Three Criticisms Of Your Own Party

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by reallybigjohnson, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I figured this would be an interesting experiment. List three things that you don't like about your party. Either a platform position or how they promote from within....anything that you don't like that your party does or stands for. Try and make them meaningful and not just minor cosmetic complaints like bad TV talking heads or Obama's ears stick out.

    If you hold a niche political philosophy such as Libertarian or Green or whatever then list the faults of the party that you usually end up voting for in state or national offices. I usually vote Republican in state wide and national races.

    1) Pandering to social conservatives on issues that have no business being regulated by the government like marriage while at the same time claiming to be for smaller less intrusive government.

    2) Southern Strategy

    3) Constantly putting forth morons that self destruct like Bachmann, Palin, Aikens et al. For (*)(*)(*)(*) sake does the GOP bother to do ANY background checks on candidates before they send out the campaign checks?

    An extra one

    4) Constantly talking about fiscal restraint and balancing the budget but then continue deficit spending even when in control of both houses and the WH (Bush years). GOP is better than the Dems but if you are going to actually campaign on it then actually do it. The Dems at least don't bother with the pretense.
  2. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    I vote for multiple parties.
  3. tomfoo13ry

    tomfoo13ry Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Three Criticisms Of Your Own Party

    1. Louder music. Need bigger speakers.
    2. The good times could have went much later. Should have paid off the police and/or invited the neighbors.
    3. No midget wrestling. Next
  4. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I am a Republican but that is just for the sake of choosing the lesser of two evils. I am by no means a "proud republican" or anything like that it just so happens to be what i am currently registered as. But i am probably never going to vote again because i dont believe in hope for this former great nation anymore.

    For the topic's sake I will say that i hate dozens if not hundreds of things about Republicans and almost all of them revolve around them being too soft, nice, too many lacking in principles, and failure to be united as a party.
  5. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Just one criticism, but it covers a lot:

    Not aggressive enough in not only resisting the growth of the welfare/bureaucratic state but also in rolling it back.
  6. FairDemFem

    FairDemFem New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    I am a registered Democrat - although I vote for who I believe will represent my country/give to my people's needs in the best fashion possible. However, for the Democratic party:

    1. Quit trying to restrict our gun laws. The people who commit 85% of gun crimes are NOT licensed to have a weapon, do NOT have a registered weapon, so quit making it harder/more complicated for the LAW ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZEN to get a freaking gun. I have the RIGHT to bear arms - not the right to go through a ton of bull**** to protect myself.
    2. War is definitely an answer. War is inevitable - hell you might as well call it mandatory. We need a better panel to decide what type of assault/involvement we have in foreign military relations. Example: ISIS <-- Get to doing something, America.
    3.Reform of the current social agencies. I work overtime everyweek, I have a husband, a daughter, and 2 beautiful step daughters. Between he and I, we make JUST ENOUGH to scrape by if we can borrow money from a relative. We make too much comparatively to get assistance yet we desperately need it. Financial assistance, nutrition assistance, all of those outlets should be for people who ABSOLUTELY CANNOT work, or who WORK THEIR ***ES OFF and still can't meet. We need to get these drug addict convicts off our tax money and let it help the people who are actually contributing to society - not these crap awful thugs and lazy f***s killing our people and turning our cities into abandoned trash sites.
  7. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    They are against background checks remember :wink:

    Here are mine.

    1) Refusal to admit they are Socialists

    2) Too materialistic to brake away from Capitalism for the most part

    3) Not strong enough, we puss out and cave into right wing demands far too often

    My extra one,

    4) We are too soft on Islam, in fact we tend to defend them when we should be heavily criticizing them, including the "moderates".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Its hilarious how most of the Republicans Ive seen so far only complaint is "We are too soft on liberals!"
    lol, thats just sad that is the only complaint you guys have of your party.
  8. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    I agree, we should have "Workfare" instead of "Welfare", so people like you get the extra boost they deserve and people leeching can no longer continue leeching. As for "these crap awful thugs and lazy f***s killing our people and turning our cities into abandoned trash sites." Poverty creates crime, its no coincidence whatsoever that people in deep poverty commit by far the most crime. Help these people get a proper education and proper nutrition, and the odds of them becoming thugs are slim to none.
  9. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    I dont see a simple background check to make sure you are not a criminal as going through "a ton of bull****", I think thats perfectly reasonable. If guns were registered to people than there would not be 85% of gun crimes coming from unlicensed guns. With registered guns, if your gun is stolen you report it to the police and anyone found with that gun will be arrested, if someone uses that gun you will not get in trouble because you have reported it to the police that it was stolen. It is too easy for a criminal to buy an unregistered gun, if guns were registered criminals would have a much harder time getting their hands on them and a much harder time keeping them, because as soon as they get pulled over once with an unregistered gun they would go to jail.
  10. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    Just three?

    1) lack of courage and conviction and fight. Is cowed from acting on Republican principals simply because the opposite party and its media will call them names and throw out baseless accusations.

    2)Their lack of support for candidates with conservative principals--fiscal conservatives and social conservatives.

    3)They work to keep the power within the government--while saying something else. At least Democrats are honest.

    4)They sacrifice principals of their party and throw away the objectives of the Republican voters who put them in office, in hopes that the media and the opposite party will like them.
  11. FairDemFem

    FairDemFem New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    It's not the registering that is bull. It's how far people are wanting to take it. Guns already have to be registered - you already have to have a license. If what you state were the reality of the situation, people in my state alone would not be dying from the 'gangsters' and stupid people running around with metal in their pockets. The people commiting the gun crimes in this country are convicts, or criminals, who are not licensed to have them and do not have a registered weapon. Stealing guns is not the only way, there is a huge black market everywhere for gun trafficking.
  12. buddhaman

    buddhaman New Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Actually, most states don't require registration of firearms or a license to own one. 8 states actually prohibit firearm registration.
  13. FairDemFem

    FairDemFem New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    I agree with you on that - I know far too well what poverty creates. It's not just the poverty that does it, however. It's also a person's choice. A lot of younger people these days are not going to school on their own accord. They're dropping out and going towards the illegal parts of life. There is a large part of choice. I know too many people who use the system, which is why I refer to people as such. I am talking about the people who seriously need the assistance. It's the people who can get a job, who can do everything you and I can do that are still using the system. People who sell their food stamps for drugs, people who use their welfare checks for drugs, people who exploit their children for money they should be making with a job. People who cannot afford the children they already have, but keep having more.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh well, that's my fault. I'm sorry. I thought it was a nationwide thing already. We already have those regulations here.
  14. Rainbow Crow

    Rainbow Crow New Member Past Donor

    Apr 17, 2013
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    My criticisms of Republicans are:
    1. Too "Islamophobic."
    2. Sometimes the free market talk is a front for racism but this doesn't keep it from being the better policy. You just have to suck it up sometimes in life.
    3. Too hawkish on foreign policy, I don't believe it's our job to take down every dictator in the world.
  15. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    We already do back ground checks and have been doing them since the late sixties for gun purchases. Just like it will be oh so easy for people to buy Marijauna in Clolrado and Washington that don't have the proper tax stamps...


    1. Quit letting the media pick our candidates and quit letting the media smear the ones they haven't hand picked.
    2. Just because the alphabet soup media hates and constantly defames the tea party doesn't mean you get to pile on.
    3. Like it or not your choices are finding away to get along with social conservatives or ensuring a permanent Democratic majority.
  16. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Free Will does not exist, people are products of their environment. It is "Nature vs. Nurture" not, "Nature vs Nurture (+ Free Will)". Free Will is not in the equation for psychology, every single piece of evidence points in the exact opposite direction of free will.

    Do you know why you are against slavery? You may think its because its abhorrent, but in reality its because you were raised in a society that looks down upon slavery, that is all. Yes, you FEEL you are abhorred by it, and so am I, but we would not feel this way if we were not raised to do so. Another example, Muslims can FEEL God and Mohamed exist, they know it for absolute certain in their minds, but thats the thing, its all in their mind. They are willing to kill themselves for this false belief, but since they were raised from child birth to believe it they really do believe it and they think they can feel Allah's presence and all of that nonsense, im sure they really do feel it, but just because they feel something it doesnt mean its really there. If you see something, it doesnt mean its really there. Our concept of reality is largely just one extremely eloquent illusion that we all fall for, but if you look at things from a scientific standpoint, we are all delusional in these feelings and none of them have any cosmic truth to them, they are just in our heads.

    Try watching this video by Sam Harris, hes smart clever and funny so its worth a watch even if you disagree with him, he talks about how Free Will is an illusion and all evidence backs this up even the psychologists and neruologists admit this, he is a noted neurologist himself.

    The reason I bring this up, is because if free will does not exist than the reason people act the way they do is because they were raised that way, so if we can interrupt this process of them being raised to be mindless thugs for no good reason than we should try our best to do it. Simply blaming them and telling them to handle it themselves is not going to help anybody and will only make things worse, we have to help them and the best way to begin doing that is first by understanding EXACTLY why they act that way, and the answer according to absolutely overwhelming evidence is its their environment making them that way, so we have to change their environment in a way to divert them towards a more productive non-violent path.
  17. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Registered Democrat

    Only three criticisms? I am Democrat by default because I disagree with Democrats less than Republicans.

    a) Harry Reid? For god sake how the hell did that cretin get to be head of the Senate?
    b) Immigration- stop pandering and get something done- make our Southern border secure.
    b-1) I want comprehensive immigration reform- but I think that the 'pathway to citizenship' is stupid. Yes- a pathway to legalization, but if you come here illegally, you don't get a pathway to become a citizen.
    c) War on Drugs- stop pandering to the irrationals- end the war on drugs
  18. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I am registered republic and only because of Nevada laws. I vote, first and foremost, for the candidate and the issues.

    So, with that in mind - all political parties:

    have full-time hacks who do nothing in life but try to get people elected to office - too wimpy to do it themselves.\\

    have those who care more about themselves than the people they were elected to represent

    Do everything possible to keep their Inner Circles intact, striking out at any "outsider".
  19. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Because Dingy Harry is and has always been a kiss-ass guy who has done everything he could to earn political favors to be paid back by continually elevating him within the Senate.

    And, what sickens me more is how Nevadans continue to vote for him. :flame:
  20. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    There is only one party and it is divided into two working parts that are set up to protect a common cause. Taking care of their rich/elite bosses whomever they may be at the time.

    If I had a party representing the best interest of the nation as a whole, many things would be going on. Less regulations to protect the rich/elites, no open bribery of politicians (lobbying), and accountability, both economically and morally/ethically. All the things necessary to assure that the two parties of the rich/elites would never be in charge again.
  21. nra37922

    nra37922 Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Three Criticisms of FILL IN BLANK Party

    1) The power mad whores they run
    2) The pandering whores they run
    3) The power mad pandering whores they run
  22. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    there is a difference between a background check and registration. You can have a back ground check without registration but the other way around is as likely as a thunderstorm on the moon.
  23. PT Again

    PT Again New Member

    May 22, 2014
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    0 don't have firearm registration in Kentucky...........

    you don't have to have a license either.............
  24. buddhaman

    buddhaman New Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Yes. There is a difference between a background check and registration. So?
  25. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Well, i don't really have a party.. but if i did, it would have these problems:

    1. Not enough draw for the free stuff crowd.. my party would promote limited austere govt, with few goodies for the electorate.
    2. Not enough draw for the imperialistic crowd. We would defend the nation ONLY, & not engage in meddling around the world.
    3. Limited draw for representatives, as riches would be unlikely, & careers in govt would be minimal & subsistent.

    There is actually no party for this, but these principles are clearly enumerated in the constitution & the american founder's writings. Too bad we don't see the wisdom in promoting this kind of self rule...

    "Our public economy is such as to offer drudgery and subsistence only to those entrusted with its administration--a wise and necessary precaution against the degeneracy of the public servants." ~Thomas Jefferson

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