Iran draws closer to acquiring nukes

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by pjohns, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    The man you are citing has nothing to do with the Iranian government...No doubt a shill propaganda tool to promote the up coming unprovoked attack on Iran...If your heros attack Iran, I sincerely hope they get their asses handed to them even worse that they did in Lebanon a few years back...Your boys really need a regime change over there in Israhell...
  2. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Why not try actually countering my posts instead of just clicking "Dislike" and then running way like a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)?
  3. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    I cited this Hezbollah dude, and Iranian chief of staff and Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs and the IAEA .... when you pull your head out of your a$s you will perhaps see the light...

    Hmm, and in case you have not noticed Hezbollah has been extremely quiet since their 'glorious victory' in 2006, they are terrified to stick their noses out of their caves, let alone fire a rocket at Israel...Although I think if Israel decides to strike Iran it will be more like the Iraqi reactor in 1982 - quick, surgical, painless and lethal :) Keep hoping islamofascists, keep dreaming Ayatollah lapdogs. You've been losing since Israel was established in 1948 and you have not learned a thing LOL
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Oh really?

    Well, in that case, I look forward to the people rejecting both the black shill, and the mormon shill, that is offered up to them, as some sort of perverse choice.

    Because that is what BOTH parties will do.

    Attack Iran.

    Children not yet born, are going to be paying for this.....forever.

    Then there is the human cost, but hey, since when did Americans start caring about the human cost, or rather, when did they stop?

    What effing right do you think your lunatic state has to go around murdering people, and for what benefit?


    Okay, the whole Iraq narrative was BS, we all know that, but many were caught unaware, because they were maybe naive to the false flags, and extent of the murderers that are in high office.

    11yrs on from that, oh guess what now, now the US has a new enemy, and oh look, it JUST SO HAPPENS to be a nation that has complied with ALL aspects of the NPT, no question, but never mind that, the almost Rabbinical Court, high up on Jerusalem, they have decided.

    And what do your people do?

    They argue among each other, liberal this, or left wing that, do you never want to smother them?

    What possible chance do you have, with a majority that think(sic) in that way?

    Look at what it is doing to your own people?

    Your killing each other, anything, everyone, it's all connected to a state that bring people up, believing murder to be good.

    Why, if America has any good men left, why not stand up then, and reject this BS war, that will take place with Iran, and for Israel?

    Tell Israel to go fight their own demented battles, and get their own money.

    Anyone in the US mainstream every say that?

    Ron Paul tried, a bit.

    How did his campaign funds go.
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    54 times, come on mods, everyone is sick of this.

    54 times for me, and god knows how many for others.
  6. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Yes, Israel will get the USA to attack Iran. Probably after a preemptive strike by Israel. But once again we're not looking at who is truly pushing for the agenda. It's not just the Zionists of Israel.

    Don't forget that all US presidential candidates are either members of, or are surrounded by, members of the Council on Foreign relations. I just find it funny how no one wants to talk about the pink elephant in the room. They only look on the surface. Because Bibi goes on live telly and says "We must attack Iran"...somehow people on this forum think Israel is the mastermind of the plot to attack Iran, forgetting that the CFR have been steering world politics since 1922.

    Romney's advisory team are almost ALL members of the CFR, some also members of the Trilateral Commission. Obama and his administration are pretty much 95% CFR. The world we live in today is in such a state because the CFR have always been in control. The heads of government, media, banking etc. are almost all CFR members. The CFR openly admit their aim is to bring about a centralized one world government. A war with Iran would be a fantastic opportunity to do so.


    Time to Attack Iran
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    In the case of Americans, I'm sorry, it is their own fault, though, I agree with much of what that man said, not all, is not as if books and the net, and libraries were banned, in the US, for the last 30 yrs.

    They made their bed, true?
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Oh...what a SHOCK.

    I am sure this is just ANOTHER coincidence.

    Council on Foreign Relations

    Haass was born in Brooklyn, the son of Marcella (née Rosenthal) and Irving B. Haass.

    His family was Jewish. From 1989 to 1993, Haass was Special Assistant to United States President George H. W. Bush
  9. Anti-NWO

    Anti-NWO New Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    Being "gay" should bother you! Homosexuality plays a huge role in their plans. Why do you think that the West is getting all "gay" recently? Why do you think the Russians (who know what is going on) forbid "gay" propaganda?

    List of jews behind the homosexual movement: (no further comments are needed)
  10. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    So, you would trust a muslim with a gun? You sure they would know the business end of it from stock? :)
  11. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Read: Iran is going to be regime changed via another attack and/or invasion soon (before elections to cause more political nourishment and push forward the completion of an empire in the Middle East)
    Empire building is the only process in the Middle East that is going on since end of WWII, and since 9/11 this empire building has sped up.
    The USA is currently a 'soft empire' (thats what politics try to let you believe) to become a real empire (Roman/German type) Two empires brought into war reminds of you of the war between the Sovjet Union vs NS Germany (also two empires, but this time it's about causing a war between West (christianity) and Middle East (islam)
    Politics and the media immidiatly used the term 'muslimterrorists', immidiatly they brought religion (islam) into people's minds via the mass media (Europe has the most muslims because of the former muslim guestworkers, most are Turks and Moroccans, exacty the two muslim/islamic countries that border Europe)
    It's not difficult to see what it going on, but the media (old and 'new') is not telling people what is really going on (the thing that is going on for thousands of years, empires)
  12. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I agree with your assessment on this one but it goes back much further than 2003.

    We sided with Saddam in his war with Iraq. We helped Saddam obtain WMD tacitly approved of his use of Chemical Weapons against Iran and the Kurds.

    Ah yes .. but those were the Good ol' days when Rotten Ronnie and Rumsfeld were good buddies with Saddam.

    When the news of Saddam's use of Chemical weapons drew Global condemnation, Rotten Ronnie publically condemned it as well .. but then increased funding to Saddam the following year. (That qualify as "supporting terrorism" would it not ?)

    Kind of reminds me of Bush Jr's comment " we will not only go after the terrorists but the supporters of terrorism". He probably should have started with Rumsfeld and .. hmmmm If memory serves it was Bush's own father that was VP under Reagan.

    It should be no suprise that Iran feels it needs nukes to protect itself against us.

    This is what happens when we ignore things like the Geneva convention and support evil .. it comes back to bite us in the rump.
  13. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The rise and fall of empires has been going on for thousands of years .. tis true. Unfortunately we are now in the "fall" phase and not the rise.

    The reasons we are in the fall phase are the same as was for Rome and the last 3 world economic empires (Dutch, Spanish, British)

    One of the big problems that is different than the others is that the rules of the game have changed. The equation of megapolitical power has shifted such that Economic power is more important than military might. This has never happened before. It used to be that if your economy was going into the dumps you just attacked your neighbor.

    This does not work like it used to. Russia and China have figured this out.. but we seem to still be in the dark.
  14. Misguided

    Misguided New Member

    Jan 5, 2010
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    Anyone notice this coincidence?

    Syria is about to be toppled and now suddenly Iran is more of a threat than we first thought!!!!
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Are you American?

    If you knew and could accept the scale of what has been done, and it was done before, by a similar group, in another nation, if you could grasp that, as nation, well, I think what would happen, when you realised who and how you have been conned, and murdered, lied to and made into a nation of killers....if only you would listen to men like Dr Alan Sabrosky.

    But you won't.

    I think you will, as nation, murder more people, see more of your own peope die, and then, then you will be thrown away, like an empty cup.

  16. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    So now, just being a jew makes you a Zionist?

    And Haass is just the current president, previous presidents have been from all sorts of backgrounds.

    It's clear you'll find the Zionist connections wherever you want to find them.

    But everytime you want to make it look like a Jewish conspiracy, I ask you:

    -Where does global warming come into their plan, and how does this benefit Israel?

    -Are the IMF, ECB, World Bank, World Health, Bank of International Settlements all Zionist creations? or rather globalist creations?

    -Where and how does the Bilderberg group fit into the Zionist plans? can't you see that the Bilderberger's are far more influential in the world around us than Netanyahu?

    -Where do the Club of Rome and Trilateral commission (founded by David Rockefeller) feature in the Zionist plans?

    You have no answer for those, which simply debunks the idea that Zionists are running the world. Zionism is being used as a tool, it's best you understand that, Jack. Or you'll keep coming across as a crazy person.
  17. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    As I stated .. these deeds will come back to haunt. There are reasons why the US is not well liked by the citizens of other countries.

    You could say the same for Greeks and Italians .. but it is more viceral with the US .. kind of like Croatia and Serbia.

    I have worked and lived in other Countries for extended periods of time. What I came to realize is how sheltered, due to control of the media, most US citizens are from US foreign policy. Americans do not get much useful info about the world around them.

    I recall Donald Trump once in an interview stating how embarrassed he was going abroad. This was during the second Iraq war. "freedom fries" and so on.

    Blind Patriotism is rarely a good thing.
  18. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    It doesn't benefit Israel, but it does benefit the fake Israel by funneling them money, and by making life much more difficult for the goyim.
  19. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    It's not a Jewish conspiracy

    Global Warming is a Club of Rome/CFR fabrication.

    Nothing Zionist there. But global warming will be pushed and pushed to implement global taxes, and erode nation states.

    CIA ran and probably still run mind control expirementation - what does that have to do with Israel?

    Bilderberg? Rockefeller founded Trilateral commission? Eugenics?

    It's bigger than a Jewish conspiracy, use your initiative.
  20. Cicero1964

    Cicero1964 New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Than your going to be very disapointed, what part of history for the last 100 years do you not understand? The West just isn't going to lose against outdated weapons and camel jockeys. Good Greif the 1st Cav walked into one of the largest countries in the Mid East twice now and barley had to fire a shot. The 1st use of a Nuke by Iran will be shot down before it reaches its target and Iran will be encased in glass.
  21. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Assuming Iran has the technology it is possible to track incoming missiles. As soon as one nation is convinced it is under attack, it will respond, in kind, whilst the opposing missiles are still flying. That's the beauty of nuclear exchanges-they're great equalisers, because nobody wins.
  22. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    The West, with all its awesome technology, seems to be losing quite convincingly in Afghanistan. The West didn't do too well in Indo-China either, as I recall. The West is far too fond of telling everyone how awesomely powerful its armed forces are. But when it comes down to it the 'camel jockeys' always seem to come out on top...
  23. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Hairy horsecrud.

    Paranoid much?:razz:

    Yes - the entire decade onward from 2000 to the present was a forgone conclusion. The national security state as we know it today was not a simply a reaction to 9/11. Watch the film "New American Century" on Google videos or "the Power of Nightmares" this was a calculated, planned permanent war economy. Other stories we heard were secret meetings between Karl Rove, Bush Admin. officials and the heads of the 5 TV networks telling them to tailor their news to the agenda of the war on terror and pro-war support narratives. Facebook, Twitter were constructed for govmnt survelliance purposes, Patriot Act was already written before 9/11, as well as the planned subversion of our electorate with computer voting systems. Orwells 1984 is here, and has been for a dozen years at least.
  24. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    PNAC was conceived prior to 9-11 also. The latter provided them with their justification to follow through with it. Just as the intelligence and facts were fixed around the policy in respect to Iraq, so the same is happening in relation to Iran. The latters lack of nuclear weapons has not prevented the country being lined up for western ‘intervention’.

    It is worth referring once again to the testimony of General Wesley Clark, the former Nato chief, when he recalled a conversation with a Pentagon general in 2001, a few weeks after the September 11 attacks:

    ‘He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”’
  25. groupthink

    groupthink New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    why is israel so obsessed with iran? and why is america so obsessed with israel?

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