World leaders know that the population is booming far too fast. World War 3 will happen regardless if we want it or not.
As long as Obama or the future presidents don't do that (*)(*)(*)(*) to us, I have no problems.
Russia won't do (*)(*)(*)(*).
I doubt that mate. I know that the US uses chemicals to assassinate a person of interest that needs to be rid of, but this personally believing...
It's not news if an election has one choice. Thus making this thread pointless. Like I said, no one should care who is elected as leader when an...
Why did thread get created? It's kinda pointless to post something like this. Personally, no one should care. LMAO
I'm actually happy that Obama is being a puss about Russia, pretty sure WW3 would've happened by now.
I completely agree with you. But the Democrats lie the same amount as the Republicans do. Democrats say they want what's best for the people's...
I am only saying what I believe in. Same goes for you. Thus, we are both lying.
All this does not change the fact that America is going down the pooper whether you like it or not. If you had an open minded brain, you would...
Anarchy would not work. The movie "The Purge" is a great example of what Anarchy would do.
I wouldn't say just the gop. The gop has their own problems, yes. But Obama is a perfect example of "say what you want to hear" type of person....
They really don't have much of a difference in the end. They all say what you want to hear and then screw you in the spot that hurts the most....
Separate names with a comma.