Atheism is the Sustaining Ideology of Modern Imperialism

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Anansi the Spider, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    What is the New Atheism but a virulent, though fashionable, form of imperialism?

    Atheism has always had its imperialistic side. Jules Ferry was an energetic French colonialist as well as an atheist. Atheist Benito Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. Many atheists have followed the pseudo-scientific cults surrounding Darwinism. These atheists have taken “Survival of the Fittest” as their moral code and devoted themselves to eugenics or hyper-nationalism or racism or the more ruthless forms of capitalism – in a word imperialism. Some atheists have followed Nietzsche is his hatred of democracy and equality and his love of wars of conquest.

    Why is atheism so useful to imperialists? 1) Jesus’ teachings of charity, peace, and human dignity can be discarded. How convenient! 2) Atheists subject to the materialist superstition perceive man as merely a collection of chemicals. If so reduced why do we possess value or rights? 3) The rainbow of world cultures, the blooming profusion of world spirituality, is all arrogantly dismissed as mere barbarism. The great majority of the human race is dehumanized, labeled as grunting brutes, in preparation for their slaughter. Post-slaughter the religion-haters are free to indulge in the more slothful forms of self-destruction.

    Atheists suffer from an anemic birthrate. (Is this because atheism is associated with both sadness and selfishness?) Check out a list of atheist-prone nations and a list of low birthrate nations – you’ll see many countries on both lists. The bleak atheist belief system has never been popular, only about 2.5% of the world population is atheist. So atheists are always in danger of being swamped by their opponents. They must turn to discrimination and violence if they are to maintain their privileges. And atheists are a privileged group. Look at the demographics of atheism – atheists in the West tend to be white, upper class, and male.
  2. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    So many examples of atheist imperialism and racism.

    1) Bleached blond atheist Geert Wilders aspires to be Europe's new Hitler. I'm sure everyone is aware of his notorious attacks on immigrants.

    2) Israel has used cluster bombs and white phosphorus illegally against Arab civilians. The Israeli oppressors are one of the most secular populations in the world, with one of the highest percentages of atheists. Israel’s founders, who were responsible for ethnic cleansing, were mostly secular. Zionist founders like Theodore Herzl and Max Nordau were atheists. Many religious Jews have opposed Zionism.

    3) Israel also discriminates against Ethiopians.

    quote: Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the number of black babies.
    The contraceptive, known as Depo Provera, which is given by injection every three months, is considered by many doctors as a birth control method of last resort because of problems treating its side effects.
    However, according to a report published last week, use of the contraceptive by Israeli doctors has risen threefold over the past few years. Figures show that 57 per cent of Depo Provera users in Israel are Ethiopian, even though the community accounts for less than two per cent of the total population.
    About 90,000 Ethiopians have been brought to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has subsequently been questioned by some rabbis and is doubted by many ordinary Israelis.
    Ethiopians are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education and it recently emerged that their blood donations were routinely discarded.


    4) Israeli arms dealers join Lieberman's entourage to Africa
    Except for a few civilian enterprises, almost all Israeli activity in Africa is related to weapons exports.

    5) Atheist Slobodan Milosevic engaged in ethnic cleansing after the break-up of Yugoslavia. The Serbian birthrate was faltering, the Muslims were expanding.

    6) Atheism as Narcissism: atheist Richard Dawkins promotes the “Brights” movement, wherein atheists are the “brights”. Even Christopher Hitchens has condemned this “cringe-making proposal that atheists should conceitedly nominate themselves to be called ‘brights’ ”. The media bosses try to promote atheism as a marker of superiority – but fortunately we don’t have to accept this arbitrary badge of rank.

    7) Atheist Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, desired to exterminate "human weeds" - the poor and minorities.

    quote from Sanger: [We propose to] hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

    Commenting on the 'Negro Project' in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, December 10, 1939. - Sanger manuscripts, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts.

    The abortion industry is fond of lying to poor women and women of color in general. Leaders of the abortion movement have admitted their desire to kill off as many of these “inferiors” as possible.

    8 ) Atheist apologist Richard Lynn believes certain races are inferior. He also favors eugenics.

    9) Atheist Ayn Rand prizes inequality. She is delighted when her capitalist supermen achieve mastery over the common people.

    10) European countries have some of the highest proportion of atheists in the world. These same countries have sent troops to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.

    11) Europeans are also some of the biggest war profiteers in the world: The Arms Trade is Big Business

    12) Discrimination in Europe: Europe more racist than previously reported

    13) News about former French President, and atheist, Francois Mitterrand: Mitterrand's role revealed in Rwandan genocide warning

    14) Prominent atheist James Watson has declared that Africans are less intelligent.

    15) The secular neocons, disciples of Trotsky and Leo Strauss, pushed the U.S. into the Iraq war. Israel benefited but American soldiers and the Iraqi people suffered.
  3. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    And here's the leaders of the "new atheism":

    16) Atheist Christopher Hitchens has condemned Moslems because they have sinned against secularism. He demonizes religious folk to justify their murder. He aches to kill even without provocation.

    quote: It is impossible to compromise with the proponents of sacrificial killings of civilians, the disseminators of anti-Semitic filth, the violators of women and the cheerful murderers of children.
    It is also impossible to compromise with the stone-faced propagandists for Bronze Age morality: morons and philistines who hate Darwin and Einstein and managed, during their brief rule in Afghanistan, to ban and erase music and art while cultivating the skills of germ warfare. If they could do that to Afghans, what might they not have in mind for us? In confronting such people, the crucial thing is to be willing and able, if not in fact eager, to kill them without pity before they get started.


    17) Sam Harris has called for a nuclear first strike against the Islamic world.

    quote: Harris, echoing the blood lust of Hitchens, calls, in his book The End of Faith, for a nuclear first strike against the Islamic world. He defends torture as a logical form of interrogation. He, like all utopians, has reduced millions of human beings and cultures he knows nothing about to primitive impediments to his vision of a better world.
    "What will we do if an Islamist regime, which grows dewy-eyed at the mere mention of paradise, ever acquires long-range nuclear weaponry?" Harris asks. "If history is any guide, we will not be sure about where the offending warheads are or what their state of readiness is, and so we will be unable to rely on targeted, conventional weapons to destroy them. In such a situation, the only thing likely to ensure our survival may be a nuclear first strike of our own.

  4. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    Even I think this is trite. IMperialism has been around since the dawn of man. There has ALWAYS been aggressive nations that seek to conqure and dominate others, and, quite frankly, there are modern imperialists like the Taliban who ae clearyt NOT driven by atheism.

    This is no better than the atheists smear fests like this:

    If it isn;t religion, it MUST be atheism then?

    There are many factors that drive conflict and imperialism, many temptations in politics, both domestic and foreign, that will drive strong countries to dominate weaker countries. It is why Europe created something called the balance of power - if not a method for ensuring that the political balance was maintained. Even that did not end strife, as that mythical century of peace was punctated by strife and the great game at the periphery - and the inevitable backlash of imperial colonization that must follow.

    The only thing that matters in imperialism is the desire of those leading strong nations to believe that the benefits of attack outweight the likely costs of conquring the weak. And there will alwys be those who make that choice, and they will be of any ideology you can imagine.

    I have never liked these simplistic pieces of propoganda, and never will. No matter who they are aimed at.
  5. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    I see your point Neutral. I think those that enjoy war and conquest seek out the thought of Lenin and Nietzsche and Mussolini and Sam Harris. Others of a more peaceful nature seek out Gandhi or Jesus or Desmond Tutu. I also think that our thoughts or beliefs on matters of fundamental importance do matter.
  6. Badgewearer

    Badgewearer Banned

    Jul 20, 2011
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    The persecution of Atheists by Theists is a 21st century phenomenon.:omg:
  7. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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  8. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    Right, because atheists are terribly persecuted people. Why the Rawandan genocide ... it just pales in comparison to the every present threats of violence, segregation, disenfranchizement, and the denial of economic opportunity and political opportunity.

    What's that you say? People won't vote atheists? I wonder why that is? Must be bigorty and oppression. Probably has nothing to do with the attitude of atheists routinely displayed on this forum - and out.

    Why, who wouldn't vote for this?

    I am sure that if you want to win elections, its best to embrace the bonafides of insulting your would be voters by blaming them for .... everything. Everything wrong that is, wverything right .... well, I am sure there was an atheist in general vicinity who was actually doing everything you see.

    Has anyone seen the atheist super victim cloak recently?

    Atheism - not imperialistic, victims don't conqure anything.
  9. Gator Monroe

    Gator Monroe Banned

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Imperial Japan ?
  10. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Sorry, but I could not bring myself to stoop to the level fo actually taking to the time to read such ignorance.

    However, you do realize that it is typically the atheist right who are social progressives? It is typically the right, those who deny universal healthcare for example, who employ the "survival of the fittest" ideology. The left typically do not.
  11. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    So, you are rebutting something you did not even take the time to read? While introducing health care to a discussion about Imperial policy and the the common practice of the weak being prayed upon by the strong.

    Anansi was pointing to trend in recent history, be it Soviet Russia, North Korea, Cubans sending forces to Africa to intereven in colonial wars, etc. that atheism seems to be attracting more than its fair share of imperialistic behavior - which we know to be a bad thing.

    Generally speaking, its best to refute criticism, rather than rebut from a position of ignorance ... while wearing a super victim cloak. "I'm sorry, but you are ignorant." Nice.
  12. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    We can sling mud back and forth all day, but it doesn't change anyone's mind. Nobody really cares about the ignorant and inflammatory bile that keeps getting regurgitated by both sides. Does anyone on this forum actually believe that this kind of mud slinging is going to convert anyone to their side? If not, then why do it? If you do, then you really need to open your eyes.
  13. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    Well dark, I will tell you something.

    Standing up to those who throw rocks and belittle something from ignorance takes time and patience, but it does make head way over time. There are a few atheists who, as a result of the dialoge on this forum, have stopped their poor behavior.

    There was, when I arrived, a group of atheists so brazen in their disregard for civility that they were openly chasing Christians throughout the forum to attack them.

    There are others who have stopped displaying things like fallacious pink pandas as a result of continual rebuttal of that fallacy.

    Does it make a difference? You bet.

    What you call mud slinging, I call the norm. Not because I think that hurling mud is necessary, but when you adversary has an ideology that is so dismissive and so thoroughly intellectually corrupted that they cannot engage in reasoned discussion .... well, then you use the tools necessary to effect proper change.

    As simply as I can say this, I never see atheists get their pantie sin a bunch when even their very worst are at it absolutely attacking people. However, in threads like this, where atheists take a battering, well, now there is a need for civility?

    Yes, there is.

    But there is also a need for atheists to realize that behavior that makes them angry and disrespected? Well, there is a good chance that their behavior going the other way will probably inflict the same kind of response in others. Ya think?

    Again, if atheists do not think this matters, why spend so much time running around bashing Christianity? Why spend time writing, publishing, and desseminating, horrific travesties like the Jesus Myth? Like this?

    Not a single atheist, despite that diatribe being clearly at odds with historical reality - easily disproven, has bothered to repudiate that statement. In a few cases, when atheists have come out and publically supported it - well, they quickly discover that their reasons for supporting that nonsesne .... are not entirely rational. There is some soul searching that follows. As well their should be.

    It matters. It makes a difference.

    You yourself, on seeing what is written responded by appealing to a larger sense of civility and rational discourse.

    The problem? You are the only atheist doing it.

    Now, the critcism, indeed the belief of many people, is that politically empowered atheism will result in the violent repression of religion, that it will feed authoritarianism and adventuristic and very aggressive foreign policy.

    For some reason though, that is mudslinging. When atheists claim that religion is hell bent on murdering atheists or leading America in a new Crusade ... well, THAT is kosher and deserves a sage like nod from the community?

    Until atheists control their own, until their sources of education stop spreading malicious lies about other people's faith I fear the debate will continue - mud slinging fully intact.
  14. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    If you disagree with anything I've written, if you think I've gotten any of my facts wrong tell me. Please be specific.
  15. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    No is a phenomenon of all the history. But it should be extinguished in this century but for disgrace we are going back to dark ages.

    And this post is pure rubbish.
    Badgewearer and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Good idea, disagree before you read. That's evidence of an open mind.

    Your error is not looking at this matter globally. The vast majority of oppressed people around the world are religious, often devoutly so. Look at India, Africa, the whole Muslim world, Latin America - from Bangladesh to Bolivia to Bora Bora - few in these countries enthuse over Ayn Rand or Milton Friedman.

    You'll find secular liberals in the rich countries, but they are primarily concerned with celebrating gay activists and abortion. They certainly do not want to part with their easy lifestyle, even if said lifestyle is based on the mistreatment of People of Color.
  17. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    And yet you seem unable to articulate a counter-argument.
  18. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Here's Sam Harris employing sophistry and lies in support of Israeli massacre: "For instance, [liberals] ignore the fact that Muslims intentionally murder noncombatants, while we and the Israelis (as a rule) seek to avoid doing so. Muslims routinely use human shields, and this accounts for much of the collateral damage we and the Israelis cause; the political discourse throughout much of the Muslim world, especially with respect to Jews, is explicitly and unabashedly genocidal. ... Given these distinctions, there is no question that the Israelis now hold the moral high ground in their conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah."


    Now let's look at the reality:

    Palestinian brothers: Israel used us as human shields in Gaza war

    Could Israel Be Charged With War Crimes?
    The repeated bombing of clearly marked civilian buildings is a flagrant violation of international law.



    Remember Harris and fellow Muslim-hater Hitchens are leaders of the new atheism. The goal of this movement is to justify violence against the common people. A large majority of people around the world are religious. The corporate media is happy to promote this "new atheism" (really "new bigotry"). The sheep among us bleat their approval.
  19. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Atheism is of central importance to Communism. How else can we explain the horrendous persecution of religious folk by Communists? If atheism wasn't so central, an accommodation would have been reached.

    Example of Communist persecution: Some actions against Orthodox priests and believers along with execution included torture, being sent to prison camps, labour camps or mental hospitals. Many Orthodox (along with peoples of other faiths) were also subjected to psychological punishment or torture and mind control experimentation in order to force them give up their religious convictions During the first five years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks executed 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and over 1,200 Russian Orthodox priests. Many others were imprisoned or exiled.


    And here are some quotes from Marx, Lenin, and others:

    “The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (Karl Marx)

    “The World has never before known a godlessness as organized, militarized and tenaciously malevolent as that preached by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin and at the heart of their psychology, HATRED OF GOD is the principle driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn, former communist, Nobel prize winner)

    “Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism.” (attributed to Vladimir I. Lenin)

    “Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.” (V.I. Lenin)

    The official journal of the Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences published a government directive Atheistic Education in the School as a resource on how to separate God from human society. The opening paragraph is revealing: “The Soviet school, as an instrument for the Communist education of the rising generation, can, as a matter of principle, take up no other attitude towards religion than one of irreconcilable opposition; for Communist education has as its philosophical basis Marxism, and Marxism is irreconcilably hostile to religion.

    ‘Marxism is materialism,’ says V. I. Lenin; ‘as such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion as the materialism of the Encyclopedaists of the eighteenth century or the materialism of Feuerbach.’
  20. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Atheists have never been numerous. And yet look at all the deaths they are responsible for.

    Communists alone killed about 94 million in only 80 years!

    See: The Black Book of Communism

    On a per capita basis they are by far the worst murderers in history.
  21. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Christian Hitler tried to turn all of Europe into his empire.
  22. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I don't need to do that. Is utterly rubbish, just are plain lies, and dequalified for themselves.
  23. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Not really. Hitler hated Christianity and persecuted the Churches.

    You Mean Hitler Wasn’t A Priest?

    quote: Hitler was blunter still on other occasions. "It is through the peasantry that we shall really be able to destroy Christianity," he said in 1933, "because there is in them a true religion rooted in nature and blood." His countrymen would have to choose: "One is either a Christian or a German. You can't be both."

    quote: Polish Christians felt the full force of the persecution, as historian John Morley reminds us. "In Poland, both Jews and Christians were objects of Nazi oppression and manipulation." The clergy were a chief target: "In West Prussia, out of 690 parish priests, at least two-thirds were arrested, and the remainder escaped only by fleeing from their parishes. After a month's imprisonment, no less than 214 of these priests were executed... by the end of 1940 only twenty priests were left in their parishes — about three percent of the number of parish priests in the pre-war era." The toll of murdered Polish priests would rise into the thousands; their Protestant counterparts (though a much smaller group) fared no better, with many members of the clergy perishing in the camps.
    The Rutgers site's presentation is entitled "The Nazi Master Plan: The Persecution of the Christian Churches," and it notes a deep hatred of Christianity throughout the higher echelons. "Important leaders of the National Socialist party would have liked to meet this situation [church influence] by complete extirpation of Christianity and the substitution of a purely racial religion." Their assault was massive: "Different steps in that persecution, such as the campaign for the suppression of denominational and youth organizations, the campaign against denominational schools, the defamation campaign against the clergy, started on the same day in the whole area of the Reich... and were supported by the entire regimented press, by Nazi Party meetings, by traveling party speakers."
  24. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Some more Hitler quotes.

    Goebbels' diary, 1939: "The Führer is deeply religious, but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay."

    Speer quoting Hitler: “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

    Historian Alan Bullock quoting Hitler: "I'll make these d**ned parsons feel the power of the state in a way they would have never believed possible.... This filthy reptile raises its head whenever there is a sign of weakness in the State, and therefore it must be stamped on. We have no sort of use for a fairy story invented by the Jews." and "The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.... The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity."
  25. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Do you know who the Conquistadors were?

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