Top US Commander: Iran sanctions failed, Iran enriching beyond any peaceful purposes

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Borat, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I keep telling you, you have to cut the HEAD off.

    Or heads.

    Who is the head?

    Not Netenyahu.

    Not the Knesset.

    Not the IDF.

    Not the US President.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Warmongers colluding to launch illegal war on Iran

    We have seen it all before, the “yellow cake” myth, the manipulation of media, propaganda filling news and entertainment that would make Goebbels blush.

    Unless Iran can be “scapegoated” as a nuclear threat, same lies as used against Iran, same lies as used to blame Afghanistan for the “Neocon/Israeli” 9/11 attack, the American public might “wise up” to their real enemies.

    The “protocols” of the elders of the “Fed”

    For instance, an America not obsessed with imaginary threats might take a long look at the Federal Reserve, who they really are, how illegal the “Fed” is and who the foreign bankers are that have looted America.:thumbsup:

    Of America’s 16-trillion-dollar “national debt, 10 trillion never existed, was never spent, never authorized, never paid out and never borrowed.

    The American people are paying interest to the Rothschild and Rockefeller families on 10 trillion dollars that never existed.

    Every nation that has a “central bank” is doing the same thing, one way or another. It is called “debt slavery.”

    For America, every war since 1917, including and especially the phony “War on Terror,” has been started by the banking cartels empowered by Paul Warburg in 1913. Other nations had been fighting “bankster orchestrated” wars much longer.


    Every military and intelligence expert in the world knows that the basis for Iran’s defense is maintaining a “nuclear free” state.

    There can never be any possible rationale for vilifying Iran as long as it keeps “conventional only” defenses.

    The game as played is childishly simple. Iran is saddled with crippling sanctions supported only by wild conspiracy theory.

    When Iran objects, their opposition is then mischaracterized as belligerence, often to the absurd extreme of mistranslating statements. When that doesn’t work, Iran’s news services are censored.

    Even a child could see this, but where are “children” when we need them?

    Fortress Iran

    No enemy can invade, Iran’s coastlines are impenetrable, its Silkworm-based maritime defenses overwhelming, its conventional missile arsenal can exhaust any AMB (anti-ballistic missile) defense system in a few hours.

    Iran’s 13-million-man defense force is the largest in the world. The “tail kicking” that America has suffered in Afghanistan would be a “walk in the park” compared to Iran.

    In 1982, the United States developed its “war plan” for the invasion of Iran. That plan required Iraq to attack from the east and for Pakistan to offer staging areas in Baluchistan.

    That plan has never been updated, though the naval component has been left even more outdated based on Iran’s ability to sink American aircraft carriers well out into the Indian Ocean.

    Selling Iranian nuke lies is terrorism

    Recently, UN human rights raconteurs have cited US President Obama’s failure to prosecute not only his predecessor but key members of his administration, members of Congress, Pentagon officials and AIPAC lobbyists for planning and executing an illegal war of aggression against Iraq.

    The process leading to war has been clearly defined; all responsible parties are named; the criminality of their efforts has been well established but war criminals, perhaps numbering in the hundreds, even thousands, not only roam free but are back to their old tricks.

    Hundreds of those who planned the slaughter in Iraq, the Neocons, AIPAC, members of Congress, religious extremists at America’s service academies, hate mongers, racists and anti-Semites within the military and the paid traitors and spies who own Hollywood and control most media, are active in pushing for a new war.

    Be it films like Argo or Zero Dark Thirty, or the NCIS TV shows, the entire Murdoch empire, CNN, Romney’s “Clear Channel” stranglehold on American “talk radio,” vicious racist propaganda infects every waking moment.


    Canada is worse, actually much worse.

    Last week, the Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird made threats against the legally constituted Palestinian state if they chose to seek war crimes prosecution against Israel.

    Baird’s statement itself qualifies for criminal prosecution under the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court 1998, specifically under sections 25, 27, 28, 30 and 33.

    Among the potential charges are “aiding and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

    Canada’s links to terrorism cited by Swiss police, South Africans

    Police in Switzerland have been issued with broad detention orders that apply to all Canadian passport holders, including diplomatic credentials.

    In an interview with a Swiss police spokesman, Veterans Today was told:

    “The Canadian embassy in Switzerland has been issuing false passports to criminals including terror suspects.”

    South Africa security officials confirm they have received the same notification and have made one arrest.

    False reports on Iran’s “nuclear threat” are war crimes and crimes against humanity

    This week, former Chief of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission operating in Iraq from 2000 to 2003, Hans Blix, made the following statement to a group of Dubai-based reporters:

    "Memories of the failure and tragic mistakes in Iraq are not taken sufficiently seriously, so far Iran has not violated NPT (the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and there is no evidence right now that suggests that Iran is producing nuclear weapons.

    In the case of Iraq, there was an attempt made by some states to eradicate weapons of mass destruction that did not exist, and today there is talk of going on Iran to eradicate intentions that may not exist, I hope that will not happen.
    So far Iran has not violated the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and there is no evidence right now that suggests that Iran is producing nuclear weapons.”

    This is only the most recent of dozens of authoritative assessments that all have found Iran’s nuclear programs to be consistent with the NPT.

    A question then would be, ‘Why do we continually hear of Iran building nuclear weapons and threatening its neighbors when there is no proof of any kind that this is the case?’

    The flurry of pronouncements, many from world leaders, all parroting rumors, storylines from TV dramas or conspiracy innuendo that invariably tracks down to Israeli sources, all have the same characteristics:

    1. No proof or evidence is offered, and none of the sources ever offered have credentials in nuclear physics and weapons-based engineering and design.

    2. No scientific explanations are given, only statements deemed “self-evident,” based on “assumption.”

    3. No mention is ever made that the UN assembly has demanded to examine Israel’s nuclear program but not Iran’s.

    4. No mention is ever made that the programs said to pose a threat are all considered legal for every nation on earth except Iran.

    There is no conceivable way to interpret the above-listed behavior in any other light than to see them as part and parcel of a move to obfuscate and conceal on behalf of entities planning to launch an illegal aggressive war on Iran.

    With all evidence and proof supporting Iran’s assertions as to the peaceful nature of their nuclear program, those asserting otherwise based on systematic falsehood in order to justify war crimes are themselves war criminals.

    Economic suicide

    An analysis of the real motivations behind the “War on Terror” reveals actual motivations to be a “cover and deception” operation in order to keep public attention away from engineered banking and currency collapses, artificial energy sector shortages, massive governmental corruption and the total erosion of human rights.

    Once this is accepted, and the evidence is incontrovertible, it is similarly incontrovertible that the series of bizarre happenings, the suspension of all physical laws on 9/11, the London 7/7 attacks, hiring actors to simulate a real terror attack, the imaginary al-Qaeda underground sites in Afghanistan, these and countless more false flag scenarios, are acts of “financial terrorism.”

    Are the seemingly endless machinations against Iran more of the same, in particular, the same financial criminals trying another heist?

    Consider that the second Iran is attacked, the Straits of Hormuz and the Baku/Ceyhan pipeline close.

    Ask any economist.

    Ask any defense expert.

    Iran controls the two great energy “strangleholds” in the world. If they are “choked off,” no economy in the world, no currency, no stock market, would survive 24 hours.

    Then we ask, ‘Who would profit from such a thing? Do the names Rothschild and Rockefeller sound familiar?’
  3. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Well, WW1 and WW2 were fought by two kinds of weapons: conventional media and conventional guns or bombs.

    The development of these technologies permitted the bankers to instigate WW without any danger for their own families.
    The outcome of the previous WW was predictable.

    But today the situation has changed due to the further development of science and technologies.

    - There cannot be any total monopoly on Media any more (due to the Internet).
    - The bankers cannot be sure any more that a WW will not endanger the members of their own families (due to the MAD).

    What they tried at the beginning of the 90th did not work out.

    The history is not finished, Fukuyama was just a stupid Zionist stooge.

    The time is playing against them. Yes, they can still fool the majority of people, but they cannot fool the intelligent and honest people any more.

    And they cannot win without fooling the intelligent and honest people, that is the crucial point.
    They cannot even fool the intelligent and corrupt people any more, because corrupt people are not eager to die.

    They can still fool religious fanatics, but they cannot sustain a modern civilization with fanatics and primitive lies, and that is another crucial point.
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Jews, okay, let me put it this way, about 99% of Jews I hear speak never admit to their culpability, famous Jews or otherwise.

    No only do they deny it, but if it cannot be ignored, they actually have the cheek to admit it, then say it is a favour.

    It is this mindset which will see them dig their own graves, at some future point.

  5. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    You should. Because they are.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What actually would it take for people to just accept that?

    No matter what you give or show, and how often, nup, it never seems enough, so what are they seeking???
  7. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Please, USrael, do not destroy this beautiful country!

    My heart goes out to # 9... the twins.
  8. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    The Ashkenazi Jews still talk about "Semitism" and "Anti-Semitism", though they have nothing to do with Semites.
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    4mins of truth..

  10. AHashemi

    AHashemi New Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    yep! exactly.

    Israel has nukes, USA has, but there is nothing about human beings and democracy,


    when Iran wants Peaceful Nuclear Energy, everyone, including USA and his watchdog(This Zionist Regime, Israel)* cries about Democracy and human rights!

    it was the USA who did the nuclear explosions in Korea not Iran.

    * : Zionists not Jews. Jews religion is believed by Muslims. and they're respectful.
  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    International Jewry, aka Zionism is the enemy of reason and humanity.

    They are bringers of war, death, they are the perpetual destroyers and deceivers.

    They are vipers, that willl bite any hand, including the hand that feeds it.

    And they are cowards, in reality. And bullies. All they can do is murder women and children. Any real fighting, and the rich Jews that call the shots, they use the US army like their own private force.
  12. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I continue to read the news and still haven't found any claims by the IAEA that Iran is enriching uranium beyond the 20% level that is exclusively related to peaceful purposes. So what are General James Mattis' claims that Iran is enriching uranium beyond 20% based on?

    As for the general issue of nuclear nonproliferation every member nation of the NPT is required by that treaty to take those actions necessary to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons to any nation not authorized under the NPT. The primary means of stopping nuclear proliferation are economic sanctions such as those currently being imposed on N Korea and the other three rogue nuclear weapons nations (i.e. Pakistan, India, and Israel) should be subjected to the identical economic sanctions. There should be no political favoritism in stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapon nations.

    The UN Security Council has imposed extensive economic sanctions against Iran that is not in technical violation of the NPT and that doesn't have nuclear weapons but the UN Security Council is ignoring rogue three nuclear weapon nations that they have a responsibility to address until those nations dismantle their nukes. S Africa dismantled their nuclear weapons and it's long since past time that Israel, Pakistan, and India dismantle theirs.
  13. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    HEU at the 20% level is used for medical research generally. How much HEU at that level does Iran need to stockpile? How much HEU enriched to that level has Iran stockpiled? What does the IAEA say?
  14. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Yes, we have here an obvious double standard, or even worse.

    Iran sticks to the NPT, Iran does not threaten USA or any other nation, but this state is punished for that.

    Israel has not signed the NPT, Israel steals American secrets, Israel was caught red handed in false flag operations against the USA (Lavon Affaire, attack on the USS Liberty), Israel threatens to use its nukes against the entire planet ("mad dog"- strategy), but this state is never called by its real name, which is "nuclear rogue state".

    No, Israel is called "the ally of the America/West", and she gets American and German taxpayer's money.

    Does that make any sense?
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Only when people see the elephant in the room and accept that the Republic was subverted, and infiltrated, and not a bullet fired.

    Then it makes sense.[video=youtube;57z0091c43A][/video]
  16. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    As long as Americans see the world through the "Zionist glasses" (Hollywood, Media etc), they will never notice the Zionist elephant in the American room.

    The magic "Zionist glasses" can make the Israeli Elephant look like a tiny fly, and an anti-Zionist fly - like an Elephant that threatens the USA.

  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    They can be written off, for now.

    Focus on that which you can change and do, and do it 100%.

    I am done trying to convince others to that which is clearly true, to be honest, if they cannot see it by now, they are either stupid or one of them.

    To everyone else, that is not stupid or one of them, and who can see it...perhaps I should sing it to them in a little song..

  18. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    While not being a nuclear power engineer it is my understanding that 20% enrichment can also be used for power production as well as for medical purposes. We should all know that weapons grade uranium requires 90% enrichment and I'm not even sure if the same technology is used for refining to 90% that is used for 20%. Based upon just general engineering knowledge I doubt it possible but it might be.
  19. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Commercial power production requires uranium enriched to the purity of about five percent. Getting from five percent HEU to twenty percent HEU is a more significant accomplishment than getting from twenty percent purity HEU to medical isotopes to the 90% enrichment level for uranium.

    So where we are left is that the Iranians have now stockpiled at least HEU enriched to the twenty percent level to last for about ten years. That doesn't make sense. Does it?
  20. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Doing a little general research I've found that LEU (light enriched uranium) is anywhere from 5% to 20% with the higher purity used for research reactors. HEU (highly enriched uranium) is anything above 20% which includes weapons grade uranium of 85% or more.

    Anything up to 20% would be completely acceptable under the NPT from what I understand and, in fact, other NPT member nations should be assisting a nation in providing the technology for this enrichment. The actual prohibitions in the NPT don't relate to enrichment or even theoretical nuclear weapon research but instead relate to actually creating a nuclear weapon or furnishing enriched uranium to another entity for use in a nuclear weapon.

    So I have a few problems. It is apparent that the IAEA and UN are concerned that Iran might be conduction theoretical nuclear weapon research that, under the NPT, they are not prohibited from doing. There is also the problem that they are enriching uranium up to 20% that is not weapons grade uranium which is also not prohibited under the NPT. There is a concern that in the future they might choose to manufacture a nuclear weapon but Iran would have to first enrich uranium to at least 85% but there is no evidence of this and the IAEA is tracking all Iranium uranium currently. Could Iran secretly enrich uranium? Possibly but to date there has been no evidence that Iran is doing this. There is only a concern that Iran could do this.

    What I see as a far greater problem is that we have four nuclear weapon nations where we know that they do have nukes but we're only addressing one of them. N Korea (which is being addressed), India, Pakistan, and Israel present a current threat of nuclear war while Iran only represents a potential threat at some remote point in the future if Iran were to produce a nuclear weapon. The UN and members of the NPT should be far more concerned with the existing threat than with a potential threat. Actions (economic sanctions) against the existing threats should arguably be greater than the actions (economic sanctions) against the potential threat.

    It makes no logical sense that India, Pakistan, and Israel are not being subjected to severe economic sanctions when Iran is. The problem today is that the UN and NPT members are reflecting gross hypocracy in their actions. We cannot expect to reign in nuclear proliferation when the enforcement agency (i.e. the UN) is hypocritical in it's actions. Hypocracy is the real problem with our policies related to Iran. If we were imposing greater sanctions on India, Pakistan, and Israel then perhaps our actions against Iran would make sense but today they do not.

    We should have far more concern with someone that has a bomb than someone that only has bomb making materials. That is the problem today.
  21. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I've have spent decades doing a Kabuki dance, so I tend to recognize Kabuki dancers like the Iranians. Let me give you an idea of how I see things working out.

    Iran is clearly building an uranium based nuclear weapons program. I come to this conclusion because I understand human nature and the use of deception and plausible deniability in accomplishing one's objectives. There is no other reasonable explanation for Iranian actions. However, do not assume I think Uncle Sam can do anything about this fact other than observe.

    Nothing effective can be done to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons except the use of nuclear weapons against Iran's hardened sites. That isn't going to happen. Thus, Iran will effectively have nuclear weapons.

    In view of the foregoing conclusion, the NPT will wither and die, and we will see the spread of nuclear weapons technology to about twenty additional states over the next few decades (even the moron Mohammed El Baradei admitted this). North Korea and Pakistan are clearly proliferating nuclear weapons technology. Iran is hip deep in cooperation with the North Koreans. There is objective evidence of this cooperation and I will dismiss any suggestion to the contrary.

    Now to the question of is my understanding that getting from the five percent to the twenty percent enrichment level is a major technical accomplishment. It is also my understanding that it is not difficult to take it to the next step of enriching from twenty percent to weapons grade HEU at 90% plus.

    And you haven't answered my question about why the Iranians have stockpiled more than ten years worth of HEU enriched to the medical isotope level? Why would they do so? All I am saying is that you have eyes, ears, inductive reasoning and deductive not deceive yourself about Iranian intentions.

    I'm not interested in trouble with the Iranians. My hostility is limited to American leftists. The Fates will take care of the Iranians.

    Edit: If I'm not willing to act to stop Iran I certainly will not do anything to oppose Israeli and Indian possession of nuclear weapons. It's too late to stop any of this now. A nightmare world is being born.
  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Not according to 16 US intelligence agencies, and that of Israel.
  23. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    US Intelligence Agencies? Isn't that a contradiction in terms? Why would anyone accept the conclusions of American intelligence agencies. They are always mistaken. American intelligence agencies told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I dismiss US intelligence agencies and their conclusions summarily based on an established record of incompetence.
  24. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Well, yes, you can say that, but often intelligence advice is ignored.

    Or it is twisted.
  25. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    When I walk somewhat west of north, I am heading for the magnetic north pole.
    What conclusions can you draw about my longer term ambitions when I leave the house and head off in that direction?

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