American White Voters Solidarity Movement

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Kurmugeon, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Excuse me for jumping in here but I have a lot of pride in my WHITENESS since it was 100% WHITE men that founded this nation and gave us our independence. That's just for starters, but I'll rest on my laurels as being a proud WHITE American for now.
  2. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Why can't people live in communities or groups as they choose?
    Do you care if negroes live exclusively in black communities? Why would you care if whites want to do the same thing?

    Your country has been flooded with non whites. Tell us what the "advantages" are? How are the crime stats?. The unemployment stats? The welfare stats?

    Why is it that anti whites only advocate for genocide against whites?
    Have you noticed there is no clamor for whites to move to africa or mexico...Why not?

    I am not going to try and prove the superiority or inferiority of one race over the other. We would just run in circles all day doing that.
    You don't have to hate Blacks, or believe you are superior to them to want racial and cultural preservation.
    I don't believe that Whites should force their ways on blacks, nor Blacks on Whites.
    White people should be free to have their own autonomous societies and not be forced to assimilate with Blacks.

    Those who came before me looked to the future with hope and optimism. Today, all I see is the ruin and decay brought on by non-whites and their never ending demand for reparations and entitlements.

    Not only do I have to put up with the burden of taxes to provide for the nonworking ever slothful non-white, I am precluded from speaking in my defense of my disgust. Any form of protest against the unfairness of the situation results in being labeled a "racist" or a "Nazi".

    So, I watch as the nation, indeed all of the civilization, built by my forefathers is dismantled. I am forced to watch as knowledge and history is given to those who either can not nor will not use it, in a feeble attempt to instill ethnic pride in those that have nothing to prideful about.
    I watch as our freedoms, jobs and homes are given away, sacrificed upon the altar of multiculturalism.
    I've watched my country, a land that reached for the stars, built the entire modern world, go from a land of productivity and ideas to a cesspool filled with social vermin.
    I live in an an occupied land filled with foreign fighters who hate my race and everything we have accomplished.

    I'm being crushed under endless taxes and fees while my state goes bankrupt suppling a never ending stream of social entitlements to anti white savages who never even try to rise up out the mire.

    I seethe with anger watching waves of ethnic crime sweep through my nation and I burn rage when these predators claim it is their cultural right to prey upon those that work.
    I loathe and despise the fact that affirmative action guarantees the non-white a college education; a home loan, with out the need for a down payment, nor repayment; and a job without regard to ability.

    I am sick and tired of being inundated with non-English signs, banners, manual, posters, and voice mail in a land where there is a written contract in English between the governed and governing.

    So go ahead and call me a "racist"..All that means to me is that you're an enemy of white people.
  3. stevenswld

    stevenswld Banned

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Just send me the info.

  4. Archer0915

    Archer0915 New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Hey if I have voted for non whites and pulled for the black guy can I still join because I hate Obama?
  5. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Isn't it clear after eight pages of explanation, I am NOT a Racist, and I do not hold a grudge against anyone by Race, Ethnicity, Creed, Gender, Political viewpoint , Sexual preference, or Religeon.

    I don't care if you voted for Obama in the past, or were a rank and file member of the New Black Panthers or the KKK (kind of the same thing) (Leadership of those Orgs is another thing...)

    I don't Hate Obama, in a way I pity him, because of his obsession with the past (Kenya, anti-Colonialism, and anti-Americanism), instead of focusing on the now and future.

    If you think that Hating Obama is the reason to join, No.

    We are looking for people who are Proud of the White American Tribe, and want to change some of the Laws and Policies which are discriminating against them. We aim to pursue that goal guided and limited by the 5 principles I have outlined. Those are the reasons to join.

  6. Archer0915

    Archer0915 New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    No I understand it was simply a wise crack to lighten up the mood.
  7. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    aww so because you’re a legacy and have been shaped by these people and their actions is that right?
  8. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    forcing people out of community’s or never letting them settle in them became you don’t like the color of their ski is wrong i would not want to be bard form living somewhere because im white if you and other whit people never want to have kids with people of other races that’s your choice but segregation is just tying to make that choice harder for other people and your descendants

    iv seen people that are not white work hard and act decent like anyone else im a parasite on my folks haven had a job in years i got no skills race doesn’t seem to be that important when it comes to being productive or a burden

    There’s no reason to bring race into it if you hate people that aren’t productive or who are criminals that’s not divided neatly down racial lines

    You sound like you don’t think anyone who wasn’t Caucasian has contributed to society that’s not true
  9. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Forcing people to live together who don't get along is wrong. Pass all the laws you want. It isn't working. 50 years of civil rights and tens of billions of dollars and a system that tilts the odds in favor of negroes has not worked.
    Look at black on white crime.

    *More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by Blacks each year. Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.
    *About 1 million Whites were murdered, robbed, assaulted, or raped by Blacks in 1992
    *In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S.
    *Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites, although they comprise only one-seventh of the White population.
    *27 million nonviolent crimes were committed in the U.S. in 1992 alone. 31% of the robberies involved Black offenders and White victims; only 2% involved White offenders and Black victims.
    The above stats were collected by an Australian reporter, Neil Sheehan, who dug out half-concealed U.S. crime figures for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (May 2, 1995). The contents of his article, he commented, could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.

    Paved With Good Intentions, a book by Jared Taylor, also studies crime statistics by race. It must be stressed that Blacks make up only 12% of the population according to the 1990 U.S. census (and Black males about 6%), but they commit a vastly disproportionate number of violent crime.
    Mr. Taylor reveals:
    1) 58% of all arrests for weapons violations are Blacks.
    2) 46% of all arrests for violent crimes are Blacks.
    3) 73% of all “justified self-defense” killings are committed by Blacks.
    4) 60.5% of all Blacks are armed with some type of weapon at all times.
    5) 98% of all youths arrested for gun fights in Atlanta are Blacks.

    And just in case you feel that my sources are unreliable, here are FEDERAL statistics verified by the Department of Justice.

    *Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
    *Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.
    *Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
    *Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

    This is unacceptable. Negroes are raised in an atmosphere of racial resentment and envy and they learn early that the white man is an enemy. Yes..some of them rise above it..but there are the FACTS. Theory and utopian ideals are one thing but reality is quite another.

    People should be free to choose whatever type of community they want to live in. Segregation reduces the friction among the races. It's a fact. I have too. That doesn't change the facts and the statistics. How much longer do you think affirmative action and minority preferences should last? another 5 years? 50 years? forever? Why? Those laws reinforce the fact that negroes are inferior, don't they? They don't?..then why do we still have them?

    I'm not sure I'd be bragging about that...but I agree you' prove the point that there are whites who are dysfunctional..Should negroes be forced to support you, then? No? Why should whites be forced to support negroes who are like you?.no skills no job no ambition?

    Who said anything about hating people? I am against non productive people and criminals. They are both a drag on our country.

    Never said that..but the facts are that white people have accomplished more..they were the inventors (look around you everything you see was invented by white people), conquerors, explorers, philosophers, artists, founded the greatest civilizations in history, abolished slavery in america.
    meanwhile negroes in africa still practice slavery and burn witches..
    Say what you like...there are differences between the races...some of them unreconcilable.
    I agree with lincoln. Let the negroes have their own portion of the country.Let them tax each other how they like..give away money to each other build their own civilization how they choose..That way they wouldn't be able to blame the white man for failing out of school, smoking crack, not getting a job, abandoning their kids, contracting AIDS, committing every crime at a staggering rate, underperforming on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally actin like a bunch of god(*)(*)(*)(*) jungle savages.

    It would be great for them. The white man wouldn't be holding them back with "racism" any more and they could reach the heights of their abilities that they always have dreamed of. Right?

  10. apolitical_observer

    apolitical_observer New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    You regard it as silly to make a presentation of it? Thenwrite YOUR president and tell him you think HIS African Americans for Barack Obama is silly, also. Don't believ such an organization exists? Try this on for size, then tell us you think this guy's idea is "Silly". Yes, that's YOUR commander-in-chief petitioning for African Americans to keep him in the White House for another 4 years, based simply on their skin color. Imagine Mitt hailing "White Folks for The Rom"....think he would be socially accepted and hailed as the Savior of all Mankind (Socialists, anyway)? Negative, Sahib, he would be branded a racist and hammered out of the running; YOU know it, and I know it. Our forefathers would already be fighting.
  11. apolitical_observer

    apolitical_observer New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    We do; it's called The INITED States of America. At least it was.....edging toward the Socialist Northeast Metropolitain Areas Supported by the Working-Class Taxpayers Union of A-merika (Hammer and Sicle debuting soon at a political rally near you).
  12. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    no sell its not just to take peoples nation from them and stick them on reservations so you can split it down racial lines and that’s just the start then you will have to split down religious lines political lines racial sub gropes maybe a few places will have to be split based on what sports teams you like you treat people like statistics sorry that after only 50 years of officially being treated like people and having to work their way up from mass poverty and discrimination the stats are still not where you would like them to be but invention and art are not a gift you have because your white or limited to whites given our own long history of slavery and witch burnings and the advances many white groups got from cultures that looked down on them controlled them and used them for slaves seems like differences are cultural more than racial lot of are ancestors were tribal supersticous savages not to long ago on the evolutionary scale should I pretend im inferior because I have a German heritage and not a Greek one or a connection genetically to the romans?
    The Chinese were more advanced for a quite some time and their looking to be making a good stab at a comeback should I feel less than them became im white?

    Segregation only going to make 2nd class citizens out of every one who doesn’t belong to the most wealthy and populous groups justice and equity can’t exist under it and its only going to foster the them vs us feeling you have in every one you should not have control over where everyone else can live via no non Caucasian zoning laws
  13. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Punctuation is an important skill when trying to communicate. I managed to get through most of that but it was a chore. I don't think I've ever seen a longer run on sentence in my life. That has to be some kind of record.
    Education is a good thing. I wish you would have had the chance to receive more; For both of our sakes.
    Regardless, you're unreachable.

    You either don't understand and are confused as you twist and distort or you do understand and are twisting and distorting on purpose.
    I think it's the former, actually but either way, you're unreachable.

    Truth, reality and facts have no effect on you. Some people are like that and they actually think they are never wrong. When it occurs in intelligent, educated people it's called "superiority complex". I'm not sure what it's called in your case.
    You're unreachable.

    I sincerely hope that someday you and many others get a real up close and personal experience with "diversity" and multiculturalism"...and I hope you have time to wonder what happened before your "experience" "ends".

    I'm done here. I can't debate with the impeccable logic you exhibit. You win. /sarcasm
  14. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Maybe it’s because im white seems like you would accept that if black was substituted what’s unreasonable about saying are past is filled with superstitious primitives as well and that’s not a racial difference between us and others

    or that forced segregation will only lead to inequality

    iv been around nonwhites most my life black peapole Asians Mexicans people from the middle east people of different political views and religions most of em were just normal people and that’s my reason not to give up on a society filled with those kinds of peel and trade it in for 1 filled with the likes of you in control
  15. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    I'm really trying here..
    Are you saying there is no difference between the 3 (or 4 if you include aborigines in australia) races?
    There is nothing in nature that is equal. two people, no two animals, no two plants.Everyone has different abilities. C'mon, know this is true.
    I already covered all this (regarding separation of the races and why it hasn't worked) in my post above. Read it again if you like.

    stig42, I've traveled and worked in every one of the lower 48 states MANY times over the course of the past 20 years and been to europe 4 times.
    I don't doubt that you know a lot of people..So do I.
    I had 50,000 freq. flier miles last year not to mention probably 15,000 or so miles on the road.

    Where do you get the idea that I want to "control" anyone. I want people to be free to pursue their own culture and preserve their own heritage without government interference.
    I already covered all that above. Read it again if you like.
    I've been patient but I'm not going to keep repeating myself over and over to try to help you understand something you refuse to understand or is beyond your grasp. Read the thread and my posts again if you like. I covered it all very well.
  16. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    No I don’t think there are any race wide differences when it comes to what kind of mind you can have

    And since people are so different down to an individual basis its pointless to try and put one race over another it’s your individual ability that count not what you look like or who your related to the closest

    What culture are you being forced to adopt by the government and what heritage do you have that needs preservation?
  17. Archer0915

    Archer0915 New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    My vision here is diversity in our own lives an homes.

    I am not going to force you to like classical music so don't listen to it. But don't force me to roll up my windows and turn my stereo up every time your car comes by spewing (*)(*)(*)(*)(*), (*)(*)(*)(*), suck, dick, hood, kill, cops... because I don't want my kids talking like that.

    Diversity means respect! Well some of us try. It is hard but we try. So honestly I think a group like this is needed but rename it "Whites standing their ground in the face of adversity".
  18. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    No those were Democrats.
  19. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    What ever you name any group which tries to get White Americans to band together to defend themselves, it will ALWAYS be branded by the Racial Spoils Pandering Groups as the KKK, as we have already seen in this thread.

    Yes, some market research and skilled Public Relations people could come up with a much better name.

    For that matter, a skilled group of diplomats and lawyers could do a much better job at wording and formatting my 5 principles.

    Obviously, you would NEED to do all of that before pushing forward with an actual organization.

    But the BASIC framework is there. And in a Thread on a Political Forums for armatures, All I was attempting to achieve was introduce the basic concept and framework.

    If there's enough support to be worth the investment, which so far, I'm not discouraged, but I'm not enthused either.

    With enough real support for an Idea / Organization I believe a huge number of Americans have been waiting thirty years for, this COULD become a reality.

    Now the REAL work begins...

  20. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I am an American. Like ALL people of our country, I have a right to feel pride in accomplishements by ANY American, regardless of their Race, Ethnicity...... , and a responsibility to learn from and avoid the mistakes made by any American.
  21. dwatson23

    dwatson23 New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    You have, ingeniously, come up with THE most intelligent, dynamic and excellent way to address the Race issue in American Politics. As well as a great solution.

    And in a totally philo-way, I love you. Bravo!

    Please, for the sake of America, Press Forward!
  22. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    So the AWVSM is going viral, look for something similar to this Thread on many political Forums across the Web.

    Feel Free to Copy the Original Post from This Thread onto any other Forum (Only in Complete Text Please), just please include a URL reference back to the Originating Forum, here on

  23. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    The Following is the new version of the Thread that I have been posting.

    It is a bit more complete with an deeper explaination of how AWVSM is expected to reducce in the long run, Racial Preferences and Racial Politics in America.


    I humbly stand before you today, to introduce...

    The American White Voters Solidarity Movement and the principles on which it stands:

    0] All people, regardless of history or minority/majority status, have a right to gather, discuss, and politically advocate the interests of their race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint, religion or sexual preferences. Advocating the Interests primarily means seeking to insure truly EQUAL treatment. Advocating the Interests does NOT include asking for or demanding special preferences, treatment, set-asides, payments, benefits, advantages, reparations or exemptions.

    1] No group in America should be given special government or policy preference or deference based on race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint, religion or sexual preferences. Affirmative Action was and is a great injustice and needs to END.

    2] No Elected Politician, appointed government office holder, or public employee shall be beyond criticism for job performance, up to and including termination, or above the Law, up to and including prosecution and imprisonment by using accusation of discrimination as a distraction, excuse, intimidation, or justification for their actions and behaviors. “You’re a Racist” is NOT a valid defense.

    3] In those situations where race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preferences must be considered by law, such as hate crime penalties, discrimination lawsuits, or diversity quotas, those laws should crafted and be enforced equally in both directions. i.e. If an organization can be deemed to have TOO MANY Whites, it MUST ALSO be able to be deemed to have TOO FEW. If an organization can be deemed to have TOO FEW BLACKS, it MUST ALSO be able to be deemed to have TOO MANY!

    4] No use of ethnic slurs, epithets, derogatory slang or abusive language against any person of ANY race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preference will be tolerated without loud and persistent objection.

    5] No threat or act of violence, intimidation, illegal coercion, slander, or persecution will ever be used to pursue the above goals. We will simply agree to VOTE as a BLOC to remove those who oppose our goals and replace them with better people.

    It should be noted that these principles do NOT involve any bias toward or against any particular race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preference, so effectively; dedication to the American White Voters Solidarity Movement (pronounced “AwVism”) is also deciding to join a similarly defined:

    American Black Voters Solidarity Movement
    American Latino Voters Solidarity Movement
    American Native Voters Solidarity Movement
    American Asian Voters Solidarity Movement
    Armenian Trans-Gendered Gay, Tree Hugging, Squirrel Hunting, Toad Licking, Atheist, Hamster Lovers, Flat Earth Evolutionist Solidarity Movement…

    We only put the term “White” in the title, because it is recognized by our members that currently it is White Americans who lack the protections and rights given, in large part BY White Americans, to all others, but not yet fully granted to White Americans themselves.

    I consider myself, Kurmugeon, a Thomas Jefferson Liberal. I am STILL a registered Democrat. But due to ever increasing Racial Pandering, the Democratic Party, and what we often call “Liberalism” today, has left me in quest of Racial Spoils and Power.

    This Movement is designed to END the use of Race in American Politics.

    To Fix America's Race Problem, we have to take the Profit out of playing racial politics.

    Right now, and for the last thirty years, mainly wealthy white aristocrats have been RAIDING lower and middle class whites of LOOT consisting of opportunities consisting of Jobs, Loans, Scholarships, Promotions, Retentions ( instead of Layoffs), Admissions, Grades, and then Re-Distributing that LOOT for their own personal political power and enrichment.

    The only way to break the cycle of Racism in America is to take away the Profits that keep it going!

    Well, Black Americans are not likely to jump up and demand that they stop receiving the LOOTS.

    White Americans need to find the Pride, Purpose and Passion to stand up and DEMAND true EQUALITY and Civil Rights!

    But those demands will be completely hollow without a STICK.

    That STICK is White Americans to begin Bloc Voting!

    If you despise Race Card Politics, the way to get rid of it will never be to try to give Blacks, or Latinos or Women, or Gays, or.... Whatever special interest group, you just can’t give enough LOOT to satisfy.

    The more Loot you Re-distribute, the more they think they want and deserve. That's a Black Hole you can NEVER Fill.

    The way to stop Racial Politics is to take the PROFITS for anyone out of it, by grouping together to demand absolutely EQUAL treatment and Civil Rights for ALL, including White Americans.

    It is within White Americans Power and I state that it is their Responsibility to END Racial Politics in America, by simply demanding EQUALITY.

    We Join the American White Voters Solidarity Movement to END the double standards.

    One Law, One Country, One Standard!​

    Who will have the courage and character to join our movement?

  24. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    This White Man has a suggestion where you can file your movement but I am sure you already know where that is. Only a rabid racist has the character to belong to such a movement so maybe someplace like Stormfront would be a good place for you to met like minded "people" to sign up, or is thatwhere you got it, hmmmmm.
  25. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    If you don't belong to one of those solidarity movements or you don't subscribe to their message then its 'YOU' who is the blatant multicultural loving racist.

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