
Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Injeun, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    What's the best way to create jobs or get money?

    • Get rid of white people and take their stuff.
    • Conquer another nation and take their stuff.
    • Get rid of black people and take their stuff.
    • Start a business.
  2. Travis007

    Travis007 Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    Vote Romney..oh wait.. we didnt elect the man who could have fixed all of Obamas horrid policies..
  3. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    What do you want from us? No need to pollute our minds with such stupidly phrased questions.
  4. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    This thread was an accident. And I can't see how to delete it. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    It was nonsense filler. Was trying to figure out how to create a poll for something else and accidentally hit the post or submit button. Then I couldn't delete it. arrgh
  6. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Your choices are not at all serious, IMO, but being a retired business owner, who owned a successful small manufacturing business for a bit over 40 years, you have come to the right chap to enligthen you and others here on the answer to this question. And so, since jobs are created within an economic model we will have to start there, and consider our model.

    Our economic model is based upon consumption, as it has been for a very long time. That is, this nation consumes, goods and services, and up until the last few decades, we created jobs by making and providing our goods and services, here, on our soil, using our own people. And this is what allows for jobs to be created, and for people to be employed, which then pays them enough income in order to buy, what they are making. And well as what other workers are making. And that common sense model is what fueled american prosperity, for we were good consumers, creating new products, which required more workers, which provided more disposable income which kept our economy moving, and providing for our people here in america.

    But we no longer have that model. Instead of making what we consume in goods and services, we allowed, beginning with reagan, a new mindset to come back, which was with us before the event of the crash of 29 that led to the great depression. And that new mindset was, an economic model doesn't have to provide for the majority of people in this nation, but it should be construed and structured to max out the profits of the elites, corporations, banks, and in doing that, everyone else would be even better served, and would prosper even greater. The only problem with that, is that this new mindset, neoliberalism, no longer allowed americans to make what they were consuming, which had provided the disposable income, to buy what they were making. So, in order to max out the profits of the corporations, gov't gave corporations the means to take away the jobs of americans, and send them to cheap labor, cents on the dollar labor, from the poor in poor nations overseas, or mexico. So, instead of paying those that made the goods and provided the services, enough to buy what they were making, they were not paid enough to buy what they were making, in china, and those goods were sent back to america's huge consumer market to sell to the same americans who used to make what they consumed. If you see a grave flaw here, then I must compliment your intelligence.

    And so that is the state of america today, and this is what our economic model is. It maxes out the profits of the few, as it no longer allows americans to make what they are consuming, for a living wage that yields a disposable income. So how do you create jobs in such an economy, where we cannot make what we consume, for in order to do that, we would have to compete against huge american MNCs who have a labor cost of cents on the dollar, and americans cannot work for such a low wage and surive, so we cannot compete with those MNCs. So, how do you create jobs in such an environment. Well, you create very few, and the ones you create are service sector, and they do not pay enough, so these people have to use our welfare system just to survive.

    Of course ,for all of our history until recently, we never made american workers compete with slave labor wages from poor nations. For we cared about our own people, and we simply would not allow our corporations to move offshore and then send those products back here, for it would devastate our industry and our majority of people who have to work for a living.

    So given this insane model, how does one create jobs? It is very difficult, which is why you see almost a 100 million workers who will never have a living wage job again. So in order to actually create the needed jobs, you must change the economic model, to a model that actually has the goal of providing jobs for the population, instead of maxing out the profits of a few corporations and elite upper class people. Yet you will be told that this cannot be done. Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). A choice, a decision was made to change our other model, to this one, and a decision can be made to change it back, to once again make what we consume. The people that tell you it cannot be done, are lying to you, or have been decieved by others, who do not want the change to happen. I remember when we allow this choice to be made, as Perot was trying to tell the people what would happen. Yet, we were too stupid to listen, and stupidity is very dangerous, and as we see also, very destructive.

    When I was in business, I never, my business never, of itself created on job simply because I got a tax break. NEVER. The only thing that ever created a job in my business was DEMAND, new demand for my products, that came from people having disposable income. So when a new factory opened up in my area, I got new customers, which increased demand, which made me hire more people, to handle that increased demand. Demand creates new jobs, not (*)(*)(*)(*)ing tax breaks as the neoliberals want you to think. That is, tax breaks to the rich.

    If demand increases today for most consumer goods, it does not help out american business(except walmart the business that pays so little their workers must be on welfare), it helps out MNCs or china, and much of that money goes to china, does not stay in america, as it did when we made what we consumed. When you do not make what you consume, you will never have an economy that will allow working people to thrive by the work of their hands. End of story

    And what I have written is the real world, how it works, not theory from some economics book. And any man who has owned a business knows this is the truth, but whether their ideological beliefs will allow them to tell the truth is another question.
  7. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The first thing is you should not let the population grow faster than the growth of the economy. If it does, that will cause unemployment and put a downward pressure on wages, further slowing economic growth, and it will be a hard rut to get out of.

    The second thing is to always maintain a slight labor shortage in the economy. It's better to have a little too few workers than take the risk of not having enough jobs later on. The first is much easier to deal with than the second. If I can describe an analogy, it's like building your house on the edge of a cliff. Trying to find that optimal balance to create your house as high as possible, but if you put it on the very edge of the cliff there's a good chance it could all come crashing down if a little of the edge of the cliff falls away.


    This was the best picture I could find, and upward sloping cliff that suddenly drops off near it's top.
  8. Tomray

    Tomray New Member

    May 26, 2015
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    Much of your belief is accurate, however your conclusions are flawed. Multi-national businesses with the millions of jobs they have available would be happy to locate in the US if our tax rates were commensurate with the low rates that countries like China and India charge. A cheap labor force is NOT the sole reason businesses leave this country, and I too have owned several business here and have been affected by overseas competition. If the corporate tax rate here in the US was BELOW what countries like that charge, not only would US companies return and bring their jobs with them, but businesses from OTHER countries would eagerly relocate here as well! Our corporate tax rate is about the highest in the world, and that policy is among the most ignorant in the world! Our government is basically saying that they would rather get a large amount of tax revenue from a handful of businesses, than a smaller amount from millions of additional businesses, ALONG WITH THE MILLIONS OF JOBS AND THE TAX REVENUE THOSE WORKERS WOULD ADD TO THE POT!! Yes, there would still be businesses that require a large and inexpensive labor force, but much of that savings is lost in the cost of shipping and travel to and from the other side of the world! And if you don't think that the high corporate tax rate discourages new businesses from starting up here, you're sadly mistaken!

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