Electronic Harassment is Real

Discussion in 'Civil Liberties' started by James7, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Their opinions don't matter. I am not suggesting you have a mental health evaluation to prove anything to the police. Clearly, you don't want to do it, so there is no point in my trying to explain again that it will lend credibility to ANYONE you turn to for help.

    LEO = Law enforcement officer

    OK. So, you thought people on a political forum would have more answers that the whole internet?

    Have you considered joining forums in which that kind of thing is discussed and find some people that have similar experiences?

    Have you considered talking to your doctor for help in finding resources for your particular problem (sometimes they know of resources not available to the general public).

    Again, if you just wanted to vent (and I didn't get that impression initially), fine. If you want answers, you have to do the work and it may just be YOU STARTING some kind of forum for people with this particular problem to pool information and resources.

    Good luck in your endeavors.
  2. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    What makes you bevel you are so important to be monitored and tracked, that's an expensive thing to do, so unless you are really politically connected or involved in drug smuggling or another vice why should you be monitored?
  3. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    And presumably you're not quietly insinuating that I have delusions of grandeur and hence am mentally unstable?

    So many people these days are being branded as "conspiracy theorists" just for speaking their minds on controversial topics and are being censored. Also there is much suggestion that a Chinese style "good citizen/bad citizen" points scoring system is being used in many Western countries. There is an increasing Orwellian tendency in our society and much of it seems to stem from the Internet. One of the downsides of the Internet, apart from initially promoting freedom of speech, is that it can also be used at a tool of surveillance and censorship.

    Also people can get on the wrong side of the powers that be just for raising legal issues. It happens all the time. Sometimes the law favours the more powerful.
  4. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I think that the Internet is far less "free" than most people think and that we are only beginning to understand quite how highly manipulated and regulated on the quiet by governments it is. In many countries the Internet is openly censored and regulated but in other 'democratic' countries the regulation is more discrete.

    One classic example is electronic harassment. If you search on the Internet for resources on this subject you come upon resources that even I admit are pretty whacky. Fake websites can easily be created by the harassers themselves, forums can be populated by paid trolls and search algorithms can be manipulated to push all the genuine material right to the bottom of the pile. And this can apply to printed media, i.e. books, which are ultimately sold online as well.

    This is a big mistake and I know this from personal experience. If you raise the issue of electronic harassment with your personal G.P. these days, the first thing they will say to you is, "I'm going to put your name forward for psychiatric assessment." This is what happened and I politely informed my G.P. that I was well within my rights not to comply with this and I then registered with an alternative surgery. There is just no way I would ever want a future appointment with a doctor that had said that to me.
  5. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    OK. What does that have to do with you finding people that have experienced what you are experiencing?

    OK. Why can you not find another doctor?
  6. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Because, as I have just pointed out, most communications these days take place over the Internet and these websites can be easily manipulated.

    And what is your doctor meant to say to you? "I know this brilliant website........"
  7. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    You are using the internet RIGHT NOW where you detailed ALL kinds of information. It's already out there so what is the harm in seeking out like-minded people for help in finding resources?

    You say what anybody who is seeking help would say. Something like "I've been trying to find some help with this problem..."

    Nevertheless, I'm out of ideas here. You don't care what anybody else is saying so I'm exiting the conversation.

    Good luck to you.
  8. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
  9. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    The field Arthur Firstenberg is covering regards electromagnetic radiation safety issues and NOT electronic harassment. The two things are slightly different.

    But it's still a worthy subject that a number of scientists are looking at and, yes, it does include safety issues regarding 5G.

    I myself stopped using wireless landline telephones when I realised the phones were transmitting signals to one another continuously 24/7. According to my "emf smog meter" the emf close to the base unit was an incredible and unwavering 6V/m, right at the very top of the scale. When I realised this I soon replaced the units with a traditional corded phone.
  10. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    There's a lot of similarities though.
    5G spreads COVID and kills bees, or so I've heard. 5G also kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, but I have no proof of that, it's just my theory.
    Do you still use a cellphone?
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
    Well Bonded likes this.
  11. roorooroo

    roorooroo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2017
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    I don't so much mind the massive amount of electromagnetic waves that are constantly beamed into my brain, whether they be benign or nefarious. The electronic harrassment that ticks me off is the damn scammers constantly abusing my cell phone and email. Although I have to admit, the frequency of scammer calls has tailed off dramatically since mid-March. I figure that the scammer call center got Covid and they all died.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
  12. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I may have covered this one already on this thread, but if you are constantly receiving scam telephone calls then that could mean you are what's known as a "Targeted Individual".

    What gives the game away is if the same individuals call from the same number with the same routine even though it didn't work last time, or the time before, etc, etc. In fact they never give up.

    This reveals situation as one of harassment. Certain groups of people are more prone to becoming a T.I. than others.

    One way to stop the calls which I found can work really well, is to make a record of the call online on sites such as Who Calls Me describing exactly what form the call took and why it was annoying. The people calling seem to realise whats going on and stop calling.
  13. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    If you buy into any of that BS about 5G it indicates you are totally clueless.
  14. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Get a clue, if that happens the person has landed on a distribution list commonly known as a sucker list, and I can only guess you fail to understand outbound call centers may use a single Directory Number (DN), which is assigned to all of their outbound calls, and they often serve many customers providing different services to those who are on that sucker list.

    Only if they are paranoid fools.

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
  15. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Are you seriously telling me there are absolutely NO safety issues surrounding 5G and all these scientists are wrong?

    Don't forget there are even safety issues on the use of regular mobile phones with the accepted advice being to limit your usage of them and to use alternate ears when using them, etc.
  16. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    No, because some of the calls are definitely suspicious.

    One call type, which I've only just recently worked out the possible significance of, involved the following: The phone would ring and I would answer and initially all you could hear at the other end of the line was a dialling tone as if you yourself were ringing someone else. After a short wait someone at the other end would pick up their phone and it was always a female in some social setting like a public house as fairly loud animated conversation could be heard in the background. The individual would say something like, "Hello, who's calling?", and you would say pretty much the same thing with neither person on either end of the line agreeing who had called who until someone ended the call.

    Obviously apart from the calls being annoyingly stupid, what could in fact be quite dangerous about these calls is the fact that the person on the other end of the line could make a formal complaint accusing you of being the source of harassing phone calls. In the end your own phone number could be logged on sites like Who Calls Me. And that is potentially really sinister.

    And yet you Well Bonded are happy with your own explanation which runs, "if that happens the person has landed on a distribution list commonly known as a sucker list." As if that was all we needed to know!
  17. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Outside of the site the 5G signal is too weak to cause cellular warming, because it is well below the maximum Specific Absorption Rate of 1.6 per kilogram, with towers over 50 feet the SAR is still lower than 1.6 W/kg, about the only area where 3m 4 or 5G can present a danger is at roof top sites where one can walk in front of the antenna, which is why rooftop sites must remain locked and not accessible to the general public.

    In reality the only difference between 5G and the previous generations is channel bonding, which allows for greater throughput by bonding up 6 channels down and 4 channels up.

    The same radios used for the previous generations are the radios being used for 5G the only difference is the software we load into them.

    By the way should dare to go outside on a sunny day you are being radiated with more then 1.6 W/kg from that well known source of radiation called the sun, so breakout your tin foil and get wrapping.

    If you really understood 5G and worked with it you would realize those called scientists are blowing smoke up your ass trying to scare you which they seem to have done, I find it amazing just how gullible uninformed people can be and what suckers they are for conspiracy theories.

    Back when people used bag phones it might have been but the new handheld sets have such a low EIRP they put out less radiation then what you are exposed to by a neighbor using a microwave oven.[/quote][/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  18. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    There's a risk of going off topic here and I don't want to be drawn into a lengthy discussion on the science concerning the risks posed by 5G.

    However the following link from Scientific American is informative: We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

    And here's a quote from the site:

  19. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Mobile 5G doesn't use millimeter waves, fixed 5G might, but that hasn't been deployed, other than in the lab, whoever wrote that article is confusing technologies or simply doesn't understand what he is commenting on.

    I have been working in the wireless communications business and have the education to not only understand 5G I have engineered a number of sites in the SW Florida region and RF safety is foremost in our designs due to the fact it would be a public relations disaster and a huge liability should something bad happen.
  20. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Whatever the technicalities may or may not be, US senators have still had reason to comment on the safety aspect of 5G.
  21. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    They have done nothing, all of the real regulations have come out of the FCC.

    Keep in mind by and large laws are designed to affect the way people and business's handle themselves, only Congress can pass laws, however certain industries such as communications operate under regulations and only regulatory bodies can issue and enforce regulations, Congress cannot.
  22. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    The "dire warnings" associated with cell phones have been around for as long as cell phones have been around. Not only have all of the supposed risks (melanoma, sterility, brain tumors, ocular cancer, etc...) not increased proportionately as cell phone usage has become ubiquitous, and RF transmission has become ever more powerful and widespread, all of those supposed risks haven't shown any significant increases at all.

    We've been hearing the alarm ringing for over 30 years now, and we're yet to see any of the predicted and warned-about consequences actually materialize.

    It's been 30 years now, and we're still at the "may pose" and "research suggests" stage?

    Boys like you have been crying wolf since back in the days of the Gordon Gekko brick phone(1987).


    30 years and counting, no wolf.

    Why should we keep paying attention to you?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  23. cristiansoldier

    cristiansoldier Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    I think what you need to do is gather evidence. I know nothing about the topic but if someone is using a device the can produce the microwave auditory effect there must be a way to detect it, record it and try to pinpoint the source.

    The other question to explore is why you? Is there a reason someone is specifically targeting you? If you can't think of any specific reason maybe this person is just randomly attacking people in your area? Do any other household members or neighbors report the same issue? If more people were to complain then there is a greater chance the authorities will take it seriously.

    You said you researched this effect. Is there a way of targeting a specific room? Can the effect be directed or is it just emitted in all directions? What is the range? If the range is not great maybe you can install surveillance cameras to record the person.

    Also how does one obtain a device that can emit the microwave auditory effect? I would assume something like that would be illegal to sell? Are they sold on the black market? Are there plans to build one on the internet?
  24. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    We shouldn't, their facts are total fiction.

    A couple of years ago I was hired by a local power company to participate in a meeting between the company and a small but very vocal group of homeowners who where opposing the installation of a third three phase transmission line near a school, the group had done a fine job of scaring the crap out the community with their so called facts about high voltage transmission and the generation of Extremely Low Frequency Electrosmog ELFE, one of their primary claims was the signals generated by ELFE will cause brain tumors and a serious reduction of the red blood cell count.

    I was provided copies of the handouts they where offering and while they did cite a couple of medical studies demonstrating a possible link between a ELFE and medical conditions, either the opposing group didn't understand the meaning of exposure levels or if they did they left that out of the facts they where presenting known as lying by omission.

    I built a PowerPoint demonstration using exact copies of the material I was provided combined with the exposure levels they left out, I was able to demonstrate that the field strength levels they left out where more than 1,000,000 times greater than their claims about the direct exposure to EMF while standing near, but not underneath underneath a energized transmission line.

    I arraigned for the location of this meeting to be adjacent to a energized transmission line operating at 500,000 Kv, the proposed line would be operating at 135,000 Kv, after I began my presentation I paused and we where escorted outside and with two volunteers from the group opposing the new line, we where then walked underneath the line by a FP&L lineman, and using my calibrated field strength meter, which was calibrated using a method traceable back to the NIST.

    I measured the strength of the signal strength levels, I had set my meter so it would only measure frequencies below 100 KHz to eliminate any false readings from other sources of RF, the measurements in three directions where noted by all.

    We went back inside and after a short break I wrapped up by presentation by getting a random volunteer from the audience to come up on the stage and make a cell phone call, I stood 17' 6" from the caller which equated to 1/10 of the distance of the overhead transmission to my meter that we used outside. And again with the field strength meter I measured the signal strength level of the callers handset, it was 130 times higher than the measurement outside under the lines.

    Then I demonstrated with that slide and a few more, that the cell phone call was way under the permissible exposure levels required by the FCC and the signal level under the line was microscopic in comparison to the cell phone levels.

    Also just after the meeting began I asked for a show of phones by everyone attending and nearly everyone including a lot of children, had them. I would later use this as ammo to hammer home my point.

    In closing I demonstrated the math and calculations I used and I kept them very simple for I knew part of my audience was concerned, but able to do that math young people, my comparison of the line to the cellphone which nearly everyone carried would require a person to stand over 170 years under the line to absorb as much energy as they would soak up using a cell phone for an hour. I had made that test a number of times prior to the meeting so I had a good idea of the levels I would find and had a slide ready to present the actual facts.

    Using the cell phone call to the transmission line comparison I basically sunk and put into it's grave the group opposed to the new transmission line, more importantly I convinced a few City Commissioners who where opposing the line but became convinced it was in reality safe and with their additional votes a proposal to block the line was defeated 7 to 0.

    The power company people attending where pleased and I was advised they would be calling on me in the future.

    I have also done presentations for radio and TV stations either locating a new transmitter or antenna.

    The RF pollution. danger and electrosmog people are not evil, they are committed but lacking a strong background in electronics and RF they become grossly misinformed as do many of the scientists who do similar research.

    F can be a very complex subject but if one imagines it as light which is all around us it become much more easy to understand.

    By the way light is the same radiation as produced by RF of all frequencies, light is just a much higher frequency.

    The key words to remember when trying to determine the danger of electromagnetic energy is ionizing or non-ionizing, ionizing can be quite dangerous as it can modify cellular DNA, non-ionizing can also be dangerous it very high levels due to the fact it can cause heating of tissue and liquids in the body, but because RF propagation follows the inverse squared law it becomes very safe in a short space from the antenna.
    Creasy Tvedt and roorooroo like this.
  25. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Yes it's called a field strength meter and I use one on a regular basis to take signal strength measurements of cell sites.

    Yes to all of them, for example a public safety radio system will use a Omni antenna which radiates in a pattern that if visible would look like a horizontal doughnut withthe antenna in the middle.

    A cellular signal would look like a doughnut sliced into three pieces each a width of 120 degrees.

    They are legal to buy or build, while home built ones can work very well they are not acceptable to document patterns for FCC filings or to be used in court, that requires a properly calibrated meter.

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020

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