You are very kind! A lot of the hard core right did leave here after the election which made it a little nicer. There are still a fair number of them here, but it is definitely more manageable now! LOL!
I am glad she is against both sides. I can't say I am the same but anyhow. If she does get involved with anything over there she needs to be careful. She is very strong willed, that girl.
I am glad she is busy, and hopefully she isn't anywhere near the fighting going on between Israel and Palestine.
I have been well, I hope you have been also? Have you heard from Katie yet? I'd love for her to visit the site again!
It's okay over here, two fires came within about 20 minutes from my place, one still burning, but the threat has eased. A friend of mine lost her home, though.
You are the one that is special Inferno! That is why everyone loves you and cares about you like we do! :sun:
Oh sadly I continue to be sicker than a wet dog and doctors haven't a clue why...but hell--I'm still kicking and fussing so I can't complain! ( I mean...I do complain, but I shouldn't.)
Oh Inferno...I've been "eavesdropping" or whatever the "eye" equivalent is on yours and catawba's conversation. I had no idea either they had to take your leg. I am so sorry. Puts all my stupid health problems right in perspective it does. Glad to see you. :hug:
I admire you for your attitude, but then I did before too, so guess I shouldn't be surprised. The family and I are doing ok, and I have been decompressing slowly from the election. All in all nothing to complain about. It is surely good to have you back with us!!! :sun:
Oh Del, I didn't know they had to take your leg. I am so sorry!!! Is there anything I can do for you here? Anybody you want me to punch out for you or anything, you just let me know! What a struggle that will be for you to learn to live with. If ever you need a shoulder to lean on, I am here Del! Cat sends his bestus and warmest hugs! :hugs:
I'm set for a surgery on my legs. They are getting very bad due to the lack of circulation. One thing after another.
It's good to see you! :hug: I'm recovering from two surgeries in 8 days and a post op infection. (I was just jealous of all the attention you was getting ya know) Then----amber and me lost our at home internet connection so, life pretty well sucks for me at the moment. Literally falling asleep in the chair up at the apt office business center. Gotta go. Will check in when I can. Take care of yourself--don't do too much. Missed you!
Well dang it all! Just about the time you're coming back--I'm heading out the door for a bit. *sigh* I miss you. A lot. Then some more. I'll catch up with you when I can. Glad to see you back some.
LOL you are forever and always a tasmanian devil! The fact that you always champion a cause makes you a champion ....I cant tell you how happy I am to hear from you and see you are 100% yourself. HUGS and more HUGS...and lots and lots of Ding Dongs Jellah