In light of AboveAlpha's nomination by DennisTate...

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by HailVictory, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Would you support my platform if I ran for president today?

    I would definitely support AboveAlpha over these crackpots. I've thought about running a lot, and if I get into West Point and after I get out of the military, I may go into politics and run, but alas, I am too young right now. My platform would be along the lines of this. Generally, I would try to promote bipartisanship. Contrary to popular belief, Fascism is just authoritative centrism really (look at the political compass and you'll see) My numbers are (0,6), so I would stress bipartisanship but more government intervention on things. As for specific issues, I'll list my opinions on them, I just want to see how people would react to them and if I would get the support of both the Left and the Right. Anyways, AboveAlpha2016!

    Foreign Policy and Immigration:
    So, it's true. We can't just let anyone in the country. We can't just leave our doors open to any random guy to come in. We do need to crack down on illegal immigration. Rather than *ahem* build a wall, I say we make legal immigration easier, and focus more on getting illegals in the country paths to citizenship. As for the Syrian refugee crisis, we do the same thing. Screen them intensively for any terrorist connections (anyone who got as far as America has been screened heavily already so) and then see if we can't get them American citizenship. I would, however, fund programs that teach English for free, make English the national language, and focus efforts on integration into American society. You can speak your native language in your home on private property, or property you own that specifically states another language is permitted, but English is the most used language in the country and we need to make that the backbone.

    War and Peace:
    We gotta bring our men back. Out of the Middle East, out of Europe, out of Japan. Focus more on our country. I would want to somehow unify with Canada. Because, contrary to popular belief, we get most of our oil from them. It would solve a lot of issues if Canada and the US were one country. Not militarily of course. Diplomatically unify. I would, however, turn my attention to building up infrastructure and setting up American sanctioned governments with strong police forces in the Middle East. This will solve the issue of terrorism. Look at Japan, we did the same thing with them, and look at them today. But we need to bring our troops back. I would invest more in our military, but I'll get to that later.

    Free Trade:
    America first is a good idea. I am going to ban outsourcing. And stop imports. If we unify with Canada we'll have enough oil to go around. And we can focus on switching over to an autarky, where America is a self-sustaining country not dependant on foreign imports. We have the space and climate and resources for it, so let's get it done. American based companies can have exports and spread to other countries, but employees have to comply with US law and US worker regulation. Essentially, a McDonald's in Saudi Arabia is a piece of American soil bound by American law, and violation of American law by that specific McDonald's will result in a forced closure of that McDonald's.

    Energy and Oil:
    As I said before, work on getting Canadian oil for free (make Canadian oil American oil). Also invest more in renewable energy so we aren't bound to non-renewable sources. Essentially, invest in both, make one cheap, and the other possible,

    Gun Control:
    No more privately owned guns on private property. Period. Confine guns to ranges and hunting grounds where you'll actually use them for sport. I really disapprove of hunting when we have enough food to actually eat, and the life of the animal is shed unnecessarily, but I am not going to outright ban it. Maybe make it less popular. But yes, you can have guns, just on shooting ranges and hunting grounds where they will be stored until you come back to use them. This will prevent mass shootings but also not infringe upon the 2nd Amendment. You have limits to the 1st Amendment for good reason, so its only fitting that you have limits to the 2nd Amendment as well, when lives are at stake. Ideally, I would want to ban guns outright, but that won't solve anything as of now so guns are to be confined to places where you actually use them.

    Crime and Police:
    Make the police force a branch of the military, subject them to military treatment, and bind them by military laws. Expand government surveillance and fund a secret police force to counter terrorism and police the actual police force. Combine various government agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and local police forces into one organization with different departments rather than separate organizations with different jobs. Any allegations made by government surveillance or the secret police force are to be taken to court, as if the police is suing the suspect, so the police must prove the suspect guilty with evidence under the eyes of a judge. Force policemen to wear cameras so we know what they are doing. I think this will solve some of the issues raised by BLM and fallen police members.

    Strictly regulate alcohol and ban tobacco. Ban all other drugs unless they are medicinal or just coffee. The stronger police force can crack this down. Doing drugs won't be an offense warranting jail time, just an offense that goes on your record, and a confiscation of the drug you used, along with a house search to find out if you have any more. Just having it on your record is bad enough, you don't need to serve jail time for it.

    Civil Rights:
    So I'm just going off of, so I'm assuming this means gay rights and LGBT stuff. I don't approve of homosexuality and transgender surgery at all. I think we should ban the surgery. But we can't get rid of gays or transgenders as it is right now. So what's the harm in letting them use the bathroom or marry. If they are openly gay or just have to use the bathroom, let them do it for Christ's sake. As for BLM and minority groups, ban groups that promote the advancement of one race, so the American Nazi Party and the NAACP. I think that these groups are just making it illegal to be racist, but that doesn't solve racism in general. Fund a new Department of Race Relations that evaluates cases of discrimination if brought up.

    Economy and Taxes:
    Ok so this is huge. Contrary to popular belief, our debt really isn't much of an issue. Ok ok ok, I know we are in the hole a couple trillion dollars, but it hasn't stopped us from spending more money, and we really dont have any consequences for doing so. However, we do need to crack down on unnecessary spending and keep government expenses to a minimum. Stopping imports will help. We should have public works funded on a volunteer basis by rich people, similar to the way the military works. So if no one does fund it, we go through a system of people who have income over an extremely high level and ask each for a donation of 1000 dollars or something relatively small like that so we have enough in the end to fund the programs. This is just for jobs like roads and maintenance, not for government employee wages and such.
    As for taxes, the same threshold that pays for public works will also be taxed slightly higher (and I am talking extremely rich people where it doesn't matter if we tax them more, it wont effect them, not moderately rich people). Anyone below that income threshold pays a flat tax until we get to lower-middle class and lower class who pay a tax relative to their annual income. We add indirect taxes to more items except produce, meat, and water.

    K-12 gets a national standard curriculum and every public school receives the same annual allowance from the national government, not the local one. This way, every school can pay for the necessary resources and no public school has a better quality than any other school. This will stop city gentrification and promote more equality and make Alexander Hamilton's aristocracy of talent a truth. Every college will operate the same way the United States Military Academy operates, requiring 3 years of military service after graduation to pay for your free college tuition and room and board. Rather than go to actual combat, most of these soldiers will do the work of construction workers and such, so we dont waste money paying people to build infrastructure. We can send the soldiers to the Middle East to build them up and spread Americanism. Soldiers who stay after their required 2 years receive more benefits and a salary. West Point, the Air Force Academy, and the Naval Academy still train officers and operate the same way they do now, slightly above grade to the other colleges. Expand ivy league schools and such to act as graduate schools that require 3 more years of service and are only for PhD's and MD's. All other schools train to Master's level. Make K-12 education provide a Bachelor's, so high school is basically college, and you get to major and such. Also convert the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts into a party youth group that does the same jobs that graduates do, only for younger kids. They do volunteer work and cut down on government expenses.

    Military Academy grads and people who stay after their required service get full free healthcare. Ban private healthcare. Make healthcare a sort of insurance investment, like social security. Based on your annual income, same as taxes, you pay a portion of your monthly pay to your healthcare fund. People who are too poor can take a loan when they need it, and pay it back without interest over the course of their life, however long it takes. However, the required payments become flat for the richer people and are proportional for poorer people. In addition, richer people can choose to pay for poorer people's medical costs as a sort of charity. Essentially, if you choose to, you can donate a little bit extra in the month to help pay off poorer people's loans. Abortion is legal and free, and a part of every hospital and doctor's office. Circumcision is illegal unless for religious reasons in which case you have to pay extra for it. Obviously, female circumcision works the same way, so if you have a religious obligation, you pay more for it, but only if you verify it's for religion.

    So that's pretty much it, unless I can think of anything more. Gambling will have a set high, so you can't gamble any higher money after a certain point proportional to your income (yours this time, not your family income. Basically, you cant use your spouses income to pay for your gambling). Alcohol will be regulated. Work on dissolving state and local governments and instead operate on a national embassy in your state and county basis. If you have questions or I think of any other policy, that's what I am here for!

    So, would you, if I ran today, support this platform? Let's hear it.
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. E_Pluribus_Venom

    E_Pluribus_Venom Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2008
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    Who is AboveAlpha?
    DennisTate likes this.
  3. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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  4. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    It sounds like you are a young adult. I am thrilled you care enough about issues to post here and to lay down your views. Keep interested in politics for the rest of your life, it really matters.
    DennisTate likes this.
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    AboveAlpha is an astonishingly well informed, polite and I believe brilliant poster on this forum who I tried my
    best to convince to campaign for the office of President last year:
    Should AboveAlpha allow us to set him up for the office of POTUS as early as 2016?
    (began February 25, 2015)........

    One of the reasons why I pulled a Dr. Frankenstein and resurrected that thread is because I
    have a new angle on all this that I feel has even more potential.......

    AboveAlpha is perfect for a new office that I feel should be created......
    "Artistic Director of the NSA - CIA".......

    We are living in a time period when the production of films..... especially
    semi-reality science fiction films .... .for example set in 1939..... could be used
    to address problems people are facing right now..... .but they also could create
    thousands and tens of thousands of acting jobs for people who are
    interested in various controversial topics.

    My idea is to focus our attention on the nation of Israel......
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    HailVictory..... I am amazed to find out that you are young.

    You impressed me as probably being around my age by the way that you write. You are obviously very intelligent.......

    You are also correct that the USA cannot just let everybody come into this country who wants to........

    Have you seen the film "Cartel Land?"

    Do you agree with my idea that The Donald should come out with specific and large number for
    LEGAL immigration from Mexico and South America IF.....
    he is elected and some sort of wall is built that would dramatically reduce.....
    ILLEGAL immigration?
    The Donald Trump campaign and the film "Cartel Land."
    Drug cartels seem to have a great deal of power over the elected officials in Mexico.

    If...… The Donald's supporters will view this film and become more well informed a lot of good things could result from this.

    For one thing..... this could put pressure on Mexico that results in the release of Dr. Jose Mireles!
    My wife is from Ecuador and I would love to see The Donald come out with a plan to significantly INCREASE LEGAL immigration from Mexico and South America after that wall is built.

    This might be a great way to steal much of the thunder that his opponents seem to have at this time?

    HailVictory.... I hereby invite you to promote your platform in this discussion thread:
    Dennis Tate for National Leader of Canada's Conservative Party.
  7. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Yes, indeed, I am still in High School. Intelligent, perhaps. I would say that I just make sure I am well read on political matters and political theory. Maybe not so well read in my actual studies but hey, whatever wets your whistle.

    I have not had the opportunity to watch that film. Seems quite interesting. Yea, just like the right-winger argument against gun control, banning immigration just increases illegal immigration. I think we should be proud that people actually want to come here. You dont hear of illegal immigrants in Rwanda, because no one in their right minds wants to live there. So I think that, to truly crack down on illegals, you have to give a little to get a little. Make citizenship easier but make restrictions stronger.

    If Trump came out and said this, he'd lose the support from his voter base right now (a bunch of racist white people who dont want immigrants). So, as far as his numbers go, if I supported him I would say that saying this won't sway the votes of left-wingers but may get some of the people who didn't like either candidate to side with him, but would also turn off his original voter base, essentially leaving him in the same position he is in. On the losing side. Its not just immigration that makes him a bad candidate, the rest of his policies are simply wrong. Granted, Hillary is not much better, but at least she's sane, highly qualified, and at heart wants to make the US a better place. So yea as for Trump, I don't think that he can really improve his standings right now, he's too far gone with what he's said in the past that it wont change anything.

    DennisTate likes this.
  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I was so impressed by your comments that I quoted you in full here:

    Thread: The Donald Trump campaign and the film "Cartel Land." ......

    .............I absolutely agree with HailVictory that yes... it is a wonderful thing that people wish to
    emigrate to the United States and yes.......
    banning immigration tends to increase illegal immigration.

    What I have personally been talking about is actually increasing legal immigration
    to Canada..... partly through semi-reality science fiction film projects set
    supposedly in 1939:

    Mr. Justin Trudeau, let's take 937 of those Syrian refugees to Canada?
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I actually have a counter plan in mind for The Donald's Mexico - USA
    wall...... that turns it into something far better than a mere wall........

    I elaborate on the basic idea in posts #17 and #18 here:
    Thread: My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.

    Oh... I made a really wild challenge in posts #14 - 20 here....
    Thread: Could a Utah State Dollar save the USA Dollar?

    .......and AA came up with an astonishingly good answer that I copied and
    pasted into post # 41 here.....

  10. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I will point out one factor in your development of your platform that is a perspective on the motivations you find for each aspect of the platform. There are considerable dynamics to the factor as it can be universally applied to the platform.

    Firstly, human beings are controlled by their unconscious mind at the onset of each impulse to act. Social structure applies limits that are often cognitively applied appreciation for the limits, then they can also be reactions to fears from the unconscious mind. Humans react better, more consistently to inspirations than fears, they act on inspirations, often completely on their own.

    Attempts to make social structure narrow so the resultant behaviors can be directed, lack social efficiency. In this case society spends a great deal of time and energy regulating itself. The alternative is developing forms of education which teach the unconscious mind, by whatever means that work, to invoke the human instinct that will naturally and freely make the right decision to fulfill the societal need with congruent action, by the individual.

    This leaves the individual cognitively free because the unconscious is best described as automatic. With that cognitive freedom, the individual can focus on innovation increasing the ease and rewards of existence for society and themselves.

    When the innovation benefits society, society supports it and rewards the individual for this dynamically.

    Rather than attempt to control individuals with societal structures that are cognitively developed, instead develop education that invokes the most desirable instinctual reactions for the goal of the most beneficial societal structure. Essentially individuals can control themselves in making correct decisions for society, but society has to respect and act upon what really initiates human action rather than devising surficial structure that limits individuals with fears.

    Sustainability will eventually require people working better together than any cognitive structure could define or impose.
    DennisTate likes this.
  11. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    What do you want to do as an officer in my military?
  12. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Ultimately, I want to show my pride in my nation and put my life on the line defending it. I want to give a nod of gratitude to the country that put me on my path. I know that's kinda the stock answer, but I really do mean it.
    DennisTate likes this.
  13. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I am going to give you some advice that will serve you well throughout life. Read books constantly. At your age, get the classics going, pure literature. Throw in some non-fiction. If you don't know which book to read, start with Pulitizer or Booker award nominees. Read everything and keep reading. And if you get bored, read philosophy. Critical thinking is the key skill in life.
    DennisTate likes this.
  14. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I just found this.

    Honestly I don't know what to say.

    DennisTate likes this.
  15. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    NO Sir !

    I am ashamed of you.

    You are already a tyrant.
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am glad to know that I am not the only one wondering
    about that possibility but...... .on the plus side.....
    he is only sixteen and.......... Chief Executive Officers of
    many companies rule over those companies with an iron
    hand..... but it can work.

    In a way... Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada was
    quite dictatorial..... but he was also highly ethical... .and made
    many decisions that positively affected the future both for
    Canada as well as for the entire world.
    Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal?
    I know that many of you pray or meditate so please

    pray that P. M. Stephen Harper initiate a peace deal between Jordan and Israel?


    I am a member of a different Canadian political party but……… I have to admit that P. M. Stephen Harper is for good reason regarded as a rather "Davidic" figure by a high percentage of Israelis.

    What he did for Israel back in 2011 at the G-8 was one of the most courageous and wise acts by a political leader that I have seen since I began to watch world events back in the '70's!

    On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit - The Globe and Mail
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Because you are at this moment sixteen years of age......
    and because of the fact that a campaign for the office of President of the USA for the year 2036
    by a sixteen year old........ can attract A LOT of attention.......
    I suspect that before the year 2020 your campaign could well already be in a position to
    save the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, if not tens of thousands of Americans.....
    and perhaps hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives worldwide.

    I am genuinely worried about a huge amount of civil unrest, especially in large cities in
    the USA if The Donald is elected.......(but for the record I personally am 95% certain that I would be voting for
    The Donald.... if I was an American citizen rather than Canadian)!

    Your campaign could well grow so big.... so fast... that you can be connected with a team of
    people who could assist you to do something huge about that unrest.

    (By the way... .DrWho told you the truth... you do come off as somebody who
    would be dictatorial....... but that can be turned into an asset....... but also.... it means
    that you may wish to really tweak and polish your campaign before you hit Facebook
    in your own name)!
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    HailVictory has already gotten into the question of whether or not
    President Donald Trump would protect Israel from Iran......

    I am curious if you think I have given him a basically accurate
    assessment of some significant parts of the background....
    to America - Israel and America - Iranian relations:

    Thread: Will President Trump defend Israel from Iran?

  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    HailVictory..... you are really going to like
    and I believe be able to use / coopt many
    aspects of the formula for ushering in a new
    age in America that Mr. ChristopherABrown has elaborated on
    in another discussion thread:
    Our Lawful And Peaceful Revolution - Defense & Enforcement of the Constitution.
  20. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Yes he would.

    Understand what Trump say's publicly is just part of a strategy which was at first to win him the Republican Nomination and now Trump will shift gears and become MUCH more MODERATE as it is the MODERATE VOTE a person must get to win the U.S. Presidency.

    DennisTate likes this.
  21. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    No, who are you? Words alone mean absolutely nothing.
  22. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Well you sig says it all....if words mean nothing, then don't vote for Trump, bro. I'm not a liberal, but I can't vote for that crackpot.
  23. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    He might turn out to be better than you think? Go on, vote Trump, I dare you - try him out; after all it'll only be for 4 years. I mean, can he be any worse than other presidents of recent times, or any of the current options?
  24. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Yeh, read lots and don't stop. If you lay off it can become really hard to take it back up later. Stay on good terms with your library

    I won't go that far but some of your views, like on drugs, lean that way. Your opinions on things like economics are just naïve and \ or ill-informed, lots are surprisingly good though, most of it in fact.

    It's nice that you want to be President, I guess, but at your age really not what the Founding Fathers intended . Politics for them was something you did after a lifetime of achievement and proving yourself in other fields, (though some of them were young men themselves and many Presidents were relatively young))
  25. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    You're right that the true nemesis of fascism isn't liberals or conservatives - it's the love of liberty, libertarianism. So no, I could not back you. I might back Clinton first.

    I also just find it hilarious that you think telling the people that they can only keep and bear their arms on hunting grounds and ranges, presumably controlled by others, does not violate "the right of the people to keep and bear arms".

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