Changing Wicked Ways

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Flanders, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Media pundits of every stripe are telling us the Republican party has to change its wicked ways. Maybe the media should change its wicked ways first. Whenever liberal talking heads say “Republican party” they mean rank & file Republicans. Every liberal, and most pundits, should have an idiot light implanted in their foreheads —— one that lights up every time they say something stupid about conservatism.

    NOTE: True conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and a few others still tell it straight. Listen to Laura give Republican wimps what for in two brief videos:

    It’s no secret the Republican party’s leadership is infinitely closer to the Democrat party’s global and domestic agendas than they are to the US Constitution which is a core belief among conservatives, yet television’s motor mouths are blaming Tea Partiers; i.e. conservatives, for Hussein’s second term. In fact, blame has become part of the scam; blame everybody and everything to hide the sameness of both major political parties:

    I’m not going spend the next few years talking about election fraud. Rigged elections in America are nothing more than parasites doing the same thing they did throughout history; i.e., destroy every civilization, every empire, every culture, every nation that ever was. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson could not have foreseen the modern welfare state, but they had a profound understanding of the destructive force of parasites:

    Not With a Bang but a Whimper
    Jim O’Neill Sunday, November 11, 2012

    Incidentally, America’s Founders had no use for democracy although I have no proof they ever connected parasites to democracy. I’m pretty sure they would see the connection today.

    I do not expect anyone to take my comments as the Holy Grail. Here’s a small sampling of what people more knowledge than I thought about democracy:

    Most importantly, the parasite class relies on democracy for sustenance. They cannot coexist with the Constitution. Here are some observations that address the conflict without citing democracy:

    Media, most especially television, canonizes big government champions from both parties. Between them they built and continue to empower and enrich the parasite class. If there is any chance of turning it around every rank and file Republican, along with every private sector American, has to decide if their political beliefs are closer to big government, or closer to the conservative ideals espoused by conservatives. In order to make that decision the Democrat party’s treasonous anti-America agenda must be exposed in plain English —— not by media-contrived politically correct speech; we can all agree to disagree.

    Here’s how I agree to disagree: Hussein and every Democrat in Congress is a traitor. Every one of them will sell out this country faster than you can say “quislings.” Every one of them works to bring this country to totalitarian communism. Not a one of them harbors an ounce of loyalty to this country, or to the US Constitution they swear to support and defend. Challenge them with the language of confrontation and let the traitors refute it with any language they care to use. Do it because conservatives will never convince parasites that their vested interest in communism will destroy them along with destroying the country. You can bet your ass Socialists do not want to agree to disagree on those terms.

    If both parties are the same why not defeat the Republican party as well? First Answer: The Republican party provides a framework for a return to limited government. Second Answer: Wealthy Republicans feed off of the things Socialists/Communists initiate. The Affordable Care Act is the biggest boondoggle ruling and parasite classes will ever see; hence, it is more important to defeat Socialists first. Beat them —— and establishment Republicans who are just as guilty go down, too. WWII is a good analogy. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, but defeating Nazi Germany first was considered more important.

    President Lincoln said the following about bankers; today, he would have to include their stooges in Congress:

    Socialists must avoid confrontational language whenever their loyalty is questioned. That is why media liberals never —— not once —— called out an American traitor in Congress. And heaven forbid that the loyalties of Presidents Clinton and Hussein should ever be questioned. Let a traitor working for the FBI, or the CIA, get caught and media is all over it like flies on dung.

  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I usually call UN-loving traitors ‘quislings’ because they are working to hand the country to the United Nations the way Vidkun Quisling handed Norway to the Nazis then served them faithfully. I thought of calling them “burgesses” after British traitor Guy Burgess. I changed my mind because the word Burgess has a respectable meaning. For those too young to remember the huge scandal on both sides of the Atlantic, Guy Burgess betrayed his country for communism and the Soviet Union. American quislings do it for communism and the United Nations.

    Americans should be thankful they are not speaking Russian today because of the way the media ignored Democrat treason throughout the Cold War beginning in the Vietnam War. I doubt if anything has changed:

    Obama considering John Kerry for job of defense secretary
    By Karen DeYoung and Greg Miller,
    Nov 13, 2012 12:31 AM EST

    Forget that Kerry’s pals in the US Senate will confirm him as though he is a great war hero. When Kerry goes up for confirmation do you think there is a chance the media will remind Americans of how he began betraying the US military the day he returned from Vietnam? Now he’s going to be charge of the military! If that isn’t rubbing salt in an open wound I do not know what is.

    Notice how the media is having a field day with David Petraeus, a real soldier, while I’m certain they will portray John Kerry as a great American patriot.

    Kerry is only one more.

    Today’s top Democrats —— led by an America-hating, black racist, anti-Christian Communist —— are determined to make Mandarin the world’s official language. The insult is that freedom-loving Americans are supposed to treat the office of president with respect. The truth is: Americans treating Hussein with respect is the contemporary version of giving the headsman a gratuity.

    Incidentally, I wonder if MO is proud of her country today, or does her approval require a coronation.

    In the recent election open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens were losing issues for Democrats among a vast majority of Americans, yet the losing wimp did not pick up one vote on open borders, or illegal immigration, or amnesty for illegals. Did Romney forget the public outrage triggered by Bush the Younger’s immigration policies? or that McCain supported amnesty for illegals? The outrage and opposition was so loud the media had to finally stop trying to sell amnesty as inevitable and the right thing to do.

    Before voting in future elections every American should ask “Do I want open borders? Do I want illegal aliens in the country?” Hussein & Company want both.

    Republican candidates better wake up to the fact that Latinos alone cannot decide presidential or Senate elections. Americans have to stop treating them as though they can —— that means conservative candidates must stop believing media voting-bloc scare-tactics. Those tactics always end in catering to Democrats on illegal immigration and open borders.

    Instead of trying to please a voting bloc, work on getting individuals to examine their own beliefs on core issues. It’s just so easy to expose Democrats for the slime they are because of their anti-America beliefs, I am continually puzzled by the entire voting bloc mentality permeating the Republican party.

    Keeping score

    Every conservative who is thinking of running for Congress better make (*)(*)(*)(*) sure the people counting the votes are not Democrat operatives. Every conservative must tend to it as though their district, or state, is being cased by thieves planning a robbery, while Democrat party strategists can pick and choose which seats they want to steal in order to control Congress. They only have to steal a few as I believe they did in last week’s election. Before you doubt my cynicism consider SOSP:

    Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states
    By Chuck Neubauer
    The Washington Times
    9:00 p.m., Thursday, June 23, 2011

    http://www.washingtontimes .com/news/2011/jun/23/section-527-works-to-seat-liberals-as-election-o ve/

    Has anyone in the media checked the results in those 11 states where “reform-minded progressive Democrats” controlled the vote count.

    One final thought. Should a viable conservative third party get up and running before 2014 —— 2016 those candidates will have to protect themselves from the score keepers in both major parties. Without that protection a conservative could get 90 percent of the vote and the score keepers will mark it up in favor of a Democrat or a Republican. Let me put it this way. Ross Perot got a confirmed 19 percent of the vote in 1992. If the same crowd that did the counting last Tuesday was in charge in 1992 the score card would have read:

    Clinton 55%

    Bush 44%

    Perot: 1%.
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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  4. NCstudent

    NCstudent New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    first of all, your little quip about the "idiot light" showed that you are a very childish person. second, you try to say that democrats are "parasites" that we have some ulterior motive, that we are trying to destroy america because we're some socialist "anti-american" demons that the world needs to unite against, and claim that the republican party stays true to the constitution. yet where do the democrats breach the constitution? i see that you claim on multiple accounts that we are trying to undermine the nation yet you conveniently have zero examples other than an absurd conspiracy theory relating to the polls. if you're wondering why democrats so vehemently opposed republicans from being in charge there, it's probably because of a proposed piece of legislation from 2011 in florida that tried to limit the amount of time volunteers had to turn in voting registration sheets, and even trying to impose fines. this shattered the League of Women Voters and crippled the amount of people registering to vote, of course it was a positive thing for republicans because it mainly affected women and minoritys, who were predicted to vote democrat. who's the parasite now?
    also, i notice how you refuse to call the President by his first or last name. Barack Obama. you seem to only notice his middle name, Hussein. do you focus on this aspect because your playing on americans inherent hatred of that name ever since sadam hussein? i think you refuse to mention his more commonly used names because you can't come up with a plausible example of Obamas' "America hating, black racist, anti-christian, communist" ways. also, it's odd that you try to portray the democrats as some greedy, blood thirsty animal with no regard for anyone when democrats fight for the continuation of welfare and complete rights for all. the republican party likes to throw the poor to the dogs and hold onto their religion with a grip that the afghanistan government would be proud of. (if your wondering why i'm referencing afghanistan when mentioning an unceasing hold on something, it's the part where afghanistan has never been fully conquered, so they've had an unceasing "grip" on their country) republicans jump to "god" when they try to make government policy such as whether homosexuals can get married or whether abortion should be legal, it's because "God" doesn't want it. but republicans are very dedicated to upholding the constitution right? which states, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizensof the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." 14th amendment, 1st part.
    now, i'd like to say real fast, i don't think all republicans follow the ones i've described here, but you sir, are the epitome of a racist, hate filled, greedy republican.
  5. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Yes, by all means continue your ways, we know you cannot change, enjoy becoming the Party Of Losers, it is your present and future. Now back to whatever it was you were doing.
  6. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To NCstudent: Research my messages for answers. I no longer have the patience to educate every misinformed Lefty one at a time.

    To Casper: You’ve read enough of my messages to know that I am not a Republican.
  7. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Too far right for the GOP, ok, I can believe that.
  8. NCstudent

    NCstudent New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    true, even republicans that are further west than alaska would think your too extremist. oh, and when you don't put anything to research other than a half baked conspiracy theory, it pulls away any small amount of credibility from your argument. my suggestion for you, go back to whining about obama to your with your deluded friends or get out of America, because despite your belief that liberals are the parasites, you are one of the people that suck this country dry.

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