Donald Trump's illogicall thought process

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by tomander7020, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. tomander7020

    tomander7020 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2016
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    In an interview on CNN that aired Friday, interviewer Jake Trapper tried to pin Donald Trump down on his racist views. I find the interview interesting, because it highlights Donald Trump's complete inability to think logically. This section of the interview concerns Trump's remarks about Judge Gonzalo, who is hearing accusations about the Trump University fraud.
    Tapper: "If you are saying: He can't do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism?"
    Trump: "No. I don't think so at all."
    Tapper: "No?"
    Trump: "No, he's proud of his heritage. I respect him for that."
    Tapper: "But you're saying he can't do his job because of it," Tapper said.
    Trump: "Look, he's proud of his heritage, okay? I'm building a wall. Now, I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics."
    Tapper: "He's a legal citizen."
    Trump: "But we're building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico."

    Those who can follow logical discussion will notice that Trump didn't answer a single question and emphasized that the judge is "Mexican," as Trump refers to US citizens whose ancestors cane from Mexico. How did we end up with the presidential nominee of a major party who cannot understand a simple question? Does Donald Trump really believe that saying that someone of Mexican heritage cannot do his job is not racist? We all know that Donald Trump is mentally unstable, but his inability to understand and answer simple questions also shows that his mental capacity is below that of an average five-year old.
  2. bhoyal

    bhoyal Active Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Describes his supporters perfectly.
  3. tidbit

    tidbit New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Trump is stuck on stupid. I estimate his IQ to be around 90. I give him more credit than being like a five year old though. I'm thinking about 7.
  4. Private Citizen

    Private Citizen Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Donald Trump is a political pawn to ensure that Hillary Clinton is POTUS. The ignorant people that like to listen his dribbling, for the most part don't vote anyway. He is playing the educated to get out and vote for anyone who is not him. The elite want the war to end all wars and they win with either candidate. With trump they have plausible deniability (we told you so) with Hillary they will blame it on her gender(incompetent, Bengahzi). WWIII has begun it's been going on since 2001. Russia's recent moves with UN peace keepers and its presents in Syria is the war escalating. North Korea could be the straw that breaks the camels back.
  5. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    You misspelled "illogical" in your title. As that Lib professor said, "Slovenly spelling indicates slovenly thinking."

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