Withholding Hydroxychloriquine Equals Issuing Death Sentences To Fellow Americans!

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by JimfromPennsylvania, Apr 9, 2020.

  1. JimfromPennsylvania

    JimfromPennsylvania Active Member Past Donor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    The American people owe the medical professionals that currently are putting their life on the line in the country's hospital more that words can say! So it greatly pains me to have to say this but standing up for human life requires me to say the following which is today a significant number of doctors in America's hospitals are killing people by not offering hydrooxychloriquin (HCL) and azithromyacin to their corona-virus patients they are killing some of these patients as sure as if they were slowly turning down the dials on the equipment providing oxygen to these patients! Further, non-clinical doctors and scientists obstructing in the public debate the promotion of these two pharmaceuticals for this disease are equally culpable in the deaths of these "HCL withheld" patients!

    I understand these opponent doctors and scientist side of this controversy that the FDA has not approved this drug as having efficacy or appropriate for this disease and this lack of FDA approval is a big big deal because the profession shouldn't be undermining the authority of the FDA, respect for which is a bedrock aspect of practicing medicine in America and by promotion of this drug you're creating a bad precedent for circumventing the FDA which is that if a significant number of doctors believe a certain drug has efficacy for a certain disease and these doctors have political pull than FDA authority can be voided and this threatens public health!. I understand these opponent doctors argument that rushing to use this drug, hydroxychloroquine, will lead to use which doesn't account for the potential bad side effects of this drug and some of these patients who are bad candidates for this drug because of their health conditions will end up being seriously harmed. I even recognize as legitimate here these opponent Doctors rationale that they are guarding their precious reputation as Doctors who do not hurt patients through the wrongful issuance of prescriptions I even accept this when issuing such a prescription would be the extraordinary virtuous thing to do; other professionals guard their reputation when risking it would be the extraordinary virtuous thing to do and society accepts and respects those decisions.

    In this controversy for the nation the ultimate question authorities should be asking themselves is: Will the promotion of the use of this drug, hydroxychloriquine, save lives and is it responsible to use it? For the first part of the question I think that a reasonable person must conclude that the current "prevalent" use of this drug in clinical settings across America with positive results meaning people recover from the disease calls for the conclusion it is saving lives that is not to say society won't have more helpful treatments come along in the future which should replace the use of HCL. For the second part of the question, unfortunately there isn't the time available to use the standards that the system in America has in place to make this determination; today there is at least 425,000 people in America that have the disease and 1,000 plus people dying a day from Covid 19 there isn't months or even one month available to wait for studies. The country is in a crisis it must act immediately if it can!

    What is the pathology of this disease, how does it physically affect people? In the broadest possible sense, it attacks the lungs of a person and impairs the lung's function of transferring oxygen to the blood eventually impairing it to the degree where it causes death. More specifically, the way the lungs work are they are a system of tubes stemming from the main tube the trachea, the tube at the base of your neck, and at the end of these tubes are air sacs; the lungs have millions of these little air sacs. The "lining" of these air sacs has two principal types of cells, Type I and Type II. Type I's role is solely to pass oxygen from the air in the air sacs to the lung's capillaries, the bodies smallest blood vessels, and pass CO2 from the capillaries to the air in the air sacs so it can be removed from the body through exhaling. Type II cells are secreting cells meaning they secrete a fluid and their principal role is to produce this fluid which creates this membrane on the air sac wall which provides structural integrity for the air sac wall and these Type II cells help get foreign matter like bacteria out of the air sac and Type II cells can become Type I cells just in case Type I cells die for some reason (Type I cells do not replicate). The Covid 19 disease has this corona-virus Cov2 and what this corona-virus does is it only attacks the Type II air sac cells it enters the type II cell and overwhelms it through replication thereby killing it. After the corona-virus kills enough of the Type II cells in the air sacs of the lung it impairs this "oxygen transfer to the blood" function of the lungs and eventually the impairment grows to the point that the oxygen deprivation causes death.

    Hydroxychloriquine (hereinafter HCL) is an antiviral drug meaning its purpose is to fight and kill viruses whether it is effective in this purpose specifically against the corona-virus Cov2 is the big question! How does HCL function, how does it fight a virus? The following information was essentially garnished from an article published at: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871402120300515?via%3Dihub Before we discuss the effects of HCL on the body it will be helpful to some readers to provide a very short primer on cell biology; cells are all about the different uses of proteins (proteins are a collection of certain types of molecules) - think of proteins as tree logs and the cell as an architect and just like an architect uses those logs in the form of wood boards and wood sheets and has them connected together to do different things cells do the same with proteins.

    Hydroxychloriquine does multiple things in this fight against corona viruses. One, it strengthens the encapsulation function of cells; when a virus makes contact with a cell the cell encapsulates the virus and once the encapsulated virus enters the cell the shell dissipates over time and during this time the cell is trying to breakdown the virus, HCL strengthens the shell and so the dissipation period is longer giving the cell the time needed to complete the breakdown process of the virus. Secondly, HCL interferes with the effectiveness of the viruses receptors; on the exterior lining of viruses are protein structures whose configurations are such that they match up with the protein structure configuration on exterior of host cells, in the instant case air sac Type II cells. HCL interferes with the construction of these protein structures in the outer wall of the virus so it doesn't recognize so well the Type II cells as host cells and the latching onto those Type II cells doesn't progress well. Thirdly, HCL interferes with the replication process of viruses; once a virus enters the host cell the replication process is essentially the reformulation of the cells various protein structures into virus needed protein structures and the imparting of the virus genetic code into these virus needed protein structures once that occurs the virus quickly comes into existence. What HCL does is slow down this virus construction process resulting in the body not having to fight so many corona-viruses. Fourthly, HCL lowers a person's production from their cells of these signaling protein structures; these signaling protein structures signal to immune cells to come and fight the infection. It is very problematic on the human body when you have the immune cells coming to the area where the air sac cell is fighting the virus and producing all these signalling structures calling for more immune cells coming to the fight because these immune cells are shedding toxic protein structures from the fight with the infection; HCL reduction in the production of these signaling structures essentially protects the body from an overreaction of the body's immune system which is the specific cause of many of the Covid 19 fatalities.

    One should conclude that certainly it is responsible to have Hydroxychloriquine as an option for doctors charged with treating patients with Covid 19 for the drug offers many benefits in human cell behavior with no disqualifying effects. In this big public controversy going on today over whether authorities should be promoting or not promoting Hydroxychloriquine for the Covid 19 disease I comedown not only on promotion but aggressive promotion! I think the facts call for the Center For Disease Control in America or another group that has authority over doctors in America to issue the following proclamation that Doctors across America are ordered that unless your Covid 19 patient has other health problems where the side-effects of the drug warrant non-use, that HCL should be "offered" to that patient with a full and fair explanation of the pros and cons about using the drug especially the fact that thousands of Covid 19 patients across America are using the drug with positive results! Offering this drug to Covid 19 patients whose health is compatible with this drug should be "The Standard Of Care" for this disease! People in this public debate want evidence that the drug works I'll tell you how to get some compelling evidence by adopting a measuring standard that a recent Chinese study did in evaluating the effectiveness of hydroxychoriquine and this evidence could be garnished in four or five days, compare the X-Rays -for virus infection reduction, of those Covid 19 patients who have not taken HCL against patient who have taken HCL over a six or seven day period. The X-Ray records are just sitting in hospital record systems across America it would be relatively easy to do this for a population of around two-thousand patients. Although the Chinese study was only for a population of 62 patients you know what the study found: sixty-one percent (61%)of the HCL patients had a significant improvement in their xrays whereas only sixteen percent (16%) of non-HCL patients had a significant improvement in their xrays!
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The Fake News New York Times’ Baseless Insinuations About Sanofi, Trump, and Hydroxychloroquine.

    “The shame about the Times report is that it didn’t have to be. Peter Baker, Katie Rogers, David Enrich, and Maggie Haberman could have just responsibly penned an article revealing a debate about a drug’s efficacy. But since President Trump talked hydroxychloroquine up, they had to lace in their own biases and weak revelations in a vain attempt to make Trump look bad.”​

    But Orange Man is Bad, even if Baker, Rogers, Enrich, and Haberman — shameless and awful, all of them — have to sacrifice the truth and whatever is left of their reputations to prove it.
    Gatewood likes this.
  3. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I saw a video recently where a woman doctor in Texas states that she gave this to all of her COVID 19 patients... and all of them recovered.

    It seems to me that this is being covered up by the mainstream media in order to affect the 2020 election.
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  6. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    An Excuse Junkie is a person addicted to excuses. The problem with addiction is standards go straight to hell. Any excuse will do, no matter how lame it is.

    It's a study published in Lancet, which is a prestigious medical journal. Covers 16 countries, and thousands of people.

    Because all treatment regimes resulted in increased mortality, it's unlikely that it will be useful as a prophylactic.

    I'm a 69 year old cancer survivor. One part of my cancer treatment gave me diabetes. So you could say I am in rough shape. I would leap on anything that worked, my hope is to survive long enough for a vaccine or treatment to show up.

    But I don't have a lot of tolerance for BS, and that's what this is, it's all it is.
    DennisTate and Bowerbird like this.
  7. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    It's been all over the news, it has been studied, and more studies are cranking up.

    That's the opposite of a cover up.

    Your lady doc has what is called anecdotal evidence. The study published yesterday looked at all the current treatment regimens, and included thousands, not 16.

    As a rule, good science is both hard and slow. The flu is a cousin to Corona, and look at how limited we are at dealing with it. The good news is our technology is astonishingly good these days. But for all the money and people working to that end, we still need a little luck.
    DennisTate and Bowerbird like this.
  8. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    I am not reading that much twaddle!

    Now in 50 words or less can you tell me why you think this drug, which in trial after trial has proven to be ineffective should be given to patients?
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes... this is encouraging ....

    39 elderly Texans successfully complete hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19, doctor says

    On what I think is a related topic..... I recently heard in a video that the difference between a regular flu.... and Ebola... is the amount of INFLAMMATION that the patient has.

    I heard another video that asserted that processed SUGAR is a major cause in our bodies experiencing inflammation so....... the question comes to mind if people on the keto diet would perhaps respond very differently to this COVID 19 virus than another person who is overloading their bodies with processed sugar????

    "The difference between Ebola and influenza is that inflammatory response" (Dr. Joseph Ahrens after the 5:50 mark in this video:

    Since sugar is a major cause of INFLAMMATION in our bodies... .then we are faced with the question of how our diet may affect our response to COVID 19?????

    Does Sugar Cause Inflammation in the Body?


    Sugar: The Bitter Truth

    •Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2020

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