Video shows cop fatally shot man with raised hands

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Oldyoungin, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    BRIDGETON, N.J. — Another police killing is stirring anger in another town, this time in New Jersey, where a tense traffic stop captured on video ended with a passenger shot to death as he stepped out of a car with his hands raised at shoulder height.
    The newly released footage from a police dashboard camera shows Bridgeton officers Braheme Days and Roger Worley in a Dec. 30 stop that escalates quickly after Days warns his partner about seeing a gun in the glove compartment of the Jaguar.
    Days screams over and over at the passenger, Jerame Reid, “Show me your hands!” and “If you reach for something, you’re going to be f—— dead!” The officer appears to reach into the car and remove the gun. But the brief standoff ends with Reid disregarding Days’ order to not move, stepping out and getting shot.
    The shooting has touched off protests in Bridgeton, a struggling city of about 25,000 people — two-thirds of them black or Hispanic — 35 miles from Philadelphia.
    The case came after months of turbulent demonstrations and violence over the killings of unarmed black men by white police officers in New York and Ferguson, Missouri.
    Days is black, his partner white. The passenger was black, as was the driver.
    Both officers have been placed on leave while the Cumberland County prosecutor’s office investigates.
    Activists are calling on the prosecutor to transfer the case to the state attorney general. County Prosecutor Jennifer Webb-McCrae has disqualified herself from the case because she knows Days. First Assistant Prosecutor Harold Shapiro would not comment on the investigation Wednesday.
    “The video speaks for itself that at no point was Jerame Reid a threat and he possessed no weapon on his person,” said Walter Hudson, chair and founder of the civil rights group the National Awareness Alliance. “He complied with the officer and the officer shot him.”
    Reid, 36, had spent about 13 years in prison for shooting at New Jersey State Police troopers when he was a teenager. He was also arrested last year on charges including drug possession and obstruction; Days was one of the arresting officers then.
    The video was released through open records requests from the South Jersey Times and the Press of Atlantic City.
    The officers had pulled over the Jaguar for rolling through a stop sign, and the encounter starts friendly. But Days suddenly steps back, pulls his gun and tells the men, “Show me your hands.”
    Days tells his partner there is a gun in the glove compartment and then appears to reach in and remove a handgun.
    The driver, Leroy Tutt, is seen showing his hands atop the open window on his side of the car. It’s not clear what Reid is doing, though Days repeatedly warns him not to move during the standoff of less than two minutes.
    “I’m going to shoot you!” Days shouts, referring to Reid at one point by his first name. “You’re going to be … dead! If you reach for something, you’re going to be … dead!”
    “I ain’t got no reason to reach for nothing, bro. I ain’t got no reason to reach for nothing,” Reid says as Days continues to yell to his partner that Reid is reaching for something.
    Someone then says, “I’m getting out and getting on the ground,” but Days yells at Reid not to move.
    The passenger door pops open and Reid emerges. His hands are at about shoulder height and appear to be empty. As he steps out, the officers fire at least six shots.
    After the shooting, there are shouts from people in the area, and other police and emergency vehicles arrive.



    Hmmm. One thing I want to say first is we should have all police train for these situations more and develop a universal "lingo" or code of action that must be followed. This one could and should have been avoided. More thoughts as more details come in.
  2. MisterMet

    MisterMet New Member Past Donor

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Once the officer identified that they had a weapon, you better start following directions.

    He was told not to move. He was told not to get out of the car. He got out of the car (which hid his hands) and looked to be preparing a charge or other form of attack. He already was found in possession of a gun, the officer has to assume he is armed in that situation. Clean shooting.

    Charge a cop who just saw you had a gun, get shot. Simple really.
  3. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    if you have a gun, is this the way the cops will treat you....

    while I 100% support the 2nd, this is one of the reasons why I choose not to carry a gun

  4. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    The officer is a direct communicator. I like that.

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    If you reach for it when they tell you not to reach for it, yea, probably.
  5. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Both of his hands were sticking far out the window with palms up and down, flat. And then he got shot.....I don't know how you got 'preparing to charge or other form of attack' when he got shot int he car and slumped out of the car and was cuffed.
  6. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    When I went through training I was taught to say, "if you reach for that gun/weapon I will shoot you, do you understand?".

    Its pretty hard to lose anything in translation that way.
  7. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    and a few steps back from the officer on the right would have given him more space and time to react once the guy started getting up...
  8. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Yeah , its the other moments though. Ive seen on cops where they tell you to "dont move" , but at the same time "hands out the window" or " get on the (*)(*)(*)(*)ing ground" etc...
  9. MisterMet

    MisterMet New Member Past Donor

    Mar 8, 2013
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    I think you need to watch again. The driver has his hands out of the window and followed directions and therefore was uninjured. The passenger is the one who was shot AFTER exiting the vehicle. The officer lost sight of the victims hands when victim exited the car after being told not to. If you're the cop, you have to assume he has that gun you just saw.
  10. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Did you watch a different video or something? lol

    He got shot as got out of the car....after he was told not to move...after he was reaching for something (causing the officer to disengage)...after he was told not to reach for anything. He was not shot when he was inside the car...and he did not have his hands sticking "far out the window". I think you are confusing the passenger with the driver.

    Did you even watch the entire video?
  11. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    holy crap, I had to pause a couple times of rewatching to realize that their was a second guy in the passenger seat and he was the one who got shot. guy completely blends into the dark background.

    You can see the whites of his palms for an instant, but he shouldn't have moved. The cop should have backed up to a safer distance to better evaluate the situation.
  12. glloydd95

    glloydd95 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    I don't see any kind of a charge either. He should not tried to exit the car without being instructed to do so.

    That said, that officer is too panicky and does not appear to handle stress well.
  13. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    The situation dictates the tactics.

    What you are talking about is tactics used if a weapon is either suspected or unknown. In this situation a weapon was identified, deeming it appropriate for the officer to make this man aware of the ramifications of a lunge towards that weapon.

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    Life doesnt have a pause button.

    The officer did nothing wrong. There is no arguing otherwise.
  14. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    While I don't think he should face any sanctions for his actions, there is definitely a lesson for him to learn for the next time.
  15. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    LOL really? How would you conduct yourself when a man you know shot at police officers in the past has a gun and isnt listening to your clear and direct commands????
  16. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Are you serious?????? How is the officer catching ANY criticism for this? He acted appropriately and correctly. Wow...unbelievable. The anti-cop insanity is reaching new lows. :wall:

    I am effectively convinced that anti-cop types will not give an officer any benefit of the doubt in a shooting unless he takes 5 shots to the chest first....
  17. X-ray Spex

    X-ray Spex Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Very disturbing. Very.

    We think that these days, with all the anti-police sentiment out there, that somebody needs to remind people how dangerous a policeman's job is, rather than stir them up with crap like:
    People, you need to understand how dangerous a cop's job is. Any traffic stop could result in his or hers getting killed. Any routine traffic stop or casual contact with the public. They could get killed. We don't want that! So show some respect, say 'yes sir' or 'yes ma'am,' follow their instructions to a T, be polite, and be non-threatening. If people wouldn't be belligerent smartasses none of this stuff would be happening.

    Just show some respect. What's so hard about that? We don't get it.
  18. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    ....You honestly think that every shooting situation doesn't have things to learn from it? Nobody is perfect, and moments like this are specifically used to teach after the fact. No matter how good I deal with a problem at work, we still go over it after the fact to find ways to not get into the same situation again. It's basic problem solving common sense, not "Anti-Cop Insanity".

    If you'll notice, I started my sentence saying the Cop shouldn't face any sanctions from this. That is the indicator that I supported his actions.
  19. glloydd95

    glloydd95 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    Shooting a suspect who isn't shooting at you should be a LAST resort in an effort to control a suspect. That officer was threatening to kill this guy with a voice that suggested to me he could lose it at any moment.

    I would conduct myself by telling the suspect in a firm but controlled voice that any action other than my instructions would result in my firing my weapon.

    I have been in a few fire fights and some VERY tense search and seizure inspections and I never sounded like that.
  20. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Nobody on earth gets blanket respect. They understand the risks when they get into the job. Yes it has a dangerous element, which is why it is a statistical rarity for a cop to be charged for an on the job shooting. That doesn't mean they get carte blanch just because they are a cop.
  21. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    This raises an important question, when police pull a car over, whether they have the right to shoot someone who does not comply with orders when they feel threatened.

    Does the person in the car have the right to do the same?
    How do they even know for sure it's a real police officer?
    Or do we just take away all individual rights, in the name of the public good and keeping order.
  22. X-ray Spex

    X-ray Spex Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    We respectfully disagree. We think that their putting on the uniform places them in a position where they deserve respect and cooperation. People should do what they say. They represent society, they represent law and order, and their job is dangerous. What's the quote again?

    If you don't mind, we would prefer to go on sleeping peaceably.
    Cubed and (deleted member) like this.
  23. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I never said they don't deserve respect and cooperation, I said they don't get blanket respect simply for passing the exams and putting on the uniform. Everyone gets....75% respect off the cuff, and then it goes up and down based on actions from there. I don't trust anyone fully unless they prove themselves worthy of that to me.

    That said, respect and civility/politeness aren't the same thing. I'm not saying yell 'f the police' every time you see one, and Yes Sir and No Sir goes a long way when dealing with them.
  24. glloydd95

    glloydd95 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    Something else to consider: The police have to be better than the populace they are policing. If they aren't, they are just another gang with cooler guns and matching gang sign.
  25. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Then you went on to criticize him when he did nothing wrong. The only problem is with the recidivist, not the police officer.

    It was a last resort, thank you. The guy was given plenty of chances to just sit still and instead he disobeyed each time. You cannot kill someone with a voice. Im not sure what you even mean by that. Im told I have a "scary cop voice" but Im about the most even tempered guy in the world and generally soft spoken. When its go-time the animal comes out in some people. Thank God that sometimes those people choose to wear a uniform.

    Its Wednesday afternoon, not Monday morning....FYI. The officer could not have been more clear in his words. Aggressiveness is a good thing when you work the streets.

    Did I say anything about blanket respect? Im talking about in this are letting your liberalness take over your common sense here. Criticizing the police officer for doing EVERYTHING CORRECT AS TRAINED. This was classroom model (except for the F bombs, but what can you do?) and if I was an instructor I would show this video as an officer acting appropriately given the totality of the circumstances.

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