If Romney wins the GOP I'll vote Obama

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by WertyFArmer, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    "I don't like Romney either. He is a NE Republican which means to the rest of the nation he is a Democrat, and I think he has adopted conservative values out of political convenience not conviction. "


    So When he vetoed the abortion pill..the expansion of abortion way back then..it was out of political convenience?

    Reagan did the same thing..I guess you cannot change .
  2. WertyFArmer

    WertyFArmer Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    That is the only thing that might change my mind.
  3. Raeka

    Raeka New Member

    Feb 8, 2008
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    I agree with you up to the point of voting for BO. If Romney wins, I will stay home election day. I will play no part in putting that liar in the white house. He's shown his true colors. He has no honor. He's the most disgusting candidate we've had in a long time, in fact ever!
  4. marbro

    marbro New Member

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Nice post! I would vote for Gary Johnson over Obama but I prety much agree with what you said. Glad folks are paying attention to the media bias and the way the establishment protects their own.

    The establishment is the problem. And by voting for Obama, Mitt, and Newt your just sending the message that there is no problem

    all three support in THEIR ACTIONS and not campaign rhetoric

    Big government
    More spending
    reduced liberties
  5. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Your views are your views; but they make absolutely no sense. If you truly are a conservative/Republican, you'd only be cutting off your nose to spite your face to vote for Obama. While Romney may not be THE most conservative of the group, he's FAR and AWAY a thousand times more so than Obama. So, you would actually help Obama get back in when you already know he's leading down the path of more and more socialism? He'll be much worse during a second term, because he would feel empowered and would not have the threat of losing a second term hanging over his head. It would be full speed ahead towards doing whatever he wanted.

    And you would support that and be a part of that and actually put him in position to do it? No real conservative/Republican would do that. They might stay home and not vote...which BTW, is also a vote for Obama. But they would not go out and actually vote for Obama.

    PLUS----you act as if you never saw political fighting in primaries before. Remember the Democrat primaries of 2008? Bill Clinton got really mad and said the Obama team "played the race card" on him and Hillary??? There was no love lost there. There were plenty of the established Democrats who were blasting away behind the scenes at Obama too. This kind of thing is NOT new. It happens each and every election. It doesn't mean one gives up and quits.
    Brewskier and (deleted member) like this.
  6. General Fear

    General Fear New Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    Excellent post!

    Unlike you. I will stay home. Here is why. Mitt Romney will damage the Republican brand. Have you seen Mitt Romney's economic policies? He wants a trade war with China and he wants to print money like mad in order to "stimulate" the economy.

    First, trade wars has never resulted well. Trade barriers have the potential of causing a recession. Some economist have claimed that Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act caused the Great Depression. Printing money can cause hyperinflation just look at what happened to Germany after World War 1. Now, I am not saying that we will have a Great Depression and Hyperinflation. But we will have high unemployment and inflation. The definition of that is called Stagflations. Lots and lots of staglflation. Just like in the 70s.

    You are right. If Mitt Romney is the candidate don't give him your vote. Vote 3rd party, Obama or stay home. It will be the best thing for Republicans.

    When it comes to RINOs just say no!
  7. Craigers

    Craigers New Member

    Apr 29, 2008
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    Great post! While I also under no circumstance be voting for Romney, I will be writing in Paul. Maybe would consider a libertarian vote. I think it would be much easier for you to do something similar and you would be helping boost a 3rd party.

    Have you actually looked at Mitt's stances? He IS a white Obama with great hair. Same stance on NDAA, foreign policy, the Patriot Act, the Federal Reserve and Ben Bernanke, same stance on TARP, bailouts, and stimulus, same on healthcare and the individual mandate, and the same anti-gun stance. To top all of that off, Mitt is being financed by the same bankers as Obama - Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, BOA, etc.

    Do you honestly believe there would be a difference between the two? I can't find a meaningful one.
  8. kk8

    kk8 New Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    As the conservative that you claim to be....just how in the hell is Obama the lesser of two evils? No matter what the subject is, But most certainly CONSERVATISM?!
  9. WertyFArmer

    WertyFArmer Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    He is not. And as I stated, I'm tired of having to vote for the lesser of two evils. I intend to use my vote as a protest vote. If the GOP can’t do any better than Mitt, I can no longer stand with them.

    I do not think Romney would roll back anything that Obama has put into place. In my opinion he, like the last Bush and the current Speaker, will try to manage the mess, not clean it up.

    If he is the nominee, I will continue to speak out for a conservative government, but I could no longer consider myself a Republican.
  10. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Did you so called Conservatives just see what happened in Florida ?

    What does THAT stand for ?

    1. The BS IOWA statement was just that..There was NO pre determined victor before the campaign started.The was a favorite which is different.You CLOWNS are NEWT GUYS through and through.Your arguments AGAINST HIM are the same.You are attacking him on false presumptions framed like any other LIBERAL would do.You take ANY negative..if you cant find any..you make them up ..and then you dont allow the Positives to become the debate.

    2. Did you see the the Latino vote in Florida. OVER 50 % .
    Latinos are for something other than working for under minimum wage making cheap tacos.THEY WANT the rule of law..they want a FIRM and KNOWN immigration system where everyone is treated the same.They want a strong family value system..They WANT A JOB.

    3. Did You see the tea vote. It went to Romney.
    JOBS JOBS JOBS. The economy STUPID ..and what did you dweebs talk about ? Romney's Morals and some MADE UP comparison to Obama.
    Obama gave you $ 4 dollar gas..No Keystone pipeline and 20 % under employment..and 6 trillion in debt..NOT ROMNEY.

    4. The made up argument he is no conservative.THE NEWT ARGUMENT..if you are for NEWT..great..have the balls to say so. Instead of hiding in a flock of sheep throwing mud at a guy..step up..and be heard..Not herded like sheep.

    5. The ONLY STRENGTHS NEWT AND SANTORUM HAVE is the EVANGELICAL VOTE.That needs to be addressed as a weakness not a strength.Its fine to have a large religious voting base behind you..but you obviously need to have MORE..OUTSIDE S.C and IOWA where has that National
    support been ? If you only pander to one specific religious base..YOU LOSE.
    The ONLY REASON evangelicals vote for any of the OTHER GUYS is their FEAR OF A MORMON SUCCESS.
    Their leadership has gone as far to say that if Romney is elected it would validate the Mormon religion.They are not worried about the nation.The economy..jobs or the price of gas.They are worried about something different that is so WRONG with any political debate..that THEY are morally Superior and the other guy is morally LESS.
    They are willing to run corrupt men..back and support them..and LOSE because of THEM.

    6. Obama factor.
    Who has the only positive number V. the current president ?
    Who has the experience to adjust on the run..fight any kind of fight..debate in any crowd..out work and out last ?
    Who didn't play in FLORIDA ? Santorum and Paul
    Who wont be on the VA ballot ? Santorum and Newt Gingrich
    Who wont be on the ballot in Missouri ? Newt Gingrich.

    Who cant compete in big markets with expensive ads...ALL THE OTHER GUYS..
    EXCEPT Obama and ROMNEY.

    7. 19 Debates..and Paul cant get over 8 % in Florida?
    What happened to his college support..his military support ..his anti establishment support ? THEY NEVER SHOWED UP.

    8. The Survivor Island theory..Do they realize that is a flawed made up for TV show ? The weakest does NOT WIN against all odds in real life.You do not get 2nd and 3rd chances.You must win something along the way..some challenge..some VOTE IN ANY NUMBER OF STATES.
    Not just in a phone poll.
    Being the anti Romney conservative is NOT the answer..But the problem.

    You should have run has the anti Obama Conservative..and you didn't.
    You chose to attack the only one strong enough to defeat an incumbent President on made up misstatements and out right lies.
    The establishment Republican voters have just KICKED you off the island.

    The losers can grouse all they want..shark bait doesn't last that long.
    Sheep get sheared and eaten by the wolves.
    Whine and cry all you want..stay home..Romney will be happy to lead you to prosperity and jobs without your vote.He doesn't care how or what church you attend..He wants AMERICA to succeed.
  11. Raeka

    Raeka New Member

    Feb 8, 2008
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    It stands for BUYING an election with NEGATIVE lies:

    Team Romney spent 1.5 as much as the entire GOP field spent in FL in 08 on TV. $10m in 08 versus $15m just for Romney alone in 2012.

    Forest Gump could've won with that kind of money and strategy. Tear the others down and get the vote through elimination.

    Very little difference between Romney and BO.
  12. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    You have an entire thread blasting Romney ..so here is a clue.
    Negative ads work. FACT.
    The guy who has the most Money AND SUPPORT WINS. Fact.

    Team Romney won fair and square...the rules are known.
    Newt is Forest Gump..except he is even more stupid and didn't serve in any war or anywhere else except to better himself alone.

    Newt is waiting for the mythical feather from God to expalin that box of chocolates. ;)

    He is willing to beat the voters are more stupid than they were 30 years ago.
    When the record wasn't available...and timelines didn't exist.
    Newt was great when he was 1st elected...Less than great when he resigned.
    Newt is great in that positive ad with sunshine and butterflies...less than great when his complete story is examined.

    The voters of IOWA had him up 39 % before that record was told.
    Only S.C doesn't care if their guy is a womanizing crook.
    Neither do you..the less than 20 % women that newt gets to vote for him.
  13. Raeka

    Raeka New Member

    Feb 8, 2008
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    I'm with WertyFarmer.

    If Mitt's nominee, forget about it! He'll NEVER get our vote. He's loathsome. I probably won't bother to go out and vote for BO if he's nominee because BO is so horrible. But if someone hogtied me and took me to the voting booth, I'd hit the button for BO over Mitt. That is how loathsome I find him, and that is saying a LOT.

    Republicans who help get Mitt the nomination IF IT HAPPENS will soon learn that they've nominated another loser. They will have lost the conservatives and will have to fight with BO and his Billion $$ machine for independents who are really democrats at heart. BO will take them again.

    You and other so called moderate republicans, - liberal republicans- are in for a rude awakening.
  14. WertyFArmer

    WertyFArmer Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    And? Obama won it three years ago...

    So with Florida voters, negative works. How much more money does Obama have than Mitt? How ho much more negative do you think Obama will be? Also, did you see the turn out numbers, lowest in a while.... He has not impressed his base. And he will need them.

    It tells me that negative works. Screw your plan, your agenda, destroy, destroy, destroy. Who cares if your major opponent is the best Republican Speaker of the House in modern history. Who cares if you have flipped on core principles though out your history. It's money, money and more money. Run your ads to hell with principles. Down side is Obama has more money than Romney. What will he do then, run on his record?

    Wow. No predetermined winner? All I have heard from inside the belt-way is Romney. Ann Coulter even defended RomneyCare today. I am not attacking false presumptions; I'm attacking him on his record. A record that Obama will use to torment him. He defends RomneyCare, instead of saying "I made a mistake." At least Newt admits his.

    And this is different from Newt and Santorum how?

    No Romney has given Mass. government run health care, raised their taxes and feels a judge knows when an abortion is a good thing for a minor, if their parent does not.

    Theses are not made up arguments. These are his own words, his own signature on bills. He has stated that he is a progressive, he has distanced himself from Reagan, he signed a bill with an intrusive government mandate. Newt has done none of the above.

    Wanna see my balls? They are for Santorum. Yet, I would vote for Newt, never for Mitt.

    This is not about religion, I would vote for a conservative atheist. I’m Roman Catholic, but I did not vote for Newt in the FL primary. The "religion card" that you keep playing reminds me of the race card the Dems play. Look there, I just found another thing Obama and Romney have in common. The victim card....
    Wow I cant believe you said it. Right there in print for everyone. "Any kind of fight" That is the problem. He will check the polls before he acts. He wont make the tough choice. Thank you for that.

    Who ever the Republican nomanee is, can count on (R) drones. That will get them 35-40% without spending a dime. The problem is going to be turn out. What good will it do to have Romney with a Dem House and Senate? Who is going to energize the base and get be able to carry the banner? Sure the most money might get you the big metro areas, the Dems are going to make up ground with the outlaying areas, because Mitt cant, wont carry the message.

    Paul is a loon.

    Thanks again, conservatives are Romney's problem? Who do you think is going to talk to their coworkers, hand out fliers and man call stations more energetically than conservatives? Hell even Obama has realized that he needs his bases to carry his message. He gave his enviros, a small but energetic portion of his base, a bone with Keystone. Romney’s energy is much less. As evident by the fact that you are the only one on this board blindly supporting him.

    Newt should have. And that is his bad. He did not choose to attack, he was goaded into it by Romney. How would you respond if your character was called into question? Don't answer that, as a Romney guy I would assume you would flip to the other side of the argument.

    If he is the leader who will allow ObamaCare to remain, you are the sheep. Again the church comments from you. Please pull that chip off your shoulder and realize that America voted for a man who’s preacher said "God (*)(*)(*)(*) America"
  15. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    regardless of who you vote for, the electoral college will decide. And they allready have Mitt appointed. This was a plan started 4 years ago. They just did not want to do the same thing they did in 2000 with Dubya. To close and they needed to have a Bama scape goat for the economy.
  16. WertyFArmer

    WertyFArmer Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Care to expand? I'm not sure I follow your train of thought.
  17. DaveInFL

    DaveInFL Banned

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Yes, people can change. Reagan did change from liberal to conservative, but his change was reflected in his actions over decades. When he ran for President, there was absolutely no doubt that he was a conservative.

    Romney doesn't have that long term committment to conservative ideals. Romney was governor of Massachussetts from 2003-2007, and had a decidedly liberal record of legislation (although not as far left as most MA politicians, but still left of center).

    Romney still makes comments that indicate he is still a big government left leaning NE Republican.

    Still, I am not voting for Obama. Romney, Gingrich, Ron Paul, Santorum, Mickey Mouse, I'll vote for any of them over Obama the socialist.
  18. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Any proof to your scurilous BS?
  19. nomoreneocons

    nomoreneocons New Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    I'm with Wertyfarmer on this one. If I can't vote for real change either as a Republican or an Independent (Ron Paul), I am voting for Obama. I'm not compromising this time. If the Republican Party is only going to represent the neocon issues and not represent ANY paleocon issues then I will not vote Republican. If the neocons won't compromise with paleocons then why should we. If the neocons compromised on one or two issues, they would get my vote. Neocons are Totskyites you friggin idiots.
  20. DaveInFL

    DaveInFL Banned

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Pick a political philosphy chart.

    Is Obama a libertarian, Fascist, or anarchist? No.
    Is Obama "left" or "right"? Left.
    Is he a statist? Yes.

    Pretty much narrows it down to either the socialist corner or centrist.

    Does he support private property rights? No (GM private bond holders for example).
    Does he propose wealth redistribution by the govt through taxation, support gun control, and anti-private sector? Yes, yes, yes.
    Does he respect the individual above the state? No (Patriot Act, assassination of US citizens, expansions of Homeland Security, detainment of US citizens indefinitely without explanation, etc).

    He's in the socialist corner. No doubt about it. You can nitpick about whether he is communist, marxist, or some nuanced form of socialism, there is little difference between them in reality. They all sound different on paper, but in the real world they all end up with tyrrany and labor camps and secret state police and poverty.
  21. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Yes, Romney is the best CEO that corporate America can elect as President. Maybe he gives them another few trillion dollars of our tax money. After all, corporate welfare is a wonderful thing as it creates jobs and all.

    Of course, Romney's claim to fame is Romneycare.

    I can now hear crickets chirping.
  22. Face

    Face New Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    So instead of taking small steps to making this country you all who think this would rather have another 4 years of steady decline! That really shows that those who are truly set in their minds don't care about their country, but rather their version only, and the country be thrown aside. If you are complaining about those running for office, then I understand making a stand during the primary, but this time in our lives, there is more at stake than just political grandstanding, and to vote for the current President even though you don't agree really makes one a hypocrite, and dishonest with their views.
  23. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Those crickets chirping are Santorum and Newt Guys..
    Today TRUMP CHIRPS IN and endorses Newt.

    Now you tell me..What elected office and ability to govern does he have??

    How did that brilliant leadership style work for Newt and Santorum last time ?

    When you go after a guys words out of context you are grasping at straws.
    I dont care about the POOR.

    Obama has made 8 million dollars in the last 7 years.
    How has the POOR DONE with his leadership ?
    $ 4 dollar gas...
    Crickets ?

    Give me a break.
  24. WertyFArmer

    WertyFArmer Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Did you miss the 90's? For 40 years Republicans were the door mat.

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