Electronic Harassment is Real

Discussion in 'Civil Liberties' started by James7, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I don't believe the harassment I'm receiving is in any way sanctioned by our democratic government. The persons doing it are a bunch of aristos.

    The problem is the system of government in the UK is archaic. Just look for example at the medieval, ecclesiastic architecture at the Houses of Parliament and at the two leading UK universities, Oxford and Cambridge.

    The nation's Constitution is also poorly defined and according to some, it's completely non-existent. It's an ad hoc, constantly changing Constitution based upon various rulings delivered by the Law Lords.

    Another mysterious aspect of UK government are the Royal Prerogative Powers. These executive powers, originally held by the monarch, are given to the Prime Minister and the members of his/her Cabinet, while some are retained by the head of state, the monarch. According to some, however, the powers are poorly defined and indeed the government is sometime accused of being reticent in detailing the complete list of the powers.

    The UK's system of government could be parodied as a tug of war between the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
  2. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Have some evidence these same aristocrats are making people's television sets go funny in the area.

    Have two good data points on this one. One is a freelance IT specialist who sometimes fixes technical issues local residents are having with smart electronic goods including TV's. He kindly offered to fix our own TV at the address I am currently staying at but then explained he was having the exact same problem with his own TV as were other residents in the area.

    The second data point was obtained when a TV aerial repair engineer was called out because our TV reception had got so bad. He managed to fix the problem by boosting the signal. However he also pointed out that others in the area were having problems with their TV reception too.

    I don't know the exact method of action of the problem on a physical level but it may involve strong bursts of microwave energy directly messing up the electronic circuitry by inducing currents in the microcircuits, or at least something like that.

    But it's certainly suspicious.
  3. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Just to recap, an important person of social standing is paying persons to harass me. These persons can be criminal elements, members of the far-right, or anyone else corrupt enough to accept dishonest money.

    The local police are consistently looking the other way, probably because they are corrupt as well. Police corruption is unfortunately not an uncommon phenomenon.

    I can only assume that the important person with a grudge against me, is not organising the harassment in person but is using a third party, i.e. a private "security" firm that caters for shady activity like this. The fact that this individual is not using the appropriate legal channels to sort their issue out but is taking the law into their own hands, proves that they must be in the wrong.

    I don't believe the larger government is directly responsible for the harassment, but that the individual in question is taking advantage of a culture of acceptance. Or to put it slightly differently, they are using their social credit score in addition to spending lots of money.
  4. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    The question has to be asked that if a 'private firm' is involved in the electronic harassment, where did they get the electronic harassment device itself from in the first place?

    Only a government military contractor could make such a device and hence only a government could sell such a device in the first instance.

    I'm quite aware of the fact that my harassers only have one device and one device only. I'm also aware of the fact that the noteworthy family in question historically come from a military background and hence could well have contacts within military intelligence and other "M.I." designated groups. Have rogue operatives within MI6 illegally lent the device out for example? It doesn't seem impossible.
  5. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    The electronic control panel of my central heating at my primary address has recently gone haywire.

    I return to my primary address every few weeks to check everything is okay and to water plants, etc. After staying the night at this address the central heating was off the next day and an "off-line" message was being displayed on the control panel. Also the digital display itself had gone completely haywire with random symbols and dots flying around on the digital screen almost like a game of space invaders. Rebooting the system turned the heating back on but there was still random interference on the display itself.

    Things like this can only happen if a static charge is induced within a microcircuit, i.e. a microchip. This is just as described in the above quoted post.

    This is another classic indication of electronic harassment.
  6. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    The following are examples of billboards being put up around the world from Freedom For Targeted Individuals highlighting the growing problem of contract, covert electronic harassment. Indeed it's beginning to look as if someone's turned it into a profitable business:




  7. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    It seems to have gone very quiet on this thread.

    The last 23 post have all been made by myself and no-one else.

    And I don't recall receiving a single post from anyone who has had similar experiences and was willing to share those experiences with everyone else. From what I've heard there are meant to be plenty of them out there.

    Is this yet more evidence of Big Brother meddling with the internet perhaps?
  8. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    In the gang stalking side of the harassment, one of the methods they use is to monitor the places you regularly visit such as shops, institutions, social venues, etc., and notify the persons at the venue that you are a "problem" individual who needs to be watched. As a consequence the people at the venue start giving you dirty looks or treat you badly. They probably do this by telling lies about you behind your back.

    Sometimes they invite the more willing to participate in actually carrying out tried and tested harassment techniques. Presumably they do this in return for "Brownie points". It's simply amazing how gullible some people are.

    Of course if you visit a completely new venue you've never been to be before, there is no harassment at all.
  9. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    It now seems to have been officially admitted that electronic harassment is real:

    Only plausible explanation for mysterious Havana Syndrome that has afflicted dozens of US diplomats around the world IS a weapon, CIA report finds

    This is what I originally claimed on this thread back in 2014. Since then I have been mocked, personally insulted and called insane, but now the world is beginning to wake up to the reality that electronic harassment is indeed a fact of life.

    One of these microwave devices is shown in the above referred to article, however it's a 1990's Soviet era experimental piece of scientific apparatus before any attempts at miniaturization had taken place. You could easily make one far smaller than that which would fit into a shoe box. All you need is a magnetron, which is the microwave generator hidden in the back of a microwave oven, and a waveguide which funnels or focusses the microwaves in the correct direction. The waveguide could take the form of a short metal tube which would then focus the microwaves into a narrow beam which could then be potentially pointed in any direction. Such waveguides are used in microwave ovens as well.

    The last time I had the police out to make a fresh complaint about ongoing harassment, one of the officers made the objection that in order to properly direct the microwaves you would need a dish antenna that was several metres in diameter and it would be a little too obvious if such a dish were transported from house to house as I had suggested was happening. All I can say in reply to that is, yeah, just leave the science to the scientists would you, I'm not the mug you think I am.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  10. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    This is the latest revelation from Big Brother Watch and you can download the entire report at the following link:

    Who’s Watching You? - the dominance of Chinese state-owned CCTV in the UK

    Made by a Chinese state owned company, these cameras come as a package complete with full facial recognition, are linked to the internet and are apparently even able to carry out 'emotional' and 'behavioural' analyses. It's in the report. These cameras have A.I. capabilities and a majority of public sector CCTV networks use these cameras. 3 out of 5 schools use them too.

    This is the road this country is heading down. It's a road of total surveillance and techno-dictatorship.

    Why criticize the Chinese government, or why criticize Putin, when you're doing the exact same thing in your own country?! The UK media routinely decries the Chinese government for it's dystopian use of such surveillance equipment but on the quiet these exact same cameras are being used on it's own citizenry.
  11. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Yet more evidence China's Social Credit system is being rolled out in the UK as well.

    In China facial recognition cameras are directly linked to a mobile phone payment app, and any behaviours deemed anti-social will effect your social credit score. Apparently the social credit system in China is still largely voluntary at the moment but the ultimate aim is to make it fully compulsory at some point in the future.

    In the UK the latest mobile phone app to equate with China's social credit system is the DriveScore app. It's a free app which can apparently save you money on your car insurance and measures your driving performance actually while you drive. The app has been created by ClearScore which also gives online credit scores based upon your personal financial and credit history.

    Here's what ClearScore says about the DriveScore app on the website, drivescore.com:

    I don't know how popular the DriveScore app will be, I can imagine many being put off using it. But another issue raised is just how well and easily anyone can be tracked and monitored just using their mobile phones.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2022
  12. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Added to the Chinese manufactured A.I. powered facial recognition cameras (post #210), and the Social Credit style mobile phone apps (post #211), we can't leave Theresa May's "Snooper's Charter" off the list.

    This is what Liberty, the UK based human rights organisation, had to say about the Snooper's Charter:

    The Tories are incredibly two faced. On the one hand they claim they are committed democrats while using the 'democratic process' to erode all traces of citizen rights. In fact the concept "citizen" hardly even exist in the Tory dictionary, we are all "subjects" that must do what we are told.
  13. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Okay, I'll play along.

    What's the end game?

    Why are rich and important "aristos" expending lots of money and effort to basically pull pointless and annoying harassment pranks on a nobody like yourself?

    I mean, you are a nobody, right?

    What's the grand plan here? What's the goal?

    Are the aristos in it for the lolz?

    I'll admit, messing with the heat/AC controls at your office does sound like it'd be pretty hilarious, but it's a lot of effort, and a long way to go, for a bit of a giggle.

    Phase 1: Set up an elaborate electronic espionage system to mess with the thermostat at some rando clock puncher's office.

    Phase 2: ???

    Phase 3: PROFIT!!!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2022
  14. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    It's gone quiet in this thread because everyone has long ago realized that you're obviously a paranoid schizophrenic.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2022
  15. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Dude, seriously.

  16. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    According to your rather short sighted logic, Creasy Tvedt, harassment like this can only happen in places like Putin's Russia and nowhere else.

    And the Havana Syndrome is simply a form of hysteria.

    And you ask because I'm a nobody, who would want to harass me anyway? But how can you be so certain, Creasy Tvedt, that I am a nobody? You don't know that at all. And how would define 'a nobody' anyway? Besides just about anyone can get on the wrong side of the powers that be and that's a fact.

    And do you have absolutely anything intelligent at all to say about the points I raised in post #212?

    In that post I had quoted hard, undeniable FACTS.

    Yes, they ARE using Chinese facial recognition cameras in the UK; yes, they are currently rolling out Social Credit Score style mobile phone apps in the UK; and yes, the most Orwellian piece of legislation ever seen in a Western democracy is currently in operation in the UK in the form of Theresa May's "Snooper's Charter".

    And what are your opinions, Creasy Tvedt, about these three last almost undeniable observations?
  17. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    I never said anything of the sort. This is a strawman argument you have made.

    That's certainly a possibility.

    I don't know if you're a nobody, that's why I asked if you're a nobody. Are you a nobody?

    It makes sense that a malicious foreign government(like Cuba) would target American intelligence agents with some sort of "energy weapon", but it makes very little sense that a shadowy cabal of "aristos" would target the thermostats of random goofballs working clerical drone jobs in office buildings.

    I'll ask you again- what's the end goal of messing with your office thermostat? Who stands to gain from such folly?

    I'm not going digging for it. If you feel a compelling need to show it, then show it. I'm not jumping through your kooky hoops to find it.

    Yes, but that sort of technology is accepted, and well-understood, science, and the nefarious motives for using such surveillance tech make perfect sense. That's what makes it different than the nonsensical aristo harassment rays that are being beamed at the thermostat in your office. The aristo rays just plain make no sense.

    Facial recognition and spy apps are well-understood technology, while the aristo rays are a merely, and only, a product of your troubled mind. That's the difference.

    I don't know what observations you're talking about, but my opinion is probably that your observations are warped by paranoid schizophrenia.

    Paranoid schizophrenia is a very real mental condition that many people struggle with. Do you deny that FACT?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2022
  18. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    So are the diplomats complaining about the Havana Syndrome paranoid schizophrenics as well? According to your simplistic logic, yes, they definitely are!

    And who said anything about an "office"? You misquote. I am being targeted in my own home and not in any works office.

    Why do you assume that everyone contributing to this forum MUST be a nobody? It's almost a blatant admission that you're a nobody yourself and that you've simply assumed everyone else on this forum must be in the same boat as yourself!

    So you admit that facial recognition cameras are possible, and that "spy apps" are possible, but according to yourself, radio-frequency harassment is completely impossible! And please enlighten us Creasy Tvedt as to the source of your wisdom on this point.......
  19. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Because of an outstanding legal issue. They know they can't beat you in court so they take the law into their own hands.

    Electronic harassment is how the wealthy get their own back on the little guys and the law authorities just stand back and let it happen.

    Professional 'security' firms own and administer the equipment and the same professionals are keen to put out the narrative that people complaining of electronic harassment are nuts.
  20. Hey Now

    Hey Now Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    ^^^This is actually a tried and successful strategy for many that can easily afford it and are willing to cross ethical and moral lines.
  21. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I can't believe in this day and age of high-technology, people are so naively sceptical that any form of electronic harassment is at all possible.

    It's also the case that some persons appear to be above the law and can never be successfully legally prosecuted, or indeed even properly investigated.

    You hear about regimes overseas where the ruling elite can do just about whatever they like and get away with it, but you wonder how much of that happens on the quiet in so-called democracies where elite insiders are often pulling the strings. High up in the establishment things can get rather clubby.
  22. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    The police are also to blame for looking the other way.

    Critics of the UK police claim it is their role to protect the wealthy from the poor. In this regard the police are not completely neutral but are a political body. Even though they are ultimately funded by the ordinary taxpayer, they have a reputation for doing absolutely nothing and treat most crimes (i.e. crimes committed against the ordinary person), as merely a statistic and not worth investigating.

    And the police set a bad example and don't always tell you the truth. For example, several years back when I first started complaining of electronic harassment after having moved to another area of the country, the police informed me that they had conducted a search of my neighbour's home as a result of my complaints. (I've probably already told you this a while back on this thread but it's worth repeating). However they stated they had found nothing but a television set and a music system in the living room. I knew straight away that this must have been a lie as my neighbour had boasted to me that he collected television sets and had them all around his home. Further I had observed many times that he watches TV in bed at night from the circumstance that the window was open and the light off.

    The UK police have been receiving a lot of criticism lately because of their 'do nothing' approach. It seems all they can do is to protect the powers that be. I mean take a look at the Jimmy Savile case. It was the police who chose not to prosecute Jimmy Savile despite of all the complaints that had been made, so it was the fault of the police that he completely got away with it.

    And it's the same with electronic harassment. Because the persons responsible come from higher up the social ladder, the police have a do nothing approach and they palm the victims off with lame excuses or accusations that they might be delusional.
  23. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    It's also the case that the persons running the harassment appear to be above the law.

    Britain at the end of the day is an Oligarchy. The democracy we have only ever goes so far.

    The harassment isn't funded by the taxpayer, it's privately funded, but the investigation into the harassment based upon my complaints ought to be funded by the taxpayer. That's the important difference. But the police won't even give it a serious look as if they already know what the score is and refuse to take action against the persons concerned.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2022
  24. James7

    James7 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    NEWS UPDATE: I managed to purchase a hi-tech bug detector that has the added facility of recording and logging alerts while in a "standby mode". This means that you can keep the device on all night and then view the logged alerts the next day having plugged the device into a laptop. I ran the device in this mode for two nights running while it was obvious I also experiencing electronic harassment and sleep disruption, and obtained some odd results.

    The first night the device was placed with the rod antennae in an upright, vertical position and with the threshold for alert logs set at 40dB. During the day, for example, the background noise coming from neighbours WiFi, Bluetooth and mobile phones, etc., is a lot less than this, say around 20dB max.

    After the first night I was surprised to have obtained 147 separate alerts. The alerts were for signals which lasted from between 1 to 4 seconds. However I felt slightly let down when it became apparent that the absolute values for the signal levels had not been quoted. Instead negative values were given indicating a "change" of signal level which averaged out across the logs as -45dB. I was disappointed by this because I was hoping to use these logs as potential evidence to pass onto the police.

    What was also curious was that each and every logged signal had been positively identified as being either GSM (a 2G mobile phone signal) or WiFi.

    Okay, perhaps skeptics would argue this was caused by neighbours leaving their WiFi on during the night! However who had been making GSM mobile phone calls throughout the entire night? Something had to be suspicious here. And anyway why had a neighbour's WiFi caused an alert which had been set at a threshold of 40dB? My own WiFi only produces signal levels that high if the bug detector is placed within a few inches of the source.

    The second night, to cut down on the number of alerts and to save on battery power as well, I raised the signal threshold for the alerts from 40dB to 50dB (the maximum allowed is 55dB). Also, because rod antennas are slightly directional as well (they tend to collect signal from the sides and not from above and below), I decided to place the device face down with the antennas in a horizontal position. The antennas were aligned in an approximate north-south direction meaning that they would pick up signal from above and below, as well as from the east and west. However, to my amazement, the next day I discovered I had got even more alerts, an incredible 953 of them!

    This time, however, the alerts were almost all for Bluetooth and WiFi, with one or two GSM alerts here and there. As before, the signal levels were quoted as negative values, averaging around -55dB. And again the alerts lasted from 1 to 4 seconds each.

    So what does this all mean? Well, I'm not sure myself. I was certain I had been experiencing electronic harassment throughout both nights when the device had been running but yet these were the alerts that had been generated. What is odd is that the device had managed to positively identify each and every alert as being either WiFi, Bluetooth or GSM. There wasn't a single alert that was logged as being "unidentified". Had the electronic harassment device in question been sophisticated enough to pretend it was something else, i.e. WiFi, Bluetooth or GSM? Or had some persons with the relevant know-how managed to hack into to neighbours' WiFi, Bluetooth and 2G mobile phones, turning them into electronic harassment devices using some devious exploit? It's an open question.

    I welcome any opinions from people with technical knowledge of WiFi, Bluetooth and GSM. What do you all think?
  25. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Your picking up normal BTS to handset commands that happen 24/7 with any handset that is left turned on.

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