Heywhatsup, maybe you will not believe, but many European want Israel will join EU. We hope we can effectively support Israel!
Hi buddy, I think anti-semitism is not important for anybody today. Most of europeans are scared more Islam, therefore we have in Germany maybe 5 or 7 % anti-semitsm, but 90 % anti-islamism.
Dear brother, I do not believe in muslim's fairy tales about so-called terrible jews.I wish you and your great Country anything good, I and others Christian Rights support state Israel and pray for it.
There is a big Movement against Islam in Europa, because the people understand that Islam is ongoing to conquere Western world through huge birth rates and political correctness of our politicians. I hope Israel will soon join EU, and we will have an EU - President like your Sharon or immigrant Liberman. Islamisation is today's biggest danger, and we - Conservative and Christians Rights support your Great country - Israel!
Hi buddy, suerly I got your message!BTW a Happy New Year and many greetings to your Great Country - Israel! I hope you will sometimes join EU, and western countries will give you more money for fight against Palestinian bandits!Unfortunately many european "politicians" support islamists, but more and more people are for Israel!