What a disgrace.

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by mister magoo, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I am constantly bewildered and staggered how politicians always seem to make a simple issue or problem complicated. Maybe its time to seriously recognise that citizens within the community understand issues and problems that effect them with greater complexity than politicians. In the majority of situations; the citizens understand what needs to be done to fix a problem within the community before politicians even grasp what is happening. This is due to politicians not working and living under the same legal system as every other citizen, so its impossible for politicians to have a clue what is eventuating in the “real world” when they make and enact legislation that will never effect them.

    I think its time for people to understand and realise that we have moved beyond the ability of politicians to make reasonable legal legislation for issues and problem that occur in a community that they don’t belong in.

    How could it ever be considered fair and reasonable for person (A) to make and pass laws that govern the lives for person (B), when those laws don’t apply to person (A)?

    We can no longer count on politicians to make reasonable legislation regarding violence in Australia, because none of them truly know or understand “what” physical and psychological community violence is.

    One of the first steps to understanding the principals surrounding community violence would be for the citizens to start a committee consisting of: Doctors; Nurses; Mental Health Workers; Drug & Alcohol Counsellors; Psychologists; Victims of physical and Psychological violence; Police - different levels; Magistrates/Judges and Solicitors: to create a straight forward “Plain English” document to specifically detail what physical violence and psychological violence represents.

    Surely, it wouldn’t take too long for the combined professionalism and commonsense of the above listed individuals to create a commonsense report and document to combat most physical & psychological domestically violence situations that happen in the community to be adopted.

    I very concerned to many criminals, with the help of young psychology graduates with NO real life experience, are using the ruse of: “I was psychologically abused as a child” to help them escape punishment in the Courts.

    My suggestion.
  2. Independant thinker

    Independant thinker Banned

    Aug 7, 2015
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    They are 'management people'.you know, those useless people we filter to the top to get them out of our hair?
  3. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    One of my more intelligent Aunts had an adage: "you will find more nuts are at the top of the tree, then the bottom".

    Speaking candidly. I don't think the majority of the clowns in senior public or Government management could successfully manage a brothel next-door to a pub.

    99% only make it up the senior management ladder through; bribes, sex, money or influence.
  4. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    "Dont hit me...Ive got a phone.." yeah, that'll work....
    This is more of a vote grabber, than a solution...blind freddie can see that...
    Disappointed, Malcolm...I thought you'd do better than take one of onion boys
    ideas and use it to grab votes....how 'bout investigating the real reasons that dv occurs, rather
    than give every one a bloody phone....talk about baby sitting......
  5. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Correction, they are Politicians, usually described as being at the top of the septic tank!
  6. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I have always thought that in many ways Australia is about ten years behind USA.....
    That includes attitudes towards one another....and now in this respect we have caught up, as we are far more
    arrogant, offensive and vicious towards each other......
    Maybe that's all there is to it...Australian culture...meaning all of us are just becoming mean, nasty b@stards
    and b!tches......(plus a fair smattering of grog, gambling and drugs....)
    Maybe men and women just cant live with one another....never underestimate the value of a one
    nite stand every so often....go to work the next day....stuff getting married or living with someone.....
    Too bloody hard.......................... .......
  7. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    a million years ago I worked in a timber mill. There was a young guy there, not a good looking kid, a bit of a strange shape and a little slow. He was about 25. Every payday he would say, "See you, I am off to the brothel". This went on for years so one day we asked him, why don't you use the money, buy some nice clothes, go out and find yourself a nice girl. "Why" he said, "you take one out, you spend money an her, your still not sure you are on. This way I know what I am going to get, when I am going to get it, and it is always the best she has ever had, no matter how bad I am. And it costs me less then it does a girl friend".

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