the American electorate.

    I don't know why the facts get you in such a tizzy, but those are the facts and denial won't change them.
  21. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    B-b-b-b-ut you said only whites were angry. :confusion:

    And why is he polling that way? Because of his color or his message?


    72% of voters were white. Somehow that looks like a huge majority versus minorities. Make sense.

    Right back atcha. My guess is your dizzy from spinning.
  22. Moriah

    Moriah Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    But, I doubt the GOP will win very many Hispanic votes in 2016. They have been mean to the Hispanics. Jeb Bush can talk all the Spanish he wants to, it aint going to help him.:roflol:
  23. Moriah

    Moriah Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    The Republicans are so scared of Hillary winning in 2016, they are already trying to figure out ways to get more Hispanic votes. They know they aren't going to get any Black votes. Sadly, they are not going to do well with Hispanics either.
    I don't see the GOP winning the White House anytime soon. One day my grandkids will look at me and ask "Grandma, what was a Republican? What happened to them"?
  24. Quorthon

    Quorthon Banned

    Jan 21, 2015
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  25. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    They've been trying to do that before Shrillary came along. :roll: Shrillary better worry about Warren.

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