What am I?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by AndrogynousMale, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. AndrogynousMale

    AndrogynousMale Active Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Over the past year of me being on this forum, many of my political views have evolved and even been challenged many times. I started off here describing myself as a Libertarian with very progressive leanings on social issues. I still consider myself that somewhat, but my views have definitely changed a bit, to the point where I don't know where I belong on the political spectrum. I've been called a left wing wacko on here as well as a right wing extremist. So I was wondering if you guys could help me with this. Here's some of my positions on major issues:

    Economics: I believe Capitalism is the best economic system for producing wealth and rewarding hard work. However, I realize it is an extremely flawed system, just like any other economic ideology. I don't believe in wealth redistribution or confiscation, but I do believe in basic safety nets for the poor when they fall on hard times. I also believe in basic regulations that set health standards for our food that we buy, as well as controlling the amount of harmful wastes that permeate our society.

    While I believe Capitalism is the best system we're every likely to have, one behavior I hate about many who praise it's values are the ones that have an elitist attitude about those in the lower income brackets. For example, when Fox News hosts label everyone on government assistance as being a lazy bum looking for handouts, I get a little enraged. There definitely are people who are lazy and look for handouts, as a few of my friends are that way, but it's not true of everyone.

    Immigration: I am completely against Illegal Immigration and any attempts to treat them as a citizen when they are not. For example, some on the far left refer to them now as "Undocumented Citizens." Not only is this an example of Orwellian New speak, but it's an example of taking a term that has a negative stigma attached to it (which it should), and making it acceptable. If someone broke into my house, I wouldn't make negotiations with them or promise them amnesty. I realize it's not as simple as kicking them out, but we shouldn't be rewarding them, either.

    Gay Marriage: I believe love can exist between all adults capable of consent, so I wouldn't have a problem with a nationwide law being passed making same sex marriage legal in all fifty states. Such an action wouldn't discriminate against anyone, even though some on the far right would argue that point. I would also make exemptions for churches that believe strongly in marriage between one man and one woman so that they wouldn't have to perform marriages that are counter to their beliefs. This would be fair because couples that want to marry can easily get a marriage license from the state as well deeply religious individuals not being forced to perform marriages they don't agree with.

    Abortion: I'm very much in the middle on this topic. I've generally been against it, but I do realize that in cases of rape or when the woman's life may be in danger due to the pregnancy, it is a viable option. I think early term abortion might be okay, if it's within the first six weeks of conception, but as for allowing late term abortions, I'm against that because at that point, the baby is developed enough to be considered murder. I'm also not a huge fan of the way the pro-choice crowd frames the argument. It used to be about the fetus, but now the argument is about the woman's choice. Don't get me wrong, I believe women should have the same rights as men, but if you have a living and breathing human developing inside you, especially if it's middle to late term, the woman's choice argument seems to be more about putting selfish desires above the life of the baby. Also, not everyone who isn't 100% pro-choice is sexist. Some of us just happen to care about the fetus as well. That doesn't make us anti-woman or misogynist. Anyway, this is one of the few topics that has so many different sub-angles that I don't really have a clear position on it.

    Gun Control: I believe it's every American's right to defend themselves. I'm generally sick of politicians who constantly want to use tragedies to push more gun regulation, especially when they use the "it's for the children" argument. I also find it interesting how the political party that claims to stand up for minorities is also the same party that wants to restrict their right to defend themselves.

    Religion: As an agnostic who leans atheist, I realize that the U.S has always had a Christian majority. That being said, the religious right has gotten way out of hand. The fake "War on Christians" or "War on Christmas" memes that these people moan and groan about is just simply not real. I try to respect religious beliefs, but it's hard when so many have a persecution complex when someone just simply disagrees with them. I think a lot of Christians in this country have a sense of entitlement to the culture, which is why so many of them get offended when they see things in the media that go against their beliefs. The hatred of Hollywood or anything different from their beliefs being represented in the media proves this. Not all Christians are like this, obviously, but it does seem to be a trend among the Christian right.

    Social Justice: I'm generally very progressive about social issues, particularly on racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. I believe these things have been used as political weapons against minorities in America, and they need to go. I don't believe in the government stepping in to ban freedom in speech in the process, but I believe discriminating behaviors should be heavily discouraged by the use of the First Amendment to drown out the bigots.

    While I'm liberal about these issues, I also realize that there are some on the far left that try to apply the claim of racism or sexism to things that aren't even remotely sexist or racist. An example would be people who say being against illegal immigration makes you a racist. There may be racist sentiments among some who are against it, but it isn't inherently racist to believe people should immigrate the correct way. It's important not to take things too out of context when describing social issues.

    Political Parties: This is the infuriating aspect of American politics to me because it seems like two big clubs that you feel like you're supposed to fit into. On one side, you have the Republicans who are generally have the stereotypes of being pro-capitalist, anti-gay, pro-Christian, pro-big business, pro-gun, anti abortion, family values oriented, etc. On the other side, Democrats have the stereotype of being for big government, pro-same sex marriage, pro abortion, more socialist than capitalist, etc. Arguing politics is difficult for me because I don't fit these stereotypes 100%. With the Democrats, I agree and disagree with their various views, and vice versa for the Republicans. I've generally sided with being Libertarian, simply because it felt like a nice middle ground in between the two parties, especially with me being fiscally conservative and socially liberal. But I've evolved a bit and now believe some government intervention is needed to keep things safe and fair to an extent.

    In conclusion, I feel out of place sometimes on this forum, because people seem to take up sides on the left or the right and parrot all of the views from that side. It's so damn predictable that I know exactly what certain members think of a particular issue even without them actually saying anything about it. I'm not trying to be a special snowflake or anything, but I generally don't know what to identify as on this forum. Everything is so polarized, it's hard to tell.

    So politically speaking, what would you identify me as?
  2. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Don't expect to get a serious answer from an online forum - the opinons of anonymous strangers probably should be taken with a grain of salt
  3. AndrogynousMale

    AndrogynousMale Active Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    This definitely is true, but it is something that I've been wondering about for a while. Hopefully someone with political expertise can help out here.
  4. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I'd say you're moderate or centrist.
  5. Bear513

    Bear513 Banned

    Jun 25, 2012
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  6. AndrogynousMale

    AndrogynousMale Active Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    How so?
  7. Bear513

    Bear513 Banned

    Jun 25, 2012
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    No offense, but the way it was worded in the op and I have been ghost reading a bit over the few years. But I think those past post are cool and interesting.
  8. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I would say right now, you don't really need to choose. It's clear that at the moment, you are an Independent. I would be comfortable with just staying that way as your views continue to evolve. You don't know where you may eventually wind up and in the meantime you can avoid being put in a box and categorized.
  9. AndrogynousMale

    AndrogynousMale Active Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Oh, okay. I was just checking.
  10. A Canadian

    A Canadian New Member

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I think you are in the magority. Somewhere in the middle, trying to figure out what is best for you and your country and you are not well represented by either party. You don't need people to agree with you but you should be applauded for your willingness to learn and change your mind.
  11. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    A Log Cabin Republican
  12. Mak54291

    Mak54291 Member

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Left and right is not really good. Maybe it's because I did not have the correct homo education. But of what I've learn, left and right is not a good way to describe someone politic opinion.
  13. Valbona

    Valbona New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    How important is it for you to be identified or labeled in terms of political affiliation? Have you considered perhaps treating each issue independently and then make pros and cons of each to see where you could benefit from the most? (In instances of voting, etc...)
  14. AndrogynousMale

    AndrogynousMale Active Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    I'm not gay, though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Peer pressure can be a nasty thing. Sometimes I wish my views fit into a simple political narrative.
  15. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    They'll accept you anyways. The GOP is the party of inclusion.
  16. Black Monarch

    Black Monarch New Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    You sound pretty solidly left-libertarian.
  17. AndrogynousMale

    AndrogynousMale Active Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    I'd like to believe that, but I'm not too sure. For example, anytime a gay conservative politician gains any traction, tons of condemnation towards that candidate within the GOP starts coming out. I remember when Romney hired a gay man to be a part of his team during election year, and tons of Christian organizations hammered him with hateful rhetoric until Romney promptly fired him.

    The GOP has certainly become more inclusive towards Blacks and Women, but not much towards the LGBT or even the Atheist crowd.
  18. Natural Evidence

    Natural Evidence Member Past Donor

    Dec 30, 2013
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    A life using facilities.
  19. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    You are just a boring political clone bearing precut doctrines.
    From what i remember you are very young , at your age you should question , refute , bash and mock all existing ideas and try to construct your own from level zero.
    Don't believe anyone or anything because we are all flawed and our theories are too. Challenge what you think is right and try to find the purpose behind what you believe is wrong .
    You can become a much better political creature if you avoid embracing the standings of your family and your peers
  20. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    There have been two camps in the GOP as long as I have been alive (which granted isn't as long as some here)--the Christian poor to middle class social conservatives and the Godless Show Me The Money faction. The Show Me The Money Faction has always controlled the party platform until recently. Hate to tell you, but the Democrats are no better--they just lure in people and give them absolutely as little as possible they can to string them along. Don't Ask was a democratic creation that resulted in many more gays being kicked out than before it; Obama only addressed that when forced to do so when he was about to lose the House and gay money if he did not act. Even on gay marriage, the democrats are leading from behind with grassroot groups and determined individuals doing all the heavy lifting. If that is your number 1 issue, you are better off with the libertarians even though you will never elect a candidate.
  21. Lee S

    Lee S Moderator Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 20, 2012
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    I always see you as a fellow Oregonian first and I also think you are an independent thinker who takes the time and effort to look beyond the political sloganeering. I enjoy the fact that you are willing to question your own beliefs and listen to the point of view of others. I hope you stay just the way you are and you change because of challenging life experiences.
  22. munter

    munter New Member

    Jan 23, 2014
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    Moderate Conservative.
  23. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Libertarian who is against illegal immigration which most libertarian don't care much about but for discrimination laws that some libertarians don't like enforced against private individuals. Still libertarian though. Familiar with Friedmans work? All libertarians believe government should keep things safe and fair. They differ in what "fair" means, but it is usually based on externalities and common law ideas like fraud and truth in advertising and labeling. Some like friedman also believe in a basic social safety net.

    No offense meant, but your positions are also predictable. I think by now everyone has argued everything here twice.
  24. everyman2013

    everyman2013 New Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    Independent. You don't go with the party line and you consider issues carefully and make up your own mind. Stick with it.
  25. kill_the_troll

    kill_the_troll Banned

    Aug 3, 2013
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    Well i suppose moving out of pure ideology is the first step... people cannot go on forever placing themselves on the " right " or on the " left ", just because there are two opposite parties. A rational man should ponder what is good from both ideologies, rather than having blind faith in one and only political view. The world has multiple colors and we are born to be rational and creative.

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