Will more black people vote for Republicans this year?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Sgt_McCluskey, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Don't see that happening. For all practical purposes, they do own their votes. The Republicans are never going to win votes from groups who want to be catered to as a group. You can't outbid the Democrats.
  2. Sgt_McCluskey

    Sgt_McCluskey Banned

    Nov 21, 2014
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    So though blacks have been voting almost exclusively Democrat for the last 50 years and complaining that nothing changes, the solution is to continue voting Democrat thinking it will change.That's the definition of insanity.
  3. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    You are aware that in Texas for instance there were no where near as many Hispanics by population ratio voting Democratic Party as there were (nationwide) Blacks voting Dem Party? That's because Hispanics ARE NOT culturally uniform and nor do they all come from the same regions of Mexico or Central or South America. In fact conservatism is part and parcel of much of the various Hispanic cultures. So, yes, many, MANY Hispanics do indeed vote for GOPers.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I don't know about this year but next year, maybe 10% of the blacks will vote Republican while the other 90% will still be waiting for that Obama money that they have been waiting for for the past six years.

    The bigger question is, how many whites will still be voting for Democrats in 2016 ? There's an white exodus from the Democrat party and now it looks like it's white Catholics who are now fleeing the Democrat party. Soon the only whites who will be left in the Democrat party will be marxist, white beard scratching liberals and Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Jerry Brown and maybe a few burned out LSD freaks.
  5. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Actually that does seem to be about the size of it according to all that post 2014 polling data that the DNC has been utterly determined to ignore. It wasn't just that Dem Party voters stayed home in droves it was that tons of White Dem Party voters turned their backs on the Party and became (for the most part) Independents.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    It will be independents and the MSM who will be deciding who the next President will be. Maybe a few million illegal aliens ?

    Yesterday Ted Cruz mentioned the Reagan Democrats. The Reagan Democrats are todays independents but most of the Reagan Democrats are no longer with us today, they were those WW ll vets who have died of old age.
  7. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    True, but to get back to the OP, I personally believe that if Hillary runs (automatically guaranteeing her the nomination after going through the farce of a primary) then Blacks will stay home in droves come election day rather than risk the chance that a President Hillary Clinton could indeed turn out to be a far, FAR better and all around more competent Dem Party president than has been their . . . Political Messiah.

    They would far rather see it going to an EVIL GOPer than risk Hillary getting into the Oval Office and showing up Barack Obama.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Showing up Barack Obama ? :roflol:

    For the first time in 35 years Jimmy Carter can be seen with a smile on his face. Nixon's grave in Yorba Linda has flowers sprouting up and Nixon is probably smiling knowing he doesn't look so much as a crook when compared to Obama.

    But black Americans will continue believing that a community organizer is a real legitimate job.
  9. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Well, considering that the 2014 midterms actually showed the Democrats receiving a slightly higher percentage of the "white vote", compared to 2010, I'm not so sure your assertions are true. However, even if the right wing fantasy of "most whites abandoning the Democrats" comes true, that likely only means "non hispanic whites". You see, Cubans, many whom are racially white, are abandoning the GOP in droves, as they are seeing the party for the joke that it is. So while the Dems may in fact be losing "non hispanic white" voters, they are in fact gaining white voters back as many of those EVIL hispanics are racially white. So before you and your right wing brethren starting hilariously celebrating a "white exodus from the Democratic party", realize that many of those racially white hispanic voters will be replacing those "non hispanic white" voters.

    Of course, the amusing thing about those "non hispanic white" voters that right wingers claim are abandoning the Democrats in droves is that where will they go? Considering that there's a 95% certainty the GOP nominee in 2016 is going to support what the right considers "amnesty", will they still be loyal voting Republicans? Or will they start their own third party to save them from the supposed anti white hatred oozing out of the pours of the EVIL non white minorities?
  10. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    As I said the first time that particular poster made the claim of "blacks will stay home in 2016", considering all the racist excrement that has been pouring out of the mouths of right wingers since 2008 (most times behind the safety of their computer screens), I suspect blacks will come out in full force and vote for ANY liberal/Democrat politician for the sole specific reason of sticking a big fat collective middle finger in the faces of racist and race baiting right wingers everywhere.

    I do thoroughly understand why conservatives are hoping and praying that blacks stay home. Blacks in 2012 flexed their political muscles, playing a large part in Obama defeating Romney in 2012. It's actually kind of amusing really, how the only way the conservatives can win is if EVIL blacks and various other minorities stay home. Goes to show what complete garbage their party and ideology is.
  11. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    there are an increasing number of blacks who look at the Democratic cesspools of Detroit and Chicago and wonder was this really worth it?

    ESPN radio and TV commentator Stephen A. Smith is urging fellow African-Americans to vote for Republican candidates, arguing the Democratic Party has taken the black vote“for granted.”

    Smith said the black community is at fault as well, arguing many members have allowed the situation to persist and last week argued that they should vote Republican in at least one election cycle.

    Defending his argument over the weekend, he told CNN,“We’ve given one party our vote because they’ve successfully gone about the business of convincing (us) that the Republican Party is completely against the interest of the black community. We bought it hook, line and sinker.

  12. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    I read that article a few days ago and it was sweet. It also amounts to another ***** in the Dem Party's political wall. In order to get people to BEGIN the process of thinking for themselves you have to get them asking questions that the Dem Party leadership and its hosts of political operatives never, EVER want minority groups in general -- and Blacks specifically -- to begin asking.

    Why are all Dem Party controlled cities or states essentially hell holes for minorities? Why do Blacks specifically never improve as communities under Dem Party and leftwing 'leadership'? Why has the Black family structure disintegrated under the Dem Party's loving care? As for other minorities . . . why are Hispanic politicians now flocking to the GOP? So forth and so on.

    Once minority groups finally begin asking those questions then they begin the process of breaking free of Dem Party influence and control.
  13. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    At least they are only being led, the GOP is pushing too.

    How do you expect people to vote for you when they bring up real concrete examples of racial prejudice, discrimination and hatred , combined with stats that back them up and you continue to say that it's ALL the victim's fault and that the prejudice they deal with every day is a delusion. You say that everyone can succeed in America and there is no hatred or prejudice anymore and then allow a half drunk cop wannbe who was told to stand down to kill an unarmed black youngster on the basis of a story I wouldn't expect my mother to believe. Finally, why do you think people will vote for you when you come right out and TELL them you are going to throw them, and anybody like them, under the bus. Romney was supposed to be President for the 47% too, but he certainly didn't think so. He lost for that, and you will too, if you keep it as your main party platform
  14. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    You can, of course, show us those 'stats'.
  15. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Perhaps Smith doesn't realize that blacks used to overwhelmingly support the Republicans...

    Perhaps Smith should be asking why the GOP abandoned their progressive roots, in order to become the party of the conservative?
  16. APlus

    APlus New Member

    Mar 27, 2015
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    Republicans have major issues with all minority groups in America - none of them vote for Republicans. Not African Americans, not Hispanics, and not Asians. African Americans disproportionately so, but Hispanics and Asians vote Democrat at a rate of 75% or so.

    Why is this? Because minority groups are more liberal and urban. As the country's minority population is growing, so the country is growing more liberal and urban. And, don't forget the urban centers are the engines of growth in America.

    An argument was made the democrat party has caused harm to minority groups, this is not true. There was no "hay-day" for African-Americans in America, ever. It's been a bad deal for them for over 400 years. The democrat party gives a voice to African-Americans and actually listens to African-American issues.

    I will say this, Rand Paul is doing a very good job listening to African-Americans. His focus on reforming the criminal justice system due its disproportionate and devastating impact on AAs is a great start and more Republicans should follow his lead.
  17. proof-hunter

    proof-hunter New Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    The democrat party has not helped the blacks, because they know they will ALWAYS vote democrat, so
    that vote is zipped up for then to keep, no need for the dems to do anything to better the blacks life.
    and the blacks JUST DO NOT vote republican, so why even waste their time?.

    So now the blacks have enfranchised them self's. Why won't
    the blacks MAKE each side pay a price for not working for them?, by using their votes?

    I think the question is for the BLACKS to answer.

  18. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Rand Paul has absolutely no shot at getting the nomination in 2016. It will be Jeb Bush or Scott Walker, and both will make attempts at trying to garner more minority voters, much to the dismay of the GOP's bitter conservative base.

    I do disagree that the Democrats will have a stronghold on the votes of minority voters forever. For instance, I believe over 60% of young Republicans support gay marriage. Once these younger and more socially liberal members become the majority of the voters, the GOP will then have less of a hard time attracting minority voters, because the bitter racist and race baiting older right wingers will have become so irrelevant, that the GOP will have long stopped pandering to them, which will make them politically impotent. By then, the GOP could go back to start focusing more on fiscal conservatism, as they won't have a need anymore to pander to the George Wallace voting right wingers they have been pandering to since the 1960's. There's going to be a whole new wave of voters taking over the GOP in the future, much to the dismay of the current crop of bitter voters they have now.
  19. CJtheModerate

    CJtheModerate New Member

    Jul 8, 2013
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    No they did not.

  20. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    You are right, I misstated. Then again, this is entirely based on presidential elections, and nothing more. Chances are back then more blacks voted Republican on a local and state level. Regardless, a MASSIVE change happened after the civil rights act was passed, that saw the majority of blacks migrate to the Democrats, and southern conservatives to migrate to the party of Lincoln.
  21. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    Wrong. Check the demos for Chicago mayor the last 50 years.

    Wrong again...............


    Where did all of the Dixiecrats go?
    Democrats argue that Southern Dixiecrat racists fled from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party after the Civil Rights Act in 1964. That would of course be an odd thing to do, given that Republicans, who had a 100-year history of support for civil rights, voted for Civil Rights with much larger majorities than Democrats, who have a 150-year history of support for slavery, segregation, and the Ku Klux Klan.

    The 150-year civil rights struggle can be summed quite accurately: it was a struggle of Republicans supporting civil rights against Democrats opposing it. By the mid-20th century, some Democrats had come around to the Republican view that blacks had civil rights.

    The opponents of civil rights have always been Democrats.

    But let's take a look at how many Dixiecrat segregationalists remained Democrats, and how many switched parties:

    Dixiecrats who remained Democrats after 1964:

    Orval Fabus
    Benjamin Travis Laney
    John Stennis
    James Eastland
    Allen Ellender
    Russell Long
    John Sparkman
    John McClellan
    Richard Russell
    Herman Talmadge
    George Wallace
    Lester Maddox
    John Rarick
    Robert Byrd
    Al Gore, Sr.
    Bull Connor

    Dixiecrats who became Republicans after 1964:
    Strom Thurmond
    Miles Godwin
  22. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    It's okay, your revisionist history is duly noted. It is amusing how you strictly want to focus on the politicians, and ignore how the south went from being blue to red ENTIRELY due to the conservative voters abandoning the Dems in favor of their new home, the party of Lincoln. And it wasn't like this chang happened immediately. Goldwater, Nixon, and then later Saint Ronnie had to do a little pandering in order to make sure the "switch" was a done deal.
  23. publican

    publican Banned

    Dec 9, 2014
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    It's only revisionist if you can prove me wrong. Stomping and flailing like a child throwing a fit is not a refutation. :wink:
  24. APlus

    APlus New Member

    Mar 27, 2015
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    Americans of African heritage have overwhelmingly aligned themselves with progressives at the ballot box throughout history. Many people get this wrong because they think American party affiliations have always been as regional as they are today. This is wrong. Party affiliationchanged in the mid 1960s when Johnson and the liberals (Northerners, both Democrats and Republicans) in Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1964.

    Prior to that "Conservative Democrat" was a real thing as many Southerners couldn't get elected with the Republican moniker next to their name, due to the resentment of Lincoln throughout the South. After 1964, Southern conservatives, wiped-out virtually all elected politicians with the democrat moniker, even though they were conservatives. Interestingly, Vermont, a long standing Liberal Republican stronghold, mirrored the Southern shift and threw out the elected Republican officials and replaced them with Democrats. This is how we got to our current political landscape.

    So, in sum, it is not about Party, but ideology. As, the South is conservative, their representatives are as well.

    Furthermore, Nixon, the Conservative from California, rode this tide and opportunistically formulated the Southern Strategy, which has been the stronghold for Republican presidential elections. Of note, we are in a time when the Southern Strategy is descending in strength as bulwark and the Big Blue Wall is ascending.
  25. APlus

    APlus New Member

    Mar 27, 2015
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    Your analysis is absolutely wrong. You're mistaken party affiliation for ideology affiliation. Southerners were always conservatives, whether they called themselves Democrats or Republican. And, Conservative Southerners opposed all civil rights legislation.

    It's simple: Liberal support Civil Rights, Conservatives opposed Civil Rights.

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