911 Cover up Director Appointed to Chair Covid Cover up Group

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Eleuthera, May 27, 2021.

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  1. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed To Chair Covid Cover Up Group - LewRockwell

    Philip Zelikow successfully directed the 911 Commission, and now the powers that be have appointed him to direct the Covid Commission.

    You know the country is in good hands with a Neocon at the controls of the investigation.

    Such government commissions have two primary functions: 1) protect the guilty parties and 2) lead the gullible to false conclusions. It's been working for generations.
  2. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    What does it matter where it came from? Even if it wasn't lab cooked the next one will be, because the word is out: America can be easily beaten with a biological weapon. We broadcast to the world that when it comes to a viral threat we are weak, we are incompetent, we are helpless, we are slow to act, we wont do whats necessary, and we will spend more time spreading verifiably false fake conspiracy theory LIES on social media than we will spend safeguarding our communities.

    So let me just ask, why in the **** should I care where this one came from when its the next one that will end us?
    Junkieturtle and FreshAir like this.
  3. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Thanks for replying to the thread. Some topics are uncomfortable to discuss for many.

    That you don't care whether or not you've been deceived by the official narrative is very common. Two of my dear brothers have that mindset too. They don't want to know the truth. It's call cognitive dissonance by the shrinks, willful ignorance by the lawyers. Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men pointed it out.

    Some of us prefer to confront the truth, however unpleasant. Many others, like my brothers, prefer to live in the reality constructed by mainstream media.

    I know that this was an example of biological warfare, but with a very (relatively) benign substance. We saw how effectively they could kill with anthrax back in 2003 or so, but the coronavirus is relatively harmless, rather like the flu.

    I know it was planned because there is so much evidence of it.

    That Zelikow will head up yet another commission meant to deceive is no surprise to me.
  4. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    My point is - if that's the case, we failed the dry run and will have undoubtedly encouraged our enemies to pursue biological weapons with even more vigor. The fact that America showed such gross incompetence and weakness in the face of this threat is a hell of a more frightening thing to me than tactics of subterfuge and espionage that allegedly covered it up.

    I hope somewhere some military think tank is writing a new book on how to deal with airborne contagions because the old one needs to be shredded and then burned. The next time something like this happens we need to be ready to unleash such a massive coordinated response of population control and suppression that would shock even Kim Jung-un. The degree of force that will be required to save America from a more deadly threat will be nothing short of the outright suspension of every right and freedom we have because that's how badly we ****ed up this pandemic, that's how much we sucked at this.
  5. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I appreciate the good post, but you don't really understand what happened. "Our enemies" are of the domestic varieties, as mentioned in the federal oath of office. "Our enemies" have been inside the gates for decades.

    The domestic enemies of the US are far more virulent than any foreign enemies.
    Reason3415 likes this.

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