Looks like another Stormfront recruiting drive around here recently.

Discussion in 'Announcements & Community Discussions' started by toddwv, Sep 2, 2011.

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  1. Inphormer

    Inphormer Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    I think the situation with Andre Carson is certainly something that should be discussed in a civilized fashion in the current events forum in one or maybe two threads. Why would anyone have a problem with that?

    What I have a problem with is the constant posting of stories about crimes committed by every other race other than the white majority by certain posters. All day every day we get constantly bombarded by this race baiting drivel. The number of posts on that subject are way out of proportion to reality. And you have to ask yourself, with millions of crimes being committed every year by white people why is it that certain posters only post crime stories about nonwhites. To me this is a clear cut case of race baiting that goes unanswered by the mods. They are asleep at the switch on this one and it definitely reflects upon the integrity of the site.
  2. Inphormer

    Inphormer Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    By that do you mean they refuse to let racists post there?
  3. FactChecker

    FactChecker New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I would disagree. It seems like what you're describing is a problem with the forum membership, and not with the moderation staff.

    For specific cases, if you bring it to the mods, they'll probably be very receptive and forthcoming with you about your concerns. I've spoken with them on more than one occassion where I felt like something needed to be done that wasn't. They have always been courteous, always explained as much as they could, and always resolved the issue to my satisfaction (though not necessarily with what I always wanted).
  4. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah, I read these and thought - WTF?

    If it was my message board the sub forum would be called

  5. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    It was one picked by the OP

    But that goes both ways, and some of the threads mentioned by the OP are nothing but the sturmfront like threads (whatever evil blacks are guilty of) vs the black power ones (whatever evil whites are guilty of) being started on regular basis.
    Either both are horse pucky, or both should be allowed.
    Frankly, I wish we had less crimes committed by people. End of story.
    All else is race baiting, flame baiting, or whatever it may fall under if left standing. Not my decision.

    The following is an interesting thread. Gives me hope that we can be civil, regardless of topic, however long civility may last.
  6. FactChecker

    FactChecker New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Aa I've pointed out in a number of those threads, though have now given up on assuming they actually want numbers, we have less crime. Not just a little, but a lot. And not just from the past 5 years, or 10 years, or 20 years. Historically low per capita crime rate.
  7. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Most of those threads if not all - I haven't read.

    If the mods feels they can stay, then I stand behind that.
    All this (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)in'. is moot.
  8. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    That wasn't really my point, but more regarding crimes in general, instead of the constant white vs black game we seem to be playing.
    I don't give a bonbon who commits the crime, a criminal is a criminal, and that should be the end of it.
    But it seems to be more important to fingerpoint, depending on which color of skin we are discussing at the moment.
  9. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Well, if you want to use some spray on them, you'll have to start with some of our current leaders who sit right inside the U.S. Congress in a subset of Congress called the CBC. That's why several of those articles are legitimate news articles and what has started all this.

    I deleted one of the threads for not meeting minimum standards and I checked the rest. All either legitimate opinion pieces or legitimate news stories. If you don't want to discuss or participate then just don't.
  10. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    I've just deleted two of the threads because one was a duplicate and another one did not meet minimum standards.
  11. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    "Right-wingers?" So...exactly who made these racial inflammatory accusations and what political party do they belong to?

    "As far as I'm concerned the Tea Party can go straight to hell."

    "Some of these folks in Congress would love to see us as second-class citizens; some of them in Congress right now - of this Tea Party movement - would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree. Some of them in Congress are comfortable with where we were 50 and 60 years ago."
  12. Inphormer

    Inphormer Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    I'm an independent thinker. If I think a thread is okay or if I think a thread is offensive I will speak my mind even if the OP disagrees. I agree with his overall premise. That doesn't mean I agree with every example he has given.

    I think all blatant examples of race baiting should be eliminated regardless of who the target is. It doesn't mean we can't discuss race. It doesn't mean we can't have lively passionate discussions about race. What bothers me is the shear volume of race baiting threads by a core of forum posters.

    Censoring is a tough job. We all want the forum to be a lively place where people can voice their opinions, but there have to be limits unfortunately. I think starting with the most egregious offenders and working your way down from there is the best plan. I have no idea why day after day a tiny number of posters would feel the need to post a police blotter of crimes committed by non-whites. If this activity is something other than race baiting I would love for someone to explain it. After you eliminate that activity you can go to the next biggest category of race baiting posts, whatever that is.
  13. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Show us where the reporting of the racially characterized crimes is "out of proportion" ? Instead of making a retarded and unsupported claim. Its what is in the news. From major news sources. Show us the white flash-mob phenomenon. Or are almost all of the attacks black ? Show us the white teen mobs carrying on at state fairs attacking blacks ?

    Or just be more liberal ill-informed hot air.

    Ball's in your court "independent thinker" :roll:
  14. Inphormer

    Inphormer Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    I believe those statements were made after members of the Congressional Black Caucus were spat on on their way to work and were made to endure images like this...




    It was also after a study published by a white Harvard researcher indicated that Tea Party membership was correlated with xenophobic and anti-black feelings.

    Sometimes after you've been provoked for months you react.

    At any rate I think that is a topic that is good to discuss on a forum like this whether you agree with the Congressman or not.

    I don't know how you can compare that with the minority police blotter that we are subjected to on a constant basis on this forum. Can you explain to us why someone would come here every day and post story after story of crimes committed by ethnic groups other than Caucasians? Can you explain how this activity is not blatant race baiting?
  15. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    why are the racist organizations like stormfront coming out to defend republicans after a racist accusation by a democrat politician?
  16. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    No one, and I mean NO ONE throws feces better than some of the members of the CBC.
  17. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    I suggest you register on Stormfront and ask THEM, and skip the "guilt-by-association" ploy you're so obviously attempting. It won't work here, sir.
  18. Inphormer

    Inphormer Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    There are certain poster who post a LARGE volume of crime stories and yet they do not post a single story about a Caucasian committing a violent or property crime. Or maybe you believe that Caucasians don't commit any crimes? Is that your thesis?

    Here's your proof. This white male was wanted for armed robbery.


    It took 2 seconds on Google to find that story. "It's in the news." Obviously these people that are posting these minority stories are blatantly race baiting. If you want to post a police blotter of any kind get a twitter account.
  19. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Now you're making up stories and posting inflammatory stuff yourself. Are you saying that LaRaza is racist and shouldn't be claiming there will be a race war in 5 years.....and that we should NOT allow that to be discussed here....EVEN THOUGH it might be appearing in legitimate news outlets? But it's okay to post some photo-shopped pics of people claimed to be at a Tea Party rally? Are you claiming that what the two Congress members said recently should not be discussed here? On what basis should we NOT allow it???

    I think it's every bit a legitimate news story as the one we discussed years ago where Sen Byrd said the "n" word on tv....and the one where Sen Trent Lott said what he did at Strom Thurmond's birthday party. OR.....would you have rather those been tabled as well?

    This happens EVERY election. Liberals and Democrats have 3 or 4 things they do consistently:

    1) They call all Republican candidates dumb
    2) They call all Republicans racist
    3) They play class warfare
    4) They play the race card

    It's all about pitting groups against each other. It's been going on for as long as I can remember; every election. And if you guys think we cannot speak out against our president's policies because of his race, then you'd best think again. Let's say the first woman president is a Republican.....should we expect you NOT to criticize her policies or else get called a sexist everytime you do?

    I think not. Really people......we need to get beyond all this.
  20. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    How pathetically stupid. But apparently it is what is to be expected from libs. Man bites dog lib. We have blacks who commit the usual crimes against whites daily as well. The point is, there is a new rash of racially motivated crimes, primarily the "flash mobs". Its what has been reported.

    You called yourself an "independent thinker". Just another lib kool-ade chugger. How friggin stupid.
  21. Inphormer

    Inphormer Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    As a mod I think its very unbecoming of you to accuse me of lying. It is a well known FACT that the Tea Party has had problems with people showing up at their rallies with blatantly racist signs.

    It is also a FACT that a Harvard researcher published a study indicating some disturbing trends with regard to the Tea Party and race.

    If you reread my posts instead of reflexively jumping down my throat you would notice I have several times in this thread said that I think race should be discussed in this forum. I even bolded a statement to that regard in the post you quoted but perhaps didn't READ.

    I have not read ANY articles recently about La Raza or any of their "predictions." I have no opinion in regard to any threads about that topic. I am not familiar with the topic and I have NEVER posted anything about La Raza.

    Now that we have burned through your straw-man arguments please answer the simply question I put to you as a moderator. Do you think that it is appropriate for a small core of posters to constantly post crime threads about other ethnic groups except Caucasians? Why would anyone come here day after day and post numerous stories about crimes committed by non Caucasians? Why would those people continuously ignore the millions of violent crimes committed by Caucasians? Do you think this is race baiting? Yes or no. These racist post have nothing to do with elections.
  22. MisLed

    MisLed New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    How does posting an article about what radical groups say their goal is or the hate speech of a congresssman encouraging racial warfare make the posters here members of stormfront?

    These things are happening so the person makes it a topic for discussion is the racist? I just don't get that. How does ignoring the problem do anyone any good?
  23. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    What you say is very contradicting.
    Why focus one what you think are the few and rare racist elements, or what Harvard published about the tea party being racist? Why not focus instead on what the basic premise is about, unless you are for runaway Gov, regardless who is in the WH?
    Why accuse others of not reading all the posts, while you admit not having read all the threads yourself, yet passing judgement on what they are about?
    Why post these pictures while lecturing about race baiting?
    JP is correct about race issues being on the increase, given the fact that Obama and the Dems are getting more desperate, and race IS the trump card.
    B.Larset and (deleted member) like this.
  24. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Would any of those people possibly be Dems setting up the photos to smear the Tea Party? That goes on, you know. And how many Tea Party rallies have you actually attended?

    Well, if it's a HAVAAAD researcher....it's gotta be true, huh? :twisted:

    Great. So when you stop insenuating all Tea Partiers are racist, you'll be 100% there!!

    Well, one of the posts condemned here was about that. Perhaps if it was taken down, you'd never know.

    Hmmm. Well at least one of those threads linked in the OP was about hispanics expecting a race war. And another one was about what the CBC Congress members called Tea Party members recently. So, I don't think your question necessarily fits what the complaint was.

    So....you have two choices: beat them with your words....OR ignore the thread and stay out of it. As long as the threads don't break any rules, we allow it to be discussed. Just think....maybe you could be the one to turn some other poster's views around by setting an example.

    BTW, violent crimes committed by Caucasians are NOT ignored. In fact, they are covered and discussed here extensively. Think Timothy McVeigh; think Congresswoman Giffords; think all the other caucasian nuts who have committed heinous crimes and have been extensively discussed here. Did you miss those threads?
  25. B.Larset

    B.Larset Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 14, 2010
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    You always start this (*)(*)(*)(*). By trying to group everyone into a nice little package, so you can attack and reverse disciminate on the basis of political affiliations. Honestly your trying to manipulate and control the threads its got old son, get a new set of balls ya wore out the other ones a beatin em to much. Another thing we are the forum don't speak for us.
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