survivalist development in Idaho?

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by trucker, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    You do know that they lost, don't you?

    Is this the world you Righties long for??????
  2. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Tucker's dream world. I could say something about the Freudian aspects of his imagery.....and obsession with guns.
  3. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    I have friends that can cut through that like a knife through butter with a single small missile.
  4. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    As I said earlier...

    And, yes, I believe you would. You sound like a man of experience with such bombs..
  5. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Oh, now I see. You will help China and Russia nuke us so you get your Max Max world of Freudian S&M bondage fantasies? I get it!

    Given your current imagery, do you see yourself as the Great Humongous?!
  6. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Yeah, we can't have the sheriff's department go in to arrest him on child molestation charges, and not allow Koresh to shoot back with .50's while issuing delcarations of war against the United States.

    So, you defend someone's right to have a harem of 12 year old wives?
  7. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    And are your al-Qa'eda buddies supplying you with those?

    Pull that crap, and the public will support a B-52 strike on that compound, and napalm of the surrounding area.
  8. Craftsman

    Craftsman Banned

    Feb 18, 2012
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    I seriously doubt that!
  9. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    More like 6 SEAL will carry him out in a body bag.

    Actually, the way he's been going all over this board gives me the impression that is an inevitability.
  10. Iron River

    Iron River Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    Oh,, never mind I thought you said "gay"..

    Why would you do that? The food, the women?? What??
  11. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Well, the Max Max imagery is rather latent, if you ask me.....I could get some gay friends over here for their opinion on Trucker's images....

    To 'put down and suppress'.
  12. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    For kicks and giggles, have a test battery firing base just outside their fortress and test the tensile strength of their walls.
  13. Jeffrow1

    Jeffrow1 New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Gee, I've never seen these quotes. Can you verify any of them or are you just passing along internet crap?
  14. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Probably came from David Barton...cut from the whole cloth...
  15. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Obviously u have not a clue of what you are talking about. First off notice the cities I mentioned, Chicago does not allow law abiding citizens to carry so they have no bullets at all to protect themselves from the Obama voting gangsters and thugs you want to protect. Good luck carrying in LA or NYC as well.

    And yeah let's talk about that 7 round limit shall we? Sure thanks for allowing me 7 rounds while your Obama loving gangsters you obviously have no problem with has extended mags and other goodies. If it came down to it I would follow the law, but I blame you sorry ass coward liberals for being too chicken (*)(*)(*)(*) to attack your pet minority of criminals because you value their vote more than u do my life.

    Lastly I hardly even shoot my guns, considering one I have as a collector gun and the other is for home defense. But if you and your ilk had it your way I would be totally stripped of that right to make sure your criminal voters have better odds if they invade my home.

    And lastly I don't find myself personally in danger all the time because I'm not a liberal gang banger or thug and I do everything I can to avoid them. It's just sad they had to come to my neighborhood and make things less safe.

    I'm a hard working, tax paying American, maybe instead of spreading ignorance you can go try that sometime.
  16. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    If you can't tell the difference between Idaho and the Congo I suggest you go back to 3rd grade. Chicago and Detroit are like the congo. Idaho on the other hand doesn't have constant murders and is not full of gang bangers.
  17. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Reading around this board, I don't know if I would trust you to not fire on me.

    I have a question as to your lifestyle if you feel that you can't defend yourself with 7 bullets, either that, or you just can't shoot. Also, again, from your own comments on this board, I wouldn't trust you with a gun. You'd probably draw on me. There are matters of trust here too. Your own hatreds make me think that in a firefight, you'd take opportunistic shots at Democrats. What do you expect me to think after reading your stuff? Do a search in that little box at the top level on yourself. Ask yourself why I would think this.

    What makes you think I support criminals? I just don't trust you. You have anger issues, and extreme hatred of those who disagree with you politically.

    Liberal gang banger? WTF? You must watch FOX. Liberals are what? Like I said, I DO NOT TRUST YOU WITH A FIREARM, you have a problem identifying targets, or, at least the correct targets.

    Say what?!

    I bet you watch Alex Jones.

    IMHO, you need to be Barney Fife, only one bullet, and keep it in your shirt pocket, PLEASE. Your own words leave me with serious doubts if I would be able to trust you with a weapon anywhere near me.

    In fact, I think that mental health exams should be a requirement for all gun owners, including EXISTING ones. It's time we deal with the undiagnosed crazies, and put the Doc in prison if he covers for them.

    Wording like that leaves me with the impression you can't hit the broadside of a barn, which makes you a danger in that right, that you cannot discern a proper target in your mind, and that you might need an eval.

    What you have said in this statement is really whack.

    The Marines have a saying (I used to work for them once): "Could you trust this man in combat"?

    My answer for you is an unequivical "No!", I'd be too afraid you'd shoot me and other Americans that are not valid targets.

    I'm just being honest here. Take it as you will. I don't trust you with a firearm, and your own words all over this board drew me to that conclusion.

    On a side note, there ARE others on this board that I would trust even less, but the point stands.

    Maybe you need to look at how you present your argument, and go talk to a Doc about those hatreds. Seeing a Doc might preclude you owning a firearm, but, it can make you a better person.

    I could get a bit more truthful concerning the image you project of yourself, but the management might not appreciate how truthful I would be. So, I'll leave it at this. I don't want the assessment to be misconstrued as an insult.

    Trust is a huge factor. I don't trust YOU with a firearm. I base that on your own words.
  18. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Yeah, but Idaho is full of Rebels who wanna overthrow. Like I said. What's the difference.

    Oh, and your rebuttal sounded a bit racist.
  19. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Trucker, going through your posts here, I REALLY hope you are on a watchlist.

    Talk about a ticking timebomb...I fully anticipate you making the headlines, and hopefully BEFORE you do something.

    Believe it or not, this is not meant as an insult, and indeed I think you'll take it as a compliment. This is my honest assessment.
  20. EileenWright

    EileenWright New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    I am personally looking forward to targeting any liberals that choose to meet their maker......
  21. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    lol fire on you for what? it would take a lot more than some words and a disagreement for me to have to pull a gun on you. The only time i ever pulled a gun on someone was when it was unloaded lol.

    I go to work and come home, thats my lifestyle lol. It just happens i live in Memphis which is one of the most violent cities in the nation thanks to the democrat government and voters down here. Its not my fault they want to compete with Detroit and Chicago. I dont do much practice with my guns honestly, i really dont have the time because i work for a living, even then it doesnt take away the fact that criminals are out there with extended mags and a hell of a lot more weapons than i have. So no im not some crack shot and im not pretending to be. So yeah id like my gun to be able to carry more than 7 bullets if someone were to come into my home.

    and again i wouldnt draw on you over a political disagreement, just because i dont like your political point of view doesnt mean im gonna try and kill you for it. Along with the 2nd amendment i also agree with the first amendment, so please speak your mind all day to me about anything political because im not the one you have to worry about killing you over an ideology.

    because its people like you who are so ass backwards when it comes to gun control. you put all your energy on the law abiding citizen, gladly either trying to disarm them or limit their self defense yet you same people are silent about the criminals that run rampant everyday killing innocent people.Chicago being a great example of this practice considering the democrats work hard as hell to keep the law abiding without guns yet they dont do squat about the criminals shooting up the city. And im sure you agree with the Chicago land practice which boils down to making it easier for thse criminals to over power good people. You should feel so proud of yourself, you are making sure your criminal voters stay alive.

    And yes i do have a type of hatred for liberals because they breed ignorance. And i hate ignorance.

    yes Liberal gang bangers, your voters. considering 99% of blacks vote for democrats, 70% of hispanics vote democrat and then considering the biggest gangs in the USA are black and hispanic you can bet your ass liberals have the backing of the gang bangers. Me being hispanic this seriously makes me sick to how totally ignorant my people have become. And no i dont watch Fox News, or any other news outlet for that matter. I dont need to watch fox News to realize how pathetic liberals are lol.

    and what targets are you speaking of, who do you think i have targeted lol??? I dont randomly target anyone for anything lol.

    lol ok dont trust me with a fire arm. dude you are nothing to me to be honest, just another random person on a political debate forum lol. so you dont trust me with a gun, i got that the first 50 times in your broken record rant, and thats fine as im all good with that because i dont need your permission nor blessing lol.

    I dont trust liberals with anything they can get their hands on, and considering they have the full support of pretty much every gang in the country I dont trust them with legislating gun laws. so there, we are even, go cry in the corner in fear of me lol.

    - - - Updated - - -

    once again, who has the most violence....Liberal gangbanger city of Chicago or Idaho ???

    yeah thats what i thought. and hey, if the truth is racist to you then thats your problem lol.
  22. Never Left

    Never Left Banned

    Mar 23, 2009
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  23. LoyalAmerican

    LoyalAmerican Banned

    Oct 28, 2011
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    Maybe you need to...

    Rush Limbaugh, the conservative & intolerant political pundit, has recently caused a firestorm of controversy when he called Mexicans “lazy” & “government-dependent.”

    According to The Huffington Post, the pundit made this comment on his show yesterday. These comments come hot on the heels of President Obama‘s call for bipartisan immigration reform. According to The Huffington Post, Limbaugh made these comments despite the fact that Mexicans are known for working labor-intensive jobs for lower wages, fewer protections and less government benefits than the native born.

    You stay classy, Ann Coulter — in her recent column, the conservative pundit claims Latinos are the source of American society’s ills, because they are the “poorest of the poor” and they “eat up” government assistance.

    Coulter, who isn’t known for supporting anything that doesn’t involve the WASP agenda, went on an acerbic rant against Hispanics, claiming that “Mexico’s underclass” having lots of children out of wedlock means a lot of “government dependents” down the line. In addition, she said that “Hispanics are less likely to be married, less likely to go to church, more supportive of gay marriage and less likely to call themselves “conservative” than other Americans. Rather than being more hardworking than Americans, Hispanics actually work about the same as others, or, in the case of Hispanic women, less.”

    What’s most interesting about Coulter’s claim is that it’s not only entirely false, it’s almost completely rooted in not-so-latent racism. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Hispanics make up 16% of the population, but only receive 12% of government assistance benefits. The racial class most likely to receive public assistance? White Americans…who are 64% of the population, but receive 69% of the government assistance benefits.

    (interesting on that last bit. They should have added that the vast majority of those are in all of those welfare Red States sucking my tax dollars away. You know, rednecks sure (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) and moan about people on welfare, at least until their own EBT card is full again)

    Who is ignorant??? Your fellow Right Wingers share one thing with you... Racism. Too bad the "Real Conservatives" probably will never accept you.
  24. Never Left

    Never Left Banned

    Mar 23, 2009
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    Exhibit #1---Brainwashed mentality and unthinking regurgitation of propaganda, a MaO'Bama voter for sure.
  25. Defengar

    Defengar New Member

    May 7, 2011
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    Yeah... Even the pentagons walls are not thick enough to handle missiles (as 9/11 showed). I was giving Trucker an example of how even in a post apocalyptic society (Where missiles don't exist apparently), this place would still be extremely vulnerable. If there are any trees still standing, then catapults, rams, siege towers, ballistas, and all manner of siege equipment used by man throughout antiquity will still be easily constructed.

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