Don't pay for the BBC.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Yep, if your equipment is capable of receiving a broadcast signal you have to pay-up.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It means the BBC have sold out on their principles, which are not meant to be left or right, but merely truth and good investigative journalism. It means that there are external pressures placed on them, as Tony Benn said.
  3. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Nice one Tony!
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    They assume everyone has one. You are right. It's not just that they knock on a door if they pick up a signal. They use the electoral roll, if you are on it. Then they bombard you with what are really quite rude letters (remember, at this stage, they have no idea if you have one or not). Sure you can go through the process of formally delcaring you do not have one. Why should I have to? I do not have one. I do not want one. Why should I have to do anything? To be honest, last time they came to my door, they even asked to come in. I told them no, and that was that. They can get a court order if they like. Let them prove I do have one.

    Watching live online is interesting. No idea how that works. I believe watching I player is okay, but if it were something live from the BBC, you have to have a licence, I think. I would love to know what % of people they have actually collared for that? And how do they go about it? They can only make an assumption, or ask your ISP.

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    :) Respect.

  5. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I noticed it on Viva! it just abruptly ruptures your eardrums worse than that THX (*)(*)(*)(*) at the movie theatre!

    (but of course I don't really know that; I don't actually own a TV, and any time somebody thinks that I suggest or imply that I do, I am not of sound mind or character).
  6. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Yeah you can get bombarded with (*)(*)(*)(*) in the mail from all sorts, but that's just the mail...This guy right, gets bombarded in these pay up letters, after paying for that year, and then them sending constant pay up letters claiming no payment was ever made, even after sending them letter after letter responding they paid with bank statement to prove it.. So this guy probably just thinks (*)(*)(*)(*) it, no more money at all for them if they aren't going to apply it to the account. You try to steal than (*)(*)(*)(*) you.. I don't care who it is, what corporation it is.. You're on contract for something? LIKE HELL you are.. Yeah you gotta go on using some service provider for 36 weeks.. LIKE HELL you do... A "contract" comes on paper and shows the signatures for multiple parties to the agreement. And no contract is binding anyway if they aren't holding up their end of the bargain somehow, which is usually nearly all of the time.

    As for watching online BBC from your own internet connection, if someone were to do that, they would certainly have to pay for a TV "license".
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I would urge anyone to not only refuse to fund the BBC, but to stop watching television altogether. If there is a live football game you want to see, go to the pub and watch it, better still, go to the game! I would also urge people not to support Holywood, esp not any fims which glamourise war, or worse, peddle torture porn (yes, that is you Eli Roth, you freak).

    Read, debate politics, but most of all THINK. :thumbsup:


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    Not if it is BBC I player, and pre recorded, I don't think. Anyway, how are they going to know? They would have to request this from your ISP. I wonder how many times, in reality, they have done that.
  8. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Exactly.. your IP is evidence, easy to be collected, and their web player is exactly the same terms as a real TV, anyone who watches BBC live broadcasts on it without license can be prosecuted, pay a thousand quid fine, all the usual things they threaten..

    You can actually watch already aired stuff on it, without license.. Just live stuff needs it.

    Don't forget, your ISP will already be giving out your details, your IP and the rest to lots of others, marketing companies, her majesty's bureaucratic agencies, and I'll bet you even the US federal government who want to show you how they have reach all over the globe.

    At any rate pretty much everything that's being shared digitally is getting archived somewhere and stored in fortresses made out of supercomputers.
  9. Sovietskaja Zenzina

    Sovietskaja Zenzina New Member

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Once I thought, what would happening if we are majority of society stop watching TV, stop attending in political debates, no spectators on red carpets, no newspapers purchasing. I think Capitalist would declare war on us.
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Here is how I see it. Much of the World, due to bad education, or not thinking, or simply too much bad media, and petty entertainments, and trivia, have been made stupid and have a low attention span, on purpose. Yes. Having worked in the advertising industry, and having an interest in group psychology, there is no doubt that a form of malgenics has been performed, by way of marinating successive generations in toxins. What they watch, what they read, what they hear, what they eat even. This has been on purpose, for one thing, a docile and stupid people are no threat, and second, there is a lot of money and political gain to be made, by creating a distracted population of non thinkers.

    Cattle do not think to be free from the farm.

    Cattle do not even realise that the slaughterhouse is a bad place for them, right up until they are slaughtered.

    To be honest, with what I am about to say, we probably have to begin from the position that a large number of people will be a total write off. I know that sounds harsh, but we have to accept that they are too far gone, and too dumbed down, and the best thing to do there is leave them where they are. No use wasting energy on those that sap it, right? Esp if you are creating something new.

    Now, there are three key ways in which to have total ownership of a nation, and therefore, it's people. You have to control the flow of information, anything from the news, to what documentaries you put into the public domain, all of it. You have to control the money. This is 100% key, and above all else. They do not want countries that had a true state bank, that printed it's own money, without being enslaved to massive interest rates, on borrowed money, that a tiny number of people have wormed their way into printing. And the third way is that you control who they can pick at elections, you contaminate the entire body politic, so that whoever that mass pick, you find the status quo remains the same.

    Now, some entire nations have all three things, that is to say, the do have a true central bank, their media isn't full of Zionist BS, and their politicians are not all fifth columnists traitors, that have long sold out on any idea of the people or the nation.

    Note that those nations will tend to be the MOST demonised, and in most cases, horrible lies will be told about them, they may be called a 'Fascist state', and they may be murdered, by way of 'war'. What these nations left really represent, in practice, are the last hopes in this World, against the most evil force in human form today.

    Now, I note your nationality, and perhaps you know that many years ago a certain man called Meyer Bauer, aka MA Rothschild, wanted to establish a central bank in Russia, so that they had dominion over the money, just as they did in other major countries.

    You may know that the Tsar flat rejected this, and this, of course, was the correct thing to do. This infuriated MA Rothschild, and he vowed that one day, due to this being rejected, that the Tsar and all of his family would pay the price. Not so many years later, we can see what happened, we had the so called 'Bolshevik Revolution', and of course, the Tsar and his family, were all horribly murdered.

    You may also know that the Tsar once told Abe Lincoln, that if during the Civil War, either France or England intervened and took the side of the South, that he would give his help to Abe. He even sent his fleet. Abe was ALSO having the same problems, with the same family, that being the Jewish Rothschilds. He was having problems with them, because he too had refused the idea of them printing their money, and lending it to them, at high interest. So he issued a totally legal tender called 'greenbacks'. This was 100% real and genuine money, it simply meant that you created it yourself, rather than have international bankers do it, and then lend it to you, at massive interest, which is then passed on by way of taxation.

    They were FURIOUS with Abe over this too, as they could not control that type of currency, nor make anything from it.

    In the next election, they ran a candidate of their choosing against Abe. The people voted for Abe. Now they were really furious, as you can imagine, they cannot control the currency, this guy Abe is the obstacle, and now their own man has just lost an election.

    Abe was to address congress, and in a statement said that he had two enemies, the one in front, in the South, and the one at his back, that being those banking mafia families. He said that of the two the latter were more dangerous, and his worse enemy. 41 days after his inaugeration, his was to be shot, and later die from his wounds.

    The assasin? A man by the name of John Wilkes Booth. 70yrs his grand daughter wrote in her book 'This One Mad Act', that he had been hired to carry this out, by certain individual in Europe, on the promise that they would protect him, if he were caught.

    She also wrote that contrary to reports of him having been killed, that he actually went on to live in Calais, France.

    Later, a gentleman by the name of Gerald McGreer was to show that Booth was simply a mercenary, working on behalf of international bankers.

    Now, due to the workings of the R'childs, and international bankers, you can fairly say that they would be the single biggest historical and present cabal of murderers that have ever existed - ever. The sheer scale of the lives that they have accounted for, in creating and then funding wars, is so many, that it would put anything by the Romans, or the Arabs, or the Nazi's to shame, they would not even come CLOSE.
  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    'Tis getting worse now. Things are not better because of WW2, on the contrary, all that did was further galvanise their positon, and their coffers, as well as now giving them a central base, protected by nukes. Which if they were a v private sort of nation, like N Korea, would not bother me as much, but they are not N Korea, they reach right into the heart of all other nations, and if that nation dares refuse them, they cause civil war, or revolution, or actual war, or sanctions, or whatever means they need to do, to get their own evil way.

    The sheer scale of this is almost impossible to appreciate.

    Things are going to get much worse, and we have a series of decisions to make, and I advice great care when choosing. You can be blind to all the warning signs, in all of history, and the pattern this way is heading. If then told, you can refuse to even try to understand, you can be an ignorant fool and mock, and you can sit back and believe that things will be okay.

    Those are the people you have to let go, those are the one's you must devolve from, do not even be around them, or try to gain their support. All they will do is be a burden. They have no imagination to bring to the table, and do not think for themselves. Useless.

    The exception I would make there is v young people, since they can be turned around. Anyone over 25 being that way, is all the man they will ever be.

    The rest you have to write off. Then you have those that may take on the truth, and they may even see where it is heading, and yet, due to fear, or lazyness, or more likely this notion 'but there is nothing I can do about it', they are about as much use as the first group. In fact they are worse, because they know, but refuse to even try. And they are selfish, because in just a few years, it is going to get much worse, and what of their granddchildren, why do they merit being born into a dystopia, merely because their relatives were too bloody weak, or too lacking any any positive spark, to even TRY?

    They will curse those who were silent, in their graves, and spit on their headstone, and they will have every right to.

    It would now be impossible to go to these bankers and say, 'Listen, can you stop cheating us please'.

    It's what they do, it is their sole purpose. It is useless to think you can get politicians that will 'get tough with them'. How can they when they no longer print their own money, the cartel does? You may get the odd banker hung out to dry, just to convince you that they 'go after them', but it is usually someone relatively low down the scale.

    You cannot really declare a conventional sort of war against them, they are not visible in that manner, for one thing, and revolting with riots etc, is only a means to expel some raw energy. It has a use, but it changes nothing.

    What do you do then, if you do not wish to simply give up on your future people? Something. Anything. Even one idea can be powerful, some of the most pivotal moments in history were spawned from one idea, that gained popular support, thus making it a reality. We also have tools today, that no one had before, to reach more people, faster, so if anything, we have an opportunity there, albeit underused.

    You disenage from the corrupt system. Don't try to make it right, it is too far gone. Leave it be, as much as you can. Print or write your own media, there will be plently of volunteers happy to write and research. Use and rely on their money less. Print your own currency, or make a digi currency. Make one unit = an hour of someone's time. Grow a database of people, hundreds of thousands, all part of the system of using this, more and more. There are already a few that do it, but it needs to be nailed down, and done by MANY.

    Find better people among you, than the paid off and corrupt servants of rich masters. Set up your own 'parliment' of some sort, to make as many of your own decisons as you can, for as many of you. Don't let them into it, in any way. Even draw up your own 'constitution', with basic core values that all had to stick to, or be jettisoned back outside the new society, and into the other one.
  12. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Ooo ! that's asking for trouble . THe only reason why I'm at this keyboard , coz (she who must be obeyed ) -- is downstairs -peacefully watching her favourte soaps.
    How else can marriages last .? I dont fancy the garden shed .
    ITS either two TV's . or better stil 2 TV's and a Pooter.

  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    How complicit do you think the BBC have been, in the cover up of systematic sex abuses, by those they gave to us as icons, and people that could be trusted, almost?

    Remember, if it were not for the image of them that the BBC created, they would not have been invited to hospitals etc, where they carried out their sex abuses. And you can bet, esp back then, that the old BBC executive crew + the likes of Saville etc, socialised, and talked, and rest assured they will have known full well of his filth. Nor do I think that he was an isolated case, someone used the term BBC is a paedophile ring, in the alternative media, and they are right, I believe that the org called the BBC, up to and including some of it's highest paid executives (money comes from the telly tax), are and were complicit in a large scale child abuse ring.
  14. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Can you be a bit more specific about that?

    I barely watch American TV anymore, much less BBC America, but I do keep up on Doctor Who, and that show has leaned left since at least the Seventh Doctor, sometimes overtly so. Granted, the leap from Who to all of the BBC is quite a stretch and not one I'm willing to make, but this article seems to make it clear that leaning right isn't a huge problem for the BBC at the moment. Or this one.
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Doctor Who?

    You honestly and seriously wish me to demonstrate through the medium of a kids sci fi show?
  16. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Left leaning Dr Who.

    If ever I and the Jews both muted into robot form, it will be like this (and they are the humanoid shaped one's)..

    [video=youtube;kBSOhODoch0] e&v=kBSOhODoch0[/video]
  18. dudeman

    dudeman New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    I remember when I was in grad school circa 1996 the Turks would say that the BBC was the ONLY source of actual information. Has the BBC fallen or are you saying that it never was?
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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  20. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    So, why not just watch shows on your computer? With high speed DSL or cable dsl like I have, you can watch all the movies and tv shows you want for the price of your internet connection. Ever hear of Huluu?

    Anyway, television is all digital nowadays. You don't get signals anymore and have satt or cable inputs, usually on one of your many hdml inputs. I ran a gold tipped hdml cable from my computer to my 52 inch HDTV so I can watch stuff off my computer on my TV....It's basic redneck poor man technology.
  21. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I have to say I find this quite curious..How does it do that? Can you give any examples?
  22. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In "The Doctor Dances," there's a throwaway line where the Ninth Doctor says to a WWII physician after everyone was turned back to normal "Lots to do: Beat the Germans, save the world, don't forget the Welfare State!" There was a fairly pointed anti-Bush message in the Christmas special when the Tenth Doctor had just regenerated by Harriet Jones telling Bush to buzz off, while in The End of Time Part 1, they practically venerated Obama. Sylvester McCoy admitted to the series having a strong anti-Thatcher agenda a couple years back as the Seventh Doctor.
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    That's what I do fella.


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