Easter has Nothing to do with Bunnies or Eggs...

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by jedimiller, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Nullity

    Nullity Active Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Once you get past the unintelligibility of this post, it is clearly a candidate for the "Most Obvious Invocation of Poe's Law" award of the day.
  2. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    No, it was the Christians who adopted the pagan practices. No need to lie.
  3. AR4137

    AR4137 New Member

    Dec 13, 2009
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    First off, who in the world worships Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? They're symbols, not freaking deities. I don't see any "worship" of them during Easter Egg hunts or Christmas tree lightings.

    Easter, as we celebrate it, incorporates both pagan and Christian traditions. Actually, if you want to get technical, most pagans tend to celebrate Ostara on the Spring Equinox- a whole month earlier than this year's Easter.

    And yes, Christians adopted a few pagan traditions. Big deal. It's not a matter of which religion had it first, it's the inevitable result of two different cultures coming into contact with one another. Several pagan and Christian holidays occurred close to one another, so it was unavoidable for the traditions to blend a bit.

    Furthermore, what's wrong with that? They've become cultural icons, more so than religious ones. Easter celebrates Christ's resurrection, does it not? He made a great sacrifice for mankind, and then rose again as a sign of hope, an ability to forgive the sins of humans. Eggs and rabbits are pagan fertility symbols, which celebrate new life and rebirth, right? They symbolize hope as well, and the triumph of new life after cold, harsh winters.

    I'm a big picture sort of person, so the details don't really interest me that much, but it sounds to me like both celebrate some fairly similar themes.

    Maybe you're the one missing the point of Easter. Though I have to say, if people running around collecting decorated eggs is your biggest concern in life, then I truly envy you.
  4. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Oh, SUCH bull (*)(*)(*)(*). It's the other way round. Get your nose out of the Bible and read some REAL history, willya? Christians made up Easter to insult Pagans, thank you. Pagans had celebrated Spring since time immemorial. That's why the Christians made it a moveable feast, to insult the fact that they were replacing the far more logical Spring Festival which always came on the same day, March 21, the Vernal Equinox, as it should. Fer Crissake if it's so totally about Jesus they why is it called EASTER??, which is from Iostre, a well-known Pagan god. (which I think Wiki got wrong there, as it was probably Ishtar, whose planet was Venus, almost always prominent around the VE.)

    You want to know why some people seem to hate Christianity? It's because nobody is more intolerant than an intolerant Christian. Easter is the most innocent and happy festival for children we have, it's not really become over-commercialized yet. It's not about showing off your gifts and how much better your lights are than everybody else's. It's a simple celebration about how cute bunnies are, how good chocolate tastes and how nice spring is after a long, cold winter. The simple, childlike pleasures that even adults love. There's a LOT of Churchgoing associated with it too, there's the whole of Lent, then "Holy Week" followed by the unabashed delight in suffering Christians so seem to love and thus want to generously give to everyone else, "Good Friday", and Churches are not exactly empty on Easter itself. How much more do you want?

    What are you, one of those guys who crucifies himself? Drive those nails deep, brother, and remember it was through the wrists, as nails in the palm wouldn't hold. Palms are for (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*).
  5. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    And what do you mean about it being "not even catholic"? I notice you are using lower case c which makes it a true statement as Easter is not universal over the entire world, but I strongly suspect you mean Roman Catholic, which makes no sense unless you're one of the Chick Comic Book sorts and all Catholics worship the Pope when they're not busy with the Devil himself.

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