NBC Reporter claims FBI reclassified email in quid pro quo scheme for Clinton

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Steve N, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    So we have collusion between the State Dept and FBI to make Clinton look less criminal than she appeared to be and in exchange some FBI agents were possibly allowed to get preferred assignments. So now we have in the tank for democrats the IRS, FBI, EPA, State Dept, and who knows who else, it could be every government agency for all we know.

    If this story is even remotely true then how could anyone ever trust a potential Clinton administration? It's time to elect someone who doesn't have the political ties which made this scandal happen.

    Oh, and fire everyone involved and then prosecute them.

  2. trucker

    trucker Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 9, 2010
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    international operations division :confusion: WTHell i never knew they where so global like
  3. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Just one more example of the FBI colluding with Hillary. James Comey is dirtier than a Lewinsky/Clinton sex tape.
  4. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Look, anyone with a decent education, and an aware intellect, who is not subject to be conditioned by propaganda, nor is infected with primitive tribalism,
    and is not so superficial as to vote for Clinton just to make history, already knew the FBI investigation and the conclusion was cooked, political, and corrupted the rule of law and blind justice. But if you understand, and the evidence backs this up, that the republic is dead and we are living under fascism, oligarchy, with the forms of the republic still in place, as the forms of the republic was still in place after the roman empire had it own republic destroyed, then of course your justice system will not be blind, but corrupt, giving us a two tiered system where the robber baron bankers and particular puppets of those people are too big to jail. So of course the head of the FBI is a criminal, along with many in the state dept of the Obama admin. With Hillary being the most criminal and corrupt of them all.

    So, an aware intellect already knew all of this, in regards to the justice dept, the state dept and Clinton. For it was just too obvious to try to slither out of it, as her supporters are doing and will continue to do.

    The bad news is, we are no longer living in a republic, and it took from 1981 until today, for the robber barons to once again be our gov't. FDR cut off their nut sacks and took away much of their power and influence upon the gov't by and for the people. Reagan began the dismantling of the FDR system that had cut off the robber baron nut sacks, although they of course still wielded power, just not the destructive power that acts as a parasite on the non elites, damaging average americans. Well, all of those restraints put upon the robber barons are gone, and the result of that is oligarchy, and the economic conditions for average americans today. These barons are too big to jail. Their puppets are too big to jail, especially when that puppet is who the democrats already chose, and to hell with the voters, to be their candidate for president. For what she represents and will work for, are the robber barons. Trump's biggest weakness is that he wants to take on these robber barons and the two parties that they literally own.

    So, no one should be surprised of the collusion between the DNC and MSM to first take sanders down and now trump. NO one should be surprised that a fascist oligarchy cannot have a blind lady justice. It comes with the territory.
  5. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    All you are seeing is the justice system of oligarchy. They must protect the puppets who keep it in place It would be very hard for a non oligarchy puppet to win the oval office today. We will not have a equal under the law republic again with blind lady justice until the robber barons that bought this oligarchy from politicians have their nut sacks cut off again as FDR had to do to save capitalism. You cannot trust robber barons to do anything that does not max out their own profits and wealth. But you can trust them to destroy the American people, in their sociopathic insatiable greed, as long as we have politicians that are corrupt, self serving, and treasonous that will turn the creation of policy and deregulation over to these scumbags. It is like allowing the mental patients to write hospital policy. Or only hiring child molesters in a daycare for kids.

    We need another FDR, in the sense of someone to cut off the nut sacks once again of these sociopathic robber barons who have no allegiance to any nation, as the only allegiance they have is to themselves and more piling up of wealth, taken by the exploitation of other human beings. Not like this is a new thing to exploit others for you own greedy self interests. The only god these robber barons serve is the god of money. And this has always been one of the greatest destructive forces in the history of our species, at least since civilization arose.
  6. MMC

    MMC Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    State realized that the sensitivity of multiple Clinton emails would destroy her "no classified material" lie -- which did, in fact, go down in flames. But in an effort to tip the scales beyond public scrutiny, Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy tried to barter an and cajole his way to pressuring the FBI to change classification determinations after the fact. How else did powerful Clinton allies attempt to influence the criminal probe behind the scenes? Did they ever succeed? In his Saturday piece, Hayes also reports that Mrs. Clinton refused to comply with data security rules while she was at the State Department: "Clinton diplomatic security officials told the FBI they were frustrated by Clinton's unwillingness to abide by rules forbidding electronic equipment in 'Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities' or SCIFs. Clinton routinely brought her Blackberry and other electronic devices into the secure facilities despite prohibitions against doing so." The FBI's files back this up. This confirms what we already knew -- namely, that Hillary was specifically warned of her reckless conduct, yet she continued to engage in it anyway. Clinton's disregard for SCIF security protocols has been well established at this point. Despite all of this information, plus previously-released evidence, and numerous "false exculpatory statements," James Comey claims he could not prove intent on Mrs. Clinton's part, and therefore could not recommend criminal charges. A vast majority of agents and lawyers assigned to the case reportedly disagreed with this decision. I'll leave you with one more nugget about...that man again, Patrick Kennedy:

    Stephen Hayes
    ✔ ‎@stephenfhayes

    Kennedy, Sr State Dep official who sought FBI reclassification of HRC emails, also recommended State hire HRC aide who set up private server

    10:19 AM - 17 Oct 2016 .....snip~


    The good news is.....Reuters picked this up. The bad news is, the MS media isn't giving it any coverage. As they normally would.

    Now the problem just isn't Clinton and her corruption. its the MS media and the American people should go after them. ASAP.....don't even allow these people to walk out into public. Without the American people calling for their heads on a Hillary Clinton Platter.
  7. MMC

    MMC Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Chris Cilizza of WAPO. :wink:

    The Fix
    Hillary Clinton’s email problems just came roaring back.....

    On Monday, however, the various issues associated with Clinton's email setup came roaring back. According to emails released by the FBI, Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy asked the FBI to ease up on classification decisions in exchange for allowing more FBI agents in countries where they were not permitted to go. The words "quid pro quo" were used to describe the proposed exchange by the FBI official. (The State Department insists it was no such thing; "This allegation is inaccurate and does not align with the facts," said State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner in a statement. "To be clear: the State Department did upgrade the document at the request of the FBI when we released it back in May 2015.")

    The FBI responded that the classification specialist with whom Kennedy made this request was not part of the investigation into Clinton's emails and is now retired.

    The Clinton campaign will, as it has done every time there is any news about whether she sent or received classified material on her private server, chalk this up to an interagency dispute over classification. Typical bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo, they will say. This sort of stuff happens all the time!

    Except, not really. First of all, we already know from FBI Director James B. Comey that Clinton sent and received emails and information that was classified at the time. ("110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said in his remarkable press conference on the FBI investigation.) Clinton's explanation has now evolved to this: She didn't know documents marked with a "c" meant they were confidential (and therefore classified) and, therefore, she never knowingly sent or received classified material — with the emphasis on "knowingly."

    That said, this latest revelation adds more evidence to the "where there's smoke, there's fire" argument that Republicans have long made about Clinton's email setup. The idea of setting up a quid pro quo when it comes to classifications of information will, for many people, confirm their suspicions that the government bureaucracy is simply protecting Clinton. If a State Department official is offering a quid pro quo in this one exchange, can you imagine what they are doing off the books?.....snip~

  8. In The Dark

    In The Dark Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    Rule of law is dead.

    Shrug. Today.
  9. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Most Americans today are so hopelessly dumbed-down, stupid, ignorant, and uncaring that they have no idea what the hell "Quid pro quo" even means.... As long as they're getting their welfare checks, their EBT "food stamp" cards, "subsidies", and other free stuff from the government, they couldn't care less what Hilarity Clinton or any of her stooges, goons, and other morons did to break the law....

    [​IMG]."Did any of you ignorant "basement-dwellers" take Latin in school? Then don't worry about 'quid pro quo'!" :hippie:
  10. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Didn't Kennedy testify before Congress and lie his butt off? Why aren't ANY of these people punished? What's fair is fair...
  11. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    To big to jail.
  12. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    What has happened to our country under Democrats? It is awful! NO ONE should be too big to jail...
  13. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    It's amazing EVEN THIS the Democrats and left will not care a twit and just wait for the defenses to come. Here we have one agency offering special deals to FBI agents who would alter evidence involved in an investigation effectively destroying it as evidence. That is clear evidence obstruction of justice and bribery. And as George Will asked tonight did the agent receiving the offer report it to the FBI and what happened to that report.

    Of course the excuse will be that the FBI did not comply with THAT request from a lower level official but that then begs the question what did high influence Bill Clinton offer directly to the DOJ during that private meeting on the tarmac.

    It is HIGH time for a special prosecutor and the Democrats better be looking at their candidate and possible indictments of her staff and herself if the answer to the questions "What did she know and when did she know it" aren't very redeeming for her.

    And then the question is what is the PRESIDENT going to do about this. This is all going on in HIS Department of Justice, HIS Executive Branch. It is HIS responsibility to be totally involved in the protection of the law and the Constitution and holding public officials accountable. What is HE doing about this? Who has he fired yet?
  14. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    It's the Clinton's of course we should not be surprised. We should be outraged and demanding justice and accountability and a President to uphold the integrity of the government and do his job and clear this mess up and eliminate these people from government and call for a special prosecutor while he starts to clear all involved out of government in order to preserve and protect it.

    The idea that we would have to have a President Trump to prevent this corruptness into the White House again is mind-boggling. What's it going to take to for the Democrat leadership to tell her she's out and Kaine is in or barring they cannot do it before the election to demand she issue a statement that she will resign immediately after taking office, like no speech go direct to the White House and sign the letter of resignation, if she wins the election so that Kaine will become the President and if she renigs the Democrats will file charges of impeachment.
  15. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    And did that agent report the attempt to bribe the FBI and if not why not and if so what happened to that report.

    Congress needs to once again open an investigation. And the left wonders why the Clinton's are always under investigation.......because the reasons to investigate are never ending.
  16. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    We desperately need a Special Prosecutor, but instead all we'll get a radical Democrat whitewash and continued unwillingness on the part of the hyperliberal "news" media to even take notice of these latest crimes of bribery, evidence tampering, conspiracy, and collusion.

    There should be NO immunity, "deals", or anything else. Everyone involved in these crimes should be formally deposed, and charged with crimes as warranted.

    But there is NO justice in this country any more. We are now as lawless as Nazi Germany... and the only difference is that beyond the stab in the back to the Rule of Law itself, we don't have mounds of dead bodies yet. That may come later.... I wouldn't put ANYTHING past these "progressives"....

    [​IMG]. "I was a "law-and-order" guy... just so long as none of that bull (*)(*)(*)(*) applied to ME!" [​IMG]. "Got ya!"
  17. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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  18. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    It is unbelieveable, the private meeting between Bill and Lynch, the bribery attempt at the FBI, the inexplicable immunity deals and attorney privilege claims and then the totally unexplainable conclusion by Comey not to refer the evidence to the DOJ for their inquiry never seating a grand jury.

    Will the Democrats do the right thing and force her off the ticket or into a resignation upon taking oath?
  19. MMC

    MMC Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    All I picked up from it was then afterwards he retired. Yet nobody in the FBI that knew said anything about it or him being sent out to pasture.

    But this crap about Kennedy interfering with the OIG at State now that needs to be dealt with. As his ass is still there at State.
  20. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Democrats? "Do the right thing"? I quit even trying to ask questions like that the first time that Obama flat-out broke the law (breaking the War Powers Act by illegally using military force to depose the legal government of Libya, with which we were at PEACE!).

    After that, we've seen more lawbreaking, lies piled on top of lies, and unconstitutional power-grabs by our wonderous President Transparency. And Hilarity Clinton promises to give the United States an "Obama Third-Term".

    "Do the right thing"? Not likely....
  21. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    This whole thing stinks and just adds to the pile of it. Obama should be demanding Kennedy's resignation on his desk first thing in the morning and then ask Congress to appoint a special prosecutor as it is clear the DOJ and the FBI cannot be the investigative body in this. A SP and grand jury with full subpoena powers and a tough judge or panel overseeing it all. We've got to get this government cleaned out just like in the Watergate days and NO WAY Hillary Clinton should be allowed to become the President.
  22. MMC

    MMC Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    You don't expect BO peep to do that, do you?

    But now the question is.....Where is Ryan and Grassley from Judicial calling for it.

    Screw questioning those involved they will lie and obstruct anyways.

    Let them obstruct the SP.....then watch what happens.
  23. imyoda

    imyoda New Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Where's the beef Steve?

    What did HRC have top do with this Whooie?

    Was she in the building when these 2 guys met?

    Well there ya go Steve.............what more proof does anyone need................

    Put her in jail........Lock her up.............

    All while you practice saying "Madame President without choking on the words
  24. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Note the "should".

    That time came when the Republican leadership told Nixon it was time to go, and for FAR LESS serious matters coming no where close to this. We could only hope there is some Democrat leadership which would show the same.
  25. MMC

    MMC Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    These Democrats wont do nothing. Now if JFK was around, maybe and that's if he could clip their Leadership.

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