Ralphs, Food 4 Less to close 25% of Long Beach stores over extra $4 per hour

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by sec, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    So according to your theory, just lower the wages in Cuba and they will be just like America? LOL! That is SOME logic there.
    FreshAir likes this.
  2. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Socialism/Communism has a proven track record to anyone with a knowledge of history. Left Wing knowledge is believing the law of supply and demand can somehow be overturned by government.

    Didn't watch your Looney Toons. Unlike you I am trying to have a serious discussion.
    Mushroom likes this.
  3. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Are you familiar with the term "Food Desert"?


    You are screaming "Right wing logic", yet this very thing has been an issue in Los Angeles for decades. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones that has never had to live in such, but I have. Where the nearest grocery store was almost 6 miles away, even though I was in one of the most densely populated areas of Los Angeles (Inglewood). I frequently took my neighbors without cars to the grocery store, as it was 2 busses to get there unless they walked the 12 mile round trip.

    This is actually what we are talking about. As more and more stores close in an area, that increases demand on what few do remain. And while they will not have the problem of empty shelves like the Soviet Union had, they will increase prices as part of the natural law of "supply and demand". Which harms the lowest incomes even more.

    This is why I hate the extremes on both sides. They are so fracking busy trying to "beat up" the other side, most never seem to actually consider the actual issue, and logically follow to what it ultimately means to the people themselves.



    And this is exactly why I find that the radicals on both sides ****ing disgust me to the extreme. They are so ****ing busy tossing around insults and pointing fingers, that none will get off their ****ing asses to actually solve the problems!

    The funny thing is, I proudly wear the moniker that a buddy I deployed with hung on my years ago. I am a "Militant Moderate", and proud of it. You scream one thing, yet completely ignore the actual issue. It is of no importance to you, all you care about is attacking the ones you see as the "opposition".

    Now I have no idea where you live, but I lived for years in the Long Beach area (Technically "Compton", but right on the border with LB). Out closest "affordable" grocery store as I described already was in Linwood, about 5 miles away. And that is actually one of the stores that is closing. I have not lived there in decades, but I can only imagine how far the people in my old neighborhood are going to have to drive now to get affordable groceries (or how many busses they will have to take if they do not have a car).

    Food4Less is one of the cheapest grocery chains in the country. And if one of those closes in an area, it is the poor that are harmed the most by that.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
    JET3534 likes this.
  4. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I am not sure if you deliberately introduce a strawman argument or just don't understand the free market. My theory (to use your words) is a free market economy based on the law of supply and demand. Did you ever take an economics class? There is this guy called Adam Smith who wrote a book called Wealth of Nations which breaks down what you call "my theory."
  5. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    As am I.

    I lived in the Long Beach area from 1984-1987. I know the area well, and although technically I lived in Compton and worked in Seal Beach, most of my "family time" was spent in Long Beach.

    This is actually my old "home town", and I have even lived there off and on in the late 1990's and early 2000's. I am trying to discuss this very seriously, because I am actually looking at the real problem of these stores closing.

    Now I have little doubt that most that are trying to attack in here are classic "Limousine Liberals", who have lead such a pampered life, that the very concept of a "Food Desert" is completely alien to them. Myself, I laugh at that, as often times it was a shorter drive to get to a "local grocery store" in rural Idaho than it was in Los Angeles. And I am also aware of other forms of "Urban Deserts", as the one facing many parts of California due to the closing of many Drug Stores. Some laughed when they heard Walgreens was closing 17 stores in San Francisco. I worked in the city myself, and my first though was "Where in the hell will those that live there go to get their prescriptions?"

    When I worked in the Financial District, I was actually unusual in that I actually owned a vehicle! I either took the ferry or drove my motorcycle to work, but most lived right in the city and took the bus, biked, or walked to work. A large percentage of people in SF do not even own a car, which is why Uber and Lyft is everywhere. If you are paying $3k+ per month for a loft, that does not include parking. That is another $500+ a month, so most do not even own one.
    JET3534 likes this.
  6. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    This is what happens when government and others meddle in the private sector. It's okay if a business only pays $2/hour and it will be the decision of those wishing to work at that business if they take a job for $2/hour. Bottom line; revenue minus expenses must equal appropriate profit...
  7. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    so now the right wants to pay people $2 an hour?

    and what, put them on welfare and free housing?

    then whine they get welfare and free housing?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2021
  8. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    As soon as you talk about 'right and left' as if either has anything whatsoever to do with people's wages, it is obvious you are both closed minded and clueless about business practices.
  9. Tejas

    Tejas Banned

    Feb 3, 2021
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    The local Kroger store here has noticeably declined the past year.

    Maybe it's a problem with Kroger ??

  10. Big Richard

    Big Richard Banned

    Feb 20, 2021
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    opened a new super Kroger here, four mile north of Detroit. Place is huge. Clean. Beer tasting, cheese tasting, Coffee shop. Men and women’s clothes. Great fresh bakery items. And busy as all hell. And been so for the two years or so since it opened.
  11. Tejas

    Tejas Banned

    Feb 3, 2021
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    I wish Kroger would remodel the local store here to look like that!

    The store here also has a bakery and deli. But the past couple of months the deli has closed by mid-afternoon for some unknown reason. I've also heard others comment about how the store has recently declined.


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