American White Voters Solidarity Movement

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Kurmugeon, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    "Racist".. a word invented by a commie jew Lev Bronstein (Leon Trotsky) to slander people who recognize that there are, in fact, differences between the races.

    Check black on white crime statistics and then tell me who is "racist" and who "has betrayed their fellow man".

    Want the FBI/DOJ stats? I have them right here...or are the FBI/DOJ "racists" too?
  2. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    iv worked for a black man my best friend in high Scholl was black lots of black people are decent lots of white people are scum you condemn every one who looks a certain way for your own race based fetish ya you’re a racist and a traitor to all people

    (*)(*)(*)(*) racists all of them no matter what they look like
  3. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    My Allegiance is first and foremost to America, not to any ethnic or racial group.

    For the sake of ALL Americans, I think that White Americans need to start to defend their Racial Interests.

    As I stated above, and outlined in more detail, I think that Black Americans will actually benefit MORE than Whites by having Whites stand up for their EQUAL treatment.

    I bear no animosity for any person because of his/her race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint, sexual preferences or religion.

    Only an idiot would find the violent rantings of “King” Shamir Shabaz and his ilk anything but depressing and a bit scary.

    America unfortunately has a very long list of : New Black Panthers, La Raza, Mecha, OWS, Tong, and other anti-white racist groups more than willing to advocate and in many cases commit violence against Whites, and Whites seem to be only good at denying that it really happening.

    That does NOT justify or excuse any White group that commits violence against non-whites.

    My wife is Hispanic, and my beloved children and grandchildren are of mixed ancestry. I and they are not being “Race Traitors” to want a civil, sane, and productive discourse where we all try to treat each other “Race” with respect, dignity, and EQUALITY.

    I could see America breaking down into ethnic enclaves and eventual bloody conflict. I love America too much to let it happen without doing all I can to turn away from that path. I do NOT believe it is inevitable.

    The first and most important step in avoiding that fate is for White Americans to get over their guilt, fear, and shame and stand boldly for their being treated nothing less than absolute EQUALITY.

    Affirmative Action, and all other forms of Racial Preferences (including Obamacare) need to end, NOW!

  4. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Nor do I. I watch and study and when patterns emerge over the course of time I notice and conduct myself accordingly.

    Nothing to be scared of..That's what they count on. He needs to be very careful what he wishes for, though. The math isn't in his favor.

    Whites who have been well indoctrinated with "diversity" and "multiculturalism" over the past 3 or 4 generations are the ones who don't realize as quickly what is going on around them.
    Not all the young are naive..and not all the old are awake..but the more one watches the news, studies reality and experiences life among people who hate us, the more aware one becomes.

    I'm not really aware of any?
    Can you post a white version of shamir shabazz saying kill the ni66ers and their babies?

    It happens in every mixed culture nation/empire in history eventually...and at the time THEY never believed it could happen...
    A nation is a group of people who share a common culture, history and values and work together and stick together to preserve their identity.
    An empire is a mixed group of varying cultures and values with no national identity to hold them together. They each clamor for "rights" and work to infiltrate the government and corrupt it for their own purposes. They share no common culture and have no allegiance to the empire. They are only held together by force of law and at government gunpoint which causes and reinforces resentment and hatred.
    When it all collapses they turn on their racial/cultural enemies. Think L.A. riots for example...or the balkans..or the sunnis an shiites..etc..etc...

    Only the most dense, brainwashed, indoctrinated white people would feel any "guilt fear and shame"..That's due to the propaganda the media has fed america for generations.

    Good luck with that Eric "My People" Holder thinks AA should go on forever.

    Shocking, I know... :roll: /sarcasm
  5. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Ya know,… if the KKK is the only thing you see and/or will accept in White Americans, that's eventually what you will get.

    The American White Voters Solidarity Movement as I outlined it in the OP, with its 5 guiding principles is modeled after Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech.

    The AWVSM is anything but a racist or violent movement and share little in common with the KKK other than I would expect that primarily White Americans would belong to it.

    (Though I would encourage ANY Americans who believe in the principles and the motivating reason for including the word "White" in the title, you are Welcome to join us. We will WELCOME any person of ANY race! )

    In structure, activities, idealeology, and acceptance of violence, the KKK shares far more in common with the New Black Panther Party, and the Black Liberation Theology Movement than it does with the AWVSM.

    ( It just occurred to me what an awful tongue twister acronym I accidentally chose in AWVSM! .... Meh, ... I am all to Human.)

    (Hmmmm, "AweVism"... Maybe its all in how you chose to pronouce it?)

    Anyway, If you absolutely to refuse to recognize and accept any White Banding Movement other than the KKK, that's what you will eventually get.

    But then, maybe if you're a radical attempting to use racial division, rather than seeking tolerance and assimilation into Nationhood, that is exactly what you want?

  6. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    So I belong to Mixed Race family, my wife is Hispanic going back 10 generation in the Alamosa area of the southern Colorado Rockies. I am White. My two daughters married white guys, so technically they have white last names and appear to be just White.

    My two Grandsons will now face the SAME kind of discrimination at the hands of the Liberals and Democrats that I did, and my two Son's-in-Law did, denied opportunities for jobs, college scholarships, promotions, hell, it is hard just to get a Government Dept. of Motor Vehicles clerk to treat you politely and register your replacement rolling slum used car!

    How will Inter-Racial Marriage Solve this Problem?

  7. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    This "Log you out while you compose a post" thing, thereby creating duplicate posts, is getting really old...
  8. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I thought the definition of "Racist" was someone who disagrees with a Liberal...

    On a more serious note, Yes, any FBI crime statistician will tell you that we have an ongoing epidemic of Black against White Hate Crimes which has been occurring for over a decade.

    But the nation’s attorney generals, particularly THE AG of the U.S. Eric Holder, refuse to prosecute with Hate Crime added penalties when the perpetrator is Black. … Why? … Is that “Equality”?

  9. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Maybe you don’t INTEND to… But that is the image of yourself that you are projecting. In Politics, Image and Perception ARE the Truth.

    Show me the Math? I mean, Yes, Whites are 66% of the American Population, but Low-Mid Income Whites have quietly let themselves be kicked, gouged, beaten, robbed and spit upon for thirty years now while their White Elite Liberal Leadership cheers their abusers and sneer derision on anyone, Black or White, Elite or Commoner who dares to object.

    American Whites seem to have lost all sense of PRIDE, PURPOSE, and PASSION!

    Just look at the response to this thread?! Do you still think you “outnumber” the race thugs of the Shabaz persuation?

    As evidenced by this thread, by the time White America "Wakes Up", the crowbar will already be passing through their forehead…

  10. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    What image am I projecting?

    14% of the population..many of them children..Being generous in their favor...that leaves, say 10%.
    Many of them are old...that leaves ...say 9%..I'm being generous..
    Half of them are women..not the best shock troops..we're left with 7%..still erring in their favor.
    at LEAST 1% of the males are already in prison.. 6%
    half of THEM are too doped up to be any good for anything. Still erring wildly in their favor. 5%
    Half of them have some sort of illness..mental or physical..we're left with say 3%
    half of THEM won't fight...2%

    If 1 in 10 of the 66% (using your numbers) able bodied, capable whites decided to stand up for his culture, heritage and country it would solve the problem once and for all...and let's not forget that not everyone has been brainwashed to worship negroes..The koreans, for instance..a small but very able group...Not many mexicans care for negroes..another potential ally. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
    The math is not in the favor of these tough talking negroes..They need to really be careful what they wish for.


    The propaganda works on some people. Turn OFF your television. Become active in preserving your culture and heritage.

    You think these mush minded indoctrinated sheep represent the average white man?
    See..the propaganda works..Turn off your television. Become active for your race and your culture.

    The brainwashing and propaganda are getting to you. See?

    People are waking up. Search for aware groups of white people who value their culture and heritage. They exist. You might be surprised at the numbers.

    Turn off your television. Stop believing all the "multi cult", "diversity", "whites are racists" propaganda they're feeding you.
  11. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    You project an image of having animosity toward anyone not of the “White” Race.

    Understand, when it comes to American Racial Tribalism, I have come to realize that American Whites will have to play the game as the Democrats and Liberals have defined it, not as MLK’s Dream would have made it, had we just kept down the long, hard road toward the GOAL of Race Blindness.

    As I stated earlier, in an environment of Racial Tribal Conflict, those without a Tribe are quickly killed or made slaves.

    Being White, and my children and grandchildren likely to be classified as “White” by at least the Shabaz Tribe, I have no intention of allowing Shabaz’s Dream of coming to pass without an all out fight.
    That said, when it comes to the longer term political poker game, I am already “All-In” to the original meaning of the term “Diversity”.

    NOT the Obama, New Black Panther, Black Liberation Theology, Liberal Race Pandering version of “Neo-Diversity” where it is always possible, and in fact required, to have too many whites, but you can’t have too few…

    No, I mean the Original MLK Dream version of Diversity, where Americans put their National Identity above their Racial and Ethnic Identity.

    My wife and I, and our Kids and Grandkids, are Living Examples of both Assimilation and the Melting Pot. I am the head-of-house-hold of a Mixed Race / Ethnicity family.

    Am I now supposed to embrace my “White” identity at the expensive of abandoning my wife, children and grandchildren because they are not purely “White”?

    I am first and foremost an AMERICAN! That means I have a melting pot ancestry and future!

    An ALLOY is always stronger, more flexible, more malleable, and more useful than a pure metal.


    There is not a single living example in the entire United States of a PURE white person.

    Hell, in the current environment, there are lots of people the Liberal’s system of Racial Classification, Documentation, and subsequent differential treatment… which we ironically call “EQUALITY”… there are lots of people designated as White, but there is no White Tribe!

    We in America NEED a White Tribe!

    I have come to realize that White Americans have to start voting as a bloc to defend their rights to be treated with absolute true Equality.

    American Whites Defending their Equality is the only way to take the Political and Fiscal PROFIT out of playing Racial Tribal politics. We cannot defeat the Liberals Racial Spoils system without a strong, proud, and willing to defend themselves, tolerant WHITE TRIBE.

    That is why I created this Thread.

    But it is possible to “Belong” to more than one Tribe at a time. Read the history of the Native American Tribes.

    My family currently belongs to the American Tribe first and foremost, The White Tribe (such as it is…) and The Southwestern Hispanic Tribe, and the Native American Tribe. Nothing will EVER change that.

    In the long run, after the very concept of American Racial Tribalism is defeated, by taking the ability to Raid the White non-Tribe of spoils, America’s future lies in going back to Race Blindness as the goal.

  12. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    THE GOP, and registerd GOP voters, are 89% white.
  13. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Tell me, does that statistic count Hispanics as White, since it is one of those occasions where Liberals find it convenient to do so... Or did you just pull the number out of thin air?

    Of course, were we counting the "Minority" unemployment, then Hispanics would be pooled separate from "Whites".

    There are Liars, Huge Liars, and then Statisticians.... and then Democrats.

  14. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Well being white is no reason to be proud or passionate neither is looking any other way . I do passionately hate racists though who want to separate the world into neat little community’s for themselves where no is to different and who look down on others and treat people as serotypes or statistics (*)(*)(*)(*) them
    iv never been burdened by the government for being white so I don’t know where this sense of being a victim for it is coming form. Iv had to deal with individuals talking crap about white people a few times hated those bastards just like I hate the ones who say blacks or any 1 else are a certain way. its not how I would want to be treated so I don’t like other people getting the same kind of (*)(*)(*)(*)
  15. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    the white racist seem to be saying we need to join them to fight the nonwhite racists im down with hating nonwhite racists but i hate the white ones just as much
  16. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Tell me, is it ok with you that many if not MOST Blacks are Proud and Passionate about being Black?

    Is it ok with you than many if not MOST Hispanics are Proud and Passionate about being Hispanic?

    Is it ok with you than many if not MOST Women are Proud and Passionate about being Women?

    Where exactly did I say I wanted to have a separate community away from anyone else? I mean, I did tell you that I'm Married to a Hispanic woman.

    I did tell you that I have mixed Race Children and Grandchildren that I am both Proud of and would not be separated from?

    Exactly What Stereotypes or Statistics did I use?

    I think you may be summarily judging my statements, actions, principles and plans based on your dislike of someone with whom I was having an Argument...

    I HAVE been significantly burdened by Government, at six separate very important turning points in my life I was summarily judged by my RACE and denied an Opportunity which I can PROVE I was significantly better qualified for than the person who received the opportunity based on RACE judgments by government officials.

    I've watch the same kind of summary RACIAL judgments happen to my Brother, my Father, My two Sons-in-Law, my sister's Husband, my Nephew and I fear greatly that someday the same will be done to my two Grandsons.

    The Fact that Government has the POWER to Racially Discriminate, and that POWER is welded against Whites, does not make it JUST or acceptable.

    Now I am a "Racist" because I see a group of people being treated unjustly, and judged by their race to be denied the same benefits and opportunities as others in the same society, and I beleive they should band together to demand equal treatment?

    By that Standard, wasn't Martin Luther King also a Ractist?

    Maybe you should carefully re-read my 5 Principles and THINK it through...

    Maybe the world isn't quite as simple as you thought.

  17. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    No it seems stupid to be proud to be black in itself, or to be anything else it’s not like its not an achievement I didn’t have to accomplish anything to be white I don’t get any glory because other whites have actually been able to do things im impressed by

    if you don’t want to block other people out of your own community that’s great some racist on hear do

    im not supporting or opposing affirmative action i know that’s not simple enough for me to make a judgment on
  18. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    This guy he is obviously a racist for example who wants a black free paradise for himself
  19. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    so no that’s not the definition of being a racist the guy your siding with is what im on about
  20. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I am Proud of the American National Tribe's Achievements in Space Exploration, Development of the World's first Democracy, Medical Discoveries, and Discoveries in Science such as Electricity, Vacuum Tubes, Semi-Conductors and Super-Conductors.( I am very ashamed by our treatment of the Native Americans during the West Expansion. )

    I am Proud of the African Americans Achievements in Civil Rights as put forth by Martin Luther King and others of that era. ( I am rather Ashamed by Malcolm X and Particularly Louis Farrakhan. )

    I am Proud of the Spanish/Portuguese Achievements with the Discoveries of Christopher Columbus. ( I am ashamed of the actions of some of the Conquistadors in their zeal for Gold and Silver )

    I am Proud of the Native Americans Contributions to Religious Philosophy and Art. ( I am ashamed of the brutal internecine warfare and slavery that took place among some Tribes for centuries before west man arrived.)

    I am Proud of the White American Contributions to Science, Philosophy, and Diplomacy by great men such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Glen. ( I am ashamed of the barbaric practice of slavery and more so of the germ warfare practiced against the Native Americans.)

    In short, I am an American, a product of a Melting Pot nation with all the Good and Bad that comes with it.

    I find nothing wrong in Pride in one's Tribe's / Nation's achievements. I think we should also own up to our failures.

    I am, including this Thread, what multiculturalism SHOULD HAVE BEEN!

    I stand now against our countries continued practice of Racial categorizing, documenting, and then giving different treatment as some sort of twisted concept of a policy to stop RACISM.

    Civil Rights should be much more than just another tool of Political Division and Pandering.

  21. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I am not "Siding" with anyone. I disagree with Akula a tad more than I agree with him.

    I find him refreshing, courageous and interesting, because he is willing to talk HONESTLY about his views on RACE.

    He and I see eye to eye on one thing, White Americans will have to band together, and quickly, if they want to have any hope of survival.

    He and I disagree strongly on what that Tribe should DO once White America has found some semblance of unity. That difference is what this Thread is all about.

    It is no different than Martin Luther King, and admirable man dedicated to PEACE, and the Malcolm X and his Black Panther acts of violence.

    (P.S. I am not sure, but I sometimes think that Akula is, at least in part, play-acting, for the sake of exposing truth through debate. )
  22. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I am not "Siding" with anyone. I disagree with Akula a tad more than I agree with him.

    I find him refreshing, courageous and interesting, because he is willing to talk HONESTLY about his views on RACE.

    He and I see eye to eye on one thing, White Americans will have to band together, and quickly, if they want to have any hope of survival.

    He and I disagree strongly on what that Tribe should DO once White America has found some semblance of unity. That difference is what this Thread is all about.

    It is no different than Martin Luther King, and admirable man dedicated to PEACE, and the Malcolm X and his Black Panther acts of violence.

    (P.S. I am not sure, but I sometimes think that Akula is, at least in part, play-acting, for the sake of exposing truth through debate. )
  23. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    no can’t say i understand those feelings of pride or shame because you share a common race or nationality to people who did these things. What claim to be proud do you have just for having something in common with people who did things if you yourself have done nothing? How do you deserve shame for the actions of people in times before your birth the association doesn’t seem fully rational to me even if it is I just don’t see it?

    why do you feel pride or shame in this way?
  24. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Because I am an American!

    I am the embodiment of what this country has done and the people who have done it!

    I am in a some very, very, small part, a piece of Martin Luther King. (if you haven't figured it out by now, he is one of my Heroes.)

    I am also, in a very small part, Charles Manson.

    I am a product of America and its history and accomplishments and its failures and embaresments.

    There is a distinct difference between having Pride and / or Shame, and having a Right and / or Obligation.

    I do not have a Right to some sort of Benefit, just because in critical periods of my youth (College) I was discriminated against by Affirmative Action.

    Nor do I Owe anyone anything because they are African Americans.

    I guess that is the second major area with Akula and I agree.

  25. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    President soetoro got 98% of the negro vote.

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