Empire of Lies and its chief liar

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Alik Bahshi, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Alik Bahshi

    Empire of Lies and its chief liar

    "You are guilty by
    I want to eat "


    These words Krylov surprisingly accurately reflect the predatory nature of the Russian Empire, as evidenced by today's Kremlin created a dangerous situation around Ukraine. Needless to say, finding freedom Ukrainian people, the most ethnically closest of all the many peoples of the empire, a painful blow to the ego constituent people (1) with its imperial worldview. The loss of Ukraine and Crimea as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union affected the geostrategic situation in South-Western part of the Russian Empire. However, all this does not give any right to the Kremlin on the military intervention in Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea, which, incidentally, never was the ancestral territory of Russia, as well as all the Black Sea coast, and the numerically dominant Russian population of Crimea is a consequence of the genocide of the indigenous Russian Tatar people and its settlement by Russian. Referring to the recent past, an identical situation has led to the Second World War, when Britain and France, following obligations, declared war on Germany for invading German forces in Poland. Strictly speaking, for the aggression of Russia, would be to follow the declaration of war by the United States and Great Britain, which in accordance with the Budapest Memorandum, are the guarantors of the security and integrity of Ukraine. However, this did not happen, or their extremely puzzled Whacker President Putin is not the involvement of Russian troops to war events in Ukraine, or, again, a blatant lie documented international scale - in fact and Russia signed in the same be the guarantor of the Budapest Memorandum Safety Ukraine. It is understood between the nuclear powers, when every second counts, no declaration of war should not be expected, but I must say that the West received such unexpected monstrous impudence of Moscow, bordering on some dense savagery, was rather reserved.

    It would seem that the time of Hitler's fascism passed away, but no, the aggressive actions of Putin's Russia returned to Western politicians, scratched their necks, to reality. Krylov's fable "The Wolf and the lamb," they certainly do not read it, but I hope to know that the wolf cry for justice case hopeless. Maybe they finally realize that "friend Vladimir Putin," loudly announced his regret the collapse of the USSR and compare what happened with the catastrophe of universal scale, intended to recreate the Soviet Union, and not much different from Hitler, started to build a "great Reich." I want to note the intentions of Putin to Hitler even have an advantage, because unlike Hitler Putin relies on the presence of the people and the imperial world chauvinism (2). Putin is no need to build a party, create an ideology, it is enough to throw the cry "wet Chechnya" or "give the Crimea," and he provided support and a full understanding of the Russian people. It's amazing how a national consensus was accepted and supported Putin lies about non-participation of Russian troops, the so-called "green people", unmarked, with the annexation of the Crimea. This is the case when the words Fazil Iskander "universal stink taken for consensus among the people."

    It is necessary to note the unique feature of the Russian people, namely, its acceptability to lie. In the minds of Russian, without causing any damage to perfectly get the truth and a lie. Once when he was a student in the Soviet Union of Swedish, trained at the Moscow State University, told about his importance, as she presented the opening - "in your country all say one thing and think another." It is usual for the state of our consciousness ambiguity caused her bewilderment. She grew up in a free society, I could not understand how this could happen, that all have one opinion on any issue. What we are accustomed to everyone's lies seemed self-evident, it seemed unnatural, and can be gregarious and savagery, as it certainly is silent. This explains the ease with which lies the Russian president meets the imperial world view of the people, without hesitation immediately accepted the consciousness of every Russian, regardless of whether the country in which he resides. The latter says that even changed circumstances can not change the world imperial Russian.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but in my opinion the Russian society, accustomed during the existence of the Soviet Union to lie, plus pathological inability of the Russian people to live in a democracy (3), in conjunction with its imperial ideology itself is a kind of incarnation of the evil bearing danger World. And it is not in Putin, Putin is just the best conductor, organizer splash of Evil. Thus, by conventional, well-known definition of Russia as the "Evil Empire" is equally possible to add "Empire of Lies," for "false" and "evil" is the concept of concomitant and do not exist one without the other. So Russia's aggression against Ukraine sopustvovalas an injection of massive Russian media incredible amount of misinformation and outright lies from the Kremlin and President Putin - the main thing I would say is unsurpassed today liar Russia. No sense to give a long track record of lies of the Russian president, for his every word through the lies. Probably after Putin has managed to Ukraine, it is difficult to find a diplomat who would take the responsibility to negotiate with Putin. No wonder friends with Putin whole world in the face of mob Belarusian Batko Lukoshenko, murderous Syrian dictator Assad, the former Prime Minister of Iran Ahmadinidzhata and has left the world of Hugo Chavez.

    The Empire of Lies is one of today's strategic ally - Armenia, with the support of Moscow to annex 20% of the territory of Azerbaijan and Moscow waiting for go-ahead for the resumption of aggression, with undisguised aim of creating a "Greater Armenia" from sea to sea in sootetstvii a historical lie, which does not have place either Azerbaijan or its people (4). No Turkey or Georgia. Entirely Armenia with numerous Armenian enclaves in the North Caucasus, the Kuban, Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and perhaps now in California, which can make in the future of "Great Armenia".
    In its territorial claims in the South-East of Ukraine and Crimea, where there is a Russian diaspora - a consequence of the violent eviction of the indigenous people and the population of the Great Russians, Putin unwittingly copies of Armenian Party ideology of the Nazis "ARF", created in 1890, that is, long before Hitler's ideology of the superiority of the German nation. All the Nazi ideology, which can be heard national superiority and "greatness", generate primarily historical lie that the "Greater Germany", that the "Great Armenia", which serves as the basis for territorial claims and as a result of military aggression. A very accurate picture of the national "superiority" of the Armenians presented Vasily Grossman ("Banner", n.11, 1988):

    "From the wily easily loses its noble people nationalism basis, it does not become a formidable, he becomes a pathetic, not cause and humiliates. So trying to prove some kind of disability, a person discovers his own. Some of my buddies who are in all areas of human creativity especially singled out the Armenian national prioretet in architecture, science and poetry. They emphasized the superiority of the architectural merits of the temple of Garni over their seemingly primitive architecture of the Acropolis: speaking about the poet Tumanyan tried to convince me that the genius of Pushkin's genius Tumanyan above. The essence of the course is not that there are not perfect architecture Garni over architecture of the Acropolis, a genius if Tumanyan than Pushkin, the essence, and the essence of course sad that poetry, and architecture, and science, and history itself, by essentially talking to some of my buddies are no longer mean. They mean only to discover the superiority of the Armenian national character of the national character of other nations. Poetry is not important, but it is important only to prove that the Armenian national poet above say, Russian or French poet. My interlocutors, without noticing, impoverished their souls and hearts that ceased to enjoy poetry, perfection architectural greatness of science, and have seen in poetry and science is only a means to assert their national superiority. This desire can be so fanatical, narrow that minute seems a manifestation of madness. "

    A look at the national supremacy generates Nazism and Lies, and finally lead to evil. Thus, the ideology of Dashnak party contained a paragraph in which terror was presented a method to achieve the creation of "Great Armenia". Following this software item, Armenian Nazis subjected the civilian population of Turkey and Azerbaijan cruel terror, literally clearing the land for the "Great Armenia", which brought disaster neischeslimye peoples of Turkey and Azerbaijan, and most Armenian people. Go to global catastrophe and led the Nazi ideology of the German fascists, from which primarily affected the German people themselves.

    Today, Putin opened the floodgates of Great Russian chauvinism, increasingly heard essentially fascist rhetoric of "The Great Russian people", "The Great Russian Language", where the word "great" is meant not so much the number, but how much quality. Interestingly, in the Russian sources of all the nations of the world only the Russian people is determined by the "great", even to the Chinese people, not given to be. As a Great this approach will allow it to Ukraine speak Ukrainian! Yes, how dare Ukrainians neglected by the great Russian language, without making it public! Remember what a smile and neglect in Russian living, such as Baku, Azerbaijani caused bad knowing Russian or accent speaking in Russian, and this despite the fact that they themselves did not even bother to Great-study of indigenous languages. They did not keep in mind how much was tactless in their mockery. Only an underlying feeling of inferiority and lack of culture leads to self-aggrandizement. By the way, if you really honest approach to the issue of the richness of language, the Russian language borrowed many Turkic words, while, for example, in the Azerbaijani language is not a word of Russian origin, and this in spite of the ongoing policy of Russification Moscow. It is appropriate to note that the Russian forced by deprived people of Azerbaijan alphabet, suddenly making him illiterate typing Cyrillic. Imagine that Russia suddenly transferred to the Chinese alphabet. I'd like to see the Russian reading Pushkin in Chinese characters.

    Supporting chauvinistic frenzy Russian separatists in Ukraine, Putin throws another historical lie that Ukraine as a state did not exist. This raze, as should be taken to the agreement on the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, signed by Bohdan Khmelnytsky? If it was not Ukraine, as Putin claims, then which country the contract? It seems that one Bohdan Khmelnytsky without the Ukrainian people and became a Russian citizen in a single, so to speak-off. Thus, President Putin in his historical tours at all deny the Ukrainian people's right to their own country, arguing that most actions of the Russian separatists in the Ukraine.
    Generally, with the separatists Putin, culturally speaking, "full Albats" (5). Thus, the Chechens who fought with the Russian for the freedom of their motherland as one bandits, robbers, in a word - the separatists, worthy to Putin urinating in the toilet. In this case, as called Russian, who had settled in the Ukraine, and who now want to tear away a part of Ukraine, where they live, and attach it to Russia? Or is there a bad separatists and secessionists have good, which should help, secretly transferring to Ukraine Russian fascists, equipped with the latest weaponry, until the anti-aircraft and tanks. In short, returning to the same fable:
    "A strong always powerless to blame:
    Stories in fact we hear examples of darkness, "

    Passing the Russian nuclear weapons, Ukraine was defenseless against the Evil Empire. One might wonder, would have dared to attack Putin in Ukraine, whether she has missiles with nuclear warheads? Of course not. Evil Empire, promising to be the guarantor of the integrity and independence of Ukraine, in fact, lied to both Ukraine and America to the UK, which gives the right to call Russia and "Empire of Lies." Therefore, all countries, especially the former colonies of the Russian Empire, it is necessary to be careful about the contracts, alliance commitments and other agreements with Moscow, dooming themselves to become a victim of fraud. Hence it is understandable fears peaceful neutral to Finland today, and suddenly arose a desire to join NATO.

    Without a doubt, you can assume that if it were not for NATO, Putin, Hitler did not hesitate vozzrodil Russian Empire in its former borders, including Poland and Finland.

    1 "constituent peoples and its Fuhrer, or - Ukraine and the list goes on», http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/#post-alikbahshi-21749
    2 "Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin his Fuhrer», http://samlib.ru/b/bahshi_a/alikbahshi-38.shtml
    3 "People's fate, or each candle to his last», http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/?skip=50#post-alikbahshi-4732
    4 "Armenia and Moscow-Tehran axis», http://www.proza.ru/2008/03/22/521
    5 "The word fornication or full Albats"
  2. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    In Japan, the Group of Seven summit opened. Russia expelled, no one wants to deal with a liar Putin.
  3. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Previously, in Russia the most popular musical instrument balalaika has today thanks to Putin - cello.
  4. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Here is a movie in which Putin, the question whether Russian troops in the Crimea (green men), who blocked the barracks Ukrainian soldiers. Putin said that it was not the Russian soldiers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBncAmdcxe0
  5. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Putin once again deceived his people, when Turkey threatened for the downed Su-24, that will not get tomatoes. Today, Russia's economy has reached bottom, Putin Erdogan forgiven for the Su-24 and removed all sanctions against Turkey in exchange for the resumption of the project "Turkish stream". Despite the terrorist attacks in Turkey Putin is ready to send Russian tourists in Antalya, to save the Russian economy from imminent collapse.
  6. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Putin is lying by saying that someone is encroaching on the sovereignty of Russia. I can not figure out who it is? America? Germany? United Kingdom? Ukraine? I did not find the answer for yourself what country wants to take Russia. However, I know that Russia has captured part of Ukraine, it is a fact.
  7. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Crimea residents do not think so. It is a fact.

    Question. Whose opinion is more important? Opinion of residents of the Crimea, or someone else?:)
  8. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Opinion after the occupation, the opinion at gunpoint, the opinion of the genocide of the indigenous people - is it a profanation.
  9. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    this is not an " opinion".
    This is a fantasy without proof.

  10. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    That's irrelevant. Russia committed a war crime by illegally occupying and annexing a nation.
  11. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Facts irrelevant to you ?

    Reality does not interest you? ..Waw ...Wha-a-a! Вау!..at-a-boy!!!..[​IMG]
  12. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    France's largest TV channel proved false Russian media


    One of the biggest French television Canal + in the release of the satirical show derided plot channel Russia-24 on "Eurosceptics".

    French journalists frame by frame dispelled the propaganda cliches of the Russian state television channel. They met with Russian heroes of movies and show them how their words and kink position in Russia.

    At the same time, according to Vladimir Putin's portrait in the studio show, with it French journalists directly associate the Russian propaganda.

    Empire of Lies in his role. Lies in Russia permeated everything through. Sport in Russia is completely under the control of the KGB. Anti-Doping investigation had caught the link between the KGB and the Moscow laboratory for doping control. No doubt all this is not without the knowledge of the first liar planet bully St. Petersburg Russian President Vladimir Putin. Marvel at one, as more Western politicians are trying something to negotiate with the liar.
  13. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Obama finally just said that Russia does not trust in the Syrian issue. Russia can not be trusted at all on any matter. Empire of Lies must be isolated from the world community. As is known, lies in Russia has not bypassed and sports. The Kremlin has organized and carried out a secret plan forced Russian athletes taking doping. This is a clear crime! International Court to judge Putin, like Milosevic.
  14. El Kabosh

    El Kabosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Fantastic post....accurate, true and to the point!
  15. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    These is a Storm in a Puddle.[​IMG]

    Let us assume that this is so. "Anti-Doping investigation had caught the link between the KGB and the Moscow laboratory for doping control."
    So what? Who suffered from this Lies? How it is hurt?

    USA President lied, that there is a chemical weapon in Iraq.
    Chemical weapons have not been found.
    As a result of this lie:

    - Iraq «in tatters». On these tatters The flower blooms and smells (stinks) now. There is the Flower, named ISIS .
    Who is lying productively better?
  16. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    No question that Putin is a tyrant and imperialist. Much of his success due to the agreements made in his summit meeting with traitor Bush in 2002. The traitor enabled his friend's imperialistic agenda so as to justify his crimes upon Iraq and the rest of the Middle East.
  17. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    You're right! No pain. Putin does not care that affected Russian athletes, it is important medals obtained at any price. As a result, Russian Paralympic not admitted to the Olympic Games in Brazil. Putin organized cheating in sport, just as he was lying in politics. Putin covers Russian military shot down the Malaysian Boeing. Putin's shameless lies would make Russia a pariah of the international community.
  18. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Sheikh Imran Hosein explains everything about Russia, USSR, Ukraine and Israel

    Putin is Russia's savior in my opinion, and Sheikh Imran Hosein is saying the same. He outlines the Russian History from 1907 to the Ukrain revolution in 2014. You may guess, who the culprits are that try to bring Russia down.
    Putin has managed so far to save Russia from the talons of ...

    listen to the wise man:
    It might change your mind!
  19. El Kabosh

    El Kabosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Yeah....that's all Russia needs again, another Stalin with territorial ambitions and Nazi-like policies.

    And the video to that so-called "wise man" was hilarious...I stopped viewing that bucket of slop when the sheikh claimed that Zionists created the Soviet Union. LOL....what an imagintion some people have....LOL!!!
  20. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Almost all members of the first government of Soviet Russia were Jews.
    It's not personal. It's strictly facts.
  21. MRogersNhood

    MRogersNhood Banned

    Jul 20, 2015
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    In a way that is true.97% of Soviet leaders were Jews.
    Now I know why my uncle didn't like Jews,He was Ukrainian.
  22. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Incidentally, Hitler believed that the Bolsheviks there are Jews in Russia.
  23. El Kabosh

    El Kabosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Thanks for the input, Rus.....but would you say they were Zionists? Not all Jews are Zionists.
  24. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    And what do you mean by the concept of a Zionist?
  25. El Kabosh

    El Kabosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    I mean that in the traditional sense....that is, those who support the establishment of a Jewish state.....Israel!

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