Dec 4, 2008
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Deep in the woods

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Well-Known Member, from Deep in the woods

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Livin' the Dream... Apr 5, 2024

    1. Turkic Brat
    2. Labouroflove
      "My, you weren't kidding when you said you were old, Labour. I thought I was the last geezer on Earth who has heard a "huzzah!"."


      I've been watching your exchange with Tea and I don't know where you get the stamina. I have to take naps in between my replies to her/him.

    3. Mandrake
      Are you still here Hal?
    4. Labouroflove
      Thanks Talon.

      OBL dead/alive threads usually place too much value on Osama and deflect the conversation from the real issue and the real fight. As you pointed out, we aren't fighting one man but a brutally oppressive misogynistic theocratic ideology that is intolerant of ALL others.

      Just trying to keep the thread out of the Bush this / Obama that, once OBL is dead we can all go home meme. LOL a Sisyphean task in PoliticalForum.com, but fun.

    5. Neda
      Thanks, I'll make sure to read about Samuel Adams and possibly translate it to persian so others read it too.
      I will send you msg if anything crosses my mind, thanks a lot. I'm happy you liked the blog.
    6. Neda
      Hi, Talon. this one is the best in English, reports every minutes of the protests when ever they occure: Revolutionary Road
    7. Neda
      Thank you Talon, thank you so much for the kind words and support. we are hoping ppl around here wouldn't forget they are suppose to fight! it's like they're getting cold..scares me.
      I will post the iranian ppl's movemoent news if you guys are interested.
    8. Neda
      Hi Talon, yes I am. sorry I'm not sure were to post this reply. I did answer before in my page, not sure how the forum works in case of msges yet.
    9. Eduardo
      I am using Frau Cossack in my avatar to remind us of what this place is not. How do you like his nice grill?
    10. REDRUM
      You're quite welcome and I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.
    11. camp_steveo
      Thanks for your kind words Talon. However, I would like to say to you that not all soldiers are heroes. There are all types serving, and Hero is a term that should be strictly reserved. But, thanks for your kind words nonetheless. ~SC
    12. Eduardo
      Eddie Spaghetti dropping by to say hello and to thank you for turning me on to this great forum. Hardly any nazis, kooks or trolls. How refreshing! How do you like my new Avatar? Brod belongs here.
    13. Talon
      It's funny you mention Obama is like the Cheshire Cat because I was saying the exact same thing during the election!! He is all smile and no substance.

    14. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      That was general statement,he only knows how to grin like a cheshire cat
    15. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Obama is very coward for foreign policies!
    16. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Yes but I will go again next week
    17. Turkic Brat
    18. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      First of all, I sincerely apologize for respond you too late.

      I am going to Azerbaijan next week, I am travelling different towns of Black Sea region in Turkey now :)
    19. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      did u support me :(
    20. Turkic Brat
    21. Jiyuu-Freedom
      I am honored to be a friend to you on this forum. I respect your knowledge and fairness. I read your posts!
      Thank you.

    22. CB4
      Thanks Talon, I really enjoy debating with you as well. You too are very kind and thoughful in your posts regardless of our differences.


      P.S. I won't enslave you don't worry :P
    23. Talon
      I bet that was nice. My wife lived in Germany for several years - unlike me, she has done a lot of traveling overseas.
    24. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Yes, I have been Denmark and Germeny but with my family
    25. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Turkish is official language in Azerbaijan so being alone won't be hard for me there:)
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    Deep in the woods
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    us virginia


    Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to prosecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.
    -- Václav Havel