Foreigners and Anti-Semitism

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Ethereal, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    This is the disgusting racism which is increasingly seen on the Left nowadays. This is a fifth column in the midst of progressives, an act of collaboration with the worst elements of the Israeli State. This is the real filthy blatant Jewbaiting, which gives succour to those American extremists who wish to characterize all criticsm of Israel as anti-semitic.

    Even though millions of Israelis despise the settlers and oppose their presence in illegal settlements, even though the vast majority of European and American Jews are liberals, we get more and more of these "left wing" scum (I am talking generally of course) consistently now framing their criticism of Israel in bleak anti-semitic terms. This is music to the ears of extreme nationalists in the USA who wish to demonize all those who criticize the actions of the Israeli government and the IDF as jewbaiters. Of course most decent civilized people are critics of authoritarian regimes which commit excesses and crimes against marginalized peiople, whether the USA, the UK, or Israel. Now, thanks to the anti-semites who pretend to be progressive, authoritarians can condemn us as anti-semitic by associating us with these jewbaiting scumbags. And so, in the United States in particular, this lie that critics of Israel are all or even mostly anti-semitic, is believed, thanks to these traitors and scum. Those Jews who criticize the actions of the IDF or the extreme rightwing government are insulted as "self hating". All helped by these cretins who hang around the left like a bad smell as they prattle out their jewbaiting hatred. The forces of repression in Israel are strengthened by these scumbags.

    Israel commits excesses against Palestinians. The current Israeli government is close to an apartheid government which seeks to either ethnically cleanse arabs from their homes, villages and cities, or to occupy their homeland and deny them civil rights. Plenty of Israeli settlers are racist brutes, morons with a biblically inspired sense of entitlement to abuse other human beings. Israel, in common with other powerful governments, commits acts and crimes which were committed by the Nazi regime (collective punishments, enabling of murder in Sabra and Shatila, double standrads in law enforcement against Israelis settlers and palestinian arabs on the West Bank). Some Israelis (settlers who regard Palestinians as sub-human are a well documented phenomenon) are as vicious and hateful as the average Nazi and their nationalist ideology, based on ancient myth and racial superiority and inimical to the Enligtenment, is a close cousin of German National Socialism.

    All authoritarian abuse of power needs to be condemned.

    But Israel is NOT Nazi Germany nor anywhere remotely close. To argue that Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an act of Holocaust denial. It is a conscious minimizing of the enormity of the crime committed by the Nazis against the Jews and other groups such as the Rroma, gay people and slavs. It is therefore a neo-Nazi act. It is consistent with the views of neo-Nazi groups whose members wear swastikas and give fascist salutes. It is deserving of utter contempt and those who perpetuate this vicious slander should be ostracized and denounced without giving the slightest quarter. They are scum, a turd on your shoe, verminous filth. they are the accomplices of real Nazis, their stooges and their quislings.

    When did Israel euthanize Rroma children? When did Israel euthanize epileptic children? When did Israel ban arabs from universities or government employment based on their race? Where is the Israeli einsatzgruppen that herded communities into churches or mosques and burned them to death? Where are the camps in Israel where arabs are used for shooting practice? Where are the gas vans in the occupied territories? Where are the extermination camps killing hundreds of thousands of arabs? Where are the Israeli soldiers shooting to death hundreds of prisoners a day as they jump in a pit one on top of the other? Where are the Israeli doctors who murder arab children in laboratories in the name of science? Where are the trains, carrying arabs off to their deaths? Where are the forced labour camps which work people to death in inhuman conditions? Where are the Israeli Sophie and Hans Scholls, beheaded for protesting against a Nazi government? Where is the goosestep and the Nuremberg rally in Israel? Where are the racial laws and the documenting of every operson's racial history? Where are the systematic castrations of "inferior" races. Where are the marriage bans, the criminalization of "myscegation"? Where is the Enabling Bill that abolishes the parliament and imprisons peaceful opposition to the State? Where are the corpses, starved to death with the bones coming through the skin? Where are the homosexual prisoners and their pink stars? Where is Auschwitz, Birkenau, Maidenek, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau in Israel?

    You can only suggest that Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany by denying the above realities in Nazi Germany. This accusation is therefore an act of Holocaust denial.

    Never forget the enormity of the crimes of national Socialism. To trivialize these and minimize them in order to bait twenty first century Jews is a disgustinig fascist act as evil as the poison that came out of the mouth of any blackshirt. Our response on the Left or as liberals should be the same as it always was to these anti-semitic vermin. Come any nearer and we'll break your heads.

    No pasaran.
  2. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    The Jewbaiters and the extreme right succour each other.
  3. Nosferax

    Nosferax Banned

    Sep 24, 2009
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    Yes they do
    And no they don't...
    You fail at history just as you are failling in life...
  4. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Yours too? He 'disliked' ONE of my posts 6 times! I guess he didn't like it...
  5. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I wouldn't say our immigration itself is "ill-thought", but our policies often are. Then again, the same could be said for a lot of countries. As difficult as it is to immigrate here, immigration policies in a lot of the rest of the West are even more convoluted.

    Canada is one of the few Western countries that seems to have more functional immigration policies.

    That being said, yes, Israel's immigration policies are rather unusual.

    I just don't see how the resolutions matter that much. The UN is largely a joke, not just because we block its influence but because each of the permanent Security Council members do.

    It's a lot of talk with little bite. The idea behind international policing is sound, but the actual implementation of it is limited in its feasibility.

    What Israel does with respect to resolutions isn't often very desirable, but look at the situation overall.

    It's hard for me to sympathize with the Palestinians in the same way that it's hard for me to sympathize with the Israelis. Israel has created an apartheid state, but the Palestinians are connected to terror groups.

    I honestly just wish we'd stay out of the whole mess, because it's never going to end.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    No it isn't.

    Many Jews make the comparison.

    You don't write definitions.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Is that so?

    Millions, right?

    Well, in practice, they must despise.....themselves.
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    So says the man who cannot proves his case, so resorts to being demented, and going around 'disliking' everyone's posts.


    Yeah mate..

    Ta ta...
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Don't you see.

    Invasion, occupation, land theft, and generally being utter evil scum, it tends to provoke resistance.

    The more aggressive the former, the more the latter will grow, and the more aggressive it will become.

    The answer is for the former not to do what it does, then the latter will not relevant.
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Oh....I bet it is, but then this is, with all due respect, coming from a Jewish man, who thinks that ALL Jewish land they have stolen, should be kept by Jews.

    Listen, 'Diplomat', I am not sure if you are aware of this, but this land grab and torture, it was not a LONG TIME ago. Indeed, ring ring is going I write.

    It is okay for you to sit there, miles away, and just casually decide 'Hey, some years have passed, let's airbrush crime', but you know what, that is NOT how it is going to work, in the end.

    You see, by your own reasoning, if I had killed a man 25 yrs ago, a quarter of a century, then I should be free just to go about my business, no matter the damage that I did, or the suffering it caused to others?

    Come on, let us start applying it to all things.

    Raped someone 15 yrs ago. Just came to light. Rapist now doing well in new career. Let it slide.

    Well respected senator abused kids when he was 18. Just let that one slip?

    No, 'Diplomat'.

    Your way is....not acceptable.


    PS - If your reasoning were also applied to all things, then Jews would still not be using the holocaust so much, nor would they keep on bleeding money from Germans. All in the past, yes?
  11. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Only one side is the military dictatorship.
  12. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Yes. The other side is the handful of militia groups and organizations, consolidated under the weak Syrian National Council. The lack of centralization on the rebel side allows for cross-sectarian violence to ensue in the first place, and provides a breathing ground for terrorist influence. Assad's actions exacerbate this disarray through genocidal actions against his subjects.
  13. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I will grant you, you do have a way with words.

    It's always entertaining to read someone describing "genocidal actions" as defensive measures.
  14. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I did not claim that Assad's actions are defensive measures. The situation in Syria encompasses complex non-linearities which render determination of who is attacking and who is defending useless. It is better to take all the violence at face value, without resorting to dogmatic labeling.
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What have Syria got to do specifically, with this topic, btw?
  16. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Nothing. Shall discourse return to the topic at hand?
  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Probably best.

    Okay, in my view, and an increasing number of others, Zionism is 100% creating it's own 'anti semitism'.

    I 100% believe that it's actions induce it.

  18. Leo2

    Leo2 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2009
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    Good advice. The premise of the OP being that non-Americans on this board voice anti-semitic sentiments to a much greater extent than Americans. I have yet to see documented evidence of this claim, so perhaps the OP would care to provide that? :)
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Leo, you are a bright guy, come on - you know that Zionist Jews are suffering from, and I am being serious, a congenital and/or socially induced - mental illness.

    They, like the paranoid schizophrenic, they see a threat or take offence - to everything.

    Even things that would never cross our minds.

    I am not really a fan of Harry Potter, kids stuff really, but I went to see a couple of them, with friends that asked if I would.

    Watched them. Went home. Never thought about it again.

    Now, were you aware, that various Jew groups, they, in their mental illness, saw 'anti semitism' Harry Potter.

    Here was my thinking it was a kids fantasy film, when all along, JK is Eva Braun.

    Their 'evidence'..?


    They saw the Goblins as being...Jews.

    And they whined, and the whinged.

    Now, it never struck me, for one second, to make the comparison, when I watched the film.

    Perhaps they are seeing themselves in it then?


    Anyway, as Auchwitz inmate, Hajo Meyer, rightly says... 'Zionists have made it so that anti semitism is now...anyone that Jews hate', then I would listen to that man.

    You don't even have to look globally, to see that everything I tell you about Jews wanting to suppress communcation, and control everything, is...TRUE.

    On another thread that reached 500 pages, they showed their true face, when they admitted, quite openly, that they want anyone who does not think and write as they do, to be banned from here, from the INTERNET, and from society.

    Another one, was even suggesting that people be put in jail, for sharing views that Jews do not like, and this one passes themselves off as 'German', yet wishes for non Jewish Germans, who dare contradict Jews, to be put in prison. Calls for that to be extended. How far? And who decides? And why just Jews?

    A week ago, we had a Jew racist on here, trying to bully and harass mods, by creating a thread, that was inspired, and the member knows it, by my shining a light on systematic rape and sodomy of kids, by Jews, in Brooklyn, which is then covered up, by the 'community'.

    You do see, do you not?

    They hate free speech, as much as they hate truth and justice.

    Either on purpose, or because it is their nature....they induce their own contempt.
  20. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I think I will go ahead and concur 100% with this.
  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It is OBVIOUS that Zionist Jews are inducing their own 'anti semitism'.

    It's not even really anti semitism though, since, thanks to their abuse of it (as always), it is now an OBVIOUS sign, that the person you are reading, having used that against someone, is a dishonest slanderer, who will never refute evidence, ONLY use that, over, and over, and over.

    Even Zionist Jews are on record as admitting that is a a formal TRICK that Zionist Jews use, to attack ANY criticism of Israel.

    If Zionist Jews who worked in Gov admit it, then they have indeed erased the term 'anti semitism', from the pages of time.

    It no longer exists, save for in the way Hajo Meyer admitted - 'It is now ANYONE Jews hate'. Even other Jews get called it.

    Indeed, since there is no QUESTION that it's a proven means of derailment and slander, it's use on any forum should be looked at, to be honest.

    It is just used so often, that is sorts of slips under the radar, as being a low life means to attack someone's points, not to debate the points.

    Rest assured, the offended by everthing, ashamed by nothing Jew, they would be reaching for the number of the ADL, if we were to constantly slander them as 'people that drink the blood of Christian babies'.

    Be noble.

    Hold onto your integrity.


    Reach out to others, that are sick of Jewish supremacism, pushing non Jews around.

    Counter their smears, lies, slander, personal attacks, threats, with truth. Facts. And good virtues, because those burn them like holy water burns a vampire.

    We are legion, for we are many.

    But we have been weakned and damaged, which is why a much smaller yet much better organised group, that being Zionist Jews, have been allowed to subvert matters to the state that they, the Zionist Jews, can operate outwith laws that gentile nations must adhere to.

    There is no use sat there, knowing and not doing.

    To know and not do, is worse than to be cattle.

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