Where are you with the Trump platform?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by creation, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Dear libs cons American and worldwide

    Tell us where you stand for or against;

    Tell us; your approx political position and your view on these things e.g.


    1/Immigration - severe restrictions on Muslims and a big southern wall ?

    2/Economic internal situation? - flat tax

    3/External - protectionism?

    4/Healthcare - ACA repeal and replace?

    5/Defence spending - increase?

    6/Industrial resource policy - expansion in drilling and mining?

    7/Drugs - no change?

    8/Education - no change?
  2. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I'm a Scottish lefty

    1/ For. I hate Mass Immigration from the third world or anywhere

    2/ Against. Flat taxes are terrible and have no recordof success.

    3/ For. Globalisation is a con.

    4/ Against. The aca is a good thing. A public option is the real solution.

    5/ Against. The USA doesn't need it. It's a special interest play.

    6/ For. The USA has no reason to sacrifice it's own workers.

    7/ For.

    8/ For. The USA needs less college grads not more.

    So it seems like I'm really pretty pro Trump. How can I explain this ? What's your take?
  3. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Why? What could anyone have said of what Barack Obama would or would not do five days before being sworn in as president?

    NOBODY could predict that he would be part of freezing out the Right so that only the Dem Party part of the Legislative Branch would vote for ObamaCare. Nobody knew that he would so screw up the handover of Iraq back to Iraq as to make the rise and regional dominance of the Junior Varsity ISIS a reality. Hell, nobody knew that he would start his presidency by embarking on a world wide apology tour for there ever having been a United States of America in the first place and nor be the sort of president who would so screw up as to be forced to create the world's first ever Beer Summit.

    Sure in retrospect -- if one had bothered to vet him as a candidate -- one could say that most of that followed from his radical, nation-hating leftist background, but prior to Barack Obama actually doing those things, nobody could KNOW.
  4. RonnieFan

    RonnieFan Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 23, 2015
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    Are you just being sarcastic?
  5. Indofred

    Indofred Banned at Members Request

    Jul 4, 2012
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    I'd quite like to be the one who pulls the lever that releases the trap door to a long drop followed by the Tyburn jig.

    Any other questions?
  6. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Irrelevant. The thread is only asking for your opinion on trumps actual policy positions.

    Go ahead. It's fun and free.

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    Of course not.

    Why do you think that?

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    No sorry just answer the questions. Go ahead it's fun and free.
  7. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Guys you really should have the courage of your convictions and just answer a straight question.

    There are millions of democrat voters in the USA who just helped trump into office.
  8. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Just a couple of things:

    - Trump is not a proponent of flat tax, he supports a simplified progressive tax system with elimination of special interests'/super rich's tax breaks, deductions, loopholes.

    - Obamacare legally requires uninsured people to pay absolutely absurd exorbitant premiums for the coverage that they in all likelihood can't use due to absurdly high deductibles. If one can't afford the coverage, the government pays for it with taxpayers money (never mind $20 trillion debt). That's pretty much it in a nutshell, Obamacare did not do anything else. As such it solved absolutely no Healthcare problems, it's not even a step in the right direction. It merely wasted 8 years at best or exacerbated the problems at worst.
  9. RonnieFan

    RonnieFan Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 23, 2015
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    Perhaps you should be a little bit more clearer with the questioning.

    For example, with item #'s 2,3,7 and 8 the questions are too vague.
  10. slackercruster

    slackercruster Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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    OP, don't care. He is the biggest liar and con man in history. But as long as he leaves the guns alone all is fine.
  11. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Fascinating. So where are you with trumps platform?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not vague. It's only for or against his position.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Fascinating. So where are you with trumps platform?
  12. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    If Trump makes good on his promises regarding the economy, immigration, the ACA and taxes that will go a long way to earning him a second term. We must deal with the reality that defense means a large peace time force and all of the materiel to maintain superiority against the looming threats that have accumulated during Obama's tenure.He needs to surround himself with a rigorous foreign policy team. The POTUS is still the leader of the free world and the free world has been waiting a long time for leadership. The presidency is perhaps the most difficult job in the world and Trump has an awful mess to clean up while simultaneously attending to the business of the office. I believe that he is up to it, he is a shrewd businessman and a workaholic. I believe that beneath the controversial sometimes uncouth veneer there is a capacity to understand and focus on broad issues. I also believe that there's someone who loves this country deeply and that's something that's been missing in the White House for a long time.
    RedStater likes this.
  13. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    1 legal immigration with verifiable vetting and integration.

    2 no substantive opinion. Taxes are a necessary theft. Nuff said

    3 if globalization is a con then why does the left constantly clamor for it? Are you suggesting the left is wrong?

    4 needs serious fixing. I ran my stats through the system about a week ago. Might as well just pay everything out of pocket and check out when the serious crap starts because I'd be broke by then anyway.
    I do give kudos to my Union for getting me decent coverage without Obamas help.

    5 Yes. Defense is better than offense but we must be prepared for all. Seems Trump may do a better job of bean counting than any of our professional politicians. That's a plus.

    6 Yes. As long as its lucrative and environmentally sound I see no reason not too. By exploring new areas we just may find more easily exploitable resources that may help negate the need to frack in others. Better for the economy and environment IMO.

    7 Trump says let the states decide. At this point I'm good with that till the point some state goes full bonkers.

    8. We need change in education. I think your wrong in wanting less college grads. We need an education system that can instill the desire to succeed in whatever level of success that particular student is capable of.
    We need to lift up those with less potential to at least make a decent living without institutional welfare (yes, most likely technical skills not college per say). We also need to bring colleges and students to the realization that useless degrees are not going to help in the real world.
    I know a waitress that has been studying LGBT crappola for 8 years. She's still a waitress. She's certainly free to study whatever she wants I just hope it's not me paying.

    My cynical side tells me you wish to imply Trump is a liberal such as yourself and all cons have been duped.
    My realistic side says there are points the left and right can agree on if we can just get the constant demonization and extremism to stop. That's how it used to work.
    creation likes this.
  14. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Fascinating. Clearly your for all the positions he takes.

    For what does the USA need a large peace time army?

    What messes does it need to clean up? You mean isis?

    You really really think Obama didn't love his country?
  15. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    That divide was fairly obvious in the left/right divide during the election. There were quite a few issues that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump agreed on, Bernie was an old time class struggle leftist. The modern left in the US is all about identity politics, not class. It's an alliance of the upper classes and lower classes against the middle. At the beginning of the campaign, Sanders even was more in line with Trump on immigration, but over time he changed his tune in favor of a more or less open borders policy that's shared by the Democratic Party. I think the past US election was the first one in my life time That was more globalist/nationalist than left/right. I don't know if that's a fluke or a new trend.
  16. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Not really. You're asking our opinion on what you think Trump's policy positions are. At any given time, Trump has contradicted himself on nearly all of them.

    But for the sake of discussion, here are my thoughts.

    1/Immigration - severe restrictions on Muslims and a big southern wall ?

    There is no mass migration to the United States, contrary to the paranoid claims of the far right. The US is taking a tiny trickle of Syrian refugees, and even these require two plus years of vetting. What happens in other countries regarding mass migration is for those countries to decide.

    The whole idea of a massive southern wall is both racist and ridiculous. The mentality that the US must wall itself in and draw comfort from the parochial fears of ignorant people is disgusting.

    2/Economic internal situation? - flat tax

    Trump isn't serious about flat taxes, and the idea, while a popular political canard, won't get anywhere. In the US, Congress and many Presidents have used the tax code as a way to do political engineering, redirect resources, reward their supporters and punish their enemies. Which is why the US has such a complex tax code. And why it will continue to do so.

    3/External - protectionism?

    Globalism has been turned into a code word by far right wing isolationist in teh US and the flat earth types. The Western Alliance and the global institutions that were established in the wake of the Atlantic Charter, and the Allied victory in WWII set the stage for the largest growth in industry, science and progress the world has ever seen. There has not been a major war between world powers in 75 years. The standard of living of just about every human being on the planet has been raised considerably Diseases have been eradicated, and hunger greatly reduced. Trade all over the world is largely free and open, and has resulted in robust (if uneven) economic growth all over the world. It is the foundation on which strong democracies like Japan and South Korea stand up to hermit kingdoms like North Korea.

    This is the legacy of Churchill and Roosevelt. A legacy that Trump has denied on the campaign trail. Fortunately, but his picks for State and Defense have disavowed Trump's cartoonish word view.

    Besides, history tells us what protectionism will lead to.

    4/Healthcare - ACA repeal and replace?

    The Pubic Option is the real solution. The US needs to join the modern countries and adopt universal health care. The system would be much more fair than what we have had and far cheaper and the experience of every other industrialized country on earth proves.

    The GOP was all set to repeal and think about replace later. Which would have been an ecomic disaster as it would have thrown the entire US health care system into total chaos and resulted in massive increases in health insurance premiums (not to mention 20 million plus tossed of insurance and far more finding their benefits cut even as costs skyrocketed).

    Trump pulled Ryan, et al Up short. Of course, he promised a simultaneous repeal and replace that was going to be great and done quickly. The GOP has had six years to come up with a replacement. They have offered nothing and cleary have no plan.

    5/Defence spending - increase?

    I support strategic modernization. But we already spend more on weapons and munitions than most of the world combined. I would be happier if this sort of esculation was accompanies by real effots to curb the growing power of the security industrial and military industrial complexes, which have run amok under all of our noses, and is largely unaccountable.

    6/Industrial resource policy - expansion in drilling and mining?

    The United States does not, and never has had an industrial policy. We let the marketplace decide to a large extent. We do subsidize promising technologies, and infrastructure as we always have done. This is why the US had the best railroads in the world and the largest interstate highway system. it's also why we came to dominate commercial aviation and computers, and (unless Trump pulls the rug out) we will become world leaders in alternative energy.

    Invest in the work of the future, and you will be rewarded. Pretending that you can return to an imaginary past is doomed to failure.

    7/Drugs - no change?

    I do not know if Trump has a "policy" on this.

    He made an out of left field noisy attack on big pharm at a his rant (press conference) the other day.

    The the right wing noise machine launched at attack listing all the Democrats who voted against allowing drugs in from Canada (while failing to mention that all the GOP opppsed it)

    The GOP has always carried PHARMA's water on this. They were the ones who prohibited the practice in the first place,, and they were the ones who moved to keep the Federal government from negotiating volume discounts with pharmaceutical companies for Medicare and Medicaid.

    8/Education - no change?

    He hasn't said much about education. He's not a very intellectual man, and almost certainly doesn't have a single book anywhere in his casino baroque penthouse. I doubt that he respects education or sees any value in it.

    His pick for Education Secretary is an extremist right wing ideologue who believes that public education should be run like the for profit prison system.

    Obviousy I am deeply opposed to Ms DeVoos and her agenda.
  17. Hotdogr

    Hotdogr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    For. We need to welcome legal immigrants, and be VERY selective with regards to who we allow to legally immigrate. Illegal immigrants should not find a hospitable environment in the US. "The Wall" from my perspective can be either a large physical monstrosity, or any other effective barrier that largely eliminates the problem of border jumpers, including legislation that completely removes the incentive for them to come here illegally.
    Neutral. I have not heard that he supports a flat tax. I'd rather he embrace the FairTax.
    For. The ACA is a disaster completely of democrat design, designed to be a disaster. Repeal is a foregone conclusion, and democrats designed it that way.
    For. Not necessarily increase, but spend more effectively, eliminate waste, negotiate better deals. There will be ONE nation on this planet that is THE military superpower; we must either BE that nation, or we must choose who we want that nation to be. My vote is US.
    For. The single most important national security issue is our dependence upon other nations; nations who HATE us, for our energy. We should do everything in our power to become a net exporter of energy and end our dependence upon others.
    Against. The #1 domestic problem we face is the violence associated mostly with the prohibition of marijuana. We need to end the so-called "war on drugs", it creates more death and mayhem than the prohibited substances themselves cause.
    Neutral. While the education system, and the practices surrounding education loans, need attention, tackling these can be deferred to the second term.
  18. TedintheShed

    TedintheShed Banned

    Aug 31, 2010
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    1) Against. I believe in freedom of association

    2) Against. Taxation is theft.

    3) Against. Again, freedom of association

    4) Against. Repeal only. Solution is to remove entanglement of government into Healthcare which is the cause of increasing prices.

    5) Against. Decrease spending, bring all troops home and stop being nation builders and the world Police.

    6) Against. Expansion in these areas should occur in the free market.

    7) Against. The war on drugs should cease, and all drug should be legalized.

    8 Against. No federal education. All education should be organic via local community.

    Undoubtedly my responses would be similar to most of Clinton's policies as well?
  19. Hedgology

    Hedgology Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Against mass immigration; especially from countries where people have issues conforming to a secular democracy.

    For a flat tax across the border; Better chances of funding the government.

    Protectionist policies are bad for economic growth.

    The ACA is un-egliatiarian and has sustainability issues; needs to be repealed and replaced.

    I would expect a decrease since we are no longer going to have WWIII.

    No opinion.

    No opinion.

    No opinion for primary and secondary schools; but certain issues with college campuses and the lack of academic freedom on college universities and freedom of speech.
  20. An Old Guy

    An Old Guy Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    The thread title is: "Where are you with the Trump platform?" I think the more important question is - Where is Trump with the Trump platform? He has changed or modified his planks so many times some have trouble keeping up. It should be noted many of his more ardent supporters don't really care. Is it possible "platforms" won't matter anymore in elections? Is it better to just toss crap out there and see what sticks?
  21. War is Peace

    War is Peace Banned

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Got to love the Dems. They rigged their own primary to give us the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH capable of loosing to Trump. Thank you!
  22. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Even better, the Left did it while members of their own Party (Bernie supporters) AND the entirety of the GOP's voting base told them that they were being idiots and explained in patient detail why Hillary Clinton was the wrong candidate to back in 2016. Hell they would have been better off running senile ol' Joe Biden instead. At least he could make people laugh -- granted only by accident, but still . . . .
  23. RedStater

    RedStater Active Member Past Donor

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Now THAT part of your post is something with which anyone who is informed and has a shred of common sense can and should agree!

    What the hell - here's my four cents:

    1- Immigration: Yes - we should carefully vet anyone coming from areas with a history of terrorism - but then again, we should be vetting everyone anyway. It's not as simple as just building a wall on our southern border. We need to actually enforce our immigration policies - and we should bite the bullet and deport all CRIMINAL illegal aliens in our country starting with the worst first. We need to figure out a way to deal with the millions of benign, hard-working people who are still here illegally, but of course, we cannot simply deport them all. They need to be required to pay to enroll in a program that allows them to work toward becoming citizens. I don't care if it costs them money they may not have! They have benefitted from being in our country illegally. Before anything can happen though - we MUST SEAL OUR BORDERS AND HALT ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. We need to also fix our visa program. Immediate deportation for all visa over-stays.

    2- Taxes: I believe in a three-tiered simplified tax code (maybe 12%/17%/22% brackets?) along with a modest consumption tax on all goods except food/groceries. Impose an across-the-board 18% corporate tax rate and close all corporate loopholes. Allow only one deduction: mortgage interest.

    3- External: I'm not for isolationism, but I am definitely not for overt globalization. We can find a good middle ground that benefits US first and foremost. Let the rest of the world manage their own interests. We do need to be actively involved with the rest of the world, but we cannot continue to be the chief of police and de facto slush fund for all the world's various organizations.

    4- Healthcare: Yes - repeal and replace the ACA. The chief problem is the fact that the only people for whom health care is actually "affordable" are those who are so heavily-subsidized that it's practically free. Meanwhile, others who were responsible enough to actually have their own plans in the first place have to now pay such high premiums and deductibles that they might actually benefit from paying the penalty and absorbing their health care costs out-of-pocket. The Millennials, who whimpered and whined wanting universal health care, are the very ones who didn't buy into the ACA once they found out it wasn't going to be "free". They are young enough, still relatively healthy, and largely unencumbered by family commitments, making the penalty/out-of-pocket route more "affordable" for them. We need to somehow take the insurance companies out of the medical business. Their self-serving bureaucracy drives up the across-the-board costs of health care.

    5- Defense spending: Yes - increase from where we are now. It costs to maintain a robust national defense - and if we do not maintain it, we will pay an even heavier cost down the road. We do need to demand lower costs from defense contractors - no more blanket approvals for massive wasteful spending programs. I spent 25 years on active duty in the Army...two of which were working in the Pentagon. That gave me a lot of insight into the wasteful spending that comes about when lobbyists collude with defense contractors to take advantage of the American taxpayers.

    6- Industrial resource policy - expansion in drilling and mining: Yes - we must become energy independent. The private sector has been working toward that by increasing exploration on private lands in the past decade - and we need to expand that to include Federal lands. That will get us there with literally trillions of barrels of supply for at least the next hundred years. By the time technology catches up, allowing greater affordable reliance on "green energy", we will have cracked the code and will use gradually less fossil fuels. It will enrage Saudi Arabia, but screw them! I had to live in that hellhole for over eight months in 1990-91 during Desert Shield/Storm. Let someone else finance their opulent monarchy until they start playing a more active role in countering the very terrorism that is bred so fervently into their Islamic education system.

    7- Drugs: I don't think there's anything wrong with an adult smoking a little weed to unwind at the end of the day - not essentially any different from drinking a few beers. That's a stark contrast to full legalization of recreational use - allowing our young people to become chronic potheads who smoke throughout the day and turn themselves into non-productive dolts who contribute nothing of any real value to society. I do not believe recreational marijuana should be legal. That is going to come back to bite the states who legalize it - mark my words! It's a tightrope with no really easy answer, but I believe possession/growing should still be illegal, but only a minor fine should be imposed for small amounts obviously for personal use. (Yes - I advocate "keeping it in the closet"!) In instances of possession/growing large quantities, severe incremental fines should be imposed, making the risk not worth the reward. We need to increase the penalties for trafficking hard drugs like cocaine, crack, meth, and heroine and increase spending on rehabilitation rather than imprisonment for low-level users.

    8 - Education: Abolish the National Education Association and the teacher's unions. The focus needs to be on our students - not protecting the livelihoods of teachers who let the unions defend their complacency and poor quality of teaching ability. Get rid of the concept of tenure in public education - and I mean for public universities as well. Demand results on a merit-based advancement policy that rewards teachers financially with outstanding performance. That will make a teaching career something that only truly qualified teachers can attain and maintain. Curricula need to be administered at the state level. The Federal government turns everything into a bureaucracy that becomes nothing but a self-serving enterprise that rewards cronyism over actual performance.

    My bottom line is that we need to work toward limiting the Federal Government's role in managing every single aspect of the lives of our citizens. We need to allow states to decide how to administer most of the things that really only affect their state. The Fed needs to - pardon the cliché - "build roads and win wars". The Federal Government should focus on things that affect the sovereignty of our Nation as a whole. Yes - immigration and drug enforcement ARE among those things, in my opinion.

    If any individual state wants to be a "nanny state" - well...that's on them. People can always move -- like they have been the past decade or so to my beloved state. While not perfect, Texas has a lot of good things going on. We have benefitted from pro-growth governance and legislature for the past few decades - and we damned-well need to keep it that way! We have a lot of room to grow in our big, beautiful state full of friendly, down-to-earth people (for the most part, anyway!)

    Get a clue and take our cue, America!
    creation likes this.
  24. nra37922

    nra37922 Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    How did this thread change into an Obama one?
  25. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    My Mr Trump policy:

    1. Immigration and Muslims are welcome and a big southern wall are welcome.

    2. Smaller tax returns.

    3. I don't knew.

    4. Healthcare are welcome.

    5. Defence Left of course.

    6. I don't knew.

    7. Drugs for medicine.

    8. Education is free to 16 ages.

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