Our Political Choice is BS!!!!!

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by CommonDenominator, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. CommonDenominator

    CommonDenominator Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I am so fed up with both democrats and republicans, they all are bad.

    The democratic party is full of tree hugging socialists that promote their agenda, the republican party is full of right wing nut jobs that promote their agenda.

    Who is going to look out for me?

    Nobody, the center and overwhelming majority of this country is not represented by anyone, this is supposed to be a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, where we get to choose our representative.
    George Washington warned of this when political party affiliation was in its infancy in the US. Guess what, it's happening; most citizens go to the polls and vote for the candidate whose current political cesspool stinks the least and is the easiest to stomach. What a freaking joke we have become as a nation, I proudly served in the military, and I am seriously considering leaving the country now, that should say something if nothing else in my thread resonates with anyone.

    The only thing the democrats and republicans do agree on, "The House Rules" and "The Senate Rules", which incidentally, GUARANTEE, they are our only choice!!!!!!!!!

    Look it up, it is public knowledge that has yet to be looked at (or pointed out by the media). I have talked to people on both sides of the political aisle (when it comes to how they register). Guess what, I agree with most of them and they agree with me. Surprise, surprise, surprise, we are not divided, OUR POLITICIANS ARE!!! WE ARE SIMPLY FORCED TO CHOOSE ONE EXTREME OR THE OTHER, WHEN WHAT WE REALLY WANT IS AN OPTION IN THE MIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!

    The only thing the republicans and democrats do agree on, they write the rules that ensures that THEY, are the only two choices we have. Really, do the research, they absolutely agree on this. The reason why, it ensures their equal prosperity. The choice between one extreme or the other ensures that eventually, each one of them gets to call the shots and force their own agenda in. The only time we prosper as a nation, these two baboon factions are FORCED to work together because neither has the upper hand, USUALLY.

    Right now the democrats have the upper hand, at least in theory. But the democrats screwed the pooch so bad when they had total control that a simple majority in the house can block them, might not be able to execute their own will just yet, but they can definitely block any and all progress from the democrats. Give it a few more years, guess what, it will be just the opposite and the democrats will have a little control in which they get to play the role as "the party of no".

    The democrats and republicans have designed this, they thrive on this, they deprive the people until we get fed up to the point that we go for "the other party", then it is their turn to do the same thing.

    WAKE UP AMERICA, we are doing nothing more than picking the next ass to take a (*)(*)(*)(*) on us, and it all stinks.
  2. Badmutha

    Badmutha New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Then you better get involved in The Primaries.....

    Who did you vote for?
  3. CommonDenominator

    CommonDenominator Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I do get involved in the primaries, and I get disappointed every time.

    Similar to this time around, I am undecided as to which one stinks the least right now.

    I had every intention of voting for McCain the last time... Then he chose Sarah Palin as a running mate, what a joke.

    Then Romney came along and I actually like his history on governance, then he chose his running mate, (make the Charlie Brown sound here).

    McCain obviously lost his ability to stand up and tell his own party when they were wrong (went from maverick to pushover)and Romney has flip flopped on so many issues that I don't have a clue how he would govern now?????

    If you look at his governing record, him and Paul Ryan are so far apart that Ryan makes Romney look liberal, the same way Sarah Palin made McCain look liberal. What it really did is confirm that any political figure is nothing more than a slave to their party affiliation.

    Which means you have to look at the party chairman to see where we are really going, and I don't like either of them.

    EDIT... In answer to your question, I voted for McCain in the primary and when he chose Sarah Palin, I voted for Obama in the general.
  4. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Come to Europe , each country has like 50 parties that they are all the same .
  5. CommonDenominator

    CommonDenominator Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Not a big fan of Europe, like the people just fine, just to many of them.

    Australia is a strong candidate, but probably going to be somewhere in South America in the end...
  6. repugnant

    repugnant Banned

    Jan 10, 2009
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    Common I haven't felt for a while there was ever a real candidate I ever wanted to vote for. Ever since the Bush years I had been voting in every single election though I have always voted for Ralph Nader. Even if people say "its throwing away a vote" I still feel like I'm contributing and taking advantage of my rights to participate in the process. Plus they say if you don't vote you have no right to complain and I LOVE to complain so yeah I'll vote.

    This year I have decided to vote for Gary Johnson. Mostly because I don't feel as though Jill Stein is that strong of a candidate. My suggestion is don't focus so much on the media and who looks better on TV. Focus on the issues and who aligns with what you believe in.
  7. CommonDenominator

    CommonDenominator Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I have liked a lot of the non democrat and republican candidates over the years, but until we as a nation stand up and say enough is enough and get rid of the two party system, no one else has a real chance.
    Our constitution guaranteed us a republican form of government, it does not mention any political party representation and I think neither party is worth a plugged nickel at this point, they are out of touch and disillusioned with themselves. I am totally digusted by the partisanship, from both sides. Why the heck can't they focus on common ground and at least get a little something done?
  8. Brandenburg

    Brandenburg New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    A house divided upon itself can not stand. Which is ironic because the polarizing nature of the two party system is designed to do just that.
  9. repugnant

    repugnant Banned

    Jan 10, 2009
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    Well I figure it this way. Even though no one else has a real chance, I would much rather vote for something I want and not get it than to vote for something I don't want and get it.
  10. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Quote : " I would much rather vote for something I want and not get it than to vote for something I don't want and get it."
    End quote.

    Many of you who feel this way just dont get it.

    It is not like ordering something from a Menu or pulling for a Baseball team.

    So ..you are hungry and want T bone steak..but cant GET it so you pass up on a cheese burger ?
    I Pull for the TWINS in baseball but it would be FOOLISH to bet the house on them this year..YOUR VOTE is your house..You can always write in or vote 3rd party but you just wasted your vote on the impossible...like buying a lottery ticket your chances are NOT even remotely good.
    Thus you didn't influence anything...where as the Paul people did from within this time..except they cant take losing very well.
    They want only their menu and nothing else matters.Beginners in politics usually catch on as they age with experience..and the Democrats have failed as usual..Thus they bring Ol Bill to act as if that is their idea of success...

    Watch and see if they ask if OL BILL treats women's heath better.. ;)
    Free abortions indeed.
  11. CommonDenominator

    CommonDenominator Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Agreed, I just can't figure out which one stinks the least right now, they all smell pretty darn repulsive at the moment...
  12. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I hear you man. I tend to vote Democrat, but I do so reluctantly. It's the absence of the religious moral crusaders in the Democratic party that earns them a good portion of my vote. I'm a moderate at heart, because I believe balance is key. If we're going to reduce things down to left and right, both sides have good ideas and both have bad ideas. As a moderate, I'd like to flesh out the good ones from both parties and use them, while keeping out the bad. For example, lets push some reforms to combat out of control entitlement spending and legalize same-sex marriage. Lets stop using the threat of useless strict gun control and stop giving tax breaks to wealthy profitable companies. We can have a sane immigration policy without ignoring and/or encouraging illegal immigration without treating every Hispanic looking person like they might possibly be illegal. Lets get rid of some of the needless regulations holding down businesses, and lets get rid of the ones designed to benefit certain corporations at the expense of others.

    We don't have to reduce everything down to liberal and conservative, Republican and Democrat. It's all that need for labeling and stereotyping things that makes most political conversations about as useful as an extra ******** on your face.

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