It's not even close to the same thing, a political ism is meant to serve the people (for the most part). Religion is about serving a narcissist...
It's an ism not a religion.
I feel sorry for those who don't exalt the Golden Rule over Jesus, wait, should I pity a narcissist/co-narcissist?
The bible doesn't respect any liberties. Unless you count the liberty for those who are evil natured: Matthew 5:38 But I tell you, do not resist...
You guy's sure love to demonize wolves. Here is a bible verse for you: 1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls...
Do not think theists reject "might is right". Think, the "God" almighty and The Lion of Judah. Theism is the ultimate example of "might is...
What about a court of law? A theist will say only "God" can judge them, therefore it is the theists who feel they are accountable to none.
You have to think, believers are nothing more than extensions of "God". It's a collective co-narcissism. A narcissistic injury to "God" is a...
Thousands of years of no evidence from believers...
Evolution is about survival, might is right is psychopathy.
So you prefer a dark age? No god required for a golden age.
Correct definition of Satan is "Adversary" or enemy. Are you going to apply Jesus version to him?
The Golden Rule has been around since Ancient Egypt, "Do to the doer to make him do". A meme I made that should highlight a better understanding....
There are atheists who use the Golden Rule instead of survival of the fittest.
Separate names with a comma.