The Assault on Christianity deepens.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Johntherepublican, May 3, 2012.

  1. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Liberalism is a mental disease……….
  2. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Right? I can't seem to find any laws that make the US a Christian nation.

    Oh snap.
  3. BFSmith@764

    BFSmith@764 Banned

    Dec 16, 2008
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    By oppose what do you mean? Are you expecting Christians to say you have that right? I mean the Constitution is one thing and the Bible is another. And who changed the Pledge of Allegiance, was it Christians that changed it or was it politicians that were influenced by Christians? And God to you is a myth but not to us. And while I don't believe that we should force people believe what we believe we have a responsibility to be a light in this dark morally world. There are things that are wrong, but people are becoming more and more immoral and spiritually blind because of their hate for what is good.

    That's your opinion.

    I don't think the ones who wrote the Constitution wanted it to be used to justify same sex marriages. After all, same sex marriage was one of the things that was known at that time. I think they would be shocked if they were alive today to see not only that homosexuality and lesbianism being acceptable in the U.S, but also using the Constitution to justify same sex marriage. Sorry, I can't support same sex's even against nature.....its lead to a dead end, because a society of homosexuals would not last beyond the first generation.
  4. greatamerican128

    greatamerican128 New Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    Right, the constitution said nothing about slavery...

    "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons" (Article 1, Sec. 2)

    "The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person." (Article 1, sec. 9)

    Also, Paul seems quite interested in promoting an idea that authority comes from God in his letters,

    "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." -Romans 13:1-2

    Also, I definitely don't want you silenced; everyone should have the freedom of speech no matter how outrageous or controversial their ideas are including Christians.
  5. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    well your homophobia is a scourge but hateful groupes still exist we still have the clan their on your side to its your right to be a tyrannical bigot it would be wrong to take that from you
  6. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    no faith is at worst being conservative or liberal is just a form of it in some cases
  7. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    More amusing is that conservatives often cite the 2nd Amendment as a means to overthrow an.
    oppressive government. Irony anyone?
  8. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I don't think we all suck the big one, and I certainly think we are all entitled to our beliefs. But if someone posts his belief on an internet message board created for the sole purpose of discussion responses, including mine, are the reason we're all here. The OP claims there's a war on Christianity, an idea which is about as reasonable as claiming that dogs are waging a war on humans. Christianity enjoys a privilege in this country that no other religion does. An atheist, for example, stands zero chance of ever being elected president. Christmas is a national holiday. We not only tolerate but have encouraged things like "under God" inserted into our traditional sayings. Churches receive hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in tithes and donations every year. A few books by Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins may enrage the faithful but they hardly pose a threat to the status quo.

    Furthermore, claims that Liberals or atheists are mentally retarded, morally bankrupt, or any number of other demonstrably false claims are insulting and do nothing to help the divided situation this country is in. Beliefs like those in the OP, which he is more than entitled to hold, are nonetheless among the most stupid, bigoted, uninformed, and counterproductive I can think of. The more people who hold his beliefs the crappier this country will become.

    I hope this explains my post more clearly.
  9. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    This is a delusional belief of Christians as "religion" was rejected by the Founders of America because they were intellectuals that understood the tyranny of religion. They were very much aware of the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Salem Witch trials when they wrote the Declaration of Independence. They knew that any government based upon any religion, including Christianity, would be inherently tyrannical and we see that tyranny of goverment being propagated by the "Religious Right" in America today.

    The Religious Right is highly opposed to the 14th Amendment. They oppose equality for homosexuals and seek to institutionalize discrimination against them in our marriage laws denying them equality related to inheretance, bankruptcy, child rearing, taxation and government programs. They seek to violate the Right of Sovereignty of a woman over her own body by imposing restrictions on birth control and abortion. They seek to impose their religious beliefs by legislation which corrupted our National Motto which logically should be E pluribus unum (Latin [ˈeː ˈpluːrɪbʊs ˈuːnũː]) — Latin for "Out of many, one" instead of "In God We Trust" which is exclusionary because many Americans don't believe in god at all. They've corrupted the Pledge of Allegiance with the inclusion of one nation under "God" when we are not a nation under "God" at all but instead a nation under the US Constitution.

    The founders feared a nation founded upon religion, any religion, and they rejected Christianity specifically as the foundation for our nation. They feared the tyranny of religion and their fears are being realized today as the "Christian Right" seeks to impose it's religious tyranny on America today.

    Christianity is the enemy of America today. Not because it needs to be the enemy but because there are Christians that seek to make Christianity the enemy of a free state where all People have inalienable Rights. They seek to impose a Christian theocracy and in doing this they are just as much an enemy of a Free People as an Islamic theocracy. The assault on American is by the Christians and they whine and complain when they are opposed by those that hold the inalienable Rights of the People, the very foundation for government in the United States, stand against them.

    If Christians want to "end the war" then they need to back off and stop assaulting the People of America with invidious hatred and discrimination based upon myopic and bigoted Christian beliefs. They need to be Americans first and Christians second when it comes to protecting the Rights of all People in America.

    Religious intolerance in America is not the intolerance of those that are not religious but instead is represented by Christians that are intolerant of those that don't believe in their religion.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The "Religious Right" cites this passage as justification for establishing a Christian theocracy in America today.

    This was rejected by the Founders of America when they wrote the Declaration of Independence where it states:

    The Founders rejected God as the authority for Government, discarding the long held belief in the "divine Right of Kings" which was based upon religion, and instead established that the People were the authority for government and that all power originated with the People and not with God. God has no place in government in America as Religion is, by it's very nature, tyrannical and will violate the inalienable Rights of the non-believers.
  11. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Why did they then appoint Christian chaplains, pray to Christ in sessions of government, import bibles…and in school put in place Christian foundations, having the children recite the Lords Prayer and the Apostles Creed? Also why was it law that one had to be a Christian to even hold office?

    God is invoked in the Declaration and in practically every state constitution. That statement in the Declaration has everything to do with the moral state of the country. The standard of those rights come from God. Where is the wall?
  12. JohnConstantine

    JohnConstantine Active Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Smoking weed is not immoral, though a case could be made as to why indoctrinating children into religion is.
  13. JohnConstantine

    JohnConstantine Active Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Good post, and well-done to those men for attempting to build America upon these foundations!
  14. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I question that as well because none of the above should ever have occurred in the United States. Of course no one ever had to be a Christian to hold office in the United States and, in fact, the Constitution prohibits it.

    "Nature's God" as cited in the Declaration of Independence does not refer to Jesus or Thor or Apollo. Nature's God is rightfully considered to be "Mother Nature" which is a known mythical entity.
  15. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    None of those things were laws, merely customs, with the exception of holding office. If someone had challenged that law in court, and the judge was following the newly created constitution, it would have been struck down. Even the mention of God in state constitutions and other documents does not enshrine Christ and religion into the law, it merely shows that it was the basis for the creation of those concepts. That's not the same thing as creating a nation ruled by religion, which isn't far off from what many of the religiously oriented right leaning people advocate, whether they'll come out and admit it or not.
  16. Vicariously I

    Vicariously I Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
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    Hey everyone, new to this forum.

    Maybe you covered this in another thread but even if the legalization of marijuana was an attack on Christianity (which is an absurd notion to begin with) and the country is indeed moving farther away from Christian “morality”, why is this a problem?

    Statistics show that the more religious a population is the higher the crime rates are.

    In the “Christian Nation” of America less than 1% of the prison population is atheists.

    Reference statistics from the Bible belt including highest divorce, murder, STD/HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancy, single parent homes, infant mortality, and obesity rates in the nation.

    Looking at a place like Japan where I believe it is less than 1% of the entire country is Christian or believe in an afterlife of any kind you find that their crime rates are FAR lower than that of the “Christian Nation” of America.

    God has always been one of the leading causes of death on this planet whether it’s the Christian God or not. It’s not pot smoking atheists strapping bombs to themselves over there in the Middle East.

    Are ideas like the pope telling Africans in the middle of an aids epidemic to NOT use condoms and even that it could make things worse, moral?

    Are ideals that send men and women to war with God’s grace and blessing to “save innocent lives” all the while condemning the use of stem cells to cure cancer and save COUNTLESS lives, moral?

    How moral should the pope feel when he talks about feeding the hungry while holding a giant cross made of gold?

    I know more people who smoke marijuana then don’t including, Doctors, Graphic Designers, Managers, Construction Workers, Various Businessmen, as well as people from various religious and political parties. All of whom have used marijuana for decades and are very upstanding and successful individuals. Some of the hardest workers I know have smoked marijuana since they were teenagers.

    Where is the damage from marijuana being done I wonder? Christianity could in fact finally be on the way out, just another part of human evolution as it were. And it’s funny to me that you tried to tie a drug to this “assault” on Christianity. Perhaps the reason the idea of leaving Christianity behind truly bothers you is because just like a drug addict you cannot imagine a world without it, because you have no idea how to live without it, because you’re terrified of having to face reality without it.
    Since the dawn of man religions have come and gone. Why you Christians think yours will be any different lies with the answer as to why you think your God is the true God and everyone else has it wrong. You cannot see the forest for the trees.

    But this is America so if the beliefs and mythologies of 2,000 year old nomadic goat herders help make you a better person you go right on believing it. Personally I can’t wait to pull the anchor that is Christianity up and move into the future leaving behind the contradictory, small minded, and ignorant ideas of the past and finally live in a world where logic and knowledge mean something.
  17. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Shiva_TD said,

    No it's the paranoia of the LEFT that cringes every time they hear the word God. History shows exactly what we were founded on….and it was God in every way shape or form. If there is a wall it is an imaginary one constructed by people who have rejected God. The Founders did not…they embraced God in every direction. They did understand the tyranny of religion…and wanted to protect the country from a state religion….NOT TO MAKE RELIGION ILLEGAL especially in the government. Did they embrace any other religion other than Christianity….no? Show me any document that talks about Muhammed…or Confusious…..Buddah. There is none.

    You bring up the witch trials….do you have any idea how many people were put to death during this time? Less than twenty five people….

    You mention the tyranny of government today. If there is any…it is by people like you, the LEFT moral relativist….the socialist. You want to ram down the throats of its citizens an ideology that goes against everything that made America great. You believe the secular government knows best even how to raise our own children. Dangerous dangerous….ideals. The reason the country is in the sad shape it is in is because people reject God…..and when you kicked him out superficially…you put yourselves in His place…..and it shows. The LEFT celebrates everything deviant.

    "Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    Its the LEFT that hates and wants to abuse this part in every way….as you and your ilk believe that the American citizen should embrace illegals…and support them with tax payer money. THIS CALLS ILLEGALS……WHAT THEY ARE, ILLEGALS. You and your ilk love hate crimes laws…that set up a tiered system of rights…giving minorities extra rights. Screw the white male, the white race. It is you and your ilk who disregard the "life" part of this section as you champion abortion and seek to kill living human being while they rest peacefully in the womb. No consciences…..standing on sand and shaky ground….that is what you do.

    We recognize like the Founders did that marriage was between one man and one women. Tell me Shiva why there were laws back them about same sex marriage? Why in our entire history …..have gays not been able to marry? You blame this totally on the Right? Please…..step out of the black box you are in. Why was sodomy illegal? Our laws were based on the morality of its time and that morality was based on the bible. You take God out of the equation and your side could and does make a case for everything deviant. You stand on nothing because for you, there is no truth…its relative. Your the person who views an accident…along with five others….tells the cop that everyones view is right. You deny truth….you don't want to live by it.

    Yes we want to deny someone the right to kill a living human being. Not like you and ilk…who think child sacrifice is the way to go…that the power that women get that ensures that they can kill is the greatest power on earth….who holds the keys to life and death….the woman of today when she can kill even into the ninth month…her viable child. No conscience….no principles for the LEFT….no truth.

    They feared it so much that everything they did…the laws reflected Christianity. You are blind to past history and the actions of the presidents and congress. Can you imagine today…our Congress importing Bibles? Just appointing Christian Chaplains? Praying in the name of Jesus. You are absolutely blind to what is really going on. It is because of Christianity that our country has allowed people the freedoms they have had. No country on earth affords more rights to its citizens. The problem is the LEFT want more and more and more rights taken away from people. They want to run peoples lives….take over the raising of our children…forcing them to go to state run schools that promote their diseased philosophies. It is all about power….and the LEFT wants to take it over. They are the ones who removed God from everything. If God needed to be removed….WHO PUT HIM THERE TO BEGIN WITH? He has been in place since the first settlers came over. And the first settlers were CHRISTIAN. The Christian Right….have a right to be heard, we have a right to try to persuade…..and I know this will upset your day….WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE.

    The LEFT are the ones with the mental disease. They are the ones who seek to conquer and destroy American way of life as we have always known it. They are anti-American- anti Patriotism, anti-God and they live like it, moral decay turns them on as does the breakdown of the family. Who needs a family anyway when you have the government? Abortion is the battle cry for the LEFT. They hate big families and believe all the worlds problems could be solved by abortion. Lets kill the weak, the vulnerable, the handicapped, anyone challenged. Gee Hitler felt the same way. The LEFT think that owning a gun is outrageous…they seek to take all guns away from citizens…so that we have no way of protecting ourselves against their form of government. The LEFT is morally blind, hypocritical, prejudiced and so so shallow.

    There is a war a power struggle….and it is between two sides that are as different as night and day, black and white, Republican and Democrat…..there is no meeting in the middle…it is an outright war of ideals and values.

    Demonize the RIGHT? Oh yes its so bad that we believe in God…that we want limited government and that we want to protect our borders from illegals. And yes that we demand protection for our children in the womb. It is just horrible that we love America…and don't bash our country to the whole world. It is so bad that we want to protect our children in our schools that are being run by LEFT Wing Radicals who are trying to indoctrinate and brainwash them to believe their religion.

    it's all about self fulfillment for the LEFT.
  18. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Shiva said….

    We know this war will never end….there is to big of a chasm…between sides. One has God the other does not…these two sides have been fighting since the beginning of time…this is nothing different. And in the end I am not worried one bit…I know who will win. It is funny ….that throughout our entire history that there has not been gay marriage. Don't you find that odd? You say that we were always secular that the Founders were not Christian and did not mean to step on the toes of any of its citizens….how do you account for this?

    And in America….one can today worship whomever he pleases. He can go to any church…say anything he wants. There is freedom of religion in the United States…..the blind just can't see this…and the LEFT is blind. This is what you don't get… don't understand what belief in God means obviously because your a pagan.

    I am a Christian first…I look to God first….heavenward first. God comes before family, friends and even self. That is hard for you to grasp I am sure…let me say this again. God comes before family, friends and SELF. If you love the Lord and have accepted Him…you don't turn that love or faith on and off. You live your faith…everywhere you go….that means even when your at work? Belief in God is spiritual….not religious…its about the relationship you have with God. My faith in God…the Word….trumps everything.

    How have we been intolerant? If we started out secular….then how do you explain our laws? What is true is…is this. You are intolerant of my views. Usually the people who yell and scream the loudest are the intolerant ones. Relativism implies that the pursuit of any truth is futile. You tell me the truth as I see it is wrong…because of that you imply there is a right truth. That right truth is your beliefs…so who is intolerant here?

    You tell me I don't know the truth….then you turn around and state that you do. This like I said is a fight for truth. If truth is truth it must exclude something-falsehood. You are correcting me so you assume error exists. And if you assume error exists, you assume that truth exists. So you want to impose your truth, your morality on ME. HOW IS THAT TOLERANT? YOU ARE TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE AND WHAT TO BELIEVE. YOU TOLD ME I COULD NOT DO THIS. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE OTHERS?

    You mock the religious Right…that we are not accepting of others views. To this I say again….you are not accepting of ours. Those who try to prohibit or prevent others from evangelizing are themselves evangelizing their viewpoint.
  19. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Which is funny, because it's usually the right that is yelling and screaming the loudest. Your posts on this forum are a great example of this, because they mostly contain appeals to emotion, appeals to your personal belief in a God, a belief that is not universal and thus cannot be used universally as the source of anything, as well as appeals to history(well the founders did it so it must be right!). Your positions and the positions of your side of things rarely presents factual arguments, instead relying on doom and gloom(the "family" has supposedly been dying since the Demon Rum movement in the 1800s), more appeals to religious authority, demonizing your opposition by whatever means possible, and generally being hysterical. You want to deny that societies evolve and mores change and religious necessity erodes as knowledge and education grows. The best, and probably most well known, example of this is your rabid opposition to equal marriage rights. Your side has presented no factual arguments against this, it is entirely based on an appeal to emotion, religion, and personal phobias. You haven't even been able to show the effect on morality that this would have, since the evidence from states that have legalized gay marriage in the past would contradict any "feely" statements you could make.

    My point is, when perusing this forum, it is your side I see most often "yelling and screaming". Whether that is because of something that Shiva said earlier in a different thread regarding forum demographics(she said that a few years ago there were more left leaning people, and that since Obama has taken office, the population has shifted more right, at least among the active posters) or because you just don't have much substance to your arguments once you brush aside the doom & gloom and appeals to false authorities. Economics is about the only area I've seen where the conservative side has a leg to stand on, and even then, it's not exclusively the case.
  20. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    from what i can tell gods on either side of left and right split in multiple forms fighting one another and no god sides which are also in multiple forms thoug god and no god aliances exist on both sides and sometimes across sides and left and right kind of mingle into 1 another
  21. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    not sure representative democracy = rights for men and women are comon in history yet that seems good ....slavery was that seems bad
  22. Wolf Ritter

    Wolf Ritter Banned

    Feb 8, 2012
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  23. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Junkieturtle said

    How so…the media is on your side and they scream all the time about the RIGHT? I believe the RIGHT has been so content to sit back and do nothing….that they have allowed LEFT wing radicals to highjack the country. They do not speak up enough, and its not loud enough.

    I don't debate abortion based on God. I mention science…and you even run from that. LOL My posts reflect my worldview….just like YOUR POSTS REVEAL YOURS. You just think I should be silenced. Emotion is something your not obviously familiar with….as you promote abortion and champion what it does. If anything your side is emotionless…you show no compassion for life….its as I said expendable for you. You talk about universal belief in God….ok lets go there. I believe you the pagan are in the minority. Most people hold a belief in God. The two top religions…Christianity and Islam make up the biggest faith based believers. You compare the followers to the number of people on earth….and you are in the minority if you reject God.

    Go take a valium or fix yourself a cocktail. I am not hysterical…if anything I am sick and tired of trying to debate people who regularly run from the topic….or flip flop on the issues. That is you. You are prochoice….but not for later term abortions….only because you feel you should compromise. LOL You are all over the place…..up and down, in and out. You are standing on sandy ground. Do you feel demonized? Well golly…so sorry. Maybe your just feeling bad about throwing human beings under the bus. Maybe underneath you feel a tinge of guilt. Honey I am not hysterical….as I said way back….you and ilk….are entertainment for the most part….we go over the same issues and topics and say the same things. I find you sad but amusing.

    I believe that killing is killing, abortion is abortion…rape is rape… is family…..right is not wrong…..wrong is not right. I believe there is truth…to every situation and that truth never changes. The reason you can't see anything factual lies in the fact that you don't know what the truth is. You are so intolerant of others opinions….you want me to cave in…morally…..but you don't have to do a thing and can sit there and whine…over religion and things you know nothing about.

    How am I yelling and screaming? I do this…..LOL, HAHA, LMAO. I don't use profanity…or call people names other than use the labels that defined their position. In your case….you are a pro-abort.

    Your position is the doom and gloom one. It all centers around the God belief and life. And you believe in neither.
  24. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Now settle down everything will be ok.
  25. Vicariously I

    Vicariously I Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
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    When oh when are Christians going to get a fair shake in this world?

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