Ed Milliband shows his true colours...

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Britain colonized Palestine. Israelis founded their own nation.
  2. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    The nation is Israel
  3. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    The UK was given the League Mandate and misused it to let in racist nazis, who killed our troops in support of Hitler and the other fascists, as you know. We were worn out with fighting nazis and withdrew, cowardly, and the big countries set up the racist colony to avoid taking DPs themselves, as you know. How can anyone support such vacant drivel as the 'nation' 'Israel? It is merely a collection of American-paid murder gangs.
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Communism engulfed several nations.
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    David Miliband is a Zionist Jew, and his brother is clearly the same.

    DB wanted to protect Jewish war criminals.

    Perhaps someone needs to remind them that Jewish terrorists and war criminals murdered British soldiers, eh..


    15 December 2009

    The government is "urgently" looking into reforming the law after a UK court issued an arrest warrant for former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.

    The warrant was granted by a London court at the request of Palestinian plaintiffs, provoking Israeli anger.

    It was revoked on Monday when it was found Ms Livni was not visiting the UK.

    Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Israel was a "close friend" of the UK's and stressed he was keen to "avoid this sort of situation arising again".

    Pro-Palestinian campaigners have tried several times to have Israeli officials arrested under the principle of universal jurisdiction, which holds that some alleged crimes are so grave that they can be tried anywhere, regardless of where the offences were committed.

    Ms Livni was foreign minister during Israel's Gaza assault last winter.

    She said the court had been "abused" by the Palestinian plaintiffs who requested the warrant at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

    In a statement on Tuesday evening Mr Miliband said: "Israel is a strategic partner and a close friend of the UK." :roflol:

    "We are determined to protect and develop these ties. Israeli leaders - like leaders from other countries - must be able to visit and have a proper dialogue with the British government

    "The procedure by which arrest warrants can be sought and issued without any prior knowledge or advice by a prosecutor is an unusual feature of the system in England and Wales.

    "The Government is looking urgently at ways in which the UK system might be changed in order to avoid this sort of situation arising again."

    UK ambassador rebuked

    It was the first time a UK court had issued a warrant for the arrest of a former Israeli minister.

    "What needs to be put on trial here is the abuse of the British legal system," Ms Livni told the BBC. :roll:

    "This is not a suit against Tzipi Livni, this is not a lawsuit against Israel. This is a lawsuit against any democracy that fights terror." :roflol:

    She stood by her decisions during the three-week Gaza offensive which began in December last year, she said.

    Israel's foreign ministry summoned the UK's ambassador to Israel to deliver a rebuke over the warrant. :worship:

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the situation was "an absurdity".

    "We will not accept a situation in which [former Israeli Prime Minister] Ehud Olmert, [Defence Minister] Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni will be summoned to the defendants' chair," Mr Netanyahu said in a statement.

    "We will not agree to have Israel Defence Force soldiers, who defended the citizens of Israel bravely and ethically against a cruel and criminal enemy, be recognised as war criminals. We completely reject this absurdity taking place in Britain," he said.

    Israel denies claims by human rights groups and the UN investigator Richard Goldstone that its forces committed war crimes during the operation, which it said was aimed at ending Palestinian rocket fire at its southern towns.

    The Palestinian militant group Hamas has also been accused of committing war crimes during the conflict.

    Israel says it fully complies with international law, which it says it interprets in line with other Western countries such as the US and UK

    On Monday Ms Livni's office had denied the reports that a warrant had been issued and that she had cancelled plans to visit the UK because of fears of arrest.

    It said a planned trip had been cancelled two weeks earlier because of scheduling problems.

    Palestinians and human rights groups say more than 1,400 people were killed during Israel's Cast Lead operation between 27 December 2008 and 16 January 2009, more than half of them civilians.

    Israel puts the number of deaths at 1,166 - fewer than 300 of them civilians. Three Israeli civilians and 10 Israeli soldiers were also killed.

  6. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Yes it did. Its still not a nation.
  7. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    25% of whom are non-jewish.
  8. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    What is the truth in this instance Jack? I think we're pretty well schooled in what happened. My point is what is going to be done about the situation?
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Russia was, among others. Did Communism there have a RIGHT to exist, like a living thing?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Israel are a rogue state that commits war crimes.
  10. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Israel changes governments reasonably frequently. I'm certainly no fan of Likud or the right wing and religious parties and I think they damage Israel's international reputation. But Israel is a nation which is continually defending itself from physical attack as well as conceptual attacks such as those that question its right to exist. Small wonder the average Israeli might warm to the tough-guy talk of Netanyahu. Not that makes him right. I'm pretty sure there will be no real progress while Likud is in power, with or without coalition partners. Perhaps if the rhetoric about Israel's right to exist was removed and the two-state solution examined, with the first premise being that Israel and Palestine should both exist, there could be some progress. Yes, simplistic thinking on my part.
  11. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I'm afraids that exactly how many in the West have been duped into seeing the situation . Completely ignoring how the Zionist entity called "Israel" was created at the expense of the - then majority non-Jewish PALESTINIANS - and over the past decades brainwashed the wEST - gradually - blinded the western observer from the fact that it was the Palestinian people's who've been denied the RIGHT TO EXIST.

    While persons + people - in general can claim to have a right to exist its AFAIK
    The only reason we keep on hearing BS abt the so-called state of Israel's - its coz they're trying to denying PALESTINIAN'S RIGHT TO EXIST.

  12. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    I think what happened is pretty well known. What's to be done is the issue. Now, can I be accused of contradicting myself if I suggest that both Palestine and Israel have a right to exist?
  13. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Even the PLO a long time ago accepted Israel. The problem has been that Israel has never accepted the Palestinians right to exist and throughout negotiations Israel has continued to be allowed to take over the land which would have been the Palestinian state and expel Palestinians from their homes through various means and force them to live without human rights. It looks like now we are coming to the end game, and it is not the Israeli's who you should be worried about,well certainly not the Jewish ones, particularly if this situation comes to fruition.


    His views on Iran http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2011/12/15/yaalon-iran-has-choice-to-have-bomb-or-survive/

    Now whether he gets the job or not, this gives you an idea of the general situation in Israel at the moment. It is the Palestinian people's survival you should be extremely worried about.
  14. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Your moderate position (and that of David Milbrand) who recognise Israel's right to exist whilst not approving of some actions taken, will find no sympathy amongst the forum's anti-semites.

    They are looking to label "the Jew" and will never acknowledge Israel's right to exist. Luckily they are the radical fringe.
  15. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Some posters may not accept that Israel is there as a State. I am not one of them. However if you look at my post above yours you will see quite definitely that in the ME it is Israel which does not feel the Palestinians have the right to exist and from my quote that the likely new defense secretary does not want non Jews living in Israel which to him will include Gaza and the West Bank.

    It is somewhat disingenuous of you to put in your posts directly underneath mine given that in this case it is Israel herself who is labeling the Jews as the people who should have all of the Palestinian territory.

    My advice to Diuretic that it is the survival of the Palestinians he would better be concerned about and seriously so, is clearly correct - nothing to do with antisemitism, simply to do with the reality on the ground in Israel and the occupied territories.
  16. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Alexa for some reason you feel the need to resort to PAs, where none are neccessary. My post being under yours has nothing to do with being disingenuous, so why atttribute malice to other posters? I responded to a post and quoted it. I had not responded to yours, so did not quote it.

    Most definately it is not the Jews who are wholly to blame for the process; I do not accept that for a minute, so I won't be going down that road, where you claim the PLO/Arabs at the time were honky dory, wanted a two state solution and the "Jews" rejected the Palestinians. We all know Hamas' position and their charter and the history of the conflict. No sense rehashing it all again.

    I am not concered with the survival of the palestinians. I understand that their numbers have grown substantially since Israel's inception and that they outlive arabs in neighbouring countries by a fair margin. That a radical polician is standing for a post is surely nothing new either. For some reason though you are seeking to create panic.

    I accept Israel's right to exist, which anti-semites do not, on the whole. That was my point.
  17. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Your previous entire post was a PA at everyone who had posted with views contra to your own.
    You gave a blanket attack on those who had posted who did not share your opinion. You mentioned people talking about 'the Jew'. My post mentioned that Jewish citizens of Israel were likely to be safe, for the very reason that Yaalon, probably to be the next Foreign Minister wants non Jews to be deported from Israel and the occupied territories.

    I claimed none of this. You are just putting in old drivel to divert from the point. The point is at the current stance the Palestinians are in serious danger. They are the ones who people should be seriously concerned about if the have a humanitarian bone in their body.

    Exactly. You have made your extreme partisanship completely clear. You do not care about the lives of Palestinians. You do not mind whether they survive.

    I know Diuretic and I accept that he was questioning someone questioning Israels existence. Hardly anyone would do that for the past 40 years or so. Clearly Israel is there and one of the strongest military's in the world. I also gave Diuretic a thanks for what he said on Ed Miliband but when he then says that he believes that Palestine and Israel both have a right to exist I need to point out to him that in the real world it is Israel who has never accepted the Palestinians right to exist and that their situation now is extremely precarious deserving the attention of all humanitarian people. I await his reply to post 38 http://www.politicalforum.com/lates...-shows-his-true-colours-4.html#post1062385318
  18. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Quite right Alexa - It says a lot when one comes across Zionists bigots who clearly state thatthey
    are not concerned with the survival of the palestinians + perhaps even other non-jews , yet accuse those who question /condemn Israel's policies of anti-semitism etc . . What hypocracy.

    And that old chesnut about Hama's charter - it was drawn up in 1987-88 twenty years after 1967 Israeli aggression . expulsion and illegal occupation of more Palestinian lands. Hamas was formed as a defensive org. against + reaction to Israel's expansion - Zionists occupation.

    "Dr. Ahmed Yousef, an adviser to Ismail Haniyeh (the senior political leader of Hamas) has questioned the use of the charter by Israel and its supporters to brand Hamas as a fundamentalist, terrorist, racist, anti-Semitic organization and claims that they have taken parts of the charter out of context for propaganda purposes. He claims that they dwell on the charter and ignore that Hamas has changed its views with time.He further states that "the Israelis have, for example, translated the charter to several languages, English and French included, intentionally perverting the substance of its tenets to suit their purposes. Those aims were to market its fraudulent translation to as many Western politicians, academics and media channels as possible; and therefore make it easier to claim security concerns as the basis for their legal infractions. The fear-mongering is designed to horrify the West so much that it turns a blind eye to Israels crimes against humanity which contravene international law"

    wiki .
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    As I have said before, Marlowe, all those that self identify as Zionists outwith Israel must be considered the enemy, plain and simple.

    How else should they be seen. Neutral? As 'friends'? I think not. Friends help each other, it is a mutally beneficial situation. They do not. They help themselves, at everyone else's expense. Who the hell do these people think they are, in our lands, calling us racists, when in fact Zionism IS racism, it is 100% Jewish racial supermacy. Who the hell do these people think they are lecturing us on ANYTHING EVER, when what the shamefully support is the most ethnocentric, lying, thieving, and pervasive force that exists today?

    What hypocrites, and they must think everyone is daft as well, if they think they still fall for this projection of their own evil nature onto others.

    As to what Alexa wrote, I share some of the feelings she expressed, I too feel that things must eventually come to a head, and that matters will not just trundle along, as is, for another 50yrs.

    Even if it were not planned, it would almost happen organically, anyway. Indeed, the more it seems possible that there could be a state called Palestine by diplomatic and democratic means, the more likely the Bad Few are to bring it to a head, out of fear those efforts will work. They cannot have this, for all sorts of reasons, therefore, they would do anything (anything), to stop it being so.

    Perhaps, in some ways, it would be best if it did then come to a head? Maybe it needs to? Maybe only at the precise point it does come to a head, maybe only then can there be real change?

    Let's be honest, it cannot be any life for the people in WB and Gaza. It is a disgrace in fact, no need to list it all, you know the score.

    Is it best to perish by way of death by a thousand cuts?
  20. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    That's accepted. It's a bedevelling problem but the first premise must be that both Israel and Palestine have a right to exist. It does seem as if the current Israeli government is pushing the boundaries for sure. I suppose it goes back to the war in 1967 which resulted in land takeovers, not unusual after someone wins a conflict. Perhaps they're looking for a buffer zone, perhaps they're looking for bargaining chips, no idea, but permitting settlements in former Palestinian land in recent years doesn't seem to me to the policy actions of a moderate government. But it seems that no authority has the ability to resolve this. If it keeps up then there may indeed be a limited war in the region, that's if things get to the point where the Palestinians have nothing to lose any longer.

    Edited to add - I finally got there, thanks alex, the link was good.
  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    How much of Germany does Britain get?
  22. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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  24. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    I couldn't agree more. Zionism is criminal by default. It was denounced as racist by the United Nations in 1975 and that Resolution should be renewed.

    So then, how does the UK Labour Party get rid of Ed Millipede ?
  25. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    You would need a root and branch approach, to Labour, and all of the London parties. It is not enough to remove one person, the system is creating and the promoting these people. Unless you purge the system, then while one man can be voted in or out, the system will merely offer up yet another dumb and willing goy, to do the bidding of a terrorist state, that committed acts of terrorism against the British, up to and including hanging our senior officers, and conducting terrorist attacks, like that of the King David Hotel (they tried to blame Arabs, and lied about warning calls).

    Because these facts are out there, but not commonly taught, the first thing is you have a generation of British people, including soldiers, who have been made totally unaware of such things. This must be corrected. This can only be done by hard work and persistance, that is to say, in the past month alone, around 2000 people in my country, who were not even aware of what I have written, are now v much aware, and in informing them, their thinking has started to shift.

    One of the newspapers here, many many years ago, they ran as their front page, a picture of the hanged British soldiers. I will try to find it, as I am sure it is archived someplace. It was very graphic. The story went on to say that when their comrades went to cut down the bodies, they were seriously injured - not content with hanging the soldiers, the Jews had loaded the bodies with explosives.

    I shall be sourcing this image, have it designed into a powerful one page document, and having done that, I shall use my contacts in the British army, to ensure that as many active and retired soldiers get it. I shall couple this with all the anti British comments that I have collected from the internet, by Israeli Jews, over the past year. Then I will be showing them that Mr Milliband supports those that murdered and bombed the British.

    Why did he feel a need to suddenly go simpering to them, anyway? Is he a 'Jew'? He says so, and yet, interestingly, we know that he was neither religous, nor raised in a 'Jewish culture'. By what means does he believe himself a Jew then? Is he admitting that Jews are a 'race', and therefore, it does not matter if you are raised in a certain culture, or that you are religous, that you are a Jew by way of 'race'?

    If we remove both the religous and cultural aspect, that is all that is left, right? I cannot be a Catholic, if I was not raised as one, and I have never heard of a Catholic atheist. A Muslim cannot be a Muslim if neither raised as one, nor religous. But a black person would not need to be raised as a black person, nor would they need to be religous to be part of the black race, or have black biological ancestry.

    I would personally sooner that the leader of the opposition spent ALL of his time convincing us why we should vote for him, and what good he can do for British people. Not pandering to Israel.

    However, like I say, in practice, our system is not much different to Congress and IPAC now. It's more subtle, it has to be, but it is the same thing.

    The Gov's here are out of step with people. I would wager that most people in Europe are NOT pro Israel. Therefore, our Gov's are ignoring them, and doing what THEY want.

    You will find that Millipede is getting money from the Jews, just as Cameron does, just as Blair did.

    System is corrupt, and it is the system that must be purged.

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