Yaley-Lennon back in court

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by alexa, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    He is back in court and is claiming he did not know he was not allowed to broadcast the court - that there was a gagging order till all trials had been heard in order to give everyone a chance of a fair trial and apparently suitable notices saying this which should have been up for some reason were not. They think however he did know. Apart from that the claim is that he was wanting his followers to act as vigilantes. If he is found in contempt of court he could face up to two years.

  2. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    The Officer of the Court said in Court that that day in Leeds her office had failed to put up any notices of a ban on reporting on the case or give notice of a ban to the media, bar the reporting restriction on verdicts until the whole three phase trial was over, already in place, which Tommy did not break.

    But that is not what he was being tried for and found guilty of yesterday. He was found guilty of Contempt of Court by substantive recklessness = Count 1) that he did ask a defendant, as he was arriving at court to hear his verdict ( of his hand in the rape of 16 ( out of the 100s who dared not go to court) underage girls) ''lads, how do you feel about your verdicts?'' - that by so asking the defendant this question Tommy caused said defendant anxiety - Count 2) Taking a photo of defendant as he entered court - he caused the defendant anxiety. Count 1&2 = caused anxiety to defendant = that defendant might fear coming to court for fear of molestation thereby maybe more police officers would be needed for the defendant to feel safe [ said defendant btw was found guilty and sent straight to jail that day]. Count 3) as I understand it so far = Even though no notice of a reporting restriction had been given to the media nor was up anywhere in court Tommy should have assumed there might be a reporting restriction and was therefore reckless to report on it --- when his defence challenged that; Tommy had only read, defendants names and charges against them, from the BBC website material which was already in the public domain (with photos btw) and so by Art 42 ' no-one can be prosecuted for distributing material already in the public domain' the judge told him he was wrong - the law was wrong - that the judge would explain it next week ---- 11th July being the date set for sentencing. Giving Tommy only six days to prepare an appeal, without a fully explained verdict, instead of the usual six weeks.

    So - it is now illegal to photograph and or ask questions of any defendant going into court?!!!!! Only one journalist has said that she feels uneasy about the verdict because it is something she herself has done many times - only one.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  3. The Scotsman

    The Scotsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    nah....its basically a point that total pillocks like yaxley-fukcweed or whatever his name should understand before they try and take the piss out of the legal system.... but hey he has his merry band of fans tossing off over his every deed and word so life goes on and unfortunately so does he....oh for a red dot on his forehead....dream on....
  4. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    He has been sentenced 9 months ( which would be only 4 and a half to serve) He has had the time he did before taken into account so is going to get away with serving 8 weeks three and a half days!


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