John Kasich Is Certainly Failing To Endear Himself To The Right Wing

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brtblutwo, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    With the hatred being spewed by Donald Trump and Ben Carson giving them the lead over the GOP pack, Republican hopeful John Kaisich's criticism of their message of intolerance is not helping his chances to become the 2016 Republican nominee. His alternative message of moderate sanity is not playing well with conservatives and neoconservatives.

    John Kasich appeared in a pre-debate rally in Ohio on Tuesday. His words showed he is thoroughly fed up. Due to his apparent exasperation, he went ballistic in a section of his speech.
    "Do you know how crazy this election is?" Kasich said. "Let me tell you something. I've about had it with these people. Let me tell you why. We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard anything so crazy as that, telling our people in this country who are seniors or about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare." Kasich was referring to statements Ben Carson made.

    "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10% flat tax," Kasich said. "That would drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars that my daughters would spend the rest of their lives having to pay off. You know what I say to them. Why don't we have no taxes? Just get rid of them all. And then a chicken in every pot on top of it." He was likely referring to statements made by Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul.

    "We got one guy that says we ought to take 10 or 11 million people and pick them up, where the—I don't know where, we're going to go in their homes, their apartments. We're going to pick them up and we're going to take them to the border and scream at them to get out of our country," Kasich said. "Well that's just crazy. That is just crazy." Of course John Kasich was referring to Donald Trump and his anti-immigrant stances and promise to deport 11 million immigrants.

    Kaisich’s views against abolishing Medicare, so as to leave seniors or those about to be seniors without affordable health insurance, will have conservatives and neoconservatives calling him a R.I.N.O. Right-wingers want Medicare scrapped, and to hel(*) with the elderly.

    As far as a flat 10% tax, conservatives and neoconservatives like that plan. But, when Kaisich mentioned Why don't we have no taxes? Just get rid of them all.” Now, this is a plan the right-wingers would support wholeheartedly. (But they still want government services like police and fire protection, infrastructure to serve their needs, and of course, a well equipped military.)

    Kaisich spoke of Donald Trump and his crazy anti-immigrant stances and promise to deport 11 million immigrants. Trump envisions enforcement agencies kicking in doors of private residences where illegal immigrants are suspected to live. They will then be taken to the borders while agents (and perhaps right wing volunteers) scream at them to, “Get out of our country." The conservatives’ and neoconservatives’ adoration of The Donald stems from these very promises.

    Kaisich then condemns his fellow Republicans for their plan to eliminate Medicaid and the ACA (Obamacare), which would leave millions of families without access to medical treatment of any kind. (Far more adults and children would be without healthcare than before passage of the Affordable Care Act.) Kaisich’s logic on this is undeniable, which automatically forces right-wingers to deny it.

    Every issue his opponents have found to be successful campaign strategies, like abolishing Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, or attempting to locate, apprehend, verify identities, prosecute, and then deport illegal immigrants, and other empty political promises Kaisich calls crazy, are the very policies conservatives and neoconservatives believe will give them back “their” country.

    Abandoning roughly half of the U.S. population to homelessness and starvation is the “cure” demanded by right-wingers. Their posts on these message boards have long advocated such policies. The popularity of Trump and Carson prove the conservatives’ and neoconservatives’ inability to comprehend the disastrous effects their vision of a “conservative utopia” would have on this nation.

    John Kasich's explosion of justifiable disdain for what his party has become may seem bold to many. The reality of the state of the Republican Party makes his utterances likely fatal, and with these statements, he has proven himself to be a R.I.N.O., so he will never be the Republican nominee.

  2. Bluebird

    Bluebird Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Yeah,probably the best qualified to run for POTUS on the GOP side(now don't all you GOP'S get excited here,I wouldn't vote for a GOP ever)& the far right will kick him under the bus, I'm talkin about Kasich----maybe a different time,but this current GOP has no tolerance for a moderate.
    However,all the others in the current GOP POTUS hopefuls are getting more embarrassing everyday--this summit in Washington,not inviting the RNC,whineing about the moderators,can you can any more childish-----BOO-HOO---
    Just another GOP strategy going terribly terribly wrong,as usual-----But, their "gettin to proving it"
  3. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    What a fraud. A dem with a (R) next to his name.

    Go home Kasich, you piece of (*)(*)(*)(*)!
  4. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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    I agree with the above. Kasich certainly may be seen as a RINO by the extreme right wing of the Republican party and may not get the nomination for President because of it. What the far-right wing partisans do not have is sufficient votes to elect their candidate without substantial moderate voters also voting for their candidate. Moderate voters are not going to vote for an extremely right or left partisan, and the moderate voters control the election results. If the extreme right wing of the party pushes through a hard-right nominee, they will ensure the election of the Democratic party nominee. Kasich is a worry for the Clinton camp due to his appeal to moderates. He is the only Republican candidate that appeals strongly to moderate voters.
  5. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    John K seems to have a great record in Ohio. But every time I see him speaking I notice some weird facial contortions and wild arm swings. Is he OK? Is there a doctor out there that has picked up on this and can make a comment?
  6. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    His appeal to moderate voters is exactly the reason right-wingers hate him. They believe an ultra-conservative Republican can win a Presidential election. Obviously, the Mitt-witt's gradual move to the right during his 2012 campaign killed his chances. But the righties are in denial about this, as usual.

  7. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I'm glad John Kasich mentioned that Dr. Ben Carson wants to do away with Medicare/Medicaid. It's important that a GOP candidate warns about the detrimental scheme Carson has for Seniors.
  8. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    It is amazing how becoming a Republican politician more often than not leads to mental impairment. It's getting rapidly worse as the 21st century progresses. Whenever a GOP candidate shows any sign of sanity it turns into political suicide.

  9. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    What's crazy about enforcing the law? You're the one who is suggesting that we ignore the law. Which not only puts you on the wrong side of this argument logically but it also makes you an abject hypocrite if you thought Kim Davis was in the wrong. Because you're doing the same exact thing here.
  10. Russ103

    Russ103 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
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    I think of Michael J Fox when I see it. Anyone else?
  11. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    He singlehandedly ran a 2 trillion dollar deficit in Ohio and he's talking about other people's fiscal plans? Maybe, just maybe he should fix the mess he created up there in Ohio before talking about our nation's economic problems. To give him a little bit of credit, he's right that a 10% flat tax is too small. It should be anywhere from 25-35% of a flat tax.

    However, that's only taking into account present economic conditions. That's not taking into account any GDP increases, which in turn means that it'll be possible to lower the tax lever upon higher gains. I think all politicians have forgotten this approach to revenue creation and have just decided instead to tax the current tax pool, which is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

    Coming from a bunch of people who don't know economics.
  12. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    As a right-winger, are you willing to pay the vast expense of capturing all 11 million illegal immigrants? Are you willing to take the chance that one of your neighbors plays the perfect prank, when he has the Department of Homeland Security kick your door in and arrest you on suspicion of harboring illegal aliens?

    As much as conservatives and neoconservatives hate the U.S. Government, do you really want the agencies you hate to have that kind of unlimited power? It's not like they won't shoot you down for defending your home against intruders. Realize, you would be facing Homeland Security, and when the Feds invade, they are always right. You, as a threat to Federal officers by challenging them with your weapon, in your house, are automatically guilty.

    So, don't be too enthusiastic about giving the government the power to treat conservatives and neoconservatives in the same manner right-wingers permit police to treat minorities.

  13. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    Don't worry, the next Republican POTUS will do to the nation what Brownback has done for Kansas. The perfect conservative utopia.

  14. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    And everytime a Liberal brings up Kansas, I hit my head at the proof of a lack of economic intelligence. I've been over Kansas so many times that I'm tired of it. But NO, it's not my economic model of success, or that of the moderate right wing faction.
  15. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    Oh, come now. Brownback's success is what every right-winger boasts of. Unbridled tax cuts and spending cuts that hurt all Kansas citizens, except the very rich. It practically mirrors the success of Reaganomics and trickle down. Massive debt and runaway income inequality.

    Reagan and Brownback, two peas in a pod, as are their successes in wealth redistribution, all of it upward.

  16. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Not at all. But since you indulged me, I'll play along. The only reason the tax cuts hurt, is that an equal amount of spending did not stimulate the Kansas economy. Where was the money going to come from? Nowhere, that's where. There's your Kansas deficit. There's two ways to address that problem. One is to increase government spending(but it's important to note here that State Government, such as Kansas cannot generate money that's not in the GDP. That's the Federal Government's power.) OR, to reduce government expenditures so as to meet the revenue that's actually coming in.

    Allow me to educate you(and Kasich) on something else: The only reason taxes were ever necessary, is that the government by itself cannot generate ANY revenue. ANY revenue is from taxation. So, is the tax pool increasing or shrinking nationally? It's shrinking. The Liberal insistence on taxation is like trying to revive a dead man. A last ditch attempt and it's not working.
  17. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    In addition to Brownback, two other governors both darlings of the right wing, Bruce Rauner and Scott Walker, tanked the economies and budgets in their respective states. There are others as well.

    Given this, there are not enough phony statistics created by FOX Noise and other right wing propaganda sources regularly cited by conservative and neoconservative “experts” in economics, to disguise the facts of consistent failures by Republicans and their policies that evolved from Reaganomics.

    There is simply no evidence that the GOP policies of the past four decades do anything but increase debt and income inequality. The opinions of the right-wingers that swear the prosperity of these policies is apparent, do NOT outweigh the facts that prove they don't. Your blather CANNOT change these facts, or refute documented evidence.

    The rich are getting much, much richer, and the middle class and the poor are getting much, much poorer, thanks to the tax cuts, the deregulation, and spending cuts by the Republicans.

  18. EddyJ

    EddyJ New Member

    Dec 31, 2014
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    I'm an amateur gynecologist, and that is the Jackass syndrome he's afflicted with. I comes from being a RINO that the left loves.

    You're welcome.
  19. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    **Knocks head into wall** I GIVE UP.
  20. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    I understand completely, there is no forcing right-wingers to face the truth. The rely only on the fairy tales told them by conservative and neoconservative pundits and the Republican propaganda machine.

    I am sad for you.

  21. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Uh, no. I'm frustrated that the Left is the party of economic ignorance, and continues to be the party of economic ignorance because "It's a vast right-wing conspiracy". I explain why Kansas's economic model doesn't work, I further explained that it isn't necessarily the Republican model of government(just Brownback's) and since it's such a 'good talking point', there's no need to understand anything.

    Brownback=Republican=Republican economic model does NOT compute. Has he been invited to speak for the party at the convention like Obama was for the Democrats? No, he was just one of the Republican governors, and failed to govern Kansas effectively.
  22. wutitiz

    wutitiz New Member

    Sep 19, 2015
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    Kasich lost any chance of getting the nomination with his comments about Matthew 25, wherein Jesus says something along the lines of feed the hungry, take care of the widows & orphans, etc. Kasich used this as justification for welfare programs. But Jesus was referring to voluntary charity, not taking from x at point of weapon in order to give to y, which is what government does.

    This is basic conservatism/libertarianism 101, and evidently Kasich doesn't understand it (nor do most liberals).

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