The Most Dangerous People in the World

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bricklayer, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    The greastest threat to life is the threat to liberty. However,the greatest threat to liberty does not come from those who would impose their less-than-best intentions upon others; it comes from those who would impose their very best intentions upon others.The most dangerous people in the world do not see the imposition of their best intentions upon others as a usurpation of other people's best intentions for themselves; they see it as an alternative to that which is substandard.

    Progressives on the 'left' and the 'right', islamists, communists, fascists and socialists are all possessed of the same benevolent arrogance and the same desire to impose their very best intentions upon others by force of law.

    The use of force, even by governments, is only legitimate when enforcing a proscribed set of less-then-best intentions.
    The use of force, even the force of law, is illegitimate if it is used to impose a prescribed set of best intentions upon others.

    Pride is the underlying error. It is pride that must be compartmentalized as much as possible, and liberty is the least worst way to do that. Liberty is authority over and responsibility for self. Liberty, like tolerance and charity, has a voluntary nature. Benevolently arrogant attempts to mandate tolerance and charity are travesties; they are grotesque distortions of tolerance and charity. They are anathema to tolerance and charity and ultimately liberty.

    Freedom is not liberty. Freedom is freedom-from. Liberty is liberty-to. Our founding fathers fought for our freedom, and every generation since has fought to preserve our liberty. Freedom from want, even freedom from need, is not worth one shred of liberty. Want, need and death are tolerable, the loss of liberty is not. Give me liberty or give me death.
  2. Spiritus Libertatis

    Spiritus Libertatis New Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    I would have said Islamists, North Koreans and the US Military but ok.
  3. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The road to perdition is paved with good intentions.
  4. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    No 'party' is trying to push more legislation than the 'liberty-loving' Tea Party. Funny how that works. They want to control what people do in the bedroom, how they vote, etc. The GOP is trying to not let them overtake their party but it's really the only party they can latch on to. 2016 will be messy.
  5. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    the tea party doesn't care what you do in your bedroom. they are tired of politicians kow-towing to special interest groups, giving special privileges to protected classes and demanding we redefine our entire society to fit the demands of the nation's malcontents. the tea party isn't interested in controlling your vote. they are simply interested in seeing that our voters are qualified to cast a ballot in this country and that they only do it once in each election. the gop needs to be rebuilt, giving the conservatives of this country a real voice in government and not just a choice of the lesser of two statist evils. if that means bringing the corrupt political animals that control the two major parties to their knees and forcing our runaway government to a grinding halt, then so be it. better to throw a monkey wrench into the works now than to wait until the outrageous tax and spend policies of our "representatives" brings us all to ruin.
  6. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    The Taxed Enough Already Party does not care about contrived social issues. They care about fiscal sanity and solvency.

  7. BethanyQuartz

    BethanyQuartz New Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    So you are an anarchist, right? You don't want anyone telling anyone else what to do under any circumstances, no matter how good their intentions?

    Because if you do support any form of governance in society, you simply refute your entire argument and make it just a matter of quibbling over who shall make the rules and what those rules shall be and who shall have to obey them.
  8. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    I know. The TP is about small government, fiscal responsibility, merit, and lower taxes. But it's not. It's really a social conservative 'party' that has put the economy on the back seat as they focus on their God, Guns and Gays agenda.

    If you want what you just wrote, you either have to reclaim the TP or start a new one, because the current one is full of moral panics that will only increase the size and scope of government. Why is the Tea Party so involved in abortion legislation?
  9. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    You don't even understand what the Tea Party is. And sadly, that's not even the problem. Because if it were just a lack of information, a few quick links could clear everything up for you. The problem is that you couldn't care less what the Tea Party is. Because you have no interest in truly understanding them. Only in judging them and condemning them for being different from you. Which means all the facts in the world won't do dick to open your mind. You're going to cram them into whatever ill-fitting description you please. People like you are the problem with this country. Not the solution.
  10. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    My introduction to the Tea Party was in 2009 at Murray and Broadway on "Tax Day". I just wanted to see the WTC and they just wanted to shout about how Obama was a fascist. This was just a few months into his Presidency and they didn't really know what Obama's Presidential policy was, but the "We Want Our White House Back" signs gave me a clue about why many of them were really there -- and it had nothing to do with taxes.

    Well, I don't mind paying my share in taxes. We should all pull our own weight. Money doesn't grow on trees and the more we prosper from society, the more we should pay it back. Some people just want others to pay their share and shirk their social responsibility.

    Fiscal responsibility is a good thing. I was first in line to criticize the cost of the Obamacare website. Taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for ineptitude or corruption. On the other hand, it takes money to keep a society running and it makes sense that those with money should pay for this.

    As for Tea Party "small government": Every time somebody says, "I want to outlaw ___________," they're saying, "I want to make new law that prohibits ____________." With each new law, the government gets bigger. The TP has proposed all kinds of laws concerning gay marriage, abortion, protection of religion (Christianity), etc. What does any of these have to do with fiscal responsibility or smaller government? Not only is the TP pushing for bigger government, but this will cost more... ahem... taxes.

    If you want fiscal responsibility, the TP isn't the best idea.
  11. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    Take notes if you need to because you're about to learn the difference between an anarchist and a libertarian.

    A libertarian affirms the need to enforce a proscribed set of less-than-best intentions from being imposed upon others; an anarchist does not.

    Neither an anarchist or a libertarian affirm imposing a prescribed set of best intentions from being imposed upon others.
  12. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Say what?

    The American government passed over 40,000 new laws and regulations alone last year. With increasing laws comes decreasing freedom.

    And we had to find new doctors and health care plans which we pay more for now.

    Now back to work Adolf. There are more laws to pass and freedoms to take away for next year.
  13. jthorp24

    jthorp24 New Member

    May 7, 2010
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    You need to stop reading the Daily Kos and Mother Jones to get your talking points. The Tea Party is not about social issues.
  14. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says:
    That is the lie that the Dems and the MSM would have you believe. The Tea Party couldn't care less what goes on in your bedroom (beyond common crime like assault or murder). What the Tea Party cares about is its stated agenda: Less spending. Less taxation. Less government.

    Less government would have reduced capabilities of snooping in your bedroom. The spy-happy Hussein Obama junta has that capability.
  15. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says:
    Agreed 100%.
  16. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says:
    The Tea Party has proposed none of these. Some Tea Party allies (politics in America requires coalitions) may have proposed such things but if so they did so without the sanction of the Tea Party. This is a lie promulgarted by the scared Democrats and their venal allies in the MSM.
  17. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says:
    It isn't only the best idea. It's the ONLY idea.
  18. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    The most dangerous people in this country are the radical left, the big government tax and spenders. They have some brain damaged idea that they and they alone need to dictate to the rest of us how to live and what to do.

    Like Thomas Jefferson said------------the best possible government is the least possible government.
  19. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Clearly the false accusations of the TEA Party being the KKK and Racissssssssssssssss.....

    has failed to destroy their enemy, the "EVIL BOOGEY **********S", so now the Left switches to the 2nd favorite, cheap political ploy:

    "Those evil Right Wingers are going to take away your right to 'Free-Love' " ​

    i.e. Sex without the responsibilities of Marriage, Commitment, Family, and working hard to provide for the natural outcome of having sex, children, hearth and home.

    I would laugh and smirk at the tawdry silliness of it, if I had not seen it work, delivering vast political power to the Left, from the "Young-Dumb-And-Horny" too many times in the past.

    With the Race Card being worn out, and "Racism-Accusation" often Back Firing, due to the "Designated Minorities" often being Over-Represented in positions of power and money...

    We can expect the Left to turn more and more to the Sex Card politics instead.

    In a way, I understand and see the value(s) of that decision.

    1] They already have about as large a percentage of the "Designated Minority" support, at 85+%, as they can reasonably expect to achieve. The remaining "Designated Minority" vote are probably those intelligent enough to see that the parasitic nature of the Left is unsustainable, and/or have both core morals or valuable skills which make them reject the Cult of Victim Hood Redistribution.

    2] Despite changing demographics, America is STILL and will continue to be for the next 50 years, a country in which Whites are single largest Racial Demographic Group. The Obama crew Blatant anti-white dialog now has the sleeping giant awake to its peril. Common, low-mid income whites now see exactly how much tolerance, fairness, and "Equality" they can expect from the Ethnocentric Left running America.

    Just because a 90% of the CEOs are white men, doesn’t mean that 90% of white men are CEOs!

    Further use / abuse of the Race Card is counter productive, in that it drives the race based organization and unification of the Low-Mid Income White American Opposition to the Obama-Camp Ethnocentric Left. The Race Card now does as much damage by unifying the Left's opposition, as it does smearing their opponents.

    And part of that focus also exposes the fact that under the Obama-Nation, the true "Wealthy" in America are more likely to be AA Selected, "Designated Minority", highly paid Government officials and employees. Rather than Corporate Fat-Cats, who are probably corrupt cronnies of the Obama-State anyway.

    3] The Free-Love card, in the form of "Gay-Rights" and "Abortion-Rights" is all about selling absolution from guilt of past sins. Its like the old, medieval Catholic Church selling Indulgences.

    The Sin(s) has already been fully embraced, but deep down, they know that they let their own passions dictate a self-centered, self-destructive path and actions. They don't want to squarely face the consequences of those actions, nor do they want to experience the guilt of have skirted paying the natural penalties of them, by hurting others, particularly innocent children who will now never be even born.

    All humans are born addicted to the brain chemistry reward of sex. So "Sex-without-consequences-and-responsibilities" is the Ultimate Illicit Drug.

    Every last one of U.S. is born addicted-to and instinctively knowledgeable of it.

    So, in steps the Left, ready to hand them cheap, but effective "Indulgences" in the form of "Gay-Rights" and "Abortion-Rights". It gives the Leftie adherent not only absolution from the guilt, but places them on a "Moral Pedestal of Pride", all for the low price of a simple vote.

    For quite a while longer, the Sex Card will remain a very effective tool of Leftie Propaganda and manipulation.

  20. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    There is no such thing as absolute freedom.
    There is no such thing as absolute liberty.

    The expression of these "ideals" in political dogma has warped their meaning.

    Give me liberty! but make sure there are no more terrorist bombings, so establish the largest security apparatus the world has ever seen, invoke telephone books full of regulations restricting the liberty of regular citizens, deny citizens their right to fly, monitor everyone's digital communications and for good measure start screaming from the rafters when everyone finds out that that security apparatus is spying on everyone. Oh my.

    Give me liberty! but give him life for selling a few joints.

    Give me liberty! but demand sovereignty over a woman's womb.

    Give me liberty! but only us hetrosexuals, deny the rights of LGBT.

    Give me liberty! especially to deny equality and basic civil rights to others I don't like/agree with.

    The fantasy distortions of the ideals of the conservative far right. Its almost a religious faith, not requiring facts and bridging no contradictions.
  21. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Does someone hijack your account every other week?
  22. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    The defining differences between conservatives and liberals is what they want to impose upon others.
  23. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    Too often the US Military is employed to impose our best intentions upon others.

    The use of force, even governmental, is only legitimate if it is used to enforce a proscribed set of less-than-best intentions.
    The use of force, even the force of law, is illegitimate if it is used to impose a prescribed set of best intentions.
  24. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Clearly you see some dichotomy in that post... I fail to see what?

  25. Frank Grimes

    Frank Grimes New Member Past Donor

    Nov 23, 2013
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    why do you think everyone's intentions are good? Muslims don't like infidels, and blacks don't care if their demands for white wealth cause any pain. In fact they probably like it that way.

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