Islam, Arabs, invented Palestinians

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by Onward James, Dec 10, 2011.

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  1. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Because they are not.

    What makes you think they are? because the pope wears a white gown and uses crosses? not even close.

    Blame it on Obama.
  2. MegadethFan

    MegadethFan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2010
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    You have the burden of proof to your claim that they arent.

  3. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    I tend to agree... in Paris METRO practically on a daily basis, a pack of wolfs are manifesting their presence... Watch this clip and ask someone to translate what they are shouting...
    The Fifth columnists are preparing for the day when they will take over.
  4. GenX1971

    GenX1971 Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    ya' know? like you throw for a Weimeraner and they chase it? There is no east, west, north or south you could consult your advisors like Magellan or DaGama or Columbus or Bugs Bunny, etc...
    I want not only my MTV but I want it to circulate without the interference of WMD, por favor!
    We gatta Boomerang Effect Order going on, ask a Ninja Turtle if you do not believe me.
    I just sayin' and such.
  5. GenX1971

    GenX1971 Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    We en Los Estados Unidos are grieving the loss of a true family member!!! Whitney Elizabeth Houston our flags our flying 3/5ths staff for you, baby and we are mourning in our generation your passing despite the fact that we have been aborted and inundated and attempts have been made at our annihilation of the hope of the gem of the world.
    This is a land that is humble by creation to say "OMG, what freakin' bunch of crap our patriots were SOOO stupid!!!! Yield to the land and she will teach you.
    G-d Be With you Purple Rose <3
    and i know now why they call Jersey the Garden State it grows some mighty fine flowers.
  6. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Islamic Imperialist Khazar conspiracy myths have long been debunked by numerous genetic studies which likewise prove that though modern Jews of Israel can trace their genetic lineage back to the neolithic era more than 10,000 years ago it is the Arabs who are the occupiers and came through the Islamic Imperialist conquests within the last two thousand years.
  7. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    You might want to do a bit more research.

    "Arabs" have been documented as far back as the 9th century BCE. During the Assyrian conquest of Syria, there are Assyrian transcripts which list camels that were captured from "Ar-ba-a-a" fighters. They are also frequently mentioned in the Bible, as the "Aravi".

    And the Arabs and Israelites are Semitic, as were the Canaanites and the Arameans. The entire region was habitated by Semitic peoples for tens of thousands of years.

    I suggest you do a little research into the region, it's origins, and it's history before you make such foolish claims. Try facts instead of bigotry.
  8. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    The Arab conquests started with Mohammad in the Seventh Century CE, one Branch went Eastward, as far as India the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia. The other branch went towards North Africa, Spain and France then was stopped by Charles Martel... All these countries were conquered once by the Muslims very few got rid of these conquerors i.e. Spain, Southern Italy and France.

    The early history of Islam which started with Mohammad, the so called prophet through whom the religion of Islam was revealed, himself united the Hedjaz under his own rule and laid the foundation for the political unification of Arabia. After his death, fired by the new religion and led by his successors, the Arab-speaking tribes of the desert poured in successive waves into the failing empires of Persia and Byzantium, exhausted by recent long and violent wars with each other. and started its conquests. These tribes overthrew the Sasanids, drove back the Byzantine Roman Emperor, and in less than a hundred years had swept over Persia into Central Asia and India, over Syria, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, and finally into France, where they were stopped in AD 732 by Charles Martel near Poitiers.

    Mohammad died June 632 CE without leaving instructions as to whom should succeed him in his temporal functions, and the body of believers therefore resorted to the election of a successor (Khalifa, hence caliph'), who ruled from Medina. Factions soon appeared, however, and of the first four caliphs (632-661) only the first died a natural death, the other three being murdered. In this short period, nevertheless, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, North Africa as far as Tunis, Iraq and Persia were all conquered. In 66 a member of the Mecca aristocratic family of Omayyad seized the caliphate with the support of a large moderate body among the Muslims, and so became the first of the Omayyad Dynasty which ruled from Damascus till 750. Meanwhile however, a minority had given their support to Hussein, the son of Ali, Mohammed's male next-of-kin who, after being three times passed over in the elections of caliphs, had finally been set aside in favor of the first Omayyad; Hussein was killed in a rising at Kerbela in 680, but his partisans, the Shi'i, continued to plot in favor of his descendants.

    The height of Arab power was reached under the Omayyads, whose generals conquered the East as far as central Asia -and India, north West Africa, and Spain. A political movement originating in Persia, the success of which meant the end of Arab racial supremacy in the Empire, overthrew the dynasty. A new dynasty, the Abbasid (750-1258) established themselves in Iraq, and in 762 founded Baghdad as their new capital. The Muslim Empire achieved great prosperity under the Abbasid (especially Harun ar-Rashid ' 786-809) and outshone any other part of Western Eurasia in cultural brilliance; but before 850 the Abbasid caliphs had lost their personal power to semi-independent provincial governors, often Turkish mercenaries converted to Islam, and remained no more than the titular Lords of the Empire. In the tenth century rival caliphates were proclaimed by the Fatimid dynasty, ruling in North Africa and Egypt, and by the survivors of the Omayyad dynasty, ruling in Spain. In 1055 the Abbasid caliphs accepted the 'protection' of the Seljuk Turks, a warrior people from Central Asia who had been converted to Islam, and established an empire extending from India to the Aegean. It was Turkish princes in north Syria and the Kurdish dynasty founded by Saladin in Egypt in 1171 that broke the attempt of the Crusaders to establish a frontier kingdom in the Levant (1099- 1291). In the thirteenth century pagan Mongols from Central Asia also four times invaded the Muslim world, and these invaders were also thrown back by Turkish slave troops (Mamluks) who had been ruling Egypt, Palestine, and Syria since I250.
  9. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    But that is not when the "Arabs" developed their own culture. They had been around long before Mohammad.
  10. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Yes they came as merchants in Caravans, they came with herds of sheep to new grazing grounds, they were Atheists and game for Mohammad and his followers who attacked them and pillaged them at any eventuality. He forced them under the sword to Islam and first and foremost to believe in him as the Messenger of God = Rasoul Allah...
  11. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Please provide evidence, provide manuscripts in Arabic which they left behind, provide the Arab built structures from the Arab settlements which were built by these supposed Arab immigrants to the region, provide one shred of evidence that the Arabs settled in the Levant. The Jews have had an unbroken presence in the Levant for 10,000 years, and the Arabs (as proven conclusively by genetic testing) came with the Islamic Imperialist conquests within the last 2 thousand years and the same genetic tests that they were not the result of random genetic drift but through the well known process of Arabization IE ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide!
  12. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Excuse me?

    No, they were not athiests. Prior to Mohammad, they were pagans. Not athiests, pagans. They had a very diverse mythology, which is also heavily incorporated into ancient Judaism as well.

    In fact, the name "Allah" is also the name of the creator god in the ancient Arab mythology. He was the creator and supreme diety, but not the sole diety. Much like Jupiter, Zeus and Odin in European pagan mythologies.

    Then there was the female trinity of Allat, Al-Uzza and Manat. Mecca was their "Holy City", and site of their main shrine. There were a great many other dieties, as well as "Demons". In the Arabig mythology, the evil spirits were various forms of Djin (Genies), which include Madrifs and Ifrits.

    A great many of the myths that had evolved in the region are mostly known as the One Thousand and One Nights. What was mythology in the Pagan Arabic era became folktales in Islamic Arabia.

    And archaeological evidence of Arabs living in Mecca and the surrounding area go back to at least 2,000 BCE.

    Here is a great reference which describes the Gods and basic mythology of Pagan Arabia. As you can see, they were certainly not "Athiests".

    I suggest you do some research before making such claims again in the future. In the ancient era, there is really no "athiestic" culture anywhere. There are a few individuals and groups that rejected religion, but no culture anywhere in the world is known to have done that.
  13. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    You see, the Arabs of that era did not live in Levant.

    Come on, look at a map. Levant is North and West of Arabia. What you are saying would be like if I said "Prove that Aztecs settled in the region occupied by the People of the Longhouse". Your question is pure nonsense, because we are not talking about the same areas.

    And they are talked about several times in the Bible. Remember, as I said before, in more ancient times they were known as the "Aravi".

    They were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, "Behold, aren't all these who speak from the Galil?
    How do we hear, everyone in our own native language?
    Parthians, Madai, Elamites, and people from Aram-Naharayim, Yehudah, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,
    Phrygia, Pamphylia, Mitzrayim, the parts of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Yehudim and proselytes,
    Phrygia, Pamphylia, Mitzrayim, the parts of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Yehudim and proselytes,
    Cretans and `Aravi'im: we hear them speaking in our languages the mighty works of God!"

    Acts 2:7-11

    They were also refered to as "Ismaelites", because by Jewish folklore they are descendents of Ishmael. And like the Jews, Caananites and other people in the region, they were all Semitic. Essentially one of many branches from the same family tree.

    This is why both Jews and Muslims are considered to be "Abrahamic" religions.

    Oh, and it is impossible to provide "Arabic documents". Because in case you did not know, the people in that era did not speak Arabic. That is a much later creation (much as the Romans did not speak Italian). The dominant language in that entire area at the time was Aramaic.
  14. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    You are right Mushroom they were Pagans... The Kaaba before Mohammad was surrounded by nearly 300 deities...

    The mistake I made in my composition is my thinking in Hebrew and writing in English... No confrontation here you are right.
  15. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    There were no Jews before the sons of Abraham if you recall. Hahahaha and Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees near modern day Basra.
    Abraham, if he existed was probably an Arab.
  16. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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  17. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    You are beyond ignorant, but it's not all your fault. I blame your parents and the indoctrination you recieved from inbred individuals.

    but to answer your dumb comment, Abraham was an Israelite, a Ju.

    Read a book.
  18. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Thank you 4 Horsemen...

    But returning to the THREAD that some here were trying to sidestep!
    Here is an AUTHORITY that sustain the fiction of a so called Palestine...

    Political Rights in Palestine
    "Neither customary international law nor the United Nations Charter acknowledges that every group of people [Palestinian Arabs included] claiming to be a nation has the right to a state of its own." [1] Eugene Rostow.

    February 27, 2012 | Eli E. Hertz

    The Mandate for Palestine, a legally binding document under international law, clearly differentiates between political rights - referring to Jewish self-determination as an emerging polity - and civil and religious rights, referring to guarantees of equal personal freedoms to non-Jewish residents as individuals and within select communities. Not once are Arabs as a people mentioned in the Mandate for Palestine. At no point in the entire document is there any granting of political rights to non-Jewish entities (i.e., Arabs). Article 2 of the Mandate for Palestine explicitly states that the Mandatory should:

    "Be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion."

    Political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed by the League of Nations in four other mandates - in Lebanon and Syria [The French Mandate], Iraq and later Trans-Jordan [The British Mandate]. Political rights in Palestine were granted to Jews only.
    International law expert Professor Eugene V. Rostow, examining the claim for Arab Palestinian self-determination on the basis of law, concluded:

    "The mandate implicitly denies Arab claims to national political rights in the area in favor of the Jews; the mandated territory was in effect reserved to the Jewish people for their self-determination and political development, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. Lord Curzon, who was then the British Foreign Minister, made this reading of the mandate explicit. There remains simply the theory that the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have an inherent 'natural law' claim to the area."


    [1] See Eugene V. Rostow, The Future of Palestine, Institute for National Strategic Studies, November 1993. Professor Rostow was Sterling Professor of Law and Public Affairs Emeritus at Yale University and served as the Dean of Yale Law School (1955-66); Distinguished Research Professor of Law and Diplomacy, National Defense University; Adjunct Fellow, American Enterprise Institute. In 1967, as U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, he became a key draftee of UN Resolution 242. See also his article: "Are Israel's Settlements Legal?" The New Republic, October 21, 1991.
  19. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    There were NO Israelites until Jacob's name was changed to Israel.

    Have you ever been to church or actually READ the Bible?
  20. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    a minute ago you said this:

    Put your foot in your mouth much?

    Fact is, Abraham was the FATHER of Jacob(Israel), which technically would make him an Israelite before AND after Jacobs name was changed.

    SHHHHHH :shh: don't tell nobody that you're smart ok?
  21. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Abraham, if he existed was probably an Arab[/quote]

    Put your foot in your mouth much?

    Fact is, Abrahma was the FATHER of Jacob(Israel), which technically would make him an Israelite before AND after Jacobs name was changed.


    Abraham probably was an Arab from around Basra, if he existed at all.

    Jews are not a RACE.. just a religion like Christians and Muslims...

    Abraham was NOT an Israelite because Jacob wasn't born.. Abraham is referred to as a "friend of God"..
  22. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Abraham is also the father of Ishmael, who according to Arabs is their forefather. Just as Jacob is that if the Israelites.

    So it is correct in how you look at it to say Abraham was both an Arab and an Isrialite.

    And even the Bible talks about the descendents of Ishmael (Ishmaelites) who became the Arabs and settled in the Arabian Peninsula.
  23. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Along with Abraham's other six sons by Keturah......
  24. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    No it's not correct, Abraham wasn't born in Arabia nor did he ever live in Arabia so he was never an Arab.

    Abraham is the FATHER of both Israelites and Ishmaelites but in no way is Abraham an Arab.

    AND God specifically put the blessing on Jacob(Israel) not Ishmael.
  25. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Abraham had an Arab wife (Keturah) as well as an Egyptian wife (Hagar) and according to the story Abraham was a landless Bedouin.

    In any case.. that branch of the family stayed in Palestine for thousands of years.
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