Who in the world would vote for Obama a 2nd time?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by sparky2, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Ivor

    Ivor New Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Illegal aliens. Dead people. Blacks. Stupid people. Spineless cretins riddled with white guilt for what their ancestors might have done.

    No one with any intelligence will vote for him a second time. Which is why he will likely win again. The country is full of stupid people.
  2. big daryle

    big daryle New Member

    May 16, 2008
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    You are telling it like it is that the country is full of morons. But I think there are enough decent people out there that will give Romney the victory.
  3. reckoning

    reckoning New Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Il vote for Obama because i want free food stamps and free housing, because somebody else has to pay for it......Or Romney...doesnt matter
  4. Agrona

    Agrona New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    From your post...."There are a great number of people who work for government earning (with lavish benefits and retirement) between $80k-$160k/year"
    Yes, they're called congress and the senate. Good luck to get them to take a pay or benefit cut.
  5. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Did you fail to note that the part of obamaTAX that was to expand coverage to millions of poor people, the Medicaid Expansion, was declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court.

    So it will not cover millions more of poor people and the Affordable Care Act. Is an Act that will reduce CARE and certainly NOT be affordable. Repeal is your friend.

    No one,,,,,,,NO ONE, is talking JUST repeal. It is repeal and replace with heath care reform that WORKS. obamaTAX won't.
  6. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Ignoring the obvious racism and ignorance of the OP.

    Obama has led despite Republicans.
    The ACA, while not what I wanted, is a step in the right direction.
    He has gotten us out of Iraq and is working us out of Afghanistan,
    His leadership during the Arab Spring helped bring about mostly peaceful revolution across the Arab world and a hope for real freedom in the region.
    He saved the US auto industry.
    His economic plans helped stop the crash of 2008 and bring about a recovery.
    He has actively defended the rights of all Americans.


    His opposition openly supports Ryan's budget plan which would add hundreds of billions to the deficit, destroy medicare, destroy medicaid, and increase taxes on the working poor while lowering them on the wealthy.
    His opposition supports denying the vote to legitimate voters.
    His opposition has openly pushed for military action in Iran, Syria, North Korea.
    The crash of 2008 and the recession of 2000 were bought about by the policies advocated by his opposition.

    Willard Romney is not the solution. He is part of the problem.
  7. inter

    inter New Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Obama looks like Mikhail Gorbachev in the USSR... "Perestroika" was a tragedy for millions people in the Soviet Union as well as the world economic crisis is an serious exam for many countries. Obama increase a debt of the USA every day. His social programs doesn't work... But Romney doesn't a good choice too,because he can draw in new war the USA. That's bad as well as economic troubles (remembered about soviet invasion in Afghanistan in December of 1979). It will be a hard choice in November...
  8. sparky2

    sparky2 Banned

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Don't be a fool, dadoalex.

    There was nothing even remotely resembling racism in my original post. (And I am far from ignorant, though I do appreciate your knee-jerk dismissal. It helps to re-affirm my suspicions regarding people who idolize somebody like Obama.)

    I can only assume that you knee-jerk-perceived racism in my opinions and observations, re; "Non-Caucasians and white-apologists who feel duty-bound to keep an African-American in the white house. At any cost, and with no regard for the good of the nation, these people, mostly blacks, have got it in their heads that all the years of social injustice against blacks are somehow going to be magically erased by having a black president spend the American taxpayer’s dollars like they are going out of style"......

    If indeed you perceive racism in that honest and frank statement, then I feel just a bit sorry for you.
    You will no doubt live the rest of your life seeing racists around every corner.

    That description of a certain segment of the American voting populace is spot-on accurate.
    I'm not saying that that segment is particularly large, but it does exist.
    I know it exists, because I see it where I live and work.

    Now, let's conduct an exercise, just to test out your core values, and to see if you truly understand the difference between racism and frank, honest observations.
    I will offer up a hypothetical scenario or two, and you may choose either a, b, c, or d. Okay?

    1. Bob and Frank both work in a government office. Bob is caucasian, and Frank is African American. They frequently travel together on the same government business, and Bob has noticed lately that Frank has been inflating his expenses on his travel vouchers, and drawing a larger compensation check than he deserves. It begins to become more flagrant, and is getting out of hand.
    Bob finally reports Frank to his superiors for fraud, waste, and abuse.
    Does Bob report Frank because:
    a. He's a responsible government servant?
    b. He's a racist?
    c. He just doesn't like Frank?
    d. He resents Franks creative travel voucher filing skills?

    2. Suzy and Sharon work together at a large restaurant as waitresses. Suzy is Irish-American, and Sharon is Mexican-American. They have been friends and coworkers for a long time. Both women have been given permission to take food leftover from the serving line home, so that it doesn't go to waste. Lately though, Sharon has been taking entire cases of frozen burger patties home, along with cases of tomatoes and heads of lettuce. She frequently loads them into her boyfriends car out the back door of the restaurant. Suzy notices this, and eventually reports Sharon to her bosses.
    Does Suzy report Sharon because:
    a. She's a responsible and moral person?
    b. She's a racist?
    c. She resents Sharon because she is more attractive?
    d. She wishes she were bold enough to steal cases of burger patties herself?

  9. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Because they are forcing the majority into this, and that's the first problem,,,the mandate!
  10. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    "b. Non-Caucasians and white-apologists who feel duty-bound to keep an African-American in the white house. At any cost, and with no regard for the good of the nation, these people, mostly blacks, have got it in their heads that all the years of social injustice against blacks are somehow going to be magically erased by having a black president spend the American taxpayer’s dollars like they are going out of style."

    The correlary is that you would vote against Obama because you don't want any African American to occupy the White House.

    You don't need an "exercise" to prove you're not a racist. Your words have shown the truth.

    I don't see racism around every corner. But I do when I see you.
  11. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    There you go again, putting up your kooky messiah as the answer to our problems. Got news for you. Just because Ron Paul is not Obama or Romney DOES NOT make him the better choice. He's actually worse. Not any third party candidate ever. Just Paul(because he's the only relevant third party candidate this election cycle).

    I hate this kookery over Ron Paul. What you're basically saying is this:

    Romney will shoot you in the foot

    Obama will shoot you in the arm

    Getting shot is BAD!

    Vote Ron Paul, he'll shoot you in the head and get it over with fast.
  12. sparky2

    sparky2 Banned

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Again, you are being foolish, dadoalex.

    I sincerely DO want an African American in the white house.
    I would loved to have seen Dr Martin Luther King as President.
    I would gladly have Herman Cain in the white house. Either as President, or Vice President.
    Dr Condi Rice. I would LOVE to see her as the next US President, or even the Vice President.

    That one sentence you seized upon, the truthful and brutally frank observation you quoted above, was but one of nine or so categories of people that I believe would vote for Obama a second time.

    It's curious that you chose to focus on just that one.
    Do you not have anything to say about any of those others?
    For that matter, which of those (a, c, d, e, f, g, h, or i) do you actually recognize as describing yourself?

    Don't be so quick to cry, "RACISM", friend.
    It makes you look foolish, and it makes you appear to be a tool of a political party, instead of a mature, level headed gentleman.

    PS Would it surprise you to know that I have actually been romantically involved with no less than three African American women in my lifetime?
    I came close to marrying one of them.

    Would it surprise you to know that some of my closest friends at work are African American?
    And only ONE of them actually fits into the category of b. above.
    (The rest can't STAND Obama. They admit they voted for him the first time, but none of the four of them are planning to vote for him a second time.)

    Tsk tsk tsk.
  13. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Not unconstitutional fully states can opt into it, and its a great deal of health care funding for the poor when they did the popular CHIP program it funded at Medicaid rates split with the states and this is far more generous. In the long run 90 cents per dollar on the Medicaid expansion and the states just 10 cents, right now the state puts in 46 cents per dollar.

    And Obama has options for example he could order under his executive order compliant states that expand into both get a 10% adjustment up to all government and private interests when handing out government contracts, backed loans and grants are considered unless there is a clear other law or regulation in effect. Then if say a company in an opt-in state wants a military contract and this one in the pt-out state does the first gets a big boost in the bid. The Justices said they could not take funds away from opt-out states they said nothing of other uses of Federal Funds. And he is not up for re-election so why not play hard if he wins in November. If nothing else he can force Congress to micromanage every contract with a law keeping them very busy and even then he can veto.

    My point is there is no Republican plan even out there to look at and I'm to trust repeal and replace. And even if they take technical control of the Senate and the White House they will have to get passed the Democratic filibuster issue unless they vote to remove it taking it away from their party in the future not likely to happen. And they cannot repeal the entire law by reconciliation and can only do that once per year that means use it on this they lose it for the budget fights the rest of the year. I would see if they do get into power they will do revisions to the law they will have not choice removing all the money parts leaves the mandate on insurers to cover everyone they cannot risk that, it would kill the insurance industry and the Democrats can filibuster if they include it. So they will do a bipartisan bill to make changes, pat themselves on the back and let the states decide things.

    I do want to add this the ACA is a jobs bill more medical care jobs, more funding for education of medical providers and states opting in become very appealing to small employers since they won't have to provide health care if under 50 employees a thing as a governor I would push with plans to attract them. Every health care dollar if its like other funding will impact $7 to 10 per dollar spent in economic impact in local and state economies that is not something one can ignore. As for funding and working in the new system the Federal government will have to find the money and states commit to helping with things they can do, as I see it even opt out governors will find it impossible to not take the generous government funding for Medicaid and do the exchanges it will make them in my view economically weaker than states that do in the end.
  14. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Newsflash for you. The primaries are over. Caesar obama is the Democratic Candidate.

    Romney IS the Republican Candidate.

    Santorum finished second in the Republican primaries.

    Gingrich finished third.

    Paul finished last.

    Same as all his other comedic presidential time wasters.

    COL TALBOT Banned

    Aug 6, 2008
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    I suppose the reason to vote for Obama is to keep out that even greater evil, a Republican President.
    The choice between Democrats and Republicans is like choosing which sort of cancer you would prefer to have kill you.
    Which is better, cancer of the bowels, or cancer of the stomach ?

    Before Obama took office, I guessed that he would be a useless dummy, -- all talk, and presentation, with no substance.
    Then when some Republicans started welcoming his impending victory, alarm bells really did ring.
    Next, when he retained some of the Bush gang within his 'new' Administration, such as the loathsome Robert Gates, as Defence Secretary, which I believe was the same position he had held under Bush (correct me if I am wrong), I knew the world was in for more of the same, a continuation of the same disgusting death and destruction.
    Drones over Pakistan, murdering innocent families there , and the continued attempt to occupy Afghanistan, trying to wipe out the resistance there, prove the point.
    Finally when he appointed as Vice-President his opponent in the race to the Presidency, the even more loathsome Hilary Clinton,I realised that little would change since the days of Bush.
    Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
    What he should have done was to sack anyone who had ever been connected to Bush, kick the Clintons into oblivion, and then shown the bravery to appoint his own people, and decent people, in place of the scum who surround him now.
    He is more than the aforementioned useless dummy I expected. He is a dangerous destructive dummy, doing what he is told to do by the old guard.
  16. sparky2

    sparky2 Banned

    Mar 14, 2012
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    COL Talbot,
    If you are indeed a Veteran, then I thank you for your service.

    To your remarks regarding Mister Obama, I don't believe his success or failure has anything to do with the scumbags he has chosen to surround himself with.

    He has been, from day one of his presidency, an inept, arrogant, delusional, crooked politician.

    You can polish a turd.
    You can even spray paint it bright and festive colors, and put a nice layer of clear-coat on it.
    But it's still a turd.

    It time to flush this one, and give some other jackass politician a chance to do better.

    Right now, Mitt Romney appears to be that only other alternative.
    But I'll choose him over four more years of crippling/increasing debt, blatant pay-backs to political cronies, higher taxes, 1 billion dollar grants to Pakistan and Egypt, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

    Obama is DEFINITELY not the lesser of two evils right now.
    Clearly as a branch commissioned officer, sworn to uphold the US Constitution, you can see that. Can't you?
  17. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    "I sincerely DO want an African American in the white house."

    This is a pure unadulterated RACIST statement.

    To say you'd like Cain BECAUSE you think is is the most capable person is OK. To want Cain because he is black is RACIST. Odd those that scream racist the loudest and most often REFUSE to acknowledge that ANY statement based on a person's color, no matter what that color, IS a RACIST statement.

    I'd rather see Cain because he is much more qualified than the idiot ass obama. And I'd like to see Romney because he is more qualified than Cain and eons more qualified that the incompetent failed b.o.
  18. sparky2

    sparky2 Banned

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Perhaps I should have spoken more clearly, and qualified my earlier statement.

    I DO want an African American in the white house. Any other African American than Barack Obama.
    I also want a caucasian in the white house. That would mean Barack Obama is gone, and out of office.
    I want an Asian in the white house. Again, Obama is gone.
    I want an American-born Hispanic in the white house. Adios, Barack Obama.

    ANYbody but Obama, get it?

    My disdain for Obama has nothing to do with the color of his skin.
    It has EVERYthing to do with his ineptitude, his corruption, and his willingness to keep blindly spending, no matter how much debt he is racking up.

    Truth be told, I have never viewed Obama as 'black' or 'half-white', or any other color for that matter.

    He is a chameleon. He changes who or what he is, depending upon the audience he is trying to woo at any given moment.
    In other words, he is a dime-a-dozen politician.

    It's time for him to go.
  19. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    You cannot want him gone half as much as I do. But any reference to color is self defeating. He needs to go because his lack of performance demands he be fired for cause.

    I think he should be fired and prosecuted for corruption, maybe treason. No one could perform as bad as he has done just out of ineptitude. It had to be planned chaos.
  20. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Translation-Many people like myself ignore that this guy is a pathologial liar, has spat on the constitution,is the biggest fraud of a president ever and a mass muderer so many ignorant brainwshed people like myself will ignorantly vote for either this guy or that other evil monster Romney like the sheople we are.
  21. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    one of the best posts on this thread easily by far.Yeah there are a lot of brainwashed idiot black people at my place who cant get past his skin color and think he is the greatest thing ever.
  22. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    This is the horribly destructive legacy of our dalliance in Racial Preferences with Affirmative Action.

    There are now two generations of Americans who have been indoctrinated from birth to young adulthood in the concept that as long as you are using race to discriminate and on the bases of that discrimination, you provide some positive benefit to the "Designated Minority" ( Who are often today not a numerical minority... ); then that blatant discrimination is not only legal, it is a social "Justice" imperative.

    I’ve said this before, and I guess I’ll have to just keep saying it:

    Just because a 90% of the CEOs are white men, doesn’t mean that 90% of white men are CEOs!

    I expand greatly on that subject, and give my predictions on how it will impact the 2012 election in:


    But then, White Middle Class America got over Racism 30 years ago.

    But Liberalism still hold many Racist Ideals, both for cynical political power pandering, and because many in the democrat party who hold an Anti-White Racist hatred that compares well to the KKK of the 1960s.

    Racist is as Racist does….
  23. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Thats something that many american sheople just dont get.Romney is not the solution,he is for sure part of the problem.romney and obama are both backed by the zionists and here to serve them and wall street not us and here to start wars.this FACT gets ignored EVERY SINGLE TIME by the brainwashed american sheople,a TRUE american would vote for ron paul and stick with him to the end no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the only one not backed by the zionists who has a shot.the sheople ignore this fact everytime.

    Obama looks like Mikhail Gorbachev in the USSR... "Perestroika" was a tragedy for millions people in the Soviet Union as well as the world economic crisis is an serious exam for many countries. Obama increase a debt of the USA every day. His social programs doesn't work... But Romney doesn't a good choice too,because he can draw in new war the USA. That's bad as well as economic troubles (remembered about soviet invasion in Afghanistan in December of 1979). It will be a hard choice in November...

    it shouldnt be.Vote paul like any true american will or dont vote at all.
  24. Flaming Moderate

    Flaming Moderate New Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2010
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    There are many hopes I had for Obama that withered on the vine, but there things he did accomplish which I approve. If there was a viable alternative I certainly would give them a close look.

    However, my closer look at this alternative revealed a vision for America that I simply can't, and won't support. I strongly disagree on economic theory, social agenda, and government philosophy. Obama shares more of my vision for the future that his opponent.

    You could say the lesser of two evils, but I view it as the better of two imperfect choices.
  25. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    NOW your starting to get unbrainwashed just a LITTLE,congrats.yes thats a FACT,if you vote for Obama,then you get a shot in the arm,you vote for romney,you get shot in the leg,NOW your catching on. thats b.s from you as always. now your just making patheitc ramblings saying paul will shoot you in the head.your living in denial that paul IS the answer.

    these pathetic ramblings of yours saying paul is worse is proof you are getting desperate and in denial,like always,you CONSTANTLY ignore the FACTS i have said a million times that BOTH are mass murderers of innocent women and children,Romney will be cause he has said Obama has not spent ENOUGH money on the phony war on terror,the FACT you constantly ignore is both are backed by the zionists

    you have really destroyed your credibilty far worse than ever before now saying paul is worse since like a true american,he would not engage in the phony war on terror and for the MILLIONTH time,is not backed by the zionists like romney and obama,you obviously have reading comprehension problems because you ignore that FACT everytime.congrats on proving the truth scares you that you have been brainwashed by the lamestream media.:grin::headbang: nice job.

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