SHOCKER: Researcher Behind Fabricated Gay Marriage Study LIED About Funding

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by In The Dark, May 25, 2015.

  1. In The Dark

    In The Dark Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    Just like the original thread that was sent to Siberia (after 4 days in 'current events'), this is about LEFTIST ACADEMIC FRAUD to further a leftist agenda.

    There was NO FUNDING. There was NO DATA. There was a major publication and I assume some measure or peer review that was anxious to publish leftist agenda confirming 'research'. That's all that's needed. Come up with the confirmation of a leftist shibboleth and the leftist academic and publishing world is your oyster. Global warming is no different.

  2. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    An incident like this throws a major black eye first to "Science Magazine" which is supposed to vet and publish factual data. They've allowed their trust to deteriorate. They caught it but a little bit too late. Damage done. The researchers, Michael J. LaCour and Donald P. Green, have both responded differently. Green wrote to Science to have the study retracted while LaCour has stated; "I stand by the findings,"

    The saving grace here is that for research to be fully accepted in academia, it has to "peer reviewed" which in part, means to be able to replicate the study, to wit:

    "The problems came to light after three other researchers tried, and failed, to replicate the study. David Broockman, of Stanford, Joshua Kalla, of the University of California, Berkeley, and Peter Aronow of Yale found eight statistical irregularities in the data set. No one of these would by itself be proof of wrongdoing, they wrote, but all of them collectively suggest that “the data were not collected as described.” " Source

    However, as disappointing as his may be, these things are rare and by far, most research is peer reviewed and passed as credible.
  3. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    A Homosexual fibbing to further the Homosexual Agenda ,Tell Me It Ain't So Joe !!!
  4. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    The gay community has been untrustworthy since their fearmongering campaigns in the 80's. Spreading new lies is hardly surprising...
  5. BrunoTibet

    BrunoTibet Banned

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Yawn. Over the din of all the hand-wringing on the fainting couch, SSM will be shortly be legal across the entire country because there is no rational basis for the gov't prohibiting it, academic fraud or no academic fraud.
  6. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    The researcher who published the falsified test data should be nailed to the proverbial wall.

    That said, for some members of the hetrosexual community to complain about the "gay agenda" after thousands of years of gay people being targeted for everything from imprisonment to stoning to chemical castration, getting them fired from their jobs and disrespecting their military service, mostly through a fear mongering campaign of biblical proportions - I'm going to say that the teeth gnashing and cloth rending of some on the right is just pretty pathetic.
  7. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    The problem, for me, isn't gay marriage it's the liberal thug culture of identity politics that will take advantage of a special interest minority position in order to exert control over the majority.

    Such things will be done under the phony guise of equality but will represent oppression that is anything but.

    In other words: gay is the new Black.

    Liberals maintain power by convincing SJW's that everybody who doesn't vote like they do is evil and hate filled and lurking around every corner waiting to get them!

    Take away identity politics, junk science, and entitlements and liberlism will vanish overnight.
  8. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    But would you find the "family research councils" paid for bunk science "studies" just as outrageous? Something tells me you wouldn't bat an eye at them.
  9. In The Dark

    In The Dark Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    They were clearly emboldened by the complicity of the media and academia to spread their lies. You can't blame a leftist for using any means fair or usually foul.
  10. BrunoTibet

    BrunoTibet Banned

    Jun 3, 2015
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    LOL! I love irony.
  11. In The Dark

    In The Dark Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    I get it. 'Science' = FRC.

    We agree.
  12. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    So, because the wingers don't take up for that minority and the Left does, it's all identity politics? That doesn't make any sense. If the wingers took up for gays, you wouldn't be complaining about liberal thug culture/ identity politics now would you? What a joke.
  13. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Go back and read my enitre post please.

    It's the response that goes here.
  14. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    What exactly were the lies, and can you prove them?
  15. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    Again with that thousands of years nonsense? We are talking about contemporary America, nothing prior to that is relevant to discussion. What so-called anti-gay campaigns are you talking about? Links would be nice. Sounds more like whining about things that never happened here...
  16. cameron

    cameron New Member

    May 16, 2015
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    I have no problem giving my opinion that homosexuality is a filthy act and by such it must be left to individuals who enjoy those desires but that the government can't support such denigrating sexual acts.

    My opinion is based in that there is no scientific support for homosexuality as a normal behavior. And, that homosexuality is a defect in the normal behavior of the individual, and this applies to the whole species.

    There is not a single study made to support homosexuality as normal behavior in humans.

    No wonder there is not in existence any valid study supporting gay marriage.

    In other words, masses of ignorant have been tricked.

    So, if you support homosexuality and you don't know what are you supporting in reality, then, you are a poor ignorant.

    I'm glad that in this issue, I know, I surely do.
  17. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    The FRC has been caught time and time again fabricating studies. They don't even try to get them peer reviewed.
  18. In The Dark

    In The Dark Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    What do YOU do besides troll? Can you prove it?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So...same as 'Science'. It's your comparison. Own it.
  19. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    S&M is not normal, however the government DOES support a heterosexual couple that does it and allows them to marry. That is filthy to some and definitely not "normal" when compared to the usual relationship.

    What you consider normal is irrelevant since normal is not a requirement for marriage.

    Again normal is irrelevant. As proven S&M is not normal either.

    That has only been because bigots are so afraid of it.

    Not really. Some gay couple getting married next door to me does not affect my marriage. If gay marriage affects your marriage, then you have something wrong with your marriage.

    I doubt you even know any gay couples personally. The two gay guys my wife and I hang out with you wouldn't even be able to tell they were married. So I think the ignorance is on your part.

    Actually you have demonstrated you do not. Thank you for clarifying that for all of us.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The majority of science articles are peer reviewed unlike the FRC. The FRC is a joke in almost every intellectual community.
  20. cameron

    cameron New Member

    May 16, 2015
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    Did you studied biology?

    If not, then go and learn that human species has been made by nature as a two gender species.

    Do you understand this basic and essential point?

    Anything beyond this biological foundation is abnormal or birth defect.

    Coupling male and female is what belongs to normal in human nature.

    Well, if today's marriage does not consider what is normal for the human species, then let the father marry the adult daughter, the adult son marry the father, the adult brother marry the adult sister, the married man marry as many women he desires, and so forth.

    Let your wife have another husband besides you.

    What about that?

    Do you have any problem with that?

    Look, between a man and a woman, whatever they do in sex is acceptable but taking out the eyes one to another.

    Besides, S&M is done by such a small percent of married couples. This kind of sex is usually observed in wild people, who is in drugs, alcoholic, mental sick, and so forth. You can't generalize one couple in a million of married people as a standard. Don't become stupid by thinking that way.

    Why bigots? Because I reject the idea of calling OK a man licking the anus of another man in his wedding bed?

    If that makes me a bigot, then I love to be a bigot, because I don't get mess with the excrement of other dudes.

    I guess you like that, so, bon appetite...

    Lets be honest about homosexuality. Homosexuality is not genetic but is a contagious behavior.

    Do you understand? It is like gangs in your neighbor, your children are exposed to become one of them.

    A gay couple won't affect my marriage, but I will protect my children moving away from them.

    If I'm you I will think twice before shaking hands with them, because by eating excrement when they lick one to another in the anus, such causes contagious diseases. Surf the web and get informed.

    And, about they getting married, I won't give a dime if many do that kind of marriage, but my concern is not let them to be contagious to others.

    And the whole propaganda of gay couples adopting children is a fake. When you watch "Modern Family" the gay couple has adopted a Chinese girl.

    The reason for adopting a Chinese girl is because they can't adopt a white, blond, blue eyes handsome boy in the TV series, by the reason that people will call to close that program.

    As long as the adopted child looks like "foreign", people will stay calm "because is not one of ours".

    Homosexuality is a human behavior against nature because leads to extinction.

    The point is that you are happy with homosexuals around and I'm not.

    I can't force you to change your mind, and you can't force me to change my mind.

    You can't call me a bigot because my opinion and way of life, I can't call you names because your preferences.

    So, in this thread, you must learn to be educate before calling bigots to the ones opposing gay marriage.

    (Now that you hang with homosexuals more often, I recommend you to check your health status more often as well, because homosexuality is not only a contagious behavior but they do things that cause contagious diseases... My advice).

    Again, check your health status more often now when you are hanging with homosexuals. I know what I'm telling you, surf the web and check the consequences of anal intercourse, licking the anus, and so forth... I know because I get informed...
  21. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Again, we don't limit marriage due to something not being what YOU consider "normal" which is subjective itself. It isn't normal to have red hair. It isn't normal to be left-handed. It isn't normal to be handicapped. None of those things we ban marriage for the person.

    Currently studies have been done that show the relationship from a mother/son or father/daughter to be harmful to the son or daughter. Now if you have any different studies that show different, then take it through the legal channel and get it approved. I have no problem with incest in itself as much as it isn't something "I" would do.

    Yes and SSM will also be a small percentage of couples as well. The fact is it isn't illegal for S&M.

    You demonstrate bigotry in your comments below, claiming that homosexuality is contagious. That isn't how it works and is quite ignorant and false.

    No it isn't. I didn't choose to be attracted to the opposite sex I just was. The same for most gay people.

    Kids don't become gay because they hang around homosexuals. That is yet again an ignorant comment on your part and completely false.

    Yes, because right after sex no one takes a shower and goes around shaking hands. You remind me of the people in the 80s that thought you would get AIDS from just being near someone with it. Those people were ignorant as well.

    Well you should support SSM since it isn't contagious. You really need to learn about homosexuals and about sexuality in general because you don't have a clue about either one.

    No it isn't fake and the gay couple we hang out with have a white baby girl. So again maybe you should quit getting your information from T.V. shows and idiotic websites that are clearly ignorant.

    Yes, you have demonstrated bigotry in your comments because of the true ignorance of them.

    LOL the ignorance in your comments is astounding. Full of BS and lies. Again, I suggest you actually get to know a gay couple before you start spouting of lies about them. Homosexuality is not contagious, nor do gay people just have random sex and then go around shaking people's hand without taking a shower or something. Your irrational fears in your comments of homosexuals also demonstrates fully homophobia and is a good example it. Thank you for demonstrating ignorance, bigotry, and homophobia.

    You really need to get informed about homosexuals because you've demonstrated you are not.
  22. cameron

    cameron New Member

    May 16, 2015
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    You are misleading the meaning of normal. I'm talking of "normal behavior" of the species.

    By nature, because we are a two gender species, the normal behavior is sexual attraction between male and female.

    Any other kind of behavior is abnormal.

    Several studies reveal how harmful is a sexual intercourse thru the rectum. And worst how harmful is licking other person anus. What is your opinion about it?

    Do you agree with licking other's man anus and eating excrement residuals?

    Well, having how the government is encouraging homosexuality, why not the government encouraging S&M as part of sexual education in schools?

    See? your point is ridiculous.

    Of course is contagious.

    Look, you ask religious people to voluntarily separate themselves from the rest of society to live in great cities solely for religion followers. I can tell you that they won't cry "Discrimination!" but that they will be happy of being separate from corrupt people.

    On the other hand, you ask the same to homosexuals and they will cry loud "Discrimination!" because without going everywhere with their contagious behavior, they just can't survive. This is why they are desperate to impose their way of life over the rest.

    On Craigslist there is an ad of a guy who looks for a man to have sex with him. He says that when he was a boy his older brother used to spread butter in his butt and have sex with him. His older brother also made him have oral sex. Several years later, this individual "misses such kind of sex" and now is looking for men to do what his brother did to him when he was a child.

    As you can see, this individual wasn't born homosexual, he was forced to have sex by his older brother. Today, it is this individual choice to do it again. Nobody is forcing him to do homosexual sex, at this time is his choice.

    The same applies to all the homosexuals of the world, that is their choice.


    Yes they do. And it is a crime when homosexuals adopt male children.

    We are a species where the individuals copy and learn from others.

    I will open your eyes so you will finally learn how much we copy from others since we are children.

    Ask yourself this question: "How in the world you walk with the legs and don't use your arms for this purpose?

    Is it the human structure? No. That is false.

    You walk with the feet alone and not with the feet and hands because such is what your parents taught you to do. Ask your parents, and they will say that yes, they taught you to walk with the feet alone. They helped you to do so. Same with language, same with eating manners, same with everything. You have been copying and learning when watching and listening others.

    Children who lived with wolves learned to walk with feet and arms. They learned to eat rough meat. When they were rescued, the new trainers to make them learning human customs had hard times in the process.

    If we expose our children to an environment where lots of homosexuals hang around, the children will copy that behavior.

    And this is exactly what homosexuals want. They -by their corrupt behavior- are suicidal. There are studies showing that several of them look for acquiring AIDS. Such is suicidal. It appears that in their inner person they just want to destroy themselves and destroy society.

    This is the kind of friends you like to hang with. Congratulations!

    Homosexuals are suicidal and homicidal. They won't care if they might pass a disease to you. The example given above of homosexuals trying to get HIV tells it all. Such is not a scattered attempt. Actually, it has been noticed that many homosexuals look for that kind of infection.

    By the way, the Obamacare is spending millions of dollars because homosexuals diseases. They look for acquiring the diseases, and we tax payers must pay for their survival. Hell no!

    Your ignorance is notorious, but keep replying trying to prove me wrong and you will learn more, much much more..


    I won't waste my life learning about crap, because such is homosexuality about, dealing with crap.

    No parent is proud of having a homosexual son. They lie because they have no other choice. There is not a single parent expecting a baby wishing to have a homosexual son. Parents with homosexual children just try to evade other people laughing of their mental sick son. that's all.

    With all my respect, go back to school and learn the meaning of the world bigotry. Actually homosexuals are the bigots, they can't tolerate any individual who won't agree with them.

    Time will give me the reason. You will acquire their diseases, They are suicidal and homicidal. Go, and hang with them, and better than ever, become one of them... you might like the taste of excrement...

    Bon appetite!
  23. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Behaviors are not limitations to marriage. Again, you lose regardless. Hope you enjoy SSM being legal soon.

    One situation is between two consenting adults which does not result in the MENTAL damage. There are couples that choke each other as well to achieve orgasm, again not a normal behavior. I noticed you only talk about gay men, yet say nothing about lesbians which do not typically involve the sexual positions you specify for gay men. It's amazing to how many people that are anti-SSM are so hung up on men, but have no problem watching two girls go at it.

    Of course not, but then that is not up for me to decide. Here's a hint, if you don't like it, don't do it. BTW that is not what all gay guys do which is why your comments just display 100% pure ignorance.

    Having SSM legal is not encouraging schools to talk about specific sexual positions. I know you have a hard time understanding that simple concept but that is your problem not mine.

    If it is that 3-5% of the population over the course of the last 100 years would have been up to 50% or higher by now. Your claim is ridiculous and your comments are again ignorant of reality. You are really uninformed about sexuality and homosexuals.

    OMG we are hearing about persecution of Christians because a business open to the public is forced to serve...../gasp homosexuals. Of course religious nuts would cry discrimination. Tell you what, do us all a favor and go to an island then so you don't have to be with the rest of society if you want to be left alone.

    OMG you don't even understand psycology either. Do you understand that abusing a child like that causes psychological harm? BTW there are homosexuals out there that have NOT been abused and they are attracted to the same sex. Your "one" idiotic example (which cannot even be verified) is BS as well.

    If it was a choice, you could be attracted to the same-sex today. Let us know how that goes.\[

    No, it isn't. But then your fantasy of gay people is pretty sick to begin with.

    Nope again, you cannot just become attracted to the same-sex, you are proof of that.

    Two lesbians I know of that have raised two boys and they are now in college. Both are heterosexuals and one is getting married next year. Sorry, your idiotic claim is refuted.

    No, that is not the kind of friends I have. What I see from your comments is a uninformed, ignorant, and full of flat out lies about homosexuals and homosexual behavior especially when you take a far outlier position and then try to apply it to the whole.

    No it isn't guaranteed and since I have hung out with many gay people throughout my life, I have not been "turned" gay nor do I have AIDS over it. BTW 47% of AIDS cases are from HETEROSEXUALS. Maybe you should stay away from all people then.

    Yes, you choose to believe idiotic notions and erroneous stereotypes of gay people. Your comments demonstrate the thought process of the Phelps clan.

    No parent wants their child to have a handicap either, but when they do they love it just the same. Well, maybe not you.

    First of all you give no respect, so don't even act like you try to. Secondly you are the one that needs to get educated about homosexuality, psychology, and sexuality itself. Your comments have demonstrated some of the most ignorant, erroneous bovine excrement I've seen from someone regarding all three of the items I listed. Your comments show that of a third grader on the playground, not comments rooted in logic and understanding.

    Time has already been told. I'm over 40 and have hung out with the same gay people for decades and nothing what you listed happened. Your comments are nothing but bovine excrement and that's putting it nicely.
  24. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    It's the same thing men and women do together. The acts do not change only the participants.

    This is some rather idiotic logic. If it isn't normal it must be a birth defect. It's not normal to have red hair or be left handed, but those things aren't defective. Frankly never is homosexuality.


    Wow, everybody that disagrees with you is ignorant how convenient.

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